The revised European Directive from 2013 regarding basic safety standard oblige EU Member States to establish a national action plan regarding the exposure to
radon. At the same time, International Atomic Energy Agency started technical projects in order to assist countries to establish and implement national radon action.
As a consequence, in recent years, in numerous countries national radon surveys were conducted and action plans established, which were not performed before. In
this paper, a qualitative overview of radon surveys performed in Europe is given with a special attention to the qualitative and conceptual description of surveys,
representativeness and QA/QC (quality assurance/quality control).
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: giorgia.cinelli@ec.europa.eu (G. Cinelli).
Received 1 April 2019; Accepted 18 April 2019
Available online 04 May 2019
0265-931X/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
G. Pantelić, et al. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 204 (2019) 163–174
Based on those investigations, recent radon pooling studies per- to have a complete list of dwellings, which is seldom available, from
formed in China, Europe and North America have unambiguously which random selection of dwelling should be chosen. Any deviation
shown connection between indoor radon concentration and lung cancer from pure random sampling can cause biases (IAEA, 2013). It was
(Darby et al., 2006; Krewski et al., 2006; Lubin et al., 2004). Based on shown that volunteer measurements could be biased due to the over-
these studies, radon was identified as the second leading cause of lung sampling in radon priority areas (Burke and Murphy, 2011).
cancer after cigarettes, being responsible for 3%–14% of all lung can- This type of survey based on random sampling is population-
cers (WHO, 2009). weighted survey, since more dwellings will be sampled in densely po-
The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission pulated region. Another type of survey is geographically based radon
decided to embark on a European Atlas of Natural Radiation (EANR) survey in which a territory is divided into geographical units, such as
(De Cort et al., 2011), in line with its mission, based on the Euratom rectangular grids of certain area or administrative boundaries (strata).
Treaty (European Union, 2016), which is to collect, validate and report Sampling within each geological unit should be representative for the
information on radioactivity levels in the environment. The Atlas is a population distribution within that unit. Therefore, with carefully de-
collection of maps of Europe displaying the levels of natural radio- signed survey, representativeness of both approaches can be achieved
activity caused by different sources: from cosmic radiation to terrestrial (IAEA, 2013).
radionuclides. The digital version of the EANR is available on line at The overview of radon surveys presented in this paper was con-
https://remon.jrc.ec.europa.eu/(Cinelli et al., 2019) and the publica- ducted in such a way to identify the survey covering the largest terri-
tion is foreseen in 2019. As a first task, the JRC started to prepare a tory for each European country – preferably a national survey. If a
European Indoor Radon Map (EIRM), given its great radiological im- national survey was identified, no regional surveys were considered. If
portance (WHO, 2009). A first overview of indoor radon surveys in more than one national survey was found, then the most recent one was
Europe has been performed in 2005 by Dubois (2005). The review of considered, or the most recent publication that covered results from
surveys has shown heterogeneity of data, starting from the survey previous surveys as well. In some cases, more than one regional survey
strategies, sampling strategy, measurement techniques, measurement was considered if they did not overlap significantly. Some special sur-
duration and season. Therefore, a huge effort has been taken to sum- veys were considered to point out different methodologies. It is likely
marise data of indoor radon concentrations from different countries and that more recent surveys exist in some countries, but no literature was
to integrate them in a homogeneous way to produce a European map of available. Some surveys continued past the publication date of the
indoor radon levels using a 10 km × 10 km grid cells (Dubois et al., paper or document that was analysed for the purposes of this research,
2010). but the analysis is limited only to the published results.
The exposure of members of the public and of workers to indoor Indoor radon surveys have been conducted in most European
radon is now explicitly taken up in the scope of Basic Safety Standards countries – existing surveys were identified, through extensive litera-
(BSS) Directive – Directive 2013/59/Euratom laying down basic safety ture research, for all countries except Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco,
standards for protection against the dangers arising from exposure to San Marino and Vatican. At least one survey was conducted in each
ionising radiation (Article 2 (2d)) (European Union, 2013). According European Union (EU) member country. In some cases, scientific papers
to the 2013 BSS directive all member states are required to have a and other sources reporting radon concentrations aggregated results of
radon action plan and inform the population about their radon levels. several different surveys. For the purposes of this paper, if the overall
Radon activities and radon surveys therefore were started or repeated coverage is national, it will be considered that a national survey was
in several countries in the last years and are still ongoing and maybe conducted, for brevity purposes.
will be also increased in the next years. For non-EU-member states also National surveys were conducted in 22 EU countries: Austria
IAEA BSS require radon surveys and IAEA guidelines how to perform (Friedmann, 2005) Croatia (Radolić et al., 2006), Czech Republic
radon surveys exist (IAEA, 2011). (Hůlka, 2014; Slezáková et al., 2013; Thomas et al., 2004), Denmark
Recently, a JRC report based on literature review of indoor radon (Andersen et al., 2007, 2001), Estonia (Pahapill et al., 2003), Finland
surveys in Europe was given within the framework of MetroRADON (Valmari et al., 2010; Weltner et al., 2002), France (Gambard et al.,
project (Pantelić et al., 2018). Based on data from the report, this 2000; Rannou et al., 2006), Greece (Nikolopoulos et al., 2002), Hun-
overview was prepared aiming to give an updated qualitative overview gary (Hámori et al., 2006; Nikl, 1996), Ireland (Dowdall et al., 2017;
of radon surveys performed in European countries using literature data, Fennell et al., 2002), Italy (Bochicchio et al., 2005; Carelli et al., 2009),
with focus on the data which were not included in other survey over- Lithuania (Morkunas and Akelbrom, 1999), Luxembourg (Kies et al.,
views. Therefore, special attention is given to the qualitative and con- 1997), Malta (Baluci et al., 2013), Netherlands (Lembrechts et al.,
ceptual description of surveys such as types of surveys and their re- 2001; Stoop et al., 1998), Poland (Przylibski et al., 2011), Portugal
presentativeness, sampling strategies and measurement techniques, (Faisca et al., 1992), Slovakia (Vicanova et al., 1998; Vladár et al.,
applied corrections, interpretation of survey results and dealing with 1996), Slovenia (Humar et al., 1995; Križman et al., 1996), Spain (Sainz
thoron issue. Fernández et al., 2017), Sweden (Swedjemark, 2002; Swedjemark et al.,
The literature overview has shown that many sources do not present 1993), United Kingdom (Daraktchieva et al., 2015; Miles et al., 2007,
sufficient data on survey design and survey results, so in many cases the 2011). Only regional surveys were identified in 5 member states: Bel-
number of identified answers is lower than the number of surveys that gium (Cinelli et al., 2011; Poffijn et al., 1994; Tondeur et al., 1997; Zhu
was studied in this research. et al., 2001, 1998), Bulgaria (Ivanova et al., 2013), Cyprus (Anastasiou
et al., 2003; Theodoulou et al., 2012), Germany (Kemski et al., 2004,
2. Survey design and representativeness 1996), Latvia (Dambis, 1996), Romania (Cucoş (Dinu) et al., 2017).
Outside the EU, national surveys were conducted in Azerbaijan
Although the main source of indoor radon is soil subjacent to the (Hoffmann et al., 2017), Belarus (Yaroshevich et al., 2012), Iceland
dwelling, knowing only soil characteristics is not enough to obtain a (Jónsson et al., 2015), Macedonia (Stojanovska et al., 2012), Mon-
reliable prediction of indoor radon concentration of specific dwelling, tenegro (Vukotic et al., 2018), Russia (Yarmoshenko et al., 2015),
due to numerous factors influencing radon concentration. Since it is not Serbia (Udovičić et al., 2016), Switzerland (Kropat et al., 2014), Uk-
feasible to perform a measurement for each dwelling it is important to raine (Pavlenko et al., 2014) and Norway (Jensen et al., 2004). Only
carefully design radon survey in order to obtain representative dis- regional surveys were identified for Albania (Bode Tushe et al., 2016),
tribution of radon concentration in dwellings. (IAEA, 2013). Armenia (IAEA, 2014), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Ćurguz et al., 2015;
Performing a truly representative indoor radon survey is rather IAEA, 2014), Georgia (IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency),
difficult. In order to achieve truly representative survey, it is necessary 2014), Kazakhstan (Fyodorov et al., 2014), Moldova (Ursulean et al.,
G. Pantelić, et al. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 204 (2019) 163–174
2013), and Turkey (Can et al., 2012; Köksal et al., 2004). logarithm of the number of measured locations normalised: per 1 mil-
The number of measurement locations in the surveys covered in this lion inhabitants and per 1000 km2 are presented on the left hand side,
paper differs by 4 orders of magnitude. This data are not always reliably and on the right hand side of Fig. 2.
identifiable from the references. In some cases, more than one mea- In both cases, Switzerland, Finland, UK and Czech Republic are in
surement was performed per location, sometimes at the same time in top 5, as is the case when the absolute number of measurement loca-
different part of the building, sometimes at different time. However, in tions is used. However, Russia is in the bottom half if the area is con-
order to compare the surveys, only unique locations with valid mea- sidered, and Malta is comparable with Finland.
surement results were counted, as reported by the survey authors. Some In almost all indoor radon surveys, the great majority of measure-
of the surveys continued after the last publication of the results, so the ment locations were dwellings. However, other measurement locations
numbers of measurement locations could be higher. were also selected in some surveys: schools and kindergartens (Iceland
The minimum number of locations was selected in Malta national (Jónsson et al., 2015), Luxembourg (Kies et al., 1997), Russia
survey – 85 (Baluci et al., 2013) At the other end of the spectrum, radon (Zhukovsky et al., 2012), Slovakia (Vicanova et al., 1998; Vladár et al.,
measurements from more than 500,000 locations are available in UK 1996), Slovenia (Humar et al., 1995; Vaupotic et al., 1992), Ukraine
(Daraktchieva et al., 2015; Miles et al., 2007, 2011). There are at least 5 (Pavlenko et al., 2014)), industrial buildings and workplaces (Azer-
countries besides UK with more than 50,000 measurement locations – baijan (Hoffmann et al., 2017), Moldova (Ursulean et al., 2013), Lux-
Russia (Yarmoshenko et al., 2015), Czech Republic (Dubois et al., embourg (Kies et al., 1997), Italy (Carelli et al., 2009)), swimming pools
2010), Switzerland (Kropat et al., 2014), Finland (Valmari et al., 2010) (Iceland (Jónsson et al., 2015)), spa buildings and caves (Slovakia
and Norway (Jensen et al., 2004). (Vicanova et al., 1998)) and underground Telecom inspection rooms
Dividing the number of measurement locations by country territory (Italy (Carelli et al., 2009)).
or population can provide another perspective. The results are graphi- Regarding the most recent surveys, many countries have published
cally shown in Fig. 1. For this graphics, only national surveys are re- survey results in the previous 10 years, including Albania (Bode Tushe
presented. Population data are taken from Google public data for the et al., 2016), Azerbaijan (Hoffmann et al., 2017), Belarus (Yaroshevich
year that is at the middle of the survey period, or the nearest year for et al., 2012), Bulgaria (Ivanova et al., 2013), Iceland (Jónsson et al.,
which there are available data. Country area is in most cases excluding 2015), Kazakhstan (Fyodorov et al., 2014), Malta (Baluci et al., 2013),
overseas territories (e.g. Greenland and Svalbard) but in other cases, Romania (Cucoş (Dinu) et al., 2017), Serbia (Udovičić et al., 2016),
territory outside of Europe is taken into account since the survey covers Turkey (Köksal et al., 2004), Ukraine (Pavlenko et al., 2014). Most of
that territory (e.g. Russia and Azerbaijan). The ratios should be con- them were conducted, under the technical cooperation programmes
sidered only as approximations. Frequency distribution of the natural with IAEA, aiming to develop policies and strategies according to
Fig. 1. Number of measurement locations per million inhabitants (top figure) and per 1000 km2 (bottom figure).
G. Pantelić, et al. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 204 (2019) 163–174
Fig. 2. Frequency distribution of the number of measured locations normalised: per 1 million inhabitants (left figure) and per 1000 km2. X-axis is given is natural
logarithm scale.
requirements of Basic Safety Standards (IAEA, 2011). unit or the whole country was used. However, many surveys were based
On the other hand, countries with long history in radon surveys on volunteers within special cohorts (physics teachers, students, civil
often do not have any recent results published in the available litera- servants on municipal level etc.) or measurements in government
ture. It is, however, probable that the indoor radon measurements are buildings, usually schools or kindergartens. Some surveys based on
still on-going in these countries. Examples of such countries are United volunteers could be biased toward higher concentrations since people
Kingdom, Austria, Czech Republic, Norway, Sweden, France, Hungary. suspecting to live in higher indoor radon concentration tend to volun-
Survey goals were in most cases to produce an indoor radon map teer more. Also, volunteers, such as students, could represent a specific
(i.e. to determine a geographical distribution of indoor radon levels), to part of population that is not necessarily representative of the whole
identify radon priority areas, to assess the effective dose, to determine population.
national mean concentration and to provide inputs for national legis- In Iceland it was underlined that although broad distribution of
lation or action plans. In several cases, no map was created, but the sample points was achieved, sampling locations were not random
descriptive statistics was performed for territorial units within the (Jónsson and Theódorsson, 2003; Jónsson et al., 2016).
country. Regional studies were often conducted in the previously In Estonian survey, it was underlined that a representative number
identified radon priority areas. In the study conducted by Carelli et al. of dwellings was used and that obtained results are representative for
(2009), the goal was to test a novel mapping method, and in the study detached houses and flats on the ground floor for multiapartment
conducted by Slezáková et al. (2013), to evaluate long term variability buildings (Pahapill et al., 2003).
of radon concentrations. In Germany, a standardised procedure for radon and permeability
The European Indoor Radon Map is based on the average indoor measurements was developed to assure regional representativeness.
radon concentrations within 10 km × 10 km grid cells (Dubois et al., Number of measurement per sampling area depended on the variability
2010). This sampling strategy is more prevalent in newer studies and it of geological patterns in the area (Kemski et al., 1996).
can be expected that it will be more so in the future for radon mapping In population-weighted survey performed in Macedonia, re-
purposes, which is a requirement of the 2013BSS (European Union, presentativeness was obtained by random selection of houses, covering
2013). However, there is a large diversity within sampling strategies in all regions (Stojanovska et al., 2012).
existing radon surveys. In many countries, territory was subdivided into Data obtained from the questionnaires sent to inhabitants during the
administrative units (Denmark (Andersen et al., 2007, 2001), France first Hungarian radon survey were compared with data from Central
(Rannou, 1990) and Netherlands (Lembrechts et al., 2001; Stoop et al., Statistical Office in order to check the representativeness of the sample
1998)) or grid cells – 10 km × 10 km (Albania (Bode Tushe et al., (Nikl, 1996). The second survey in Hungary was based on volunteers
2016), Azerbaijan (Hoffmann et al., 2017), Hungary (Nikl, 1996), Ire- where teachers facilitated distribution of the detectors. It was con-
land (Fennell et al., 2002), Romania (Cucoş (Dinu) et al., 2017) and cluded that due to large measurements performed, sampling could be
Spain (Sainz Fernández et al., 2017)), 5 km × 5 km (Malta (Baluci considered representative (Hámori et al., 2006).
et al., 2013)), 1 km × 1 km (Cyprus (Theodoulou et al., 2012) and Due attention on representativeness of both national radon surveys
United Kingdom (Daraktchieva et al., 2015; Miles et al., 2007, 2011)) in Ireland was given. By designing the first survey it was concluded that
or even 0.5 km × 0.5 km (Montenegro (Vukotic et al., 2018)). In case of at least 5 dwellings per 10 km2 grid square should be selected. In order
Poland, country was divided into geological regions (Przylibski et al., to ensure at least this sample size, 70 householders per grid square were
2011). In other cases, density of measurement points was correlated to randomly selected from the Register of electors (Fennell et al., 2002).
the population density or was higher in previously identified radon The second survey was carefully designed to assure radon measure-
priority areas. Finally, in the study conducted by Istituto Superiore di ments in the sample of homes are representative of radon risk and
Sanità building network of Telecom Italia was used (Carelli et al., geographical location. By random selection from Geodirectory – a da-
2009). tabase of Irish postal addresses identified by geographical coordinates,
a representative sample of dwelling types is provided. Finally, the re-
presentativeness of the grid squares was checked by the goodness of fit
2.1. Representativeness between distributions of geographic regions and risk categories
(Dowdall et al., 2017).
In most cases, authors of reviewed surveys did not go in details The Italian national indoor radon survey was designed to obtain a
about survey design and its representativeness. Therefore authors of representative estimate of the radon distribution in dwellings.
this overview of surveys did not try to estimate whether some surveys Representative number of dwelling was selected in two stages: the first
were representative or not. Instead, an overview to what extent re- stage was a simple random sampling of towns over 100000 inhabitants
presentativeness was discussed in reviewed papers is given. and clustered and then random sampling of smaller towns. In the
In most surveys, random sampling within each grid cell, territorial
G. Pantelić, et al. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 204 (2019) 163–174
second step, dwellings were randomly sampled within each town with population density distribution (Jónsson et al., 2015).
the sampling proportion of 1/4000 (Bochicchio et al., 2005). In the From 2013 a comprehensive radon survey is on-going in Romania
most recent Italian survey, conducted in the workplaces and employees’ (Cucoş (Dinu) et al., 2017). Although, representativeness was not
home of national telecom company, that encompassed about 7000 mentioned in the analysed paper, it is underlined that survey protocol
dwellings, representativeness was checked in details by comparing designed on the basis on the European Indoor Radon Map (Tollefsen
characteristics of dwellings with data from the latest National Census et al., 2014). At each 10 km × 10 km grid cell, deferent number of
(Antignani et al., 2013). detectors, from 3 to 15 has been deployed depending on population
It is estimated by Daraktchieva and coauthors that surveys per- density (Cucoş (Dinu) et al., 2017).
formed in UK are seldom representative since many measurements The Spanish indoor radon map was constructed based on a few
targeted the areas where high radon concentrations were expected. The surveys. Grid was generated according to the European Indoor Radon
first UK survey performed by Wrixon and collaborators was the only Map. The last survey was designed in such a way to add missing
population weighted survey (Daraktchieva et al., 2015; Wrixon et al., measurements in different grid cells in order to fulfil several criteria:
1988). surface criterion, population criterion, MARNA criterion increased
In the report of Swedish Residential Radon Project, it is mentioned number of measurement in areas with high radon potential, and li-
that a representative sample of Swedish housing stock was performed thostratigraphic criterion. Measurement locations at each cell were
during 1976 and 1988 (Swedjemark, 2002). selected randomly. (Sainz Fernández et al., 2017).
In Austrian survey, dwellings were selected randomly from the For performing a representative survey, it is not sufficient only to
telephone register to avoid a biased sample. In case of refusal, another have random, unbiased sampling of dwellings, but also appropriate
house was randomly selected. Measurements were populated weighted, measurement techniques should be used, appropriate measuring loca-
with 1 in 200 homes selected for the sample (Friedmann, 2005). tion. If the goal is to have a representative survey, it should also be part
Ivanova et al. have emphasised that the main goal in the regional of the survey to test at the end, to what extend representativeness was
Bulgarian radon survey was to choose representative districts in order reached (e.g. by comparison to national census data) that this in most or
to obtain representative results of the indoor radon. Number of the surveys is not done yet (Antignani et al., 2013).
dwelling for each district was population weighted, but considering also
a spatial distribution (Ivanova et al., 2013). 3. Measurement techniques
In Czech Republic, there is a continuous radon program going from
early eighties with more than 150000 measurements. There are numerous techniques for radon measurement, which can
Representativeness is not directly discussed. It was mentioned only that be performed by direct measurement of radon, so called "radon alone"
first indoor radon survey performed in 1992/93 was representative measurement or indirectly by measurement of radon progenies with or
(Hůlka and Thomas, 2004). without radon itself. Since radon and some of its progenies - 218Po,
Radon survey in Greece was administratively designed. Sampling Po and 210Po - are alpha emitters, while 214Pb, 210Pb, 214Bi and 210Bi
density was 1 per 1000 dwellings. A door-to-door approach was applied are beta emitters, and their decay is mostly followed by gamma-ray
in order to minimise nonresponse and bias (Nikolopoulos et al., 2002). emission, radon measurements can be performed by detection of either
Representativeness of radon survey in Lithuania was not discussed alpha, beta or gamma rays. Some widely used techniques are: solid state
directly. Nevertheless, it is mentioned that random sampling of de- nuclear track detectors, ionisation chambers and proportional counters,
tached house was applied with density of one house in 1096 in rural scintillators, semiconductors with surface barrier, gamma spectrometry,
areas and one house in 1120 in urban areas (Morkunas and Akelbrom, and adsorption.
1999). A strong variation of radon concentrations in time was found.
Representative national survey of Croatia was obtained by random Roughly speaking, one can identify 2 types of variations of indoor radon
sampling of thousand addresses (Radolić et al., 2006). In Montenegro, concentrations: diurnal and seasonal. On daily basis, radon concentra-
an advice from construction expert was obtained in order to identify tions are higher during the night and early morning, while they de-
houses that could be considered as representative. One such house has crease during the day. Radon concentrations are in general higher
been then identified in each grid square and selected for radon mea- during the heating season, compared to non-heating season. Therefore,
surements (Vukotic et al., 2018). measurements should be long enough to enable averaging these var-
Based on one of the regional surveys conducted in Serbia, a question iations.
was raised whether indoor radon survey in Serbian schools could pro- Depending on the duration, measurements can be: 1) instantaneous
duce results representative for radon exposure of the general population measurements in which sample of radon gas is collected in the time
(Žunić et al., 2010a,b). Based on these results, in regional survey of interval of the order of minutes (known as grab sampling); 2) con-
indoor radon, thoron and its progenies in schools in Bosnia and Her- tinuous measurements in which a radon concentration is continuously
zegovina, it was stated that representative measurements were per- monitored with the radon concentration integrated over a certain
formed due to correlation of primary schools with the number of re- period of time (of the order of minutes or hours); and 3) integrated
sidents (Ćurguz et al., 2015). measurements in which radon is measured and therefore averaged over
In some surveys (Belgium, Finland and Switzerland), that have over- a long period of time (of the order of days or months).
sampled areas, different techniques, such as declustering, were applied Thus, the choice of measurement technique depends on the purpose
to achieve regional representativeness (Kropat et al., 2014; Valmari of radon measurement and since for radon surveys the goal is to obtain
et al., 2010; Zhu et al., 1998). an average annual radon concentration the most appropriate would be
In Cyprus survey, no direct discussion about representativeness is long term measurement. (IAEA, 2013).
present. Nevertheless, it was mentioned that house owners were ap- Indoor radon surveys in investigated European countries were per-
proached by phones to get their agreement. Although measurement per formed with passive measurement techniques except in one country
dwelling lasted only for 2 days, it is mentioned that, due to constant (Cyprus). Only in Cyprus, the indoor measurements were carried out by
weather conditions, there is no reason for seasonal corrections. Finally, using a high sensitivity active portable radon monitors - RADIM3A
authors have mentioned representative overview of results, by their (Anastasiou et al., 2003; Theodoulou et al., 2012).
classification in different regions (Anastasiou et al., 2003). An overview of used techniques for radon surveys is shown in Fig. 3.
In national radon survey of Iceland, volunteers were sought via From 42 countries which were covered by this survey, passive electrets
webpage or by phone and therefore sampling locations were not ran- detectors were used in indoor radon surveys in five countries: Austria
domly selected. Nevertheless, they tried to select dwellings following (Friedmann, 2005), Hungary (Nikl, 1996), Latvia (Dambis, 1996),
G. Pantelić, et al. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 204 (2019) 163–174
G. Pantelić, et al. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 204 (2019) 163–174
are cases, like in Greece (Nikolopoulos et al., 2002) where one detector Switzerland (Kropat et al., 2014) and Ukraine (Pavlenko et al., 2014).
was used, and measurement lasted for a whole year. Detectors were In some surveys declustering technique were applied to reduce the
exposed on ground level or basements. Also, in most cases detectors effect of the over-representation in the over-sampled area (Zhu et al.,
were distributed with questionnaires and instructions. 1998).
A due attention should be paid to handling detectors after being Although many of the measurement were conducted in limited time
exposed. They should be sealed in radon-proof bags in order to reduce span, only in 10 papers, seasonal corrections were applied in order to
unwanted overexposure of detectors, or sent immediately to responsible make the results valid for the whole year. Depending on the survey
institution. Detailed instructions are usually sent to householders re- design, measurements were conducted in the winter (heating season),
garding the deployment and handling of the detectors after the ex- thus providing the highest values of the indoor radon. In these cases,
posure. Although improper handling of the detectors could lead to a application of the seasonal indices can be omitted if conservative ap-
significant overexposure, these details were not discussed in any of the proach is applied. The papers where the correction with the seasonal
reviewed articles, neither in the form of applied corrections nor in the indices was performed are covering measurements in Albania, Austria,
uncertainty budget. Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia and UK (Bochicchio et al., 2005; Bode
Tushe et al., 2016; Cucoş (Dinu) et al., 2017; Daraktchieva et al., 2015;
5. Data analysis Friedmann, 2005; Križman et al., 1996; Miles et al., 2007, 2011;
Udovičić et al., 2016). In these papers, the goal was to ascertain the
The interpretation of the bulk results was conducted, on different indoor radon concentration throughout the whole year.
level, for all surveys in all countries. The results were analysed ac- Besides statistical analysis, in some papers a map was produced.
cording to the survey goal and the type of the analysis depended on the These maps were in some cases the goal of the paper and they were
survey type and strategy as well as the duration and type of measure- associated with the European indoor radon map. In other cases, the map
ment. In almost all papers, the basic statistical analysis, consisting of was the means to summarise the results. In most cases, the results were
calculation of average and annual mean values, standard deviation, depicted in the form of mean radon risk map, which integrates a variety
minimum and maximum value was performed. This basic statistics, of data available, including geological maps, radon maps, grids or
although it cannot determine the causal links between the measured measured points and administrative boundaries. Maps were produced
values, was able to point out the outlier results, which, on the other in papers covering the survey in Austria (Friedmann, 2005), Azerbaijan
hand can point to the areas with untypically high values of indoor (Hoffmann et al., 2017), Belgium (Cinelli et al., 2011; Poffijn et al.,
radon. In some papers, a map depicting measured or averaged results 1994; Tondeur et al., 1997; Zhu et al., 2001), Cyprus (Theodoulou
was produced. A map provides in principle the same outlook as the et al., 2012), Denmark (Andersen et al., 2001), Finland (Weltner et al.,
descriptive statistics, but in the graphic format. Also, a test for log – 2002), Iceland (Jónsson et al., 2015), Italy (Bochicchio et al., 2005),
normality of the obtained results was performed in some studies. Latvia (Dambis, 1996), Macedonia (Stojanovska et al., 2012), Malta
Results of descriptive statistic were presented in 55 papers, de- (Baluci et al., 2013), Norway (Jensen et al., 2004), Portugal (Faisca
scribing the analysis of measurement results from 39 countries In 27 et al., 1992), Romania (Cucoş (Dinu) et al., 2017), Russia (Zhukovsky
papers, covering the results of surveys in Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, et al., 2012), Slovenia (Humar et al., 1995; Križman et al., 1996), Spain
Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, (Sainz Fernández et al., 2017), Switzerland (Kropat et al., 2014) and UK
Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, (Daraktchieva et al., 2015; Miles et al., 2007, 2011).
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine, authors used the obtained
average values to assess the percentile, or number of houses where the 6. Quality assurance and quality control
indoor radon concentration exceeded some predetermined levels
(Andersen et al., 2001; Baluci et al., 2013; Bochicchio et al., 2005; Bode Quality assurance (QA) is planned and systematic action necessary
Tushe et al., 2016; Cinelli et al., 2011; Cucoş (Dinu) et al., 2017; to provide adequate confidence that testing or calibration will satisfy
Hoffmann et al., 2017; Ivanova et al., 2013; Jensen et al., 2004; Kemski quality requirements. Quality control (QC) contains the operational
et al., 2004; Nikolopoulos et al., 2002; Pavlenko et al., 2014; Poffijn techniques and activities that are used to fulfil the requirements for
et al., 1994; Sainz Fernández et al., 2017; Stoop et al., 1998; quality. QA and QC are necessary to avoid mistakes before they are
Swedjemark, 2002; Swedjemark et al., 1993; Tondeur et al., 1997; made and to reduce uncertainties, but also help to estimate the con-
Valmari et al., 2010; Vicanova et al., 1998; Vukotic et al., 2018; tribution of different input quantities to the final uncertainties.
Weltner et al., 2002; Yaroshevich et al., 2012; Z.S. Žunić et al., 2010a,b; Ensuring measurement quality is usually done through metrology
Žunić et al., 2009). In surveys conducted in Azerbaijan, Belgium and certification, participation in inter-comparison measurements and per-
Spain, the correlation of the results of indoor radon measurement with iodical calibrations of detectors and monitors. The results of several
the geological characteristics of the region was investigated, while in inter-laboratory comparison exercises showed that precision and ac-
Albania, the comparison with known uranium concentration in soil was curacy of passive radon devices can be quite different, even for the si-
performed. Also, as a form of descriptive statistics, the frequency dis- milar or identical devices (Howarth and Miles, 2002).
tribution was calculated in the following surveys: Albania (Bode Tushe Different type of QA/QC procedures for radon measurements could
et al., 2016), Austria (Friedmann, 2005), Azerbaijan (Hoffmann et al., be carried out and the most comprehensives were reported by
2017) and Belarus (Yaroshevich et al., 2012). (Friedmann, 2005):
Besides this basic analysis, in 15 papers, tests for log normality were
performed. The log-normality test is performed when there is a need to • Intercalibration and intercomparison exercises between different
analyse a set of results dependents on many independent random laboratories with different detector systems in a traceable radon
variables. Such is the case of indoor radon where, if the data fits the log- chamber;
normal distribution, the percentage of results exceeding some threshold • Comparison of parallel measurements with different detector sys-
can be easily calculated. These tests were done for surveys in Albania tems in the same homes;
(Bode Tushe et al., 2016), Belgium (Tondeur et al., 1997; Cinelli and • Comparison of the density distribution of the results from different
Tondeur, 2015), Bulgaria (Ivanova et al., 2013), Croatia (Radolić et al., detector systems used in the same area;
2006), Hungary (Hámori et al., 2006), Ireland (Dowdall et al., 2017), • Repetition of investigations in some areas during another season and
Italy (Bochicchio et al., 2005), Luxemburg (Kies et al., 1997), Mon- by measuring other homes;
tenegro (Vukotic et al., 2018), Netherlands (Stoop et al., 1998), Slo- • Additional measurements in municipalities with significantly higher
venia (Križman et al., 1996), Spain (Sainz Fernández et al., 2017), or lower mean radon concentration than the adjacent municipalities
G. Pantelić, et al. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 204 (2019) 163–174
Table 1
Reported quality assurance and quality control of radon and/or radon decay products measurements during the indoor radon surveys.
Country Periodical calibration (or accreditation Intercalibration and Comparison of the results from different Duplicate None
ISO 17025) intercomparison detector systems detectors
Albania x
Austria x X
Azerbaijan x
Belarus x
Belgium x
Bosnia and Herzegovina x
Bulgaria x
Croatia x
Cyprus x X
Czech Republic x
Denmark x
Estonia x
Finland x
France x
Georgia x
Germany x
Greece x
Hungary x
Iceland x
Ireland x x
Italy x x
Kazakhstan x
Latvia x
Lithuania x
Luxembourg x
Macedonia x
Malta x
Moldova x
Montenegro X x
Netherlands X
Norway x
Poland x
Portugal x
Romania x
Russia x X
Serbia x
Slovakia x
Slovenia x x
Spain x
Sweden x
Switzerland x
Turkey x x
Ukraine x x
United Kingdom x
(cluster analysis). measuring chamber at the State Metrological Centre of IPCM for the
measurement in Slovakia (Vicanova et al., 1998). In Sweden the role of
Many papers describe quality assurance and quality control for the SSI is to co-ordinate the work on radon and to be responsible for the
radon measurements, but authors who present indoor radon survey in calibration of measuring devices (Swedjemark, 2002).
European countries did not pay much attention to proper description of In Ireland two radon detectors were placed per home. On return to
QA and QC. the laboratory, the detectors were analysed using the Ireland's
Literature overview shows that in around 30% of references, au- Environmental Protection Agency's Radon and Radiation Measurement
thors did not describe any quality assurance and quality control of Services test procedures which are accredited to ISO 17025 by the Irish
radon and/or radon decay products measurements during the indoor National Accreditation Board (Dowdall et al., 2017).
radon surveys (Table 1), but some of them (France, Portugal, Spain, In Ukraine laboratory used the quality assurance system for the
United Kingdom) participated in intercomparisons which were held at indoor radon measurements which has been developed and im-
the National Radiological Protection Board every year. In 2003, 49 plemented at the State institution The Marzeev Institute of Hygiene and
laboratories from 17 countries participated (Howarth and Miles, 2007). Medical Ecology (Pavlenko et al., 2014). The quality assurance proce-
Periodical calibration of detectors or calibration through accredited dures included calibration of radon track detectors using the secondary
laboratory services (accreditation according to ISO 17025) are the most calibration source of laboratory which is accredited by the National
common methods of quality control of measurement (Table 1). Standardization and Accreditation Authority of Ukraine.
Many countries have a system for calibration. In Belgium the cali- Some countries use calibration facilities from other countries. For
bration of the detectors was controlled by using two small radon re- measurements in Hungary calibration was performed in Swedish
ference chambers at ISIB and at the Ghent University (Tondeur, 1998). Radiation Protection Institute (Nikl, 1996) and at NPRB in United
The detectors were calibrated in radon chamber at the Federal Office Kingdom (Hámori et al., 2006). In Cyprus calibration over the whole
for Radiation Protection for measurements in Germany (Kemski et al., dynamic range of the instrument is made and the accuracy of the ca-
2004), at the University of Athens for measurements in Greece libration is then verified by the State Metrological Institute of the Czech
(Nikolopoulos et al., 2002), in the reference radon and radon progeny Republic (Anastasiou et al., 2003; Theodoulou et al., 2012). In Italy,
G. Pantelić, et al. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 204 (2019) 163–174
measuring system calibration was obtained by exposing a total of nine The short half-life of thoron limits the thoron exhalation from soil
groups of radon passive devices in the radon chambers of the Heath and building materials and thus the contribution of thoron to the ra-
Protection Agency, UK, and the Italian National Metrology Ionizing diation exposure of the population. For a good estimation of the radon
Radiation Institute (Carelli et al., 2009). and thoron doses, measurements of radon, thoron and their progeny
In Macedonia detectors exposed to known radon concentrations concentrations should be carried out simultaneously (Janik et al.,
were used for the purpose of quality control of the system. They used 2013).
full equipment, together with the detectors, the exposed detectors and The focus in indoor radon surveys is on 222Rn, which gives the
the proper calibration factors which were commercially available from highest doses, so in over the 70% of surveyed papers thoron was not
Hungary (Stojanovska et al., 2012). mentioned, while some authors have written that they did not correct
After exposure, some countries sent detectors back to the manu- measurements for possible errors due to thoron concentrations (Kropat
facturer for reading, in a vacuum sealed plastic packages to prevent et al., 2014).
radon contamination during the travel (Serbia: (Udovičić et al., 2016); In Italy, a national survey was conducted with detectors enclosed in
IAEA SRB/9/006, 2018). In Malta, retrieved detectors were analysed by a heat-sealed low density polyethylene bag, which blocks radon decay
a Health Protection Agency-accredited laboratory in UK (Baluci et al., products and thoron (Bochicchio et al., 2005).
2013). In Russia the two versions of radon radiometers were calibrated In Russia the exposure to thoron progeny is not considered to be an
in a radon calibration facility of the State Metrological Institute important problem in comparison with the radon progeny
(Marenny et al., 1996). (Yarmoshenko et al., 2015).
Intercalibration and intercomparison exercises between different Although in many indoor radon surveys thoron is not mentioned,
laboratories with different detector systems were also used. In Czech there are lot of papers on local radon surveys, which describe that the
Republic the calibration was done through authorized metrological indoor thoron levels are significant and should be taken into account
centre and verified internationally (Thomas et al., 2004) while in Bel- during both radon measurements and radiation dose and risk assess-
gium a long-term measurement were gathered by several Belgian la- ment, for example in some regions of Balkan: south-eastern Serbia,
boratories, as well as through the participation in European inter- Kosovo and Metohija and parts of Western Serbia (Žunić et al., 2009).
comparisons (Howarth and Miles, 2007). The RADUET detector was used for simultaneous measurement of
The measuring system has been tested through intercomparisons on the radon and thoron activity in the Visegrad countries (Hungary,
national or international level in Italy (Bochicchio et al., 2005), Li- Poland and Slovakia), Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
thuania (Morkunas and Akelbrom, 1999), Norway (Jensen et al., 2004), (Ćurguz et al., 2015; Mú́ ;llerová et al., 2014; Stojanovska et al., 2012;
Romania (Cucoş (Dinu) et al., 2017), Slovenia (Vaupotič, 2003), Spain Z.S. Žunić et al., 2010a,b). Detector consisted of two detector CR-39,
(Sainz Fernández et al., 2017), Turkey (Köksal et al., 2004) and Ukraine fixed in the pot section of two diffusion chambers. The main diffusion
(Pavlenko et al., 1997). chamber was sensitive to radon and the secondary chamber was sen-
In Slovenia, all measuring devices have been regularly checked at sitive to both radon and thoron.
the intercomparison experiments in order to comply with the QA/QC In Austria the thoron progeny measurements were made in some
requirements, organized annually by the Slovenian Nuclear Safety houses in an area with a relatively high thorium concentration. Because
Administration or by participation in the international intercomparison in all cases except one, the mean effective dose of thoron progeny was
experiments in Austria and in Czech Republic (Humar et al., 1995; less than 20% of that from radon progeny, the author concludes that the
Vaupotič, 2003). contribution of thoron to the effective dose can be neglected in most
In order to make it possible to compare and compile the results cases in Austria (Friedmann, 2005).
obtained in several laboratories in Poland, a comparative experiment Some authors have estimated that thoron activity concentration is
was carried out at CLOR (Mamont-Cieśla et al., 2010; Przylibski et al., very low, but it was used for dose estimation (Yaroshevich et al., 2012).
Duplicate measurements were also used for QC. Whenever possible, 8. Conclusion
measurements were performed twice in each house in Portugal (Faisca
et al., 1992). In Albania (Bode Tushe et al., 2016) for quality control The literature survey has shown that indoor radon surveys were
purposes, duplicate detectors were placed in randomly selected dwell- performed in most European countries and in many cases the surveys
ings while in Montenegro two dosimeters were placed together at each covered the whole countries. Methodologies used in the surveys were
10th measuring location (Vukotic et al., 2018). very diverse, to such extent that it is impossible to find two complete
In some surveys, beside the main passive radon detector a passive or same methodologies. This diversity makes comparison between dif-
active radon monitoring devices from other institute were used as an ferent surveys difficult and likewise makes difficult compiling the data
intercomparison result, for example in Montenegro, devices from to produce an overall European radon map. Many sources omit some
Austria were used (Vukotic et al., 2018). critical information on survey design, which makes it hard to evaluate
In Netherlands national surveys two type detectors were used. For the methodology or to replicate it. It was found that only in a few pa-
the purpose of comparison the new survey with the previous one, the pers from the literature survey; authors have paid attention to the re-
instruments and procedures applied in both surveys were compared presentativeness of the performed survey.
(Stoop et al., 1998). It would be very beneficial to create a uniform or at least re-
In Portugal the repetition of investigations in some areas was done commended methodology for surveys aimed at contributing to
during a different season (Faisca et al., 1992). European radon map and for surveys sponsored by national or inter-
national (such as International Atomic Energy Agency) authorities.
7. Thoron measurements The reliability of radon measurement requires that laboratories
producing analytical data are able to provide results of the required
The results of radon measurements without radon-thoron dis- quality. The need for uniform results from laboratories at an interna-
crimination might be overestimated if the detector is sensitive to thoron tional level therefore requires the implementation of a quality assur-
and the measurement is made by devices with no radon-thoron dis- ance programme, the harmonisation of criteria, sampling procedures,
crimination capability, such is a CR-39 detector (Nikezić and Yu, 1998). calculations and the reporting of results, agreed on the basis of funda-
Therefore, the alpha-activity of thoron was measured at the same time mental principles and international standards. Due to 2013 BSS
as radon by closed CR-39 track detectors in Hungary (Hámori et al., Directive more radon surveys and related work will be performed in the
2006). future and thus harmonisation and standardised methodology would be
G. Pantelić, et al. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 204 (2019) 163–174
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