UMATEX is a composites division of Rosatom. It is the largest group
of companies producing modern high-strength and high-modulus
carbon fiber, fabrics and prepregs in Russia.
UMATEX structure:
• NPK Khimprominzhiniring JSC, Moscow • Argon LLC, Balakovo, Saratov Region
Managing company, headquarters. Production of carbon fiber for various industries.
• R&D Сentre, Moscow • ZUKM LLC, Chelyabinsk
The centre is involved in the development and Production of carbon-based composites, carbon
integration of technologies to produce PAN precur- fiber reinforced plastics, heat insulating carbon
sor and carbon fiber, fabrics and prepregs. materials.
• ALABUGA-FIBRE LLC, Yelabuga • ZARYAD, Naberezhnye Chelny (JV 50/50)
State-of-the-art carbon fiber manufacturing plant. Sports equipment based on carbon composite
Production capacity is more than 1400 tonnes per year. materials.
• Prepreg-ACM JSC, Moscow • Trading House in Prague, Czech Republic
Production of a wide range of unidirectional, bidi- Carbon fiber, fabrics, prepreg sales in the EU.
rectional woven and non-woven fabrics and tapes,
• Trading House in Shanghai, China
multiaxial fabrics and prepregs.
Carbon fiber, fabrics, prepreg sales in Asia.
UMT is high-strength polyacrylonitrile (PAN) based carbon fiber. It has been developed for
use in structural composite applications in wind energy, marine, and automotive industries.
tensile tensile
product strength modulus elongation yield density
standard modulus
UMT40-3K-EP/VE 4.0 GPa 260 GPa 1.5 % 190 tex 1.77 g/cm3
UMT45-12K-EP/VE 4.5 GPa 260 GPa 1.7 % 780 tex 1.78 g/cm3
UMT49-12K-EP/VE 4.9 GPa 260 GPa 1.8 % 760 tex 1.78 g/cm3
UMT42-24K-EP/VE 4.2 GPa 260 GPa 1.5 % 1530 tex 1.78 g/cm3
UMT40-48K-EP/VE 4.0 GPa 250 GPa 1.5 % 3100 tex 1.78 g/cm3
Intermediate modulus
UMT290-12K-EP/VE 4.4 GPa 290 GPa 1,1 % 730 tex 1.74 g/cm3
high modulus
UMT400-12K-EP/VE ≥ 4.2 GPa ≥ 400 GPa ≥ 1.1 % 710 tex 1.82 g/cm3
UMT430-12K-EP/VE ≥ 4.0 GPa ≥ 430 GPa ≥ 1.0 % 710 tex 1.84 g/cm3
UMT530-12K-EP/VE ≥ 3.5 GPa ≥ 530 GPa ≥ 0.7 % 680 tex 1.92 g/cm3
areal weave thread
product weight pattern material
АСМ С160T/P 160 g/m2 twill 2/2; plain 3K
АСМ С200T/P 200 g/m2 twill 2/2; plain 3K
АСМ С240T/P 240 g/m 2
twill 2/2; plain 3K
АСМ С270T/P 270 g/m 2
twill 2/2; plain 3K
АСМ С300T/P 300 g/m 2
twill 2/2; plain 3K
Balanced Woven Fabrics
Standard fabric width: 1250 mm. АСМ С400Т/P 400 g/m 2
twill 2/2; plain 12K
Resin compatibility: EP/VE.
Custom width range: 300—1600 mm АСМ С450T/P 450 g/m2 twill 2/2; plain 12K
АСМ С600T/P 600 g/m2 twill 2/2; plain 12K
АСМ С800T/P 800 g/m 2
twill 2/2; plain 24K
Standard fabric width 1000 mm. Custom width range: 50 to 1600 mm.
UMATEX prepregs — are intermediate composite materials. Prepregs are obtained
by impregnation of reinforcing fibrous base with evenly distributed polymer resin sys-
tems. Impregnation method used ensures achieving maximum physical and chemical
properties of reinforcing material. Fibre impregnation improves material quality by 30%.
120 (short-time
Operating temperature, up to, °С — 100 exposure: 90 70 70
up to 150)
Gel time, °C / time, min. DIN 16945 110 / (60–120) 160 / (35–50) 120 / (5–12) 100 / (15–25) 100 / (12–14)
Tg dry (DMA 5°/min), °С, minimum ASTM D 7028-07 (2015) 145 180 120 130 130
Tg wet (DMA, 5°/min) °С, minimum ASTM D 7028-07 (2015) 115 155 — — —
Density (cured), g/cm3 ASTM D 792-13 1.20–1.22 1.21–1.23 1.19–1.21 1.19–1.21 1.19–1.21
175 7
Hot-melt epoxy resin system for structural applica-
150 6
tions. It is designed to be used in the production of
––– Temperature, ˚C
125 5
polymer composites with a low energy cure cycle.
100 4
• Good for autoclave and vacuum moulding
– – Pressure, kgs/cm2
75 3
• Good for automated lay-up
50 2
25 1
0 0
10 60 110 160 210 260 310 360
Cure cycle: time, min.
175 7
Hot-melt epoxy resin system for structural appli-
150 6
cations. It is designed for polymer composites to
––– Temperature, ˚C
125 5
be used in fluctuating load and high temperature
100 4
– – Pressure, kgs/cm2
75 3
• Good for autoclave moulding
50 2
• Good for automated lay-up
25 1
0 0
100 200 300 400
Cure cycle: time, min.
175 7
Hot-melt epoxy resin system for industrial appli-
150 6
cations. Having excellent processability, it is spe-
––– Temperature, ˚C
125 5
cially developed for the production of polymer
100 4
composites with high-quality surface.
– – Pressure, kgs/cm2
75 3
• Good for autoclave and vacuum moulding
50 2
• Adhesive and draping effects suitable to lay up
25 1
large items
0 0
• UV resistance 10 60 110 160 210
Cure cycle: time, min.
ACM-1216 200 8
––– Vacuum, kgs/cm2
180 7
Hot-melt epoxy resin system with accelerated cure 160 6
140 5
sports gear from polymer composites that with- 4
stand high dynamic loads at temperatures below
– – Pressure, kgs/cm2
zero. 60
• Good for autoclave and press moulding 40
10 60 110 160 210
Cure cycle: time, min.
––– Vacuum, kgs/cm2
150 8
130 7
Hot-melt epoxy resin system for industrial
110 6
applications. The product has a fast cure cycle.
––– Temperature, ˚C
90 5
• Good for pressing as well as autoclave and
70 4
vacuum moulding
– – Pressure, kgs/cm2
50 3
• Adhesive and draping effects suitable to lay up
30 2
large items
10 1
-10 0
6 11 16 21 26 31 36
Cure cycle: time, min.
42, bld. 13, Volgogradsky prospect, Moscow, Russia, 109316
+7 495 777 01 23 | info@umatex.com | umatex.com