Pay Per Click Advertising
Pay Per Click Advertising
Pay Per Click Advertising
Whenever you search for something online on a search engine, you come across multiple ads.
Now, from where do these ads come? What happens when we click on an ad and watch it? What
is Pay per Click advertising? Does that mean we have to pay something? Are those Google Ads a
part of that type of advertising? One second, wait! I had the same questions in my brain, but I
somehow helped myself to collect the information to make the voices inside my mind silent.
Now, let me tell the secrets of PPC Advertising to you people!
Advertising is the promotion of a product or a brand to make people know about its existence.
Pay per Click advertising needs no explanation because its name itself tells us everything. Still,
there is a lot to discuss. So, let us start with the definition. Whenever we click on an ad, the
advertiser has to pay for that click. That is Pay per Click advertising. It is one of the best tricks
to make people visit a website. By targeting a particular keyword, advertisers promote their
brands, products through ads. However, should one pay for promoting a product? Is this
advertising actually beneficial? Let us cover a few points to draw a conclusion to give a break to
this confusion!
Text Ads: An advertiser provides a written copy that works as a text ad. Whenever you
enter a keyword on Google, you get search results, and over there, some ads display on
your screen. Don’t get confused. Let me make it clear with an example:
Display Ads: It is a type of graphic advertising. Oops, cut it! Whenever we promote a
product by using an image or motion graphic, it comes under the category of display
advertising. The size and content are the factors to be considered while creating a display
Google AdWords
Bing Ads
Twitter Ads
LinkedIn Ads
Facebook Ads
Important points:
What if users are not searching for you? Does that mean no traffic generation to your
Time investment is one of the necessary factors to get successful results from a
campaign. If you leave everything just after setting up the movement, then nothing is of
any use.
Be more careful because it is a matter of money. Without proper optimization and
monitoring of a campaign, it gets difficult to achieve success, and money gets wasted.
Don’t get happy after someone clicks. You don’t need just the traffic but the customers
So, these are some points that you need to keep in mind before deciding if you want to go for
Pay per Click Advertising or not. You need to be careful and attentive if you are launching a
campaign. Commitments are hard to make but not impossible to handle. Go through the article
again, think, and act accordingly.
And yes! If you still feel a bit baffled, then do not worry. We, at Divergent Infotech, are always
here to help you find the right path.