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Nuclear capabilities profile

A world leader in valve design Velan AT A GLANCE

and manufacturing •• Founded in 1950
power plant, Velan has been •• Over $500 million
selected by most of the People
world’s leading engineer- •• Over 2,000 employees
ing construction firms and
Product line
industrial end users. A long- A world-leading range of
standing commitment to qual- valves across all major
ity has kept Velan at the fore- industrial applications:
front of industry standards. •• Cast steel gate, globe,
check, and ball valves
Velan holds all major •• Forged steel gate, globe,
industry certifications and check, and ball valves
approvals. Many prominent •• Triple-offset butterfly valves
companies have established •• Knife gate valves
partnerships or global supply •• Severe service valves
agreements with Velan. •• Bellows seal valves
Left to right, front row: Christian Schweiger, Nicole Asselin, A.K. and Tom Velan. •• Steam traps
Second row : Bert Nilsson, Sharon Rodriguez, and Rob Velan. Third row: Milan Quality
Istvan, and Jun Gong. Fourth row: Stan Isbitsky, Tom Lawlor, and Paul Major. A global manufacturing
All major certifications and
Fifth row: Alfredo Costantini and Dipa Patel. leader approvals
Leading the way... pulp and paper, LNG and Velan uses the latest automa- •• ASME N stamp and NPT for
tion technology, including nuclear valves (since 1971)
Velan is one of the world’s cryogenics, marine, mining,
CNC machines and many •• ISO 9001 (since 1991)
largest manufacturers of water and wastewater, and Currently certified to
HVAC industries. special-purpose transfer ISO 9001:2008
industrial steel valves, machines, enhanced by
recognized as a leader •• PED
Engineered solutions proprietary production tech- •• GOST (TR and RTN)
in quality and innovation. niques. Thanks to a wide
Velan’s Engineering Group •• API 6A and API 6D
Founded by A.K. Velan in range of equipment, we can •• TA-Luft
1950, our company leverages has vast experience,
efficiently handle highly •• Quality programs fully
advanced engineering capa- sophisticated software, and compliant with ISO-9001,
customized orders as well as
bilities and innovation to con- testing tools that enable us to NCA 4000, ASME NQA-1
large production runs.
tinuously expand our offering find solutions to any customer and 10 CFR 50 Appendix B,
of industrial valves. challenge. surveyed by ASME and
Total quality commitment audited by NUPIC, Northrop
Today, Velan gate, globe, Whether it is for valves to Grumman Newport News,
handle liquid helium at -458°F Velan is totally committed DCMA, utilities, architect/
check, ball, triple-offset, knife
(-272°C) in the world’s largest to offering products and engineers, and other
gate, and engineered severe organizations from
particle accelerator at CERN, services that exceed
service valves are installed around the world
Geneva; four-way switch customer expectations.
throughout the world, han-
coker ball valves to handle All Velan valves are designed
dling diverse applications in Headquartered in Montreal,
one of the refining industry’s and manufactured with an Velan has several
cogeneration, fossil, nuclear
toughest services; or valves emphasis on low emissions, international subsidiaries
power, oil and gas, refining
for main steam isolation ser- safety, simple maintenance, For general inquiries:
and petrochemicals, chemi-
vice in an operating nuclear ease of operation, and, Tel: +1 514 748 7743
cals and pharmaceutical,
above all, long, and reliable Fax: +1 514 748 8635
service life.
Sales offices for the nuclear power market www.velan.com

7007 Cote de Liesse 94 Avenue C 90, rue Challemel Lacour, OFFICE OFFICE
Montreal, QC Williston, VT F 69367 Lyon Cedex 7 Suite 1209, Jin yu Building 5, Yuzhnoportovaya Street
H4T 1G2 Canada 05495-9732 USA France No. 100 Xisanhuan North Road Moscow
Tel: +1 514 748 7743 Tel: +1 802 864 3350 Tel. : +33 4 78 61 67 00 Haidian District, Beijing 115088, Russia
Fax: +1 514 748 8635 Fax: +1 802 865 3030 Fax : +33 4 78 72 12 18 100048, China Tel: +7 (495) 665 62 79
Tel: +86 010 8855 7598
Fax: +86 010 8855 7597
Visit our website at www.velan.com

1 Velan reserves the right to change this information without notice. © 2013 Velan Inc. All rights reserved.
Serving the nuclear and fossil power
generation industries
With an installation base cov-
ering over 300 nuclear power
Velan’s nuclear valve product line
plants and over 4,000 thermal Gate valves
power plants, and installed NPS 1/4  – 64 (DN 8 – 1600), ASME classes 150 – 4500
valves with over 40 years of Catalogs: vel-ps, vel-sfv, vel-csv
uninterrupted nuclear service,
Velan has become a market
leader in power industry Globe valves
valves. NPS 1/4  – 24 (DN 8 – 600), ASME classes 150 – 4500
Catalogs: vel-ps, vel-sfv, vel-csv
We offer a complete line of
forged and cast steel gate,
Check valves
globe, check, ball, butterfly,
NPS 1/4  – 36 (DN 8 – 900), ASME classes 150 – 2500
and bellows seal valves Catalogs: vel-ps, vel-sfv, vel-csv, vel-DPcv
in sizes up to NPS 64
(DN 1600), with or without
electric or pneumatic Y-pattern valves
actuators. Velan valves NPS 3/8 – 4 (DN 15-100), ASME classes 1690 – 4500
Catalogs: vel-KGV
are designed specifically
for reliable, low fugitive A Velan bolted bonnet valve in a
emissions service in power PHT transfer system. Metal-and resilient-seated ball valves
plant applications. NPS 1/4  – 24 (DN 8 – 600), ASME classes 150 – 4500
seats, capable of handling Catalogs: Vel-bv, vel-ms, vel-pbv, vel-te, VEL-GPBV
Velan valves represent over applications to ASME Class
fifty years of evolutionary 4500, including a new power
improvements that have ball valve design that fea-
Torqseal™ triple-offset valves
helped us perfect our designs. NPS 3 – 48 (DN 80 – 1200), ASME classes 150 – 600
tures a forged body, available Catalogs: vel-bf
Central to Velan’s power in sizes up to NPS 4 (DN 100).
valve technology is our use
of rugged forged valve bodies Furthermore, Velan offers a Proquip dual-plate check valves
offering greater strength and variety of engineered valves NPS 2 – 60 (DN 50 – 1500), ASME classes 150 – 2500
longer service life. for special services in nucle- Catalogs: vel-DPcv
ar power plants, including
Another key feature of Velan bellows seal gate and globe
valves is our emphasis on valves, main steam isolation Bellows seal valves
simple maintenance, such as NPS 1/2 -12 (DN 15-300), ASME classes 150-2500
valves, valves for sodium-
Catalogs: vel-BS
y-pattern bonnetless globe cooled fast breeder reactors,
valves with in-line replace- and engineered valves for
able packing glands, or our uranium enrichment. Main steam isolation valves
RAMA globe valve with in-line NPS 6-34 (DN 150-850), ASME classes 600-900
replaceable seat. Velan’s vast offering of valves Product Catalogs: vel-ps
is well positioned for high
Velan also manufactures ball performance in virtually every
valves, with metal or resilient nuclear power application. Steam traps
0 – 2600 psi (179 bar), 1,100ºF (593ºC)
Catalogs: vel-st

With 1,476,426 sq. ft. (137,163m2)of

production space in fourteen specialized
manufacturing plants, Velan is a true
global manufacturing force.
One of Velan’s three production centers with ASME ‘N’ stamp credentials, this
plant in Montreal, Canada houses 170,000 sq. ft. (15,800 m2) of production space
devoted to manufacturing Velan’s most sophisticated valves.

Velan reserves the right to change this information without notice. © 2013 Velan Inc. All rights reserved. 2
Velan in nuclear power:
a historical perspective
standards in the seventies
through a cooperative,
developmental program
including qualification testing
with Électricité de France
at their R & D facility in

The 70s
In 1971, Velan became the
first valve manufacturer to
earn an ASME N stamp for
nuclear valves.

A Velan nuclear valve catalog in Velan Rateau, a 50/50 joint

the 1970s promotes forged valves venture with GEC Alsthom,
for nuclear service. was established in 1974 to
with pre-compressed packing help Velan produce and
rings and live-loading; service valves for France’s
leakproof body-bonnet joints, growing nuclear industry.
including stronger body-
bonnet flanges with higher The 80s
bolting torques; and the use
The company expanded in
of forged bodies for valves
1989, with the acquisition of
as large as NPS 24 (DN 600)
the French company Serseg,
for greater structural integrity
Schlumberger’s nuclear
and increased resistance to
Velan supplied the first contract for nuclear bellows seal valves in 1958. and high performance valve
fatigue–a feature that is still
division, and again in 1999,
The nuclear pioneer unique to Velan today.
designed the first emission- with the acquisition of
Our involvement in nuclear free bellows seal valves for We raised our valve Bouvier-Darling.
energy goes back to the fifties, nuclear service and supplied technology to even higher
suppling valves for experi- 8,500 to Oak Ridge National
mental reactors that were Laboratory’s research reactor.
precursors to the Navy and
commercial nuclear programs.
To date, Velan valves have The 60s
been installed on more than In the sixties, Atomic Energy
950 U.S. Navy and NATO ships, of Canada and Velan engaged
submarines and all U.S. Navy in a cooperative development
nuclear aircraft carriers. program to establish new
levels of safety, reliability
The 50s and maintainability of nuclear
Velan pioneered many valve valves and electric actuators.
technology innovations that Developments that came
later became industry stan- from this initiative included: a Velan on the first nuclear submarine, “Nautilus”, now a sanctuary for early
dards. For example, Velan redesigned packing chamber Velan valves at the Groton, Connecticut naval base.

Milestones: 1950 1956 1958 1971 1974 1978

Velan in the A.K. Velan Stainless steel Velan supplies 8,500 Velan received Joint venutre New Velan
Nuclear founded Velan bellows seal globe bellows seal valves as a company in France with plant
Power Industry. Engineering. valves to A.E.C. to the Oakridge the 1st nuclear Alstom, to focus established
Westinghouse for nuclear fuel “N” stamp. on nuclear in U.S.A.,
the 1st nuclear enrichment plant. industry. Williston, VT.
submarine, Nautilus.

3 Velan reserves the right to change this information without notice. © 2013 Velan Inc. All rights reserved.
A wide range of valves acts as a continuous packing,
Velan remains committed to thereby ensuring a perfect
providing new solutions for level of tightness.
an ever-evolving industry. Global reach
Our triple-offset Torqseal™
Today, Velan’s global reach
valve, introduced in 2001,
make us the ideal choice for
has consistently proved its
supplying nuclear valves to
value in nuclear service.
the industry. With four state-
The company further of-the-art manufacturing
strengthened its position in centers certified for nuclear
2007 with the acquisition of a valve production, and over
majority interest in Segault, 100 people in engineering,
a major supplier to plants as QA/QC, and customer service
well as the French nuclear functions, we are ready to
navy. These acquisitions handle the requirements of
added many new products to the most demanding nuclear
the Velan nuclear valve line, orders.
including instrumentation Velan valves in a cooperative program for qualification testing with Électricité
Our international sales de France at their R & D facility in Renardière.
valves, solenoid valves, and
organization and partnerships
safety valves.
with key stocking distributors
Velan has also developed a such as Areva-NP Inc.,
range of valves for sodium- ensure that substantial
cooled fast breeder reactors, amounts of valves and
in which the fluid itself is parts are readily available.
used to perform the seal. Areva-NP Inc. stocks Velan
During this process, liquid ASME III Class 1 small forged
sodium is cooled in the upper gate, globe, and check valves;
part of the cover extension to they are also embarking on Mr. A.K. Velan was presented with a framed illustration of this next-
freeze along the upper part of a ball valve and bellow seal generation USS Gerald R. Ford-class nuclear aircraft carrier by Northrop
the stem; the frozen sodium program. Grumman Newport News in honor of “his dedication to supporting the
construction of our nation’s warships.”

Velan’s North American and installed on all U.S. Navy

European service departments and French nuclear aircraft
have vast experience working carriers and 37 U.S. and 22
with customers in the nuclear French nuclear submarines
industry, for on-site mainte- (of which five are under
nance, or many other services. construction).
Currently, Velan nuclear valves
have been installed or are on
order in well over 300 nuclear
power stations in 27 countries.
The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, one of several nuclear-powered Nimitz-class Velan nuclear valves are also
aircraft carriers standardized on Velan valves and steam traps.

1979 1984 1991 1996 2004 2007 2010

Velan ERV Velan patents Velan is Velan becomes A.K. Velan was Acquisition of Expansion in France
block valve unique Y-pattern first North a publically named Nuclear majority interest of plant and equip-
prevents bonnetless globe American valve traded company, Valve Pioneer in Segault, a major ment, specializing
3-Mile Island valve design. manufacturer to listed on the by Valve World supplier of nuclear in nuclear valve
meltdown obtain ISO 9001. Toronto Stock (Maastricht, Holland) . control valves. production.
catastrophe. Exchange.

Velan reserves the right to change this information without notice. © 2013 Velan Inc. All rights reserved. 4
Velan quality focus assures
performance and safety
Furthermore, Velan’s
comprehensive Quality
Assurance Program is fully
compliant with NCA 4000,
ASME NQA-1 and 10 CFR 50
Appendix B. Velan’s nuclear
quality programs have been
surveyed by ASME and
audited by NUPIC, Newport
News Shipbuilding, DCMA,
nuclear utilities, and other
organizations—such as
Framatome-ANP and Black
& Veatch—from around the
world. An ASME ‘N’ certificate. Velan holds
ASME III certification for three
We have a history of North American plants.
meeting and exceeding the
Flow testing on a NPS 10 (DN 250) class 1500 forged bolted cover swing exacting requirements of our
check valve.
integrity to withstand a
customers. All Velan valves seismic event of prescribed
undergo the stringent, code- magnitude.
Quality control
prescribed non-destructive
Velan has held ASME ‘N’ products, Velan adopted a testing regimen before they A further example of Velan
and ‘NPT’ certificates of Total Quality Management are shipped to customers. nuclear valves’ superior
authorization for our North Program, aimed at improving In addition, for nuclear reliability comes from
American production facilities production processes in 1990, applications, certain valves simulated line rupture
since 1971. Constantly working and was awarded ISO 9001 also go through destructive tests. At the cost of about
to improve the quality of our status the following year. testing in order to prove $500,000, a major North
the performance of the American utility carried out
product line. closure tests on a Velan
forged NPS 8 (DN 200) ASME
To meet a particular Class 1500, fast-closing
customer’s needs, a NPS 20 (20 seconds) electrically
(DN 500) Velan ANSI 1500 actuated isolation valve to
fast operating main steam simulate a Loss of Coolant
gate valve was subjected to Accident (LOCA). The energy
seismic simulation test. The dissipated during each
test program consisted of discharge of 2,129,570 lb/h
hot and cold cycling, biaxial was dramatic.
resonant searches, biaxial
random multi-frequency The accompanying
testing with design nozzle vibrations caused a local
loads applied, and cold earth tremor, but the Velan
cycling tests performed valve shut off perfectly
during seismic simulation. during all sixteen closure
Eighteen uniaxial strain tests, with little wear
gauges were mounted on exhibited during subsequent
the stem, crotch and other examinations.
critical areas, and strain
data was recorded. It was
demonstrated that the
valve possessed sufficient
functional and structural
Diagnostic testing at elevated temperature.

5 Velan reserves the right to change this information without notice. © 2013 Velan Inc. All rights reserved.
MOV Qualification Test
Velan has been in the fore- In this series of tests, a Preconditioning stem factor C.O.F. Preconditioning valve factor
front of qualification test- Velan Class 900, 8”x 6”x 8” 0.16
Point of maximum thrust
(mean seat diameter)

ing for valves to address flex wedge gate valve with a

Open COF
Close COF
0.14 0.5
issues raised in the Nuclear Limitorque SMB-1-60 electric

Stem C.O.F.

Valve Factor
Regulatory Commission’s actuator was submitted to a Preconditioning 0.12
stem factor C.O.F.
Preconditioning valve factor
Generic Letter 89-10. series of inspections and 0.16
tests. Point of maximum thrust
0.1 0.6
(mean seat diameter)
Open COF
0.55 0.25
GL 89-10 required operating The loop isolation and blow-
0.14 0.08
Close COF
0.5 0.2
nuclear utilities to identify down test (shown below) was 0 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Stem C.O.F.

Valve Factor
Number of strokes Test number
critical MOV’s and re-analyze designed to demonstrate 0.12
the 0.4
the actuator’s ability to close capability of the valve to0.1iso- Two graphs from the Wyle 0.3

the valve in a “worst case” late sections of the nuclear test report results show the 0.25
0.08 0.2
design/operation condition plant in the unlikely event0of 3preconditioning
6 9stem factor
12 and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
valve factors based on the mean
as in a LOCA. In addition, a catastrophic loss of coolant Number of strokes Test number
seat diameter.
the utilities have called upon accident.
Velan to reavaluate the
The flow interruption test Valve Performance Validation by Full
ability of valves to withstand
with saturated steam (shown Differential Pressure Flow Interruption
higher operating thrust end
below) is just one segment Testing (Blowdown Testing) Procedures:
torque valves dictated by the
of a suite of tests designed to
GL 89-10 considerations. • A comprehensive pre-test inspection.
prove that the valve will close
One of the corollary actions under extreme accident con- • Static pressure stroking of valve to develop performance
initiated to assure proper ditions and to demonstrate baseline characteristics.
actuator and valve sizing resistance of the valve to • Disk and seat preconditioning.
and integrity was a MOV pressure entrapment, thermal
Qualification Test Program binding and seismic loading.
• Three full differential steam flow tests @1050 psig
and 240,000 lbm/hr flow.
that verified proper actuator/
The valve was designed and • A pressure locking test.
valve function at extreme
fabricated in accordance
design limits. • A thermal binding test.
with Velan’s ASME Nuclear
(Close hot - open cold and close cold - open hot)
As a primary supplier to Certificate of Authorization
nuclear power, Velan has and stamped per Section III, • A hot static, seismic deflection test.
participated heavily in this Class 2 requirements. Duke • Comprehensive post-test inspection.
testing, qualifying a wide Energy procured this valve to
range of MOV’s for a variety their newly developed MOV Test results in all categories surpassed requirements.
of applications in operating Specification that incorporat-
plants. ed requirements gleaned from
operating experience, the
Velan completed a com-
input of Velan design engi-
prehensive test program
neering and EPRI-PPM data.
for Duke Energy at Wyle
These valves are currently
Laboratories, the results of
installed and providing excel-
which were presented at
lent service at Duke Energy’s
the 2002 ASME/NRC Valve
Oconee Nuclear power plant.

Velan has been in the forefront of

qualification testing for valves to address
issues raised in the Nuclear Regulatory Loop isolation and blowdown test with hot pressurized water of Velan
electrically actuated NPS 8 (DN 200) Class 900 regular port loop isolation
Commission’s Generic Letter 89-10. valve. The water flashes to steam in a starburst pattern as it blows down to

Velan reserves the right to change this information without notice. © 2013 Velan Inc. All rights reserved. 6
Engineered solutions
computational fluid dynamics
and three dimensional solid Specific Engineering
modeling, help Velan design Capabilities Include:
superior quality valves that
meet the most demanding • Valve design
performance requirements. • 3-D modeling
We have two R&D facilities, • Stress analysis and
with steam boilers and finite element analysis
superheaters, flow loops and • Weak link analysis
cryogenic test stands.
In addition, we are engaged • Application engineering
in advanced research in • Flow analysis using
metal spray technology, using computational fluid
the services of independent dynamics
laboratories for abrasion,
sliding wear, bond strength • Seismic qualification
Power Ball valve heat transfer analysis.
testing, scanning electron • Thrust and torque
microscopy and x-ray calculation
Engineering diffraction.
• Actuator sizing
capabilities Velan has a longstanding • Root - cause failure
history of partnering with analysis
major Architect/Engineers
Combining over 50 years • System upgrades
and Electric Utilities to
of experience in critical
develop innovative solutions • Risk analysis
applications in the nuclear,
for their valving needs.
chemicals, oil and gas, • Custom testing and
coker and mining industries, test data analysis
Velan nuclear valves are
Velan has brought together a (NDT, x-ray review,
built to last, often having
team of over 50 professional UT testing, etc.)
gone decades with minimal
engineers who form the core
maintenance performed. • Validation of retrofit
of the Engineering Design
Velan delivers valves with Group. Advanced software changes
preinstalled thrust and torque applications, including
sensors, signal conditioners and finite element analysis,
cabling (smart stems).

Velocity Field
A. Acceleration over disc B. Deceleration of flow at stagnation point C. Vortex behind the seat D. Wake with vortices


B. D.


A computer simulation of flow through Velan Torqseal ™ triple-offset valves destined for nuclear containment isolation service.

7 Velan reserves the right to change this information without notice. © 2013 Velan Inc. All rights reserved.
Next generation
nuclear valves
Field service Specific Field Service
To address the unique, capabilities Capabilities Include:
critical application Our over 50 year history of sup-
requirements for Duke • Commissioning
ply to the nuclear industry has
Energy’s Oconee Nuclear developed our expertise in a • Troubleshooting
Power Station, Velan complete range of valve mainte- • Witness start-up
designed special NPS 1½ nance and other field services.
(DN 15) gate valves to • Forensic engineering
accommodate actuators At Velan, we take aftermarket • Process, start-up
capable of withstanding service seriously, maintain- sequence study
31,000 lbf thrust in both ing a high level commitment • Valve repair,
directions. This design to support our products in the refurbishment and
incorporates hardfaced field. Our Manager of Field upgrading
guides (wedge and body), Engineering Services supervis-
rounded leading edges of all es a staff of highly trained tech- • Sales of tooling and
seating and guiding surfaces nicians qualified to evaluate lapping equipment
(per the EPRI guidelines) and reported issues and, working
specially designed backseat, with the owner’s engineering/
seat rings, bore profile and maintenance personnel, effect
barrel style yoke. corrective action.

Duke Energy’s Dave King Our technicians are industry

wrote, “overall, the entire professionals, with years of
main steam valve replace- valve and customer service
ment project has gone well experience to draw from in
and has been a model that solving application issues that
we will follow in future may arise. Clear, compre-
replacement motor operated hensive reports are prepared
valve projects.” detailing activities and the
scope of service calls made.
A next generation gate valve Every service issue reported is
developed by Velan to meet the documented and maintained in
requirements of a major North
a database, which is periodi-
American utility.
cally reviewed to determine if
trends are evident. Keeping the
owners/ users of Velan prod- In-line seat removal and seat welding
ucts satisfied is part of the key and lapping, performed in association
to our success over the years, with global field services.
and our service group takes
pride in continuing and support-
ing that tradition of excellence.

At Velan, we take aftermarket service

seriously, maintaining a high level
commitment to support our products.
Velan used computational fluid dynamics to improve the flow characteristics
of this NPS 4 (DN 100) globe valve.

Velan reserves the right to change this information without notice. © 2013 Velan Inc. All rights reserved. 8
The leading choice
for nuclear service
Velan valves became the In countries with growing
standard for many of the nuclear programs, Velan
world’s largest nuclear continues to be a leading
energy programs, with an choice for complete nuclear
installation base that includes valve packages. Velan valves
98% of American and French were the choice for the
units, and all British and majority of South Korea’s,
Canadian units. Our valves China’s, and Taiwan’s units.
are installed in all worldwide Velan has, for example,
Candu (PHWR) stations, in enjoyed a long and mutually
a majority of PWR and BWR beneficial relationship
stations, and in many other with Korea Electric, whose
reactor types including GCR, installed nuclear capacity is
AGR, LGR, VVER, HTGR and second in Asia only to Japan.
LMFBR. From Kori 1, which began
Yonggwang nuclear power station in South Korea. Velan valves are installed operation in 1978, to the
in many of South Korea’s nuclear power stations. Overall, Velan valves have prestigious Yonggwang units
been installed or are on order 3 and 4, which were designed
in over 300 nuclear power and constructed mainly with
stations in 27 countries. domestic technology.

Nuclear valves from a package of over 5,000 valves destined for the
Taiwan Power Lungmen station.

Our valves are installed in all worldwide

Candu (PHWR) stations, in a majority of
PWR and BWR stations, and in many other
reactor types including GCR, AGR, LGR,
VVER, HTGR and LMFBR. Large-size bellows seal valves ready to be shipped to a nuclear plant in China.

9 Velan reserves the right to change this information without notice. © 2013 Velan Inc. All rights reserved.
There is no substitute
for experience
Since its founding in 1950,
Velan has worked with the nuclear
power generation industry to
innovate and improve valve
technologies for the world’s nuclear
power plants, marine propulsion,
and other steam-driven systems.

Today, Velan continues to be an integral

supplier to the industry, renowned for its
dedication to safety, reliability, and long
service life. We have delivered valves
to over 300 nuclear power stations—
representing two-thirds of the
world’s operating units.

What’s more, our forged nuclear valves

are installed in virtually every nuclear
plant in the U.S., Canada, France, Korea,
and China, and on U.S. and French Navy,
nuclear aircraft carriers, and submarines.

Velan. Quality that lasts.

+1 514 748 7743

VM nuclear 2011.indd 1 1/9/12 2:51 PM

The most comprehensive line of industrial forged and cast steel
gate, globe, check, ball, butterfly, and knife gate valves and steam traps.

ASME pressure classes 150–4500 in carbon, alloy, and stainless steel





Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, Velan has several © 2013 Velan Inc., Montreal, QC, Canada. All rights reserved. The contents hereof are confidential and
proprietary to Velan. Any unauthorized reproduction or disclosure, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.
international subsidiaries. For general inquiries: The material in this catalog is for general information only and shall not be used for specific performance data and
material selection without first consulting Velan. Velan reserves the right to change this information without notice.
Velan head office Velan does not accept any liability or damages arising from the use of information in this catalog. Velan Valves, Velan
7007 Côte de Liesse, Montreal, QC H4T 1G2 Canada Inc., Memoryseal, Securaseal, Torqseal, Proquip, Velflex, Adaxie, and RAMA are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Velan Inc. and/or another Velan company. Stellite® is a registered trademark of Kennametal Stellite, a wholly owned
Tel: +1 514 748 7743 Fax: +1 514 748 8635 subsidiary of Kennametal Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by their respective companies.

Check our website for more specific contact information.


Printed in Canada

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