Research Question: Is There A Correlation Between GDP and Life Expectancy ?
Research Question: Is There A Correlation Between GDP and Life Expectancy ?
Research Question: Is There A Correlation Between GDP and Life Expectancy ?
I think that almost everybody can tell that the world right now (2020) isn’t at its highest peak and
lot of countries are struggling financially ,the GDP (gross domestic product) of a country
measures the total market value of the domestic products and services produced in a given time
period , the higher the countries GDP is indicates how well the country is doing economically
and as lisa smith stated in her article for Investopedia “If GDP is rising, the economy is in solid
shape, and the nation is moving forward. On the other hand, if gross domestic product is falling,
the economy might be in trouble, and the nation is losing ground. Two consecutive quarters of
negative GDP typically defines an economic recession.”
life expectancy is how long a person is expected to live there are many factors affecting how
long a person lives such as employment, income, education and economic wellbeing and the
quality of the health , and due to the new pandemic countries were forced to spend more on
health institutions to try and heal the diseased but a lot of people died because of poor health help
or because the country simply cant afford to build more hospitals and higher more doctors and
not all people can afford private health institutions, so young and old people who have health
problems die due to low GDP especially places like Syria and Iraq people can barley afford to
eat so how will they deal with a deadly disease
the aim of this IA investigation is to find out if there is a correlations between a countries GDP
the average life expectancy of the people living there