Flat-Rolled, Grain-Oriented, Silicon-Iron, Electrical Steel, Fully Processed Types
Flat-Rolled, Grain-Oriented, Silicon-Iron, Electrical Steel, Fully Processed Types
Flat-Rolled, Grain-Oriented, Silicon-Iron, Electrical Steel, Fully Processed Types
A 876
TABLE 1 Core-Loss Type Designations 7. Materials and Manufacture
7.1 Normally, these steels contain from 3.0 to 3.3 % silicon
Conventional Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel Tested at 15 kG
ASTM Aim Maximum Specific Core and the balance iron with residual elements at a minimum.
Core-Loss Thickness, Loss B, W/lb, at 15 kG When requested, the manufacturer shall provide a statement of
Type in. chemical composition typical of the material being supplied.
60 Hz 50 Hz
18G041 0.0070 0.41 0.31 7.2 These electrical steels may be made by the open-hearth,
23G045 0.0090 0.45 0.34 basic-oxygen, or electric-furnace process.
27G051 0.0106 0.51 0.39
30G058 0.0118 0.58 0.44
7.3 When changes in the manufacture of successive ship-
35G066 0.0138 0.66 0.50 ments of the material are believed to increase the likelihood of
Conventional Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel Tested at 17 kG adverse effects upon the magnetic performance or fabrication
ASTM Aim Maximum Specific Core for the specified end use, the manufacturer shall notify the
Core-Loss Thickness, Loss B, W/lb, at 17 kG
Type A in.
purchaser as soon as possible before shipment is made so that
60 Hz 50 Hz he can be afforded an opportunity to evaluate the effects.
23H070 0.0090 0.70 0.53
27H074 0.0106 0.74 0.56 8. Magnetic Properties
30H083 0.0118 0.83 0.63
35H094 0.0138 0.94 0.71 8.1 Core Loss:
High-Permeability Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel Tested at 17 kG 8.1.1 Maximum permissible specific core losses at 15 or 17
ASTM Aim Maximum Specific Core kG, 50 and 60 Hz, are guaranteed and are listed in Table 1 for
Core-Loss Thickness, Loss B, W/lb, at 17 kG the ASTM core-loss types. The sampling, specimen prepara-
Type A in.
60 Hz 50 Hz tion, and testing practices which are described herein must be
23P060 0.0090 0.60 0.46 followed when conformity to these guarantees is being
27P066 0.0106 0.66 0.50
30P070 0.0118 0.70 0.53
See Practice A 664.
8.1.2 Material that conforms to both the core-loss and
Based on parallel-grain Epstein specimens, stress-relief annealed after shear- thickness limits of this specification shall be identified by this
ing in accordance with 14.2. specification number and the appropriate core-loss designation.
8.2 Permeability:
C-2 coating removed and an inorganic coating, Type C-5, 8.2.1 The permeability at all inductions shall be as high as
applied for insulative purposes. The principal application is in practicable. The quality control of these grades is normally
flat stamped laminations for small stacked cores with only based on a measurement of relative peak permeability, µp, at a
moderate surface insulation requirements. peak a-c magnetizing force, Hp, of 10 Oe. For the conventional
grain-oriented grades, the value of relative µp at 10 Oe is
NOTE 2—Additional description of surface coating Types C-2 and C-5
is presented in Specification A 345.
commonly above 1800. For the high-permeability grades, it is
commonly above 1880.
5.2 The high permeability types are normally purchased in 8.2.2 Relative peak permeability is a dimensionless quantity
Condition F5. The principal application is in flat sheared which is the same in all unit systems.
laminations for cores of power transformers.
9. Surface Insulation Characteristics
6. Ordering Information
9.1 The surfaces produced in each of the material conditions
6.1 Orders for material under this specification shall include of 5.1 normally have different levels of insulation quality. For
such of the following information as is required to adequately specimens as sheared from the coating material, the typical
describe the material: insulative characteristics as measured by Test Methods A 717
6.1.1 ASTM specification number, and A 718 are approximately as shown in Table 2.
6.1.2 ASTM core-loss type designation (Table 1), 9.2 When insulative characteristics substantially different
6.1.3 Material condition (form and surface type) designa- than those listed in Table 2 are necessary, the specific require-
tion (5.1), ments and the procedures for evaluating them shall be negoti-
6.1.4 Ductility class (when required), ated between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
6.1.5 Sheet or strip width,
6.1.6 Length (only when cut lengths are specified), TABLE 2 Typical Insulative Characteristics, As Sheared
6.1.7 Total weight of each ordered item,
6.1.8 Limitations of lift weight, Condi- Surface Surface Stack Resistance or Interlaminar
6.1.9 Limitations on coil size requirements, tion Type A Insulation Resistivity C
Effectiveness B
6.1.10 End Use (whenever practicable, the purchaser
should specify whether the ordered material will be made into NF C-2 0.7 A and less 4 V·cm 2/lamination and higher
F2 C-2 0.7 A and less 4 V·cm 2/lamination and higher
flat sheared laminations, flat stamped laminations, wound F5 C-5 over C-2 0.3 A and less 100 V·cm 2/lamination and higher
cores, bonded wound cores, formed lamination cores, welded PQ C-5 only 0.85 A and less 2 V·cm 2/lamination and higher
lamination cores, etc. This will help the supplier to provide the A
See Specification A 345.
most suitable material for the user’s fabricating practices), and Values obtained by Test Method A 717 at a test pressure of 300 psi at room
6.1.11 Exception to the specification or special require- C
Values obtained by Test Method A 718 on deburred specimens at a test
ments. pressure of 300 psi at room temperature.
A 876
10. Physical and Mechanical Properties TABLE 4 Thickness Tolerances
11. Dimensions and Permissible Variations Specified Length, in. Length Tolerances, in
A 876
13. Sampling promptly as possible after shipment, a certified report of the
13.1 The manufacturer shall assign a serial number to each core-loss value for each test lot as measured in accordance with
test lot for identification. The test lot shall consist of the Sections 13, 14, and 15 to show that the material conforms to
finished yield of one mill-annealed coil provided it is com- this specification. The test methods and applicable test condi-
prised of only one heat and produced from a single hot-rolled tions shall be clearly stated. The report also shall carry the
band processed so as to give essentially identical properties to shipping lot identification, purchase order number, and such
all parts of that coil. Under these conditions, the test lot other information as may be needed to identify the test values
typically may consist of about 10 000 to 20 000 lb of material. with the proper shipment and shipping lot.
When there is material from more than one heat in an annealed 16.2 The core-loss value assigned to the test lot shall be the
coil, the portion from each heat shall become a separate test lot. higher value of the coil end tests made in compliance with
13.2 Test samples shall be obtained from both ends of the Sections 13, 14, and 15. This test value shall apply to all
full-width coils after the final heat treatment. portions of the test lot whether shipped as a wide coil, cut
14. Specimen Preparation lengths, or narrow width coils cut from the wide coil.
14.1 Individual Epstein-test specimens representing each 16.3 When a shipping lot is comprised of two or more test
end of each annealed coil shall be prepared in accordance with lots, the assigned core-loss test value and core-loss type
Practice A 34 and Test Method A 343. All test strips shall be designation shall be based upon the highest core loss of all the
cut with the long dimension parallel to the rolling direction. end tests of the component test lots made in compliance with
14.2 Each Epstein-test specimen shall be stress-relief an- Sections 13, 14, and 15.
nealed prior to testing. The objective of this specimen anneal is
to eliminate the destructive effects of cold working incurred in 17. Rejection and Rehearing
obtaining the test specimens and to ensure that its magnetic 17.1 Material that fails to conform to the requirements of
characteristics are like those inherent in the material from this specification may be rejected by the purchaser. The
which it was taken. The stress-relief anneal shall be made rejection shall be reported to the producer promptly and in
under conditions that ensure that the specimen strips reach a writing. The rejected material shall be set aside, adequately
temperature of about 1450 to 1550°F for approximately 1 h in
protected, and correctly identified.
an atmosphere comprised of a combination (Note 3) of pure
nitrogen and pure hydrogen. The dew point of the atmosphere 17.2 The producer may make claim for a rehearing. In this
within the annealing chamber shall be no higher than 0°F. event, the purchaser shall make samples which are represen-
Provision must be made for obtaining essentially perfect tative of the rejected material available to the producer for
flatness in the magnetic test specimen in the stress-relief evaluation.
18. Marking and Packaging
NOTE 3—In order to prevent any chemical change in the test specimen
or the insulative coating, atmosphere combinations comprised of pure dry 18.1 Marking—Each package of coils or lift of cut lengths
nitrogen with additions of 2 to 15 % of pure dry hydrogen are preferred. shall have firmly attached to it, outside its wrappings, a tag
Exothermic atmospheres produced from petroleum gases are not suitable showing the purchaser’s order number, specification number,
for evaluation of the properties of these materials unless the carbon
monoxide and carbon dioxide components are removed so that they are grade designation, coating or surface type designation, thick-
equivalent to pure nitrogen + hydrogen mixtures. ness, width (and length if in sheet form), weight, and test lot
number. In addition, each wide coil shall have the specification
15. Test Methods number, grade designation, coating or surface type designation,
15.1 The required tests for core loss to determine the thickness, width, weight, and test lot number marked on the
core-loss type (and for exciting current and peak permeability, outer surface of the coil itself. In a package of narrow coils,
µp, when determined) shall be made in accordance with Test each narrow coil in the package shall be tagged with the
Method A 343. specification number, grade designation, coating or surface
15.2 The tests for all other magnetic and mechanical prop- type designation, thickness, width, and test lot number.
erties, when desired, shall be made in accordance with appro- 18.2 Packaging—Methods of packaging, loading, and ship-
priate procedures designated in Practice A 34. ping, unless otherwise specified, shall correspond to Practices
15.3 In all testing of these materials, the density shall be A 700.
presumed to be 7.65 g/cm 3 in accordance with Practice A 34.
16. Test Report 19. Keywords
16.1 The manufacturer shall submit to the purchaser, as 19.1 electrical steel; grain-oriented; high permeability
A 876
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.