Channel Name-Roadside Singer
Channel Name-Roadside Singer
Channel Name-Roadside Singer
Start with the basics-The first thing you’ll need to do is actually create your channel
Sign into YouTube and click on the user icon at the top right of the screen
Click on the gear icon to get to your account’s YouTube Settings
Click on Create a new channel
Then choose “Use a business or musicians”
Add “ROADSIDE SINGER” and click create.
Fill in the about section-The next step is to fill out your profile and channel description.
we should describe our brand and what viewers can expect to see on our channel. This is
also a great place to add links to our website and other social media networks that we use.
This description will appear in more than one place on our channel.
Channel your art - When you go to a YouTube channel, you’ll immediately be greeted
with a large banner displaying the channel name. This is your cover photo and is prime
real estate for introducing your brand. We will put the artist picture of roadside singer’s
pictures on cover photo that will give the first impression of our channel.
Create a good content and differentiate- creating attractive and unique content is the
only option that will differentiate my channel from others. The best way to create a viral
video that can soon reach out to a large mass in no time and it will help to generate a lot
of traffic on the channel.
Optimize for search- When uploading a video, it’ll be asked to fill in a title, description,
and tags. These are essential components to have video easily discoverable in YouTube
search. Much like SEO for your own website, YouTube has its own set of parameters for
to optimize your video for search. Fill these sections out to the best of your ability using
keywords (musical, youtube music, music download, track, new videos, new songs, latest
songs) to describe the video and the channel. A keyword-rich (but not heavy) title and
description can go a long way and I’ll be able to see what works for my videos as we
progress. If the video is well optimized for YouTube itself, this can extend to search
engines as well. As a Google-owned product, YouTube has tight integration with the
search giant. If you play your cards right, you’ll find your videos ranking high on both
YouTube and Google.
Finally, It’s Time for YouTube Competition Analysis-Just like with Google, you want
to optimize your videos around keywords that:
Get lots of searches and
An awesome Chrome extension called TubeBuddy. This tool shows you stats for each
keyword right in the search results.
Do not recommend sporadic upload times because the YouTube algorithm will penalize
you for it. If they know you're inconsistent, then your stuff won't be recommended to new
viewers or appear on their trending page. Consistency is one of the most important things
to consider if you want to be a successful you tuber.
Creating a theme and campaign messaging that supports my goals- using various
tags, hashtags will help me to reach out to large mass of audience and also be in top of
Use Thumbnails That Stand Out- trends show 90% of youtube good channels have
customized thumbnails for their videos and it helps them to get more of traffic on their
channels. The next step will be to create a thumbnail particularly for the new album that
is coming and keeping the audience in suspense so that they regularly check our channel.
working with an influencer- working with influencers is One of the best ways to
showcase my channel videos and reach a wider audience on YouTube It’s often a
lot easier for the creators to get in touch with some influencers which can promote our
channel or that particular video and this can give reach to our video to a large mass. With
the right partnership, creators can transfer that reliability and huge promotions to our