Base Plate
Base Plate
Base Plate
Anchorage Design:
Diameter = 0.01905 m
Type = Headed Stud
Embed = 0.3048 m
Fy = 248211 kPa
Fu = 399896 kPa
Concrete Design:
F'c = 27579 kPa
Cracking = Yes
Steel Specification:
AISC 360-16
Concrete Specification:
ACI 318-14
Analysis Method:
AISC Design Guide One
AnchorageTension -
Steel Strength - - -
Concrete Breakout - - -
Concrete Pullout - - -
Concrete Blowout - - -
Anchorage Shear 1
Steel Strength -160 kN 148.24 kN 1.079
Concrete Breakout 40 kN 3.7598 kN 10.639
Concrete Pryout 160 kN 132.26 kN 1.210
Anchorage Interaction 1 - - 10.639
Anchorage Detailing - - - OK
Plate Detailing - - - OK
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= 15237 kPa
N direction:
= 0.12758 m vs. eN = -0.0635 m
B direction:
= 0.12758 m vs. eB = 0 m
Axial Compression with a Small Moment in the strong direction.
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Base Plate w/ Small Strong-Axis Moment (AISC Design Guide #1, Section 3.3)
Load Set: Load Set 1
Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
B = 0.4826 m
N = 0.4826 m
Bearing Demand
Y = N - 2*eN = 0.4826 m - 2.0 * 0.0635 m = 0.3556 m (equations 3.3.8)
Bending Demand
Column Depth, d = 0.32258 m
Column Width, b = 0.30988 m
Depth Reduction Factor, a = 0.95 (sect 3.1.3)
Base Plate under a small moment
Width Reduction Factor, g = 0.8 (sect 3.1.3) about the strong axis
= 0.08807 m
= 0.11735 m
Since Y ≥ m
Bending & bearing lengths as defined in
= 9745.9 kPa * (0.08807 m)^2.0 / 2.0 = 37.8 kN- DG #1. This is an example of negative
m/m strong-axis bending.
Mu = 67.104 kN-m/m
= 15238 kPa
f = 0.65
Support Strength, f'c = 27579 kPa
Loaded Area, A1 = 0.2329 m^2
Support Area, A2 = 0.23291 m^2
(The largest area contained on the support that is geometrically similar to and concentric with
the loaded area)
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Anchorage Design
Interaction (ACI 318-14 17.6)
LoadSet: Load Set 1
Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Demand: Vux = 0 kN Vuy = -160 kN Tu = 0 kN
Capacity: fVnx = >1.0E20 fVny = 15.039 kN fTn = >1.0E20
X Interaction
Vux/fVnx = 0 Tu/fTn = 0
Equation 17.6.1 governs, Interaction Value = 0
Y Interaction
Vuy/fVny = 10.639 Tu/fTn = 0
Equation 17.6.2 governs, Interaction Value = 10.639
Unity = 10.639
Note: Software does not consider interaction between shears in x and y directions. This check is left to the discretion of
the user.
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= 7.3115 kN = 7.1615 kN
Vb = 7.1615 kN
f = 0.70 Condition B
Avc = 0.00968 m^2
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= 0.01161 m^2
Ca2,min = 0.0508 m
Shear Eccentricity, e'v = 0
= 3.7598 kN
Vu = -40 kN
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Controlling Anchor: A2
Load Set: Load Set 1
Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
hef = 0.3048 m
See if anchor is close to 3 or more edges ( True
hef' = Ca,max / 1.5 = 0.4318 m / 1.5 = 0.28787 m
Anc = 0.2329 m^2
= 9.0 * 0.28787 m ^ 2.0 = 0.7458 m^2
f = 0.70 Condition B
fVcp = 82.814 kN, Vu = -40 kN, Unity = -40 kN / 82.814 kN = 0.483
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Ncbg Calculations
Ncbg = 94.472 kN
Vcpg Calculations
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Load Legend
Load Key Load Set Load Combination
0 Load Set 1 1.4D
1 Load Set 1 1.2D + 1.6L
2 Load Set 1 1.2D + 0.5L
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Applied Loads
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Load Set Load Case
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN-m) (kN-m)
0 0 -444.82 28.246 0 Load Set 1 D
0 -100 -711.72 45.193 0 Load Set 1 L
Load Combinations
Code Name Effective Equation
Custom Combination 1. 1.4D (custom) 1.4D
Custom Combination 2. 1.2D+1.6L+0.5Lr (custom) 1.2D + 1.6L
Custom Combination 3. 1.2D+1.6Lr+L (custom) 1.2D + 0.5L
Design Loads
Load Fxu Fyu Fzu Mxu Myu
Key (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN-m) (kN-m)
0 0 0 -622.75 39.545 0
1 0 -160 -1672.5 106.2 0
2 0 -50 -889.64 56.492 0
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Plate Bending
Load Mu Fy t Width ϕ ϕMn Unity
Key (kN-m) (kPa) (m) (m) (kN-m)
1 1.7044 248211 0.0381 0.0254 0.90 2.0591 0.828
Concrete Bearing
Load fpu f'c A1 A2 ϕ ϕfpn Unity
Key (kPa) (kPa) (m^2) (m^2) (kPa)
1 9745.9 27579 0.2329 0.23291 0.65 15238 0.640
Bolt Forces
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Bolt Tension
Load Tu BoltCount futa Ase ϕ ϕNsag Unity
Key (kN) (kPa) (m^2) (kN)
No Bolt Tension results exist.
Tension Pullout
Load Tu BoltCount ψe ψc,P Np ϕ ϕNpn Unity
Key (kN) (kN) (kN)
No Tension Pullout results exist.
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Bolt Shear
Load Vu BoltCount ψbolt ψgrout Ase futa ϕ ϕVsag Unity
Key (kN) (m^2) (kPa) (kN)
1 -160 2 1.0 1.0 0.00029 399896 0.65 148.24 1.079
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Anchorage Interaction
Load Vux ϕVnx Vuy ϕVny Tu ϕTn Interaction Interaction Unity
Key (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) X Y
1 0 >1.0E20 -160 15.039 0 >1.0E20 0 10.639 10.639
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