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Learning Module 1 PPG Lesson 1-2

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Learning module 1



Grade and Section:

Table of Contents

Part 1. Learning Module Standard…………………………………………………………….4

Content Standard

Performance Standard

Most Essential Learning Competencies


Part II. Lesson Exploration……………………………………………………………………4

Lesson 1: Politics, Political Science, Government and Governance

Lesson 2: Political Ideologies

Part III. Assessment Tasks……………………………………………………………………23

Venn Diagram

Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizer

Part IV. Internet Links…………………………………………………………………………27


Guidelines in using this Module

Dear SHS learners,

Good day! I wish you all safe in the comfort in your own houses with people closest to your
As you are well aware of our current public health crisis due to COVID 19 Pandemic, we cannot
afford to take chances and have a face to face discussions of topics in our subject Philippine Politics
and Governance. As such, please allow me to navigate you to each part of the module.
Part I. Learning Module Standard
This part contains the module overview about the standards that learners must meet. Clearly
shown in this section is the alignment of content standards, performance standards and the most
essential learning competencies. The duration of the lessons and the completion of different learning
and assessment tasks are also provided.
Remember, this module is designed for you to work on your own but that does mean that you
can hop from one lesson/topic to another freely. Assess yourself first if you are ready to proceed to the
next lesson/topic or not.

Part II. Lesson Exploration

This section of the module presents discussion and lecturette about the lesson. It also provides
activities that will help you arrive at the desired understanding of the concepts.

Part III. Assessment Tasks

These are your deliverables as culmination of this module. You are expected to demonstrate
your learnings about the concepts of the topics being discussed.

Part IV. Internet Link/References

The links provided here are the references from the internet. It also includes here the
references from the book.


Part I. Learning Module Standard

Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of

politics, political science, government
governance, and political ideologies,
Performance Standard The learners should clearly identify a specific
political phenomenon and
how it can be studied
Most Essential Learning 1. Explain the concept, relationship and importance of
Competencies politics, governance and government.
(MELC) 2. Differentiate the political ideologies.
Duration Week 1-Week 3

Part II. Lesson Exploration

Before we proceed to the lesson let’s have pre-test to assess your knowledge about the
different activities which are related to Politics.


Topic: What does it mean to be political?

Which of the following actions do u think are political or are not political? Explain why or why
not. Please put a check (/) if the action is political and a cross mark(x) if it is not.

Please write Please indicate your reasons

 or X why you think these actions are
political or are not political.
Watching the “Games of
Thrones” on the big screen.

Joining a protest rally


Swimming at the beach

A traffic enforcer issuing a

traffic violation ticket

The Philippines government

filing an arbitration case against

Having a haircut

Voting in a national Election

Signing up for a Facebook


Processing Questions:
Can you identify any common patterns or trends among those activities you identified as political and
those which are not? Do these patterns or trends highlight issues, personalities, duties and functions,
rights and entitlements, institutions, or processes? Explain your answer.

Lesson 1
Politics, Political Science, Government and Governance


Some individuals would usually link politics to corrupt politicians and an ineffective
government. This skeptic view of and the disinterest to study politics are ever present. But politics is
more than just about these problems of government officials and their inefficiency. Politics also
involves relationships in everyday life-in the family, in schools, in the streets, and even the most
personal relations. In a typical Filipino family, for instance, power determines who gets what, when,
and how (Laswell 1936). Likewise, the question of who decides for the family is by itself a function of
In this lesson, you will be able to:
 define politics
 identify the various views on politics
 differentiate politics from political science
 know the importance of Politics

S  The word “politics” comes from the Greek word “polis” which means “city-state. “In the ancient
world, city-states are small countries regarded as center of culture and civilization where people
interact under a unified government. What transpires in polis is politics. The origin of the word
therefore suggests that politics is a term encompassing the totality of human activities transpiring
within the city-state. As it is applied now, it denotes everything that transpires in the state as well
as among states.

 Politics- the heart of Political Science. It is the activity of people where they create, preserve,
and amend laws under which they live.

Table 1. The Different Views on Politics

Views on Politics:
Politics as. . .
Description of Politics
“art of government”
Politics concerns the affairs of the state. It
focuses on the personnel and machinery of the
“public affairs”
Politics is the conduct and management of public
interest and, therefore, political affairs.
“compromise and consensus”
Politics attempts to resolve conflict through
discussion, compromise, bargain, and consensus,
wherein people arrive at a binding decision.
“power and the distribution of
Politics involves theViews
exercise of authority in the
on Politics: Description 6
 Heywood (2013) defined politics as an activity that involves the interaction of people, whose
relationship is characterized by conflict and cooperation, and who come together to solve such
disagreements through binding solutions. However, politics cannot be considered a “one –size-
fits-all,” “straight jacket” in seeking solutions to social ills. There are disagreements that remain
as such.
 The study of politics involves two levels of human interactions within a community. Politics is
experienced through personal relationships with the family, friends, and school. It is also
evident when the government administers social policies to achieve social order among
individual interactions

 The study of politics concerns the life of every individual in the community. The individual is
affected by policies and rules created and implemented by the government and other people,
and also in making decisions in life. The value of politics is embedded in the way the individual
conducts his/her daily life.

 This leads to the concept that Politics indeed could also be viewed as a social activity-there is
always an interaction between and among the members of the society to resolve disagreement
and conflict to attain common solutions


It is very important to care about politics because you should know what is going on around
you. Also, it is important to have a say in what is going on around you. The political decisions people
make will affect many lives. Many people see politics as the government and the laws being made,
and that is true, but it is way more complicated than that. Every law that is made will impact many.
Sometimes the decisions will affect people in a bad way. Every vote that you make will either break
people or make people.

 One reason you should care about politics is because you should always know what is going on
around you. For example, if a new law is made is made in your area, you might want to make
sure that you and the people around you know that a new law has been made so that no one
breaks the law without even knowing it. Also, if something dangerous is happening around you
or someone you know, you want to be aware if someone is breaking the law. It is very important
to know what is happening around you.

 Another reason you should care about politics is because you should have a say in what will
happen. Everyone should have a say in what will happen, because we all live side by side with
each other, and it would not be fair if someone was left out. Also, each vote makes a difference
in the ways that we live. It is always important to to share your opinion. The way you vote will
affect many people, and their everyday life.

 Finally, you should care about politics because the decisions people make will affect many
lives. For example, if someone wanted to build on land, it might be good for the people who
worked in the area, but residents who lived nearby and loved the land and relied on the land for
water and food, might be devastated. Sometimes things that sound like good ideas might be
very devastating later.


 Political Science is a social science discipline that explains the state and government. It is the
systematic study of governance by the application of empirical and generally scientific methods
of analysis. As traditionally defined and studied, political science examines the state and its
organ and institutions. It focuses on the theory and practice of government and politics at the
local, state, national and international levels. It also seeks to analyze and predict critical issues
that affect our lives every day, including globalization, terrorism, climate change, civil rights and

 Political Science is the study of politics and power from domestic, international, and
comparative perspectives. It entails understanding political ideas, ideologies, institutions,
policies, processes and behaviour.


1. In politics, administrator or the locals can easily participate in politics whereas the political
science field is many made up of political doctors and academics.

2. Political science mainly involves the learning of new political patterns and observing those
patterns overtime whereas politics has the main aim of igniting the masses with the aim of
raising the living standards of the citizen.

3. Whereas politics mainly is the affair of the country with the aspect of governance, political
science on the other hand studies these aspects of governance and finds a way of proving
theoretical that facilitates the understanding of this aspect of governance.

4. The political main deal with the masses (People) problems with the aim of solving these
problems through the attainment of power while political science deals with improving the
structures and practices of the political organizations.

5. Politics is an art and anyone is free to participate thus making it a social activity while political
science is the social science that is involved in learning the behavior and patterns of political

6. The location of application of politics in country wide and it varies from country to country,
region to region but in the case of political science it happens all over the universe and the
principle or rule of engagement are constant and they don’t vary.

*visit https://keydifferences.com/difference-between-political-science-and-politics.html for more

What have you learned so far?

1. What is your understanding of the concept of Politics? Why do we study Politics?


2. How does an individual manifest politics when he or she interacts with others?

3. What is the role of Political Science in Politics?


Activity 1: Study the following pictures. How do you think is politics manifested, characterized, or
symbolized in each of these illustrations? Write your answers on the box provided.

 The government is an instrument of the state through which the will of the people is
expressed, carried out, and formulated. Thus, the government serves as the bridge that
connects the people to the state. It is the term generally used to describe the formal
institutions through which a group of people is ruled or governed. The term extends to
include the persons and organizations that make, enforce, and apply political decisions for a
society (Mendoza, 1999).
 Government is the medium through which the power of the state is employed. On the other
hand, good governance arises when the government involves the people in its agenda and
in the process of policy making.
 Government is a group of people who rule or run the administration of a country. It may be
said that a government is the body of representatives that governs and control the state at a
given time.
 Governance may also mean how well the government performs its functions (e.g., delivery
of basic services.) Accordingly, governance is a set of decisions and processes made to
reflect social expectations through the management or leadership of the government
(Fasenfest, 2010).
 Governance is an innovative and ideal product of reforming modern states. It requires the
interaction among the government, civic organizations, and citizens in managing the public
arena. The government should not be left alone in assuring the achievement of human
 Governance was defined as the “process of decision making, and the process which
decisions are implemented (or not implemented)”
 Good governance assures that corruption is minimized, the views of minorities are taken
into account and that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in decision-
making. It is also responsive to the present and future needs of society.

 Participation-as one of the aspects of good governance, by both men and women, must
partake directly or indirectly (having a representative) in every governmental process.
This is because participation is an essential cornerstone of good governance.

 Rule of Law- means to say that governance manifested through the impartiality of fair
legal framework such as the promotion of a full protection of human rights and dignity
especially those members of minorities.

 Transparency- means that decision was taken, and their enforcement are done in a
manner that follows rules and regulations. It also means that information is freely
available and directly accessible to those who will be affected by such decisions and their
enforcement. It also means that enough information is provided in easily understandable
forms and media.

 Responsiveness-good governance requires that institutions and processes try to serve all
stakeholders with a reasonable timeframe

 Consensus oriented – good governance requires mediation of the different interests in

society to reach a broad consensus in society on what is in the best interest of the whole
community and how this can be achieved. It also requires a broad and long-term
perspective on what is needed for sustainable human development and how to achieve
the goals of such development.

 Effectiveness and Efficiency- good governance means that processes and institutions
produce results that meet the needs of society while making the best use of resources at
their disposal. The concept of efficiency in the context of good governance also covers
the sustainable use of natural resources and the protection of the environment.

 Accountability-is crucial requirement for good governance. Not only governmental

institutions but also the private sector and civil society organizations must be accountable
to the public and their institutional stakeholders

What have you learned so

1. What is your understanding of the concept of government and governance?


2. Explain the relationship of government and governance.
3. Explain the importance of government in your own words.

Activity 2: Read and analyze the article titled “The Philippines’ Pandemic Response: A Tragedy of
Errors.” by Michael Beltran at https://thediplomat.com/2020/05/the-philippines-pandemic-
response-tragedy-of-errors/ ,then answer the following questions.

1. Based on the article, what are the responses of our Philippine government towards
COVID-19 Pandemic?
2. Do you think that the government is doing their duties and responsibilities enough, to help
the people who’s been affected by this crisis? Justify your answer.

3.If you have an important role in the government, how would you maintain consistency and
competence in dealing the current health issue in the Philippines in order to provide a
satisfactory service to the Filipino people?

4. As a student, do you think our government has a good system of governance? Why? Why

Lesson 2
Political Ideologies

You have learned in the previous lesson that politics is a social activity through which
people make and amend the general rules that guide their political life. As a phenomenon, politics
is studied using different theoretical perspectives. The connection between political theory and
practice is established by ideologies, among many others.

Following Aristotle contention that man is by nature a political animal, all individuals are, in
essence, political thinkers. Have you heard your parents express their opinions on an issue of
political relevance? How about you? Have you noticed that individuals use political ideas and
concepts when they share their opinions or whenever they speak their mind? This lesson
explores these ideas from the perspective of major political ideologies.

Are you Liberal or Conservative or somewhere in between? Take the quiz below to find out
at which point in the political spectrum you are more oriented to. Give yourself a score of one (1)
point if you agree, and a score of zero (0) if you disagree with each of statements. If you are
uncertain with your answer, then choose what comes closest to your view.

The quiz was adopted from the “Political Typology Quiz” by the Pew Research Centre but
was modified to apply to the Philippine socio-political context. The full Political Typology Quiz can
be accessed online through the link http://www.people-press.org/quiz/political-typology/ The
interpretation of scores for the quiz below is not based on any known or used scale.

Political Typology Quiz

The government must regulate business to protect public interest
Government regulation causes more harm than good
Most people can succeed if they work hard
Hard work does not guarantee success in life
This country should do whatever it takes to protect the environment
The use of military force is the best way to protect the environment
Reliance on the use of military force to defeat terrorism causes hatred that
leads to more terrorism
Homosexuality should be accepted by society
Homosexuality should be discouraged by society
Filipinos are naturally independent and hardworking
Filipinos need government support to succeed in life
Discrimination against women leads to injustice in society
Women are to be blamed for their situation in society
Business corporations in the country make too much profit
The government provides sufficient social services
The government is inadequate in providing social services
Government must intervene for population control
Government must let couple decide on how many children they want
The government is always underrated for its performance
Our country has made the changes needed to promote and protect the rights
of members of the LGBT community
Our country needs to do more to promote and protect LGBT rights

For the purpose of the quiz, the higher your score, the more Total
conservative you are; the lower your score, the more liberal
you are.

The Nature of Political Ideology
 An ideology is more or less a coherent set of ideas that direct or organize a specific political
action (Heywood 2013). It consists of belief and value systems, a discussion of existing
power relationships, an exploration of how political change is achieved in line with these
power relations, and an illustration of a desired future.
 A political ideology is a certain set of ethical ideals, principles, doctrines, myths or symbols
of a social movement, institution, class or large group that explains how society should work
and offers some political and cultural blueprint for a certain social order .
The following are several definitions of political ideology according to Heywood (2013).
 A political belief system
 An action-oriented set of political ideas
 The world-view of a particular social class or social group
 Political ideas that embody or articulate class or social interests.
 Ideas that situated the individual within a social context and generate a sense of collective
 An abstract and highly systematic set of political ideas.

What have you learned so

1. What is your understanding of the concept of Political ideology?


2. What are your political values, beliefs, and perceptions? Do they always influence your
social behavior? Explain.

3. What role(s) do political ideologies play in the realm of politics?


Table 2: Different Ideologies and their Perspective on the State

Political Ideologies Perspective on the State

 Anarchists oppose the state and advocate for the
abolition of its accompanying institutions of
government and law believing that a more natural
and spontaneous social order will develop.
 For them, the state is evil and oppressive in its own
Anarchism right and therefore should be overthrown.
 Their opposition to the state and all its
accompanying institutions and laws explains why
anarchists do not engage in conventional,
representative politics. Rather, anarchists prefer
direct action from passive resistance to terrorism
which are usually outside the constitutional and
legal framework.
 Watch https://youtu.be/JMO_0pfm2_c for more
information about anarchy
 A central tenet of socialism is collectivism, that is
belief in “the capacity of human beings for collective
action, their willingness and ability to pursue goals
by working together, as opposed to striving for
personal interest” (Heywood 2003, 108).
Socialism  Has contrasting views of the state.
 Other socialists, however, regard the state as an
embodiment of the common good and thus approve
of interventionism in either its social-democratic or
state-collectivist form.
 Watch https://you.tube/OBYmeLBjel for more
information about socialism
 Liberals favour openness, debate, and self-
 They are marked by their belief in the supreme
importance of the individual and their commitment to
individual freedom.
Liberalism  Sees the state as a neutral arbiter among competing
interests and groups in society, a vital guarantee of
social order.
 While classical liberal treat the state as a necessary
evil and extol the virtues of a minimal or
nightwatchman state, modern liberals recognize the
state’s positive role in widening freedom and
promoting equal opportunities.
 Watch https://youtu.be/Fla35LlpqAc for more
information about liberalism

 Conservatives emphasize tradition, hierarchy, and

 Conservatives believe in the importance of social
order, and are suspicious of the attractions of liberty.
Conservatism  The laws are needed to preserve social order but
not to uphold liberty.
 Links the state to the need to provide authority and
discipline and to protect society from chaos and
disorder, hence, their traditional preference for a
strong state.
 Watch https://youtu.be/OCrxD19DHA8 for more
information about conservatism

 Fascists are “anti-rational, anti-liberal, anti-

conservative, anti-capitalist, anti-bourgeois, anti-
communist, and so on” (Heywood 2003,219).
 Rejecting as well equality, fascists are deeply elitist
and fiercely patriarchal.
 Particularly in the Italian tradition, sees the state as
a supreme ethical ideal, reflecting the
Fascism undifferentiated interests of the national community,
hence their belief in totalitarianism.
 The Nazis, however, saw the state more as a vessel
that contains, or tool that serves the race or nation.
 Authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by
dictatorial power.
 Total control of society and people by the state
called totalitarianism
 Watch https://youtu.be/aUcYU95kCAI for more
information about fascism

What have you learned so far?

1. What is your understanding of the following political ideology; Anarchism, Socialism,

Liberalism, Conservatism, and Fascism?

2. Which among these political ideologies do you think is the most dominant in the Philippine

3. How can political ideologies contribute to the social development of the Philippines?

Ideologies and the Philippine Society
 According to Buendia (1992) ideologies are critical in a country’s political life as they make
and unmake regimes and governments
 He continued, in the Philippines, ideologies remain to be sharpened and fashioned to the
country’s needs and demands for development. Many of the solutions proposed by
various ideologies are shaped by the way the national problems are defined or seen.
 While the larger portion of the Philippine Society is not motivated by any ideology, several
groups, political parties, and sections of the country espouse certain ideologies
 As Buendia (1992) claimed, these organizations and their ideologies continue to compete
in offering solutions and programs of government to respond to the nation’s problems.

Activity 3: Identify the political ideology of the following presidents in the Philippines; defend why
they advocate these types of ideologies and how their ideology influenced our country during
their presidency. Write your answers on the box provided.
*visit the internet and search for the ideology of these presidents. Write the links of your
references below the box.

Rodrigo Duterte
Rodrigo Duterte

Ferdinand Marcos

Benigno Aquino III

Activity 4. If you would be given a chance to be the next president of our country, what
would be your political ideology and why? Defend your answer.


Activity 4. Identify at least 5 political phenomena which make it as an issue or problem in the
Philippine society. Choose one issue only for writing the case study. Find an article in the internet
which discusses the nature of the problem which you will write to the template below. Provide the
best solution and write your own recommendation. You SHOULD write the link of your references.

What is a case study?

 . A case study is a research methodology that has commonly used in social sciences.
 Case studies are based on an in-depth investigation of a single individual, group or event to
explore the causes of underlying principles


NAME OF THE ISSUES (at least 5 but choose one only for your case study)


INTRODUCTION -an introduction is the part where you introduce the main issue (your chosen
issue) Formulate and introduce your statement and elaborate it at least 7-10 sentences)

DISCUSSION -discuss and describe the issue you have identified in the introduction part
and provide a brief analysis of this issue. The analysis of the issue should be supported by
proper evidence and facts.

SOLUTION (select for the best solution)

RECOMMENDATION (this is your own *Write the links/references here

recommendation in the issue)

Part III. Assessment Tasks

A. Using the Venn diagram, show the similarities and differences between Politics and Political Science.
Refer to the rubric on the next page of this paper. (20 pts).

Politics Political Science

B. Using the Venn diagram, show the similarities and differences between Government and Governance.
Refer to the rubric on the next page of this paper. (20pts)

Government Governance

Rubric: Venn Diagram

Category 5 4 3 2
Chooses Selected important Selected Selected Selects
appropriate features or characteristics characteristics characteristics
characteristics attributes that that provided that provided for a that are not
for comparison. provided insight for a partial comparison important or
into the composers meaningful of the composers. don’t lead to
being compared. comparison. Details may be insightful
vague or general conclusions.
rather than Details may be
detailed. vague, general,
or non-existent
rather than
Placement of All statements Most Some of the Few or no
statements noting similarities statements statements are statements are
within the Venn are placed in the are placed in placed in the placed in the
diagram center circle and all the correct correct circle, but correct circle.
statements that circle, but mixed up many
note differences mixed up a statements.
are placed in the few
correct outer circle. statements.

Using the Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizer, differentiate the 5 political ideologies. Refer to the
rubric below (20pts)

Rubric: Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizer

5 4 3 2
Evidence of Graphic organizer Graphic Graphic organizer Graphic
Writing Process is complete, neat organizer is is not complete. organizer is not
and organized complete, but Effort put forth, but complete. No
missing more than ¼ of the effort put forth to
follow up organizer missing write down
information. information needed
Details and Appropriate details Details and General Details and
Examples and examples Examples statements examples are
support every support most unsupported, missing. Citation
statement. Citation of the some details and chart is missing
chart complete. statements. examples are
Citation Chart inappropriate.
mostly Citation Chart is
complete almost complete

Liberalism Conservatism

How are they alike?


How are they different?

__________________________________ _________________________________________
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Fascism Socialism

How are they alike


How are they different?

__________________________________ __________________________________
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__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
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__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________

Part IV. Internet Links/References

Internet Links
The Concept of Politics and Governance and Political Ideologies
Government, Governance and Governing
Importance of Politics
Mendoza, D., Melegrito, M.,and Mactal, R. (2016) Politics Without Borders. Quezon City,
Philippines: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Tabajen, R., and Pulma, E. (2016) Philippine Politics and Governnance. Pasay City,
Philippines: JFS Publishing Services.

“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by
your inferiors”

Congratulations! You did a great job. You just finished module 1. Rest and relax for
a while then we will move on to the next lesson.

Prepared by: Shaena Ellain D. Bondad, LPT


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