Lesson Plan in Mathematics 8 Date: Content Standard
Lesson Plan in Mathematics 8 Date: Content Standard
Lesson Plan in Mathematics 8 Date: Content Standard
Content Standard: Demonstrate understanding of key concepts of factors of polynomials, rational algebraic
expressions, linear equations and inequalities in two variables, system of linear equation
and inequalities in two variables and linear functions.
Performance Standard: Is able to formulate real-life problems involving factors of polynomials, rational
algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities in two variables, system of linear
equation and inequalities in two variables and linear functions and solve these problems
accurately using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency: Illustrates the rectangular coordinate system and its uses. M8AL-Ie-1
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to:
a.) Plot the given points(coordinates) on the Cartesian coordinate plane
b.) Determine the coordinates of the given point in the Cartesian plane
c.) Relate plotting the point in the Cartesian plane in real-life situation.
II. Subject Matter
III. Procedures
A. Preparation
Checking of Attendance
-Review the previous discussion.
Who among you here wants to stay in the plaza/park during noon break? In Barangay
gymnasium? In church? or In the school (Giligaon High School) ?
In Giligaon , where do plaza/park, barangay gymnasium, church, and school located?
Why is it important to know the exact location of a certain establishment/ place?
B. Presentation
Plotting a point on the Cartesian plane is somewhat the same with locating
certain object, establishment, place and etc.
Rene Descartes – a French philosopher, a mathematician, and a scientist.
- Invented the Cartesian plane
- He introduced the coordinate system to show how algebra could be
used to solve geometric problems
- Known as the “Father of Modern Mathematics”
x-coordinate or abscissa- tells the distance of the point from the origin measured along
the x-axis
y- coordinate or ordinate – tells the distance of the point from the origin measured
along the y-axis.
Coordinates of the point- ordered pair that represents a point
The four quadrants of the Cartesian plane and its signs.
Q-I(+ , +); Q-II(- , +); Q-III(- , -) and Q-IV(+ , -).
Example :
(2, 1) -------ordered pair(x,y)
x-coordinate y-coordinate
Example: Plot the following points on the Cartesian plane with the given coordinates
Now, if you are asked to determine the coordinates of a given point, how will you do it?
Be reminded the signs of the coordinates of a point tell us in which quadrant the point
lies. Q-I(+ , +); Q-II(- , +); Q-III(- , -) and Q-IV(+ , -).
To determine the coordinates of a given point: start in the point of origin then move
either left or right of the origin(along the x-axis) depending on the location of the point
and lastly move either upward or downward.
C. Practice
Group activity.
Each group will be given a task.
Group 1-Create a Game. Design a game that could be used to assess your classmates
understanding of Cartesian plane. You may consider incorporating aspects of games
such as snakes and ladder, maze , etc.
Group 2- Create a song or rap. Write a lyric to a catchy song or rap that could be used
to facilitate your classmates’ revision. Be sure to include the essential vocabulary from
the unit and remember that repetition is a key.
Group 3 – Create a drawing by plotting in each of the four quadrants of a Cartesian
plane. Record the sequence of ordered pairs and have other students find the hidden
Group 4 – Write a story/poem that describes journey across a Cartesian plane that could
be traced/plotted by your classmates. Be sure to include details such as direction and
distance travelled(North, South, West; 1 block, 2 blocks, 3 blocks )and location with
respect to key points such as the origin, the x and y axis.
Group 5- Create a dance! Choreograph a dance for your classmates to perform on a
giant Cartesian Plane . Record the necessary steps on a Cartesian plane.
FOCUS(concentrates on the given
TEAMWORK( manifests coordination
and collaboration )
CLARITY( clearly presents the task)
Legend : Rating – Description
5- Execllent
4- Very Impressive
3- Impressive
2- Convincing
1- Beginning
Total Score/3=
D. Generalization
Let the students draw their own generalization about the topic.
IV. Evaluation
P(0,5); O(2,3); L(4,3); Y(2,1); N(4,-2), O(0,-1); M(-4,-2); I(-2,1); A(-4,3); L(-2,3)
V. Assignment
Answer Activity 7 entitled “Parts of the Building” on pages 126-127