Grade 12 Hope 2ND Sem
Grade 12 Hope 2ND Sem
Grade 12 Hope 2ND Sem
Subject: HOPE
Teacher: Jibson C. Acos
Year: Grade 12
MODULE 1-2nd Semester
Week 1: January 03,2021
Lesson 1. Aquatic Recreational Activities
Aquatic recreational activities are excellent option in maintaining physical fitness as they can improve
your cardiorespiratory endurance, muscle strength, and bone strength while you have fun in the
process. The module in this unit will introduce you to the various aquatics recreational activities that
you can explore in order to stay fit.
To work on this module, you have to read and understand the concepts, questions for you to
answer the following activities in the succeeding pages. Write your answer on the provided piece of
paper within the module. All learning activities, assessment of this module should be submitted on
January 08, 2021. Please follow STRICTLY the deadlines of submission and DO NOT also forget to
write your names and section.
-Observes personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypo- and hyperthermia
during MVPA participation.
Concept discussion:
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a watersport that involves paddling using a double-bladed oar and a small boat known as a
a. Kayaking b. Free diving c. Scuba diving d. Snorkeling
2. It is a performance of aerobic exercise in water such as in a swimming pool.
a. Kayaking b. Surfing c. Water aerobics d. Snorkeling
3. A form of underwater diving that relies on breath-holding until resurfacing rather than the use of
breathing apparatus such as scuba gear.
a. Surfing b. Free diving c. Snorkeling d. Scuba diving
4. It is a practice of swimming on or through a body of water while equipped with a diving mask, a
shaped breathing tube called a snorkel, and usually swim fins.
a. Kayaking b. Water aerobics c. Free diving d. Snorkeling
5. Wakeboarding was developed from a combination of water skiing, snowboarding and surfing
a. Wakeboarding b. Surfing c. Free diving d. Kayaking
6. It is a surface water pastime in which the wave rider, referred to as a surfer, rides on the forward
part, or face, of a moving wave, which usually carries the surfer towards the shore.
a. Kayaking b. Snorkeling c. Surfing d. Scuba diving
7. It is a mode of underwater diving where the diver uses a self-contained underwater breathing
apparatus, which is completely independent of surface supply, to breathe underwater
a. Surfing b. Scuba diving c. Wakeboarding d. Free diving
Aquatic Recreational Activities
As the country is surrounded with various bodies of water, Filipinos have a variety of water forms
where they can engage in water-based recreational activities.
Swimming is an individual or team racing sport that requires the use of one's entire body to move
through water. The sport takes place in pools or open water.
Recreational swimming is often less structured than sessions designed to teach swimming and water
safety, and may occur in a wider than usual range of environments. For this reason, and to provide
quality supervision, the requirements vary for recreational swimming at various types of venues.
Swimming skill are important in many ways other-based activities, which can be easily or safety done
if you are an able swimmer.
1. Kayaking -is a watersport that involves paddling using a double-bladed oar and a small boat
known as a kayak. The boats come in a variety of sizes and types, depending on their intended use,
but most kayaks feature an enclosed deck that covers the legs. The boat sits low in the water and
usually only accommodates a single paddler, but tandem kayaks hold two people and some boats
hold three people.
2. Surfing- is a surface water pastime in which the wave rider, referred to as a surfer, rides on the
forward part, or face, of a moving wave, which usually carries the surfer towards the shore. Waves
suitable for surfing are primarily found in the ocean, but can also be found in lakes or rivers in the
form of a standing wave or tidal bore. However, surfers can also utilize artificial waves such as those
from boat wakes and the waves created in artificial wave pools.
3. Wakeboarding- a water sport in which the rider, standing on a wakeboard (a short board with foot
bindings), is towed behind a motorboat across its wake and especially up off the crest in order to
perform aerial maneuvers. A hallmark of wakeboarding is the attempted performance of midair tricks.
Wakeboarding was developed from a combination of water skiing, snowboarding and surfing
4. Snorkeling- is the practice of swimming on or through a body of water while equipped with a
diving mask, a shaped breathing tube called a snorkel, and usually swim fins. In cooler waters, a
wetsuit may also be worn. Use of this equipment allows the snorkeler to observe underwater
attractions for extended periods with relatively little effort and to breathe while face-down at the
5. Water aerobics – is the performance of aerobic exercise in water such as in a swimming pool.
Done mostly vertically and without swimming typically in waist deep or deeper water, it is a type of
resistance training. Water aerobics is a form of aerobic exercise that requires water-immersed
6. Freediving - free-diving, free diving, breath-hold diving, or skin diving is a form of underwater
diving that relies on breath-holding until resurfacing rather than the use of breathing apparatus such
as scuba gear.
7.Scuba diving- is a mode of underwater diving where the diver uses a self-contained underwater
breathing apparatus (scuba), which is completely independent of surface supply, to breathe
underwater. Scuba divers carry their own source of breathing gas, usually compressed air, allowing
them greater independence and freedom of movement than surface-supplied divers, and longer
underwater endurance than breath-hold divers.
Benefits of Water-based Recreational
1. Decrease Risk for Chronic Disease
Water sports are a great form of exercise because it works almost every part of your body, helping
you burn calories the natural way. It increases your metabolism and thus your fluid intake and
appetite, which in turn helps you avoid binge eating. It helps you stay healthy and energized that
improves immunity against chronic diseases.
2. Decreases Risk for Diabetes and Chronic Heart Disease
People with diabetes and chronic heart disease will need a lot of lifestyle changes to keep their
overall health in check. Water sports or even just simply floating on water and doing some light
exercises will help lower stress levels and keep you relaxed, which is good for the heart and the body
in general.
3. Beneficial for People with Arthritis
The fluidity of water is gentle and naturally soothing to achy joints. Water activities like snorkeling and
swimming will facilitate the use of the affected joints without exacerbating the symptoms.
Hydrotherapy is a preferred treatment for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.
4. Improves Bone Density
Working out muscles on a treadmill may not be the best option for older people and post-menopausal
women. Water sports like canoeing, water bikes, paddling and the like are a much preferred form of
exercise that helps increase bone density.
5. Enhances Mental Health
Like any other sports or form of exercise, water sports is good for the body. Additionally, it is also
good for the mind. The tranquil quality of water reduces stress, anxiety and depression. Swimming for
instance has been proven to improve the mood in both men and women.
Hazard of water-based recreational activities.
Drowning and near drowning are important health issues and merit special consideration in the
development and management of water recreational facilities. Informal peer supervision in more
densely-used areas may contribute significantly to the prevention of drowning and, conversely, the
desire for greater seclusion may be a significant contributory factor.
1. Spinal injury
Diving accidents have been found to be responsible for a variable percentage of traumatic spinal cord
injuries. However, in diving accidents of all types, injuries are almost exclusively located in the
cervical vertebrae and typically cause quadriplegia or, less commonly, paraplegia
2. Impact, slip, trip and fall injuries
Accidents involving limb fractures or breaks of different types have many causes and
may occur in a variety of settings in or around water.
Contributory factors
Diving into shallow water
Underwater objects
Adjacent surface type
Poor underwater visibility
3. Cuts, lesions and punctures
There are many reports of injuries sustained as a result of stepping on glass, brokenbottles and cans.
Discarded syringes and hypodermic needles may present more serious risks and may attract greater
public outcry. Simple measures, such as the use of footwear on beaches, as well as adequate litter
bins and cleaning operations may contribute significantly to prevention, as may educational policies to
encourage users to take their litter home.
4. Retinal dislocation
Impact to the head, resulting from diving and jumping into the water from height have been known to
cause detachment of the retina in the eye.
Contributory factors
“Bombing” (jumping onto other
water users)
Jumping into water from height
5. Microbial Hazards – untreated sewage pumped into water bodies such as seas and divers
contaminate the water, and contaminated water puts people at risk from infections that causes
diseases such as gastroenteritis and upper respiratory infection. In swimming pools, viruses and
bacteria that are resistant to commonly used pool disinfectant also put people at risk for various
6. Chemical Hazards – water contamination because of chemical also poses serious threats to
participants of water based recreational. Chemical contamination in seas and rivers are caused by
industrial discharge.
Guidelines and preventions of Water-based Recreational activities.
1. Spot the dangers.
Take care, swimming pools can be hazardous. Water presents a risk of drowning, and injuries can
occur from hitting the hard surrounds or from misuse of the equipment. Every pool is
different, so always make sure you know how deep the water is and check for other hazards, such as
diving boards, wave machines, water slides, steep slopes into deeper water.
2. Always swim within your ability.
Never swim under the influence of alcohol. Avoid holding your
breath and swimming long distances under water. Be especially careful if you have a medical
condition such as epilepsy, asthma, diabetes or a heart problem. Follow advice provided for the
safety of yourself and others. Avoid unruly behavior that can be dangerous, for instance, running on
the side of the pool, ducking, acrobatics in the water, or shouting or screaming, Always do as the
lifeguards say, and remember that a moment of foolish behavior could cost a life.
3. Look out for yourself and other swimmers.
It is safer to swim with a companion. Keep an eye open for others, particularly younger children and
non-swimmers. Learn how to help. If you see somebody in difficulty, call for help immediately. In an
emergency, keep calm and do exactly as you are told.
4. Do not swim if you have a gastrointestinal
Stomach upset or skin or respiratory infection. You are likely to pass on the germs that are making
you ill.
5.Shower before you swim.
This will reduce the amount of germs, sweat and chemicals (such as cosmetics) that you transfer to
the water. This means that the water quality of the pool will be better.
Diocese of Baguio – Schools
St. Paul’s Academy School of Sayangan, Inc
Sayangan, Paoay, Atok, Benguet
Life transforming and Christ’s disciples Forming Educational Community
Subject: HOPE
Teacher: Jibson C. Acos
Year and Section: Grade 12
NAME: __________________ SECTION: ____________________
Essay. Read carefully the question and write your answers on the space provided. 5pts.
Your answer will be evaluated using the criteria below.
Content – 3
Grammar and spelling – 2
ACTIVITY 1. How do you think can recreational such as swimming be a venue of health optimizing?
Do you consider participating in one? Why or why not?
Activity 2.
True or False. Write the word True if the statement is correct, and False if wrong.
__________1. Drowning is considered as the number one hazard of water-based recreation.
__________2. Smooth surface makes more skin friction than rough surface.
__________3. Cooling down after swimming is important as warming up before swimming.
__________4. Skipping shower before swimming is advisable for swimmers.
__________5. Beginners still need the supervision and further guidance from a professional
swimming coach when swimming.
__________6. A good amount of training in breathing can improve the way you stabilize and propel
your body as you perform the different swimming stoke.
__________7. For beginner, breathing in swimming can be very easy since this is restricted every
time you put your face in the water.
__________8. To make the participants comfortable with water, they must be taught to swim.
__________9. Installing fences and other safety devices around swimming pools will prevent
drowning and other accidents.
__________10. Not informing swimmers with basic life saving and first aid technique will help in case
of incidents.
Pre-test answer.