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p-ISSN 0852 – 0798

e-ISSN 2407 – 5973

Acredited: SK No.: 60/E/KPT/2016

Website : http://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/reaktor/

Reaktor, Vol. 18 No. 3, September Year 2018, pp. 160-165

Hydrogen Sulfide Removal from Biogas

Using Digester Effluent Absorbent in a Continuous Vertical Column

Sunu Herwi Pranolo*), Paryanto, Margono, Bachtiar Rizaldy, and Hendrix Yansah
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sebelas Maret University
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126
Coresponding author: sunu_pranolo@staff.uns.ac.id

(Received: January 01, 2018 ; Accepted: September 01, 2018)


Gas-Liquid mass transfer is one of the most commonly used phenomena in the chemical process, such as absorption.
This research evaluates the value of liquid phase mass transfer coefficient of hydrogen sulfide removal from biogas
in a continuous contactor column for digester effluent-biogas system. This study was carried out by continuously
contacting biogas at certain flow rate with digester effluent under counter-current mode in a packed bed column.
Samples were taken after steady state condition was achieved. This research used raschig rings, large balls, and
small balls as packing materials with surface areas of 0.9269, 0.6279, and 0.2992 m2/m3, respectively at volumetric
flow rates of biogas from 0.1109 to 0.8846 m3/h. The results show that the relationship between the studied
variables and the mass transfer coefficient can be written as dimensionless number according to the following
2 0.7514
empirical equation kLa∙𝑑
=5.653∙[𝐴𝑠 ∙ 𝑑𝑡 ]0.6171 [ 𝑔 ] . This model is valid in the range of (As·dt) and (Vg/dt·DL)
DL 𝑑𝑡 ∙𝐷𝐿
respectively from 0.03 to 0.09 and from 237,267.08 to 3,307,522.67. The average error is 17.85%.

Keywords: biogas; digester effluent; hydrogen sulfide; mass transfer coefficient; packed bed column

How to Cite This Article: Pranolo, S.H., Paryanto, Margono, Rizaldy, B., and Yansah, H., (2018), Hydrogen Sulfide
Removal from Biogas Using Digester Effluent Absorbent in a Continuous Vertical Column, Reaktor, 18(3), 160-
165, http://dx.doi.org/10.14710/ reaktor.18.3.160-165

INTRODUCTION Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) or palm oil

There has been a steady increase in energy mill’s liquid waste is one of the agro-industrial wastes
consumption along with the increase in world that may cause water an environmental pollution.
population. Although the development of alternative POME has a high concentration of biological oxygen
and renewable energy sources has been continuously demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD)
promoted, the flexibility of fossil fuels still makes and dark brown in colour (Table 1). So far, it is only
these fuels as the primary choices of the community. limited in the reduction of BOD and COD
In fact, demands of fossil fuels reached 88% of the concentration to qualify the maximum level according
total energy consumption. One of the current trends is to Regulation of the Minister of Environment Number
the utilization of organic waste (biomass) as an 3 of 2010 concerning Wastewater Quality Standards
alternative source of fuel. Biogas is a type of fuel for Industrial Estate (BOD = 50 mg/L and COD = 100
obtained from organic waste treatments (Dolejs et al., mg/L) before being discharged into river body. In
2014). regard to its high organic substances contents, POME

Reaktor 18(3) 2018: 160-165

is highly potential to be used as raw material for concentration, and it could reached removal efficiency
biogas production through anaerobic digestion of 99% with low pressure drop.
process. One of the other most dominant methods used
for biogas purification is water scrubbing. This
Table 1. POME characteristics (Madaki and Seng, method is relatively simple and low cost. Biogas is
2013) continuously passed to the bottom of the bubble
No. Parameter Composition (mg/L) column through a diffuser and produce bubbles. Since
1. Biological oxygen 10,250 – 43,750 the solubility of H2S in water is higher than methane,
demand (BOD) water will absorb H2S and H2S is separated from
2. Chemical oxygen demand 15,000 – 100,000 biogas. Unfortunately, the simultaneous absorption of
(COD) H2S and CO2 into the water can cause fouling and
3. Total solids (TS) 11,500 – 79,000
4. Suspended solids (SS) 5,000 – 54,000
clogging on the piping system, and the absorption of
5. Total volatile solids (VS) 9,000 – 72,000 H2S is only 50%. Thus, it is better to get rid of H2S
6. Ammoniacal-nitrogen 4 – 80 separately (Persson et al., 2006).
(NH3-N) Liu et al. (2015) developed a method using
7. Total nitrogen (N) 180 – 1,400 TiO2/zeolite composite as an absorbent medium
followed by photocatalysis. The result is quite
The anaerobic digestion process is a promising with the absorption of H2S is 72-87%.
fermentation process of organic matters by the activity However, this method is complicated for
of anaerobic bacteria, which converts the suspended commercialization on an industrial scale. On the other
forms into water soluble materials and biogas. The hand, Micoli et al. (2014) investigated the use of
anaerobic digestion comprises of a number of stages, modified zeolites loaded by Cu or Zn and activated
namely hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and carbons on biogas purification process. These
methanogenesis and performed on mesophilic materials showed very interesting performances in a
conditions (30-37oC) and thermophilic (50-60oC). The previous work for HCl removal from the gas phase.
commonly used digesters are continuous stirred tank The advantage is the use of the same materials for the
reactor (CSTR), batch reactor, semi-continuous elimination of both HCl and sulfur compounds in a
reactor, and batch sequencing reactor (Ji et al., 2013). single-step adsorption process for biogas purification,
It was reported in the literature that biogas from which reduce the production cost. The best result of
POME has 55-70% methane (CH4), 30-45% carbon this research is absorption of biogas 2.46 mmol/g
dioxide (CO2), and small amounts of nitrogen (N2) and absorbent at breakthrough time 1.222 minutes.
hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Onthong et al. (2017), also proposed the use of metal
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is one of the as adsorbent named literite, a composite structured
undesirable impurities in biogas because it can turns from Fe2O3. The efficiency of H2S removal from
into sulfur dioxide (SO2) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) biogas was high enough that is close to 91.67%.
during the combustion process. These compounds are Kennedy et al. (2015) shows that the effluent
corrosive and can potentially damage the equipment of of the digester can be used as a good absorbent for
a power plant (Kennedy et al., 2015). In addition, the H2S removal from biogas. NH3 separation and
H2S content in biogas reduces the calorific value of aeration as pretreatment is performed to increase the
biogas that decreases the combustion efficiency. So, effluent pH. Biogas is contacted with this effluent in a
the biogas requires purification before being used as bubble column reactor. It was reported that the H2S
fuel. absorption percentage is 84%.
There are several methods to remove sulfuric This research uses vertical column (absorber)
compounds from biogas. Lin et al. (2013) developed a as the equipment to facilitate mass transfer process of
biological method of H2S removal from biogas, which H2S from biogas to the effluent. Vertical column was
is oxidation with FeSO4 solution followed by selected on the basis that the contacted substances are
microbial oxidation. The result is very promising since liquid and gas (Ortiz et al., 2014). This research uses
more than 90% of the H2S can be removed. However, different effluent, that is the effluent of biogas
this method is only suitable for purification of biogas production from POME which is different with
with high level of H2S (> 1%). Ramírez et al. (2013) effluent digester from livestock waste. The absorption
also studied the biological purification of biogas. He system used a fixed bed absorber column made of
concerned in the anoxic single-stage processes for H2S stainless steel with a counter-current contact process.
removal from biogas. Depending on the H2S The purpose of this research is to develop a
concentration, an aerobic biological process requires a mathematical model of H2S absorption process to
stoichiometric oxygen level, which is approximately obtain the mass transfer coefficient value of H2S from
5%. It is crucial to control the oxygen concentration in biogasto digester effluent. This coefficient can further
the digestion system to avoid explosion. The results be used in the design of gas-liquid fixed bed contactor
showed that pall rings can be used as a packing either in pilot plant scale and industrial scale.
material in an anoxic biotrickling filter to remove H2S Absorption is a mass transfer from gas to
from biogas without a serious reduction in methane liquid. The gas input stream contains absorbable

Hydrogen Sulfide Removal from Biogas Using Digester .... (Pranolo et al.)

components, while the absorbent liquid is insoluble to Vg ∙(yA -yAo )=kL a∙ ∙At ∙(xA -xA * )∙∆z (6)
the gas phase. Figure 1 shows an absorption scheme of
mass transfer from the main body of gas to the gas So,
Vg ∙β∙Ls∙(yA -yAo )
film layer, mass transfer through the interface layer to kL a = (7)
At ∙(xA -xA * )∙∆z
the second phase, and mass transfer from the liquid
At the inter-phase, the mass transfer resistance
film layer to the main body of the liquid.
only exists at the main body of each phase. In the
interface area, there is no resistance so that the
concentration yA and xA* are in equilibrium condition.
In the interface, yA and xA* are connected by a
distribution coefficient called the Henry constant for
the gas-liquid system:
yA =H∙x*A (8)
with H=0.389 obtained by approach using Henry
constant value for waste water and air system at
298.15 K (Rumsey and Aneja, 2014).
This research involves partner, PLTBg Rantau
Sakti, a biogas based power generating company
located in Rokan Hulu, Riau. Biogas production uses
palm oil mill effluent (POME) from crude palm oil
Figure 1. H2S mass transfer scheme from gas phase to plant around there. Biogas production process still
liquid phase produce liquid waste (effluent digester). There are
33,197 m3 of effluent produced per day (data from
The evaluation of mass transfer coefficient employs June-July 2015). So far, the effluent digester is treated
the mass balance analysis in the volume element of A. only by aeration before being discharged into the
z, as shown in Figure 2. environment. The purifying process of biogas in
PLTBg Rantau Sakti currently uses water scrubbing
method that is the absorption of impurities in biogas
using water. The organic content in the effluent
digester is still high (BOD and COD is still above the
minimum limit), so it is potentially re-utilized.
Preliminary trials showed that pH of the effluent
decrease after contacted with biogas, indicates
absorption of hydrogen sulfide. This research focuses
on hydrogen sulfide absorption method using the
effluent digester, so that the mass transfer coefficient
(kLa) of hydrogen sulfide from biogas into digester
effluent can be obtained.


The main ingredients of this research are
digester effluent from POME digester and biogas.
Digester effluent taken from PLTBg unit in Rantau
Figure 2. Volume element review Sakti, North Tambusai Subdistrict, Rokan Hulu
District, Riau. Biogas is taken from the biogas
Mass balance for the volume element of Δz thickness: production unit in Ringinwok, Jagoan Village, Sambi
Subdistrict, Boyolali District, Central Java. The H2S
input – output + transfer = accumulation (1) content in biogas feed is 0.038%. This research uses
auxiliary materials that is calcium chloride (CaCl2) as
Vg ∙y | -Vg ∙yA | + kL a∙ ∙At ∙∆z∙(xA -xA * )=0 (2) moisture content absorbent in biogas (water scrubber).
A z z+Δz β∙Ls
The main equipment are water scrubber from
Divided byΔz and taken the limit with Δz→0: calcium chloride, packed bed column (diameter: 10
cm, height: 50 cm), effluent tank (volume: 1 L), and
Vg ∙(yA | -y | ) 1 pretreated effluent tank (volume: 1 L). The
z+Δz A z
lim =kL a∙ ∙At ∙(xA -xA * ) (3)
∆z→0 ∆z β∙Ls instruments are another manometer for measuring
biogas input pressure, biogas meter with volumetric
dyA 1
Vg ∙ =kL a∙ ∙At ∙(xA -xA * ) (4) flow rate measurement range of biogas from 0.04 to
dz β∙Ls
6.00 m3/hour, and hydrogen sulfide detector with
1 measuring range of H2S from 0 ppm to 500 ppm. The
Vg ∙ ∫ dyA =kL a∙ ∙At ∙ ∫(xA -xA * )∙dz (5) set of tools can be seen in Figure 3.

Reaktor 18(3) 2018: 160-165



Biogas Tank P

Biogas meter

Packed Bed

Water scrubber


Figure 3. Process flow diagram of H2S removal from biogas

The hydrogen sulfide removal process began Table 2. The table shows that the greater the contact
with the filling of the effluent tank as much as 1 liter. surface area and biogas volumetric flow rate, the
Then the effluent digester valve was fully open and greater the mass transfer coefficient. This is due to
the biogas valve was then open based on variations of increasing of biogas flow rate, then the transferred
the biogas flow rate. Contact time and the volume of substance will be greater, consequently the mass
biogas flowing was recorded during the process for transfer coefficient is greater. The results show that
the calculation of the biogas volumetric flow rate. the calculation kLa from mass balance equation has
Pretreated effluent and biogas from column output been appropriate with the theory of mass transfer. The
samples were taken for H2S content analysis. H2S next step is modeling the mass transfer coefficient in a
content in biogas analysis was done by using generalized equation, in order to be used for scaling
hydrogen sulfide detector and H2S in pretreated up this equipment.
effluent analysis was done by spectrophotometry
method. The data obtained are used for calculation of Table 2. The kLa value for various As and Vg
kLa value based on mass balance analysis using As (m2/m3) Vg(m3/s) kLa (s-1)
Equation (7). 0.000183 0.0045
This research using contact surface area 0.000115 0.0041
(represented by the type of packing) and biogas 0.000062 0.0033
volumetric flow rate (arranged with valve and read 0.000051 0.0028
with biogas meter) variations. The packing used were 0.000056 0.0015
raschig ring with contact area 0.9269 m2/m3, ball with 0.000047 0.0013
0.000038 0.0013
contact area 0.2992 m2/m3, and ball with contact area
0.000031 0.0019
0.6279 m2/m3. The biogas volumetric flow rate
0.000533 0.0113
applied for the raschig ring packing was from 0.1822 0.000288 0.0082
to 0.6579 m3/h; small ball packing from 0.1109 m3/h 0.6279
0.000118 0.0050
to 0.2016 m3/h; and large ball packing from 0.1896 0.000053 0.0032
m3/h to 1.9170 m3/h, with four variations of biogas
flow rate for each packing material. Empirical Equations of Mass Transfer Coefficients
The relationship between experimental
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS variables and kLa is modeled in a form of
The mass transfer coefficient is the diffusion dimensionless numbers equation. The dimensionless
constant associated with the mass transfer rate (mass equation does not depend on the geometric scale, so it
flux), mass transfer area, and concentration gradient as can simply be used for scale up. Analysis of
the driving force. Mass transfer rate is proportional to dimension was completed by Buckingham method.
the driving force and mass transfer coefficient (kLa). The variables influencing the kLa value in the
The bigger kLavalue the mass transfer rate will be absorption process are: specific contact surface area
greater. Thus, the value of kLa indirectly shows the (As, m2/m3), solution density (ρL, kg/m3), viscosity (µL,
rate of absorption (Treybal, 1981). kg/m.s), vessel diameter (dt, m), volumetric flow rate
The data of H2S mass transfer coefficients from of biogas (Vg, m3/s), volumetric flow rate of solution
biogas to effluent digester for various contact surface (VL, m3/s), and diffusivity of solution (DL, m2/s). The
area and volumetric flow rate of biogas according to diffusion process occurs in the mass transfer of a
mass balance calculation in Eq. (7) are presented in substance in which the mass of substance should move

Hydrogen Sulfide Removal from Biogas Using Digester .... (Pranolo et al.)

from higher concentration to lower concentration. kLa ~ As0.6171 (14)

Mass transfer can occur in both gas and liquid phase.
according to the theory of mass transfer that the mass
Diffusion process ends when the equilibrium state
transfer coefficient is proportional to the contact
between two phases has been reached. Diffusion rate
surface area.
of a compound depends on the diffusivity coefficient.
Shah et al. (1982) investigated the effect of
Since the physical properties of digester effluent are
volumetric flow rates of gas on the liquid phase mass
similar to water, the diffusivity coefficient of
transfer coefficients on a bubble reactor using water.
hydrogen sulfide in digester effluent is approximated
The result is expressed in the equation:
by the diffusivity coefficient of H2S in water.
According to Perry and Green (2008), the diffusivity kLa = 0.467Vg0.82 (15)
value (DL) of hydrogen sulfide in water is 0,161 m2/s. This research used variation of biogas volumetric flow
The relationship between those variables is expressed rate in range from 0.1109 m3/h to 0.8846 m3/hr. The
by the equation: experimental results show the same trend with the
kL a =K∙As C1 ∙ρL C2 ∙μL C3 ∙dt C4 ∙Vg C5 ∙VL C6 ∙DL C7 (9) results of Shah et al. (1982) that the greater the flow
rate of biogas then the mass transfer coefficient is
Result of Buckingham method: greater. The relationship between the biogas flow rate
kL a∙dt 2 μL
Vg C5 VL C6 with the mass transfer coefficient in this research is
=K∙[As ∙dt ]C1 ∙ [ ] ∙[ ] ∙[ ] (10) expressed by the equation:
DL ρL ∙DL dt ∙DL dt ∙DL

kLa ~ Vg0.7514 (16)
since[ ]and[ ]are constant, so:
ρL ∙DL dt ∙DL Equation (13) shows the value of order in the
𝜇𝐿 𝜇𝐿 dimensionless group Vg/dt.DL(C5 = 0.7514) is greater
𝐾∙[ ]∙[ ] = 𝐾′ (11) than the order in the dimensionless group As/dt2 (C1 =
𝜌𝐿 ∙𝐷𝐿 𝜌𝐿 ∙𝐷𝐿
C5 0.6171). Thus, it can be concluded that the biogas
kL a∙dt 2 Vg
=K'∙[As ∙dt ]C1 ∙ [ ] (12) volumetric flow rate (Vg) is more influence to kLa than
DL dt ∙DL
the contact surface area (As).
The values of the constants K’, C1, andC2 are The value of K' consists of the constant of the
evaluated by multivariable linear regression method to dimensionless equation (K) and the dimensionless
obtain the empirical equation of kLa in Equation (12). groups which are the physical properties of the
The value of kLa is evaluated using Equation (12) so material and the parameters which the values were
Table 3 was obtained, with average error of 17.85% kept constant during the experiment. The formation of
towards the experimental data of kLa. empirical equation by Buckingham method gives a
kL a∙dt 2 Vg 0.7514 value of K' of 5.653 as the calculation result of
𝑁𝑆ℎ = =5.653∙[As ∙dt ]0.6171 [ ] (13) equation:
DL dt ∙DL
Tabel 3. Calculation result of kLa in the form of 𝐾′ = 𝐾 ∙ [ ]∙[ ] (17)
𝜌𝐿 ∙𝐷𝐿 𝑑𝑡 ∙𝐷𝐿
Sherwood Number
𝐴𝑠 ∙ 𝑑𝑡
𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝐷𝐿 𝐷𝐿 The experimental results showed that the
0.09 0.000183 greater the contact surface area (As) results in the
0.09 715.110.89 0.000115
greater the mass transfer coefficient (kLa). The trend is
0.09 387.512.12 0.000062
0.09 314.365.01 0.000051 also valid for volumetric flow rate of biogas (Vg). The
0.03 347.826.09 0.000056 relationship between the contact surface area and
0.03 290.683.23 0.000047 volumetric flow rate of biogas with the mass transfer
0.03 237.267.08 0.000038 coefficient in the digester effluentbiogas solution
0.03 191.285.38 0.000031 system gives the following empirical model:
0.06 3.307.522.67 0.000533 kL a∙𝑑𝑡 2 𝑉𝑔 0.7514
0.06 1.791.874.63 0.000288 𝑁𝑆ℎ = =5.653∙[𝐴𝑠 ∙ 𝑑𝑡 ]0.6171 [ ]
0.06 731.902.35 0.000118 DL 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝐷𝐿
0.06 327.063.89 0.000053 This model is valid for the range of (As.dt) and
(Vg/dt.DL) respectively from 0.03 to 0.09 and from
The Relationship between Experimental Variables 237,267.08 to 3,307,522.67. Average error is 17.85%.
and Mass Transfer Coefficient (kLa)
The experimental results as listed in Table 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
show that the greater the contact surface area This research received funding from the
(expressed in As.dt dimensionless group), the mass Fundamental Research Grant of PNBP UNS (Batch-1)
transfer coefficient value (expressed in Sherwood corresponding to Letter of Contract No.
Number kLa.dt2/DL) is also greater. The effect of 623/UN27.21/PP/2017. The digester effluent is taken
contact surface area (As) can be expressed by the from PLTBg Unit at Rantau Sakti Village, North
equation: Tambusai Subdistrict, Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau.

Reaktor 18(3) 2018: 160-165

This research is partially conducted in biogas Liu, C., Zhang, R., Wei, S., Wang, J., Liu, Y., Li, M.,
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Central Java. Composite, Fuel, 157, pp. 183–190.

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xA : Mol fraction in liquid phase Ortiz, F.J.G., Aguilera, P.G., and Ollero, P., (2014),
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