PNLE I Nursing Practice
PNLE I Nursing Practice
PNLE I Nursing Practice
A. resign on the spot from the nursing position and apply for a position that does not require
B. Inform the nursing supervisor and the charge nurse on the pediatric floor about the nurse’s
lack of skill and feelings of hesitations and request assistance
C. Ask several other nurses how they feel about pediatrics and find someone else who is willing
to accept the assignment
D. Refuse the assignment and leave the unit requesting a vacation a day
8. An experienced nurse who voluntarily trained a less experienced nurse with the intention of
enhancing the skills and knowledge and promoting professional advancement to the nurse is called a:
A. mentor
B. team leader
C. case manager
D. change agent
9. The pediatrics unit is understaffed and the nurse manager informs the nurses in the obstetrics unit
that she is going to assign one nurse to float in the pediatric units. Which statement by the
designated float nurse may put her job at risk?
A. “I do not get along with one of the nurses on the pediatrics unit”
B. “I have a vacation day coming and would like to take that now”
C. “I do not feel competent to go and work on that area”
D. “ I am afraid I will get the most serious clients in the unit”
10. The newly hired staff nurse has been working on a medical unit for 3 weeks. The nurse manager
has posted the team leader assignments for the following week. The new staff knows that a major
responsibility of the team leader is to:
A. The Physician
B. The Registered Nurse caring for the client
C. The 15-year-old mother of the baby boy
D. The mother of the girl
12. A nurse caring to a client with Alzheimer’s disease overheard a family member say to the client,
“if you pee one more time, I won’t give you any more food and drinks”. What initial action is best for
the nurse to take?
A. Take no action because it is the family member saying that to the client
B. Talk to the family member and explain that what she/he has said is not appropriate for the
C. Give the family member the number for an Elder Abuse Hot line
D. Document what the family member has said
13. Which is true about informed consent?
A. A nurse may accept responsibility signing a consent form if the client is unable
B. Obtaining consent is not the responsibility of the physician
C. A physician will not subject himself to liability if he withholds any facts that are necessary to
form the basis of an intelligent consent
D. If the nurse witnesses a consent for surgery, the nurse is, in effect, indicating that the
signature is that of the purported person and that the person’s condition is as indicated at the
time of signing
14. A mother in labor told the nurse that she was expecting that her baby has no chance to survive
and expects that the baby will be born dead. The mother accepts the fate of the baby and informs
the nurse that when the baby is born and requires resuscitation, the mother refuses any treatment to
her baby and expresses hostility toward the nurse while the pediatric team is taking care of the baby.
The nurse is legally obligated to:
A. Notify the pediatric team that the mother has refused resuscitation and any treatment for the
baby and take the baby to the mother
B. Get a court order making the baby a ward of the court
C. Record the statement of the mother, notify the pediatric team, and observe carefully for signs
of impaired bonding and neglect as a reasonable suspicion of child abuse
D. Do nothing except record the mother’s statement in the medical record
15. The hospitalized client with a chronic cough is scheduled for bronchoscopy. The nurse is tasks to
bring the informed consent document into the client’s room for a signature. The client asks the nurse
for details of the procedure and demands an explanation why the process of informed consent is
necessary. The nurse responds that informed consent means:
A. The patient releases the physician from all responsibility for the procedure.
B. The immediate family may make decision against the patient’s will.
C. The physician must give the client or surrogates enough information to make health care
judgments consistent with their values and goals.
D. The patient agrees to a procedure ordered by the physician even if the client does not
understand what the outcome will be.
16. A hospitalized client with severe necrotizing ulcer of the lower leg is schedule for an amputation.
The client tells the nurse that he will not sign the consent form and he does not want any surgery or
treatment because of religious beliefs about reincarnation. What is the role of the RN?
A. The nurse discusses the condition of the client in a clinical conference with other nurses
B. The client asks the nurse to discuss the her condition with the family
C. The father of a woman who just delivered a baby is on the phone to find out the sex of the
D. A researcher from an institutionally approved research study reviews the medical record of a
20. A 17-year-old married client is scheduled for surgery. The nurse taking care of the client realizes
that consent has not been signed after preoperative medications were given. What should the nurse
A. Normal Saline
B. Heparinized normal saline
C. 5% dextrose in water
D. Lactated Ringer’s solution
22. The nurse is caring to a client who is hypotensive. Following a large hematemesis, how should
the nurse position the client?
A. Feet and legs elevated 20 degrees, trunk horizontal, head on small pillow
B. Low Fowler’s with knees gatched at 30 degrees
C. Supine with the head turned to the left
D. Bed sloped at a 45 degree angle with the head lowest and the legs highest
23. The client is brought to the emergency department after a serious accident. What would be the
initial nursing action of the nurse to the client?
A. assess the level of consciousness and circulation
B. check respirations, circulation, neurological response
C. align the spine, check pupils, check for hemorrhage
D. check respiration, stabilize spine, check circulation
24. A nurse is assigned to care to a client with Parkinson’s disease. What interventions are important
if the nurse wants to improve nutrition and promote effective swallowing of the client?
A. aucultating the lungs to determine the baseline data to assess the effectiveness of suctioning
B. removing oral and nasal secretions
C. encouraging the patient to deep breathe and cough to facilitate removal of upper-airway
D. administering 100% oxygen to reduce the effects of airway obstruction during suctioning.
29. An infant is admitted and diagnosed with pneumonia and suspicious-looking red marks on the
swollen face resembling a handprint. The nurse does further assessment to the client. How would the
nurse document the finding?
A. Facial edema with ecchymosis and handprint mark: crackles and wheezes
B. Facial edema, with red marks; crackles in the lung
C. Facial edema with ecchymosis that looks like a handprint
D. Red bruise mark and ecchymosis on face
30. On the evening shift, the triage nurse evaluates several clients who were brought to the
emergency department. Which in the following clients should receive highest priority?
A. an elderly woman complaining of a loss of appetite and fatigue for the past week
B. A football player limping and complaining of pain and swelling in the right ankle
C. A 50-year-old man, diaphoretic and complaining of severe chest pain radiating to his jaw
D. A mother with a 5-year-old boy who says her son has been complaining of nausea and
vomited once since noon
31. A 80-year-old female client is brought to the emergency department by her caregiver, on the
nurse’s assessment; the following are the manifestations of the client: anorexia, cachexia and
multiple bruises. What would be the best nursing intervention?
A. check the laboratory data for serum albumin, hematocrit, and hemoglobin
B. talk to the client about the caregiver and support system
C. complete a police report on elder abuse
D. complete a gastrointestinal and neurological assessment
32. The night shift nurse is making rounds. When the nurse enters a client’s room, the client is on the
floor next to the bed. What would be the initial action of the nurse?
A. “Your baby eats too rapidly and overfills the stomach, which causes vomiting
B. “Your baby can’t empty the formula that is in the stomach into the bowel”
C. “The vomiting is due to the nausea that accompanies pyloric stenosis”
D. “Your baby needs to be burped more thoroughly after feeding”
39. A 70-year-old client with suspected tuberculosis is brought to the geriatric care facilities. An
intradermal tuberculosis test is schedule to be done. The client asks the nurse what is the purpose of
the test. Which of the following would be the best rationale for this?
A. Picture windows
B. Unwashed dishes in the sink
C. Clear and shiny floors
D. Brightly lit rooms
42. After a birth, the physician cut the cord of the baby, and before the baby is given to the mother,
what would be the initial nursing action of the nurse?
A. pruritus
B. pus in the urine
C. WBC in the urine
D. Dysuria
46. Which of the following would be the most important goal in the nursing care of an infant client
with eczema?
A. preventing infection
B. maintaining the comfort level
C. providing for adequate nutrition
D. decreasing the itching
47. The nurse is making a discharge instruction to a client receiving chemotherapy. The client is at
risk for bone marrow depression. The nurse gives instructions to the client about how to prevent
infection at home. Which of the following health teaching would be included?
A. Isopropyl alcohol
B. Hexachlorophene (Phisohex)
C. Soap and water
D. Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) (Hibiclens)
49. The mother of the client tells the nurse, “ I’m not going to have my baby get any immunization”.
What would be the best nursing response to the mother?
A. “My child might need an extra capsule if the meal is high in fat”
B. “I’ll give the enzyme capsule before every snack”
C. “I’ll give the enzyme capsule before every meal”
D. “My child hates to take pills, so I’ll mix the capsule into a cup of hot chocolate
3. The mother brought her child to the clinic for follow-up check up. The mother tells the nurse that
14 days after starting an oral iron supplement, her child’s stools are black. Which of the following is
the best nursing response to the mother?
A. “I will notify the physician, who will probably decrease the dosage slightly”
B. “This is a normal side effect and means the medication is working”
C. “You sound quite concerned. Would you like to talk about this further?”
D. “I will need a specimen to check the stool for possible bleeding”
4. An 8-year-old boy with asthma is brought to the clinic for check up. The mother asks the nurse if
the treatment given to her son is effective. What would be the appropriate response of the nurse?
A. I will review first the child’s height on a growth chart to know if the treatment is working
B. I will review first the child’s weight on a growth chart to know if the treatment is working
C. I will review first the number of prescriptions refills the child has required over the last 6
months to give you an accurate answer
D. I will review first the number of times the child has seen the pediatrician during the last 6
months to give you an accurate answer
5. The nurse is caring to a child client who is receiving tetracycline. The nurse is aware that in taking
this medication, it is very important to:
A. 18 G, 1-1/2 inch
B. 25 G, 5/8 inch
C. 21 G, 1 inch
D. 18 G, 1inch
9. A 9-year-old boy is admitted to the hospital. The boy is being treated with salicylates for the
migratory polyarthritis accompanying the diagnosis of rheumatic fever. Which of the following
activities performed by the child would give a best sign that the medication is effective?
A. After meals
B. Between meals
C. After medication
D. Around the child’s play schedule
13. The nurse is providing health teaching about the breastfeeding and family planning to the client
who gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Which of the following statement would alert the nurse that
the client needs further teaching?
A. “I understand that the hormones for breastfeeding may affect when my periods come”
B. “Breastfeeding causes my womb to tighten and bleed less after birth”
C. “I may not have periods while I am breastfeeding, so I don’t need family planning”
D. “I can get pregnant as early as one month after my baby was born”
14. A toddler is brought to the hospital because of severe diarrhea and vomiting. The nurse assigned
to the client enters the client’s room and finds out that the client is using a soiled blanket brought in
from home. The nurse attempts to remove the blanket and replace it with a new and clean blanket.
The toddler refuses to give the soiled blanket. The nurse realizes that the best explanation for the
toddler’s behavior is:
A. The toddler did not bond well with the maternal figure
B. The blanket is an important transitional object
C. The toddler is anxious about the hospital experience
D. The toddler is resistive to nursing interventions
15. The nurse has knowledge about the developmental task of the child. In caring a 3-year-old-client,
the nurse knows that the suited developmental task of this child is to:
A. The older daughter be given more responsibility and assure her “that she is a big girl now, and
doesn’t need Mommy as much”
B. The older daughter not have interaction with the baby at the hospital, because she may harm
her new sibling
C. The older daughter stay with her grandmother for a few days until the parents and new baby
are settled at home
D. The mother spend time alone with her older daughter when the baby is sleeping
17. A 2-year-old client with cystic fibrosis is confined to bed and is not allowed to go to the playroom.
Which of the following is an appropriate toy would the nurse select for the child:
A. Puzzle
B. Musical automobile
C. Arranging stickers in the album
D. Pounding board and hammer
18. Which of the following clients is at high risk for developmental problem?
A. Heterosexual relationships
B. A love relationship with the father
C. A dependency relationship with the father
D. Close relationship with peers
22. A 5-year-old boy client is scheduled for hernia surgery. The nurse is preparing to do preoperative
teaching with the child. The nurse should knows that the 5-year-old would:
A. Watching a video
B. Putting together a puzzle
C. Assembling handouts with the nurse for an upcoming staff development meeting
D. Listening to a compact disc
24. The parent of a 16-year-old boy tells the nurse that his son is driving a motorbike very fast and
with one hand. “It is making me crazy!” What would be the best explanation of the nurse to the
behavior of the boy?
A. “I should check the diaphragm carefully for holes every time I use it.”
B. “The diaphragm must be left in place for at least 6 hours after intercourse.”
C. “I really need to use the diaphragm and jelly most during the middle of my menstrual cycle
D. “I may need a different size diaphragm if I gain or lose more than 20 pounds”
28. The client visits the clinic for prenatal check-up. While waiting for the physician, the nurse
decided to conduct health teaching to the client. The nurse informed the client that primigravida
mother should go to the hospital when which patter is evident?
A. Contractions are 2-3 minutes apart, lasting 90 seconds, and membranes have ruptured
B. Contractions are 5-10 minutes apart, lasting 30 seconds, and are felt as strong menstrual
C. Contractions are 3-5 minutes apart, accompanied by rectal pressure and bloody show
D. Contractions are 5 minutes apart, lasting 60 seconds, and increasing in intensity
29. A nurse is planning a home visit program to a new mother who is 2 weeks postpartum and
breastfeeding, the nurse includes in her health teaching about the resumption of fertility,
contraception and sexual activity. Which of the following statement indicates that the mother has
understood the teaching?
A. “Because breastfeeding speeds the healing process after birth, I can have sex right away and
not worry about infection”
B. “Because I am breastfeeding and my hormones are decreased, I may need to use a vaginal
lubricant when I have sex”
C. “After birth, you have to have a period before you can get pregnant again’
D. “Breastfeeding protects me from pregnancy because it keeps my hormones down, so I don’t
need any contraception until I stop breastfeeding”
30. A community nurse enters the home of the client for follow-up visit. Which of the following is the
most appropriate area to place the nursing bag of the nurse when conducting a home visit?
A. cushioned footstool
B. bedside wood table
C. kitchen countertop
D. living room sofa
31. The nurse in the health center is making an assessment to the infant client. The nurse notes
some rashes and small fluid-filled bumps in the skin. The nurse suspects that the infant has eczema.
Which of the following is the most important nursing goal:
A. Preventing infection
B. Providing for adequate nutrition
C. Decreasing the itching
D. Maintaining the comfort level
32. The nurse in the health center is providing immunization to the children. The nurse is carefully
assessing the condition of the children before giving the vaccines. Which of the following would the
nurse note to withhold the infant’s scheduled immunizations?
A. a dry cough
B. a skin rash
C. a low-grade fever
D. a runny nose
33. A mother brought her child in the health center for hepatitis B vaccination in a series. The mother
informs the nurse that the child missed an appointment last month to have the third hepatitis B
vaccination. Which of the following statements is the appropriate nursing response to the mother?
A. Wrapping used dressing in a plastic bag before placing them in the nursing bag
B. Washing hands before removing equipment from the nursing bag
C. Using the client’s soap and cloth towel for hand washing
D. Placing the contaminated needles and syringes in a labeled container inside the nursing bag
36. The nurse is planning to conduct a home visit in a small community. Which of the following is the
most important factor when planning the best time for a home care visit?
A. “During treatment for yeast, avoid vaginal intercourse for one week”
B. “Wear loose-fitting cotton underwear”
C. “Avoid eating large amounts of sugar or sugar-bingeing”
D. “Douche once a day with a mild vinegar and water solution”
38. During immunization week in the health center, the parent of a 6-month-old infant asks the
health nurse, “Why is our baby going to receive so many immunizations over a long time period?”
The best nursing response would be:
A. “The number of immunizations your baby will receive shows how many pediatric
communicable and infectious diseases can now be prevented.”
B. “You need to ask the physician”
C. “The number of immunizations your baby will receive is determined by your baby’s health
history and age”
D. “It is easier on your baby to receive several immunizations rather than one at a time”
39. The community health nurse is conducting a health teaching about nutrition to a group of
pregnant women who are anemic and are lactose intolerant. Which of the following foods should the
nurse especially encourage during the third trimester?
A. Cheese, yogurt, and fish for protein and calcium needs plus prenatal vitamins and iron
B. Prenatal iron and calcium supplements plus a regular adult diet
C. Red beans, green leafy vegetables, and fish for iron and calcium needs plus prenatal vitamins
and iron supplements
D. Red meat, milk and eggs for iron and calcium needs plus prenatal vitamins and iron
40. A woman with active tuberculosis (TB) and has visited the health center for regular therapy for
five months wants to become pregnant. The nurse knows that further information is necessary when
the woman states:
A. “Spontaneous abortion may occur in one out of five women who are infected”
B. “Pulmonary TB may jeopardize my pregnancy”
C. “I know that I may not be able to have close contact with my baby until contagious is no
longer a problem
D. “I can get pregnant after I have been free of TB for 6 months”
41. The Department of Health is alarmed that almost 33 million people suffer from food poisoning
every year. Salmonella enteritis is responsible for almost 4 million cases of food poisoning. One of the
major goals is to promote proper food preparation. The community health nurse is tasks to conduct
health teaching about the prevention of food poisoning to a group of mother everyday. The nurse
can help identify signs and symptoms of specific organisms to help patients get appropriate
treatment. Typical symptoms of salmonella include:
A. “Condoms should be used because they can prevent infection and because they may prevent
B. “Condoms should be used even if you have recently tested negative for HIV”
C. “Condoms should be used every time you have sex because condoms prevent all forms of
sexually transmitted diseases”
D. “Condoms should be used every time you have sex even if you are taking the pill because
condoms can prevent the spread of HIV and gonorrhea”
44. The department of health is promoting the breastfeeding program to all newly mothers. The
nurse is formulating a plan of care to a woman who gave birth to a baby girl. The nursing care plan
for a breast-feeding mother takes into account that breast-feeding is contraindicated when the
A. Is pregnant
B. Has genital herpes infection
C. Develops mastitis
D. Has inverted nipples
45. The City health department conducted a medical mission in Barangay Marulas. Majority of the
children in the Barangay Marulas were diagnosed with pinworms. The community health nurse should
anticipate that the children’s chief complaint would be:
A. Lack of appetite
B. Severe itching of the scalp
C. Perianal itching
D. Severe abdominal pain
46. The mother brought her daughter to the health center. The child has head lice. The nurse
anticipates that the nursing diagnosis most closely correlated with this is:
A. Fluid volume deficit related to vomiting
B. Altered body image related to alopecia
C. Altered comfort related to itching
D. Diversional activity deficit related to hospitalization
47. The mother brings a child to the health care clinic because of severe headache and vomiting.
During the assessment of the health care nurse, the temperature of the child is 40 degree Celsius,
and the nurse notes the presence of nuchal rigidity. The nurse is suspecting that the child might be
suffering from bacterial meningitis. The nurse continues to assess the child for the presence of
Kernig’s sign. Which finding would indicate the presence of this sign?
A. Flexion of the hips when the neck is flexed from a lying position
B. Calf pain when the foot is dorsiflexed
C. Inability of the child to extend the legs fully when lying supine
D. Pain when the chin is pulled down to the chest
48. A community health nurse makes a home visit to a child with an infectious and communicable
disease. In planning care for the child, the nurse must determine that the primary goal is that the:
A. “I do not need to be concerned about the spreading of this infection to others in my family”
B. “I should apply warm compresses before instilling antibiotic drops if purulent discharge is
present in my daughter’s eye”
C. “I can use an ophthalmic analgesic ointment at nighttime if I have eye discomfort”
D. “I should perform a saline eye irrigation before instilling, the antibiotic drops into my
daughter’s eye if purulent discharge is present”
50. A community health nurse is caring for a group of flood victims in Marikina area. In planning for
the potential needs of this group, which is the most immediate concern?
A. Tripod gait
B. Two-point gait
C. Four-point gait
D. Three-point gait
6. The client is transferred to the nursing care unit from the operating room after a transurethral
resection of the prostate. The client is complaining of pain in the abdomen area. The nurse suspects
of bladder spasms, which of the following is the best nursing action to minimize the pain felt by the
B. Small feedings of bland food
C. A regular diet given frequently in small amounts
D. Frequent feedings of clear liquids
8. The nurse is going to insert a Miller-Abbott tube to the client. Before insertion of the tube, the
balloon is tested for patency and capacity and then deflated. Which of the following nursing measure
will ease the insertion to the tube?
A. Orange juice.
B. Whole milk.
C. Ginger ale.
D. Black coffee.
10. Mr. Bean, a 70-year-old client is admitted in the hospital for almost one month. The nurse
understands that prolonged immobilization could lead to decubitus ulcers. Which of the following
would be the least appropriate nursing intervention in the prevention of decubitus?
A. Administer an enema
B. Perform range-of-motion exercise to all extremities
C. Ensure maximum fluid intake (3000ml/day)
D. Put the client on the bedpan every 2 hours
17. John is diagnosed with Addison’s disease and admitted in the hospital. What would be the
appropriate nursing care for John?
A. 5 minutes
B. 60 seconds
C. 30 seconds
D. 2 minutes
26. The nurse encourages the client to wear compression stockings. What is the rationale behind in
using compression stockings?
A. Periorbital edema
B. Increased specific gravity of urine
C. A urinary output of 50mL/hr
D. Daily weight gain of 2 lb or more
29. A nurse is completing an assessment to a client with cirrhosis. Which of the following nursing
assessment is important to notify the physician?
A. Expanding ecchymosis
B. Ascites and serum albumin of 3.2 g/dl
C. Slurred speech
D. Hematocrit of 37% and hemoglobin of 12g/dl
30. Mr. Park is 32-year-old, a badminton player and has a type 1 diabetes mellitus. After the game,
the client complains of becoming diaphoretic and light-headedness. The client asks the nurse how to
avoid this reaction. The nurse will recommend to:
A. Allow plenty of time after the insulin injection and before beginning the match
B. Eat a carbohydrate snack before and during the badminton match
C. Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after bed time
D. Take insulin just before starting the badminton match
31. A client is rushed to the emergency room due to serious vehicle accident. The nurse is suspecting
of head injury. Which of the following assessment findings would the nurse report to the physician?
A. CVP of 5mmHa
B. Glasgow Coma Scale score of 13
C. Polyuria and dilute urinary output
D. Insomnia
32. Mrs. Moore, 62-year-old, with diabetes is in the emergency department. She stepped on a sharp
sea shells while walking barefoot along the beach. Mrs. Moore did not notice that the object pierced
the skin until later that evening. What problem does the client most probably have?
A. Nephropathy
B. Macroangiopathy
C. Carpal tunnel syndrome
D. Peripheral neuropathy
33. A client with gangrenous foot has undergone a below-knee amputation. The nurse in the nursing
care unit knows that the priority nursing intervention in the immediate post operative care of this
client is:
A. “You will probably have to eat six meals a day for the rest of your life.”
B. “Eating six meals a day can be a bother, can’t it?”
C. “Some clients can tolerate three meals a day by the time they leave the hospital. Maybe it will
be a little longer for you.”
D. “ It varies from client to client, but generally in 6-12 months most clients can return to their
previous meal patterns”
43. A male client with cirrhosis is complaining of belly pain, itchiness and his breasts are getting
larger and also the abdomen. The client is so upset because of the discomfort and asks the nurse
why his breast and abdomen are getting larger. Which of the following is the appropriate nursing
A. Wash the catheter with soap and water after each use
B. Lubricate the catheter with Vaseline
C. Perform the Valsalva maneuver to promote insertion
D. Replace the catheter with a new one every 24 hour
47. The nurse in the nursing care unit is assigned to care to a client who is Immunocompromised.
The client tells the nurse that his chest is painful and the blisters are itchy. What would be the
nursing intervention to this client?
A. Hematuria
B. Dysuria
C. Polyuria
D. Dribbling
4. A client is diagnosed with a brain tumor in the occipital lobe. Which of the following will the client
most likely experience?
A. Visual hallucinations.
B. Receptive aphasia.
C. Hemiparesis.
D. Personality changes.
5. A client with Addison’s disease has a blood pressure of 65/60. The nurse understands that
decreased blood pressure of the client with Addison’s disease involves a disturbance in the production
A. Androgens
B. Glucocorticoids
C. Mineralocorticoids
D. Estrogen
6. The nurse is planning to teach the client about a spontaneous pneumothorax. The nurse would
base the teaching on the understanding that:
A. Inspired air will move from the lung into the pleural space.
B. There is greater negative pressure within the chest cavity.
C. The heart and great vessels shift to the affected side.
D. The other lung will collapse if not treated immediately.
7. During an assessment, the nurse recognizes that the client has an increased risk for developing
cancer of the tongue. Which of the following health history will be a concern?
A. Compact bone is stronger than cancellous bone because of its greater size.
B. Compact bone is stronger than cancellous bone because of its greater weight.
C. Compact bone is stronger than cancellous bone because of its greater volume.
D. Compact bone is stronger than cancellous bone because of its greater density.
9. The nurse is reviewing the laboratory results of the client. In reviewing the results of the RBC
count, the nurse understands that the higher the red blood cell count, the :
A. Catecholamines released at the site of the infarction causes intermittent localized pain.
B. Parasympathetic reflexes from the infarcted myocardium causes diaphoresis.
C. Constriction of central and peripheral blood vessels causes a decrease in blood pressure.
D. Inflammation in the myocardium causes a rise in the systemic body temperature.
14. Following an amputation of a lower limb to a male client, the nurse provides an instruction on
how to prevent a hip flexion contracture. The nurse should instruct the client to:.
A. Advise the client to refrain from vigorous brushing of teeth and hair.
B. Instruct the client to avoid driving for 2 weeks.
C. Encourage eye exercises to strengthen the ocular musculature.
D. Teach the client coughing and deep-breathing techniques.
17. A client with AIDS develops bacterial pneumonia is admitted in the emergency department. The
client’s arterial blood gases is drawn and the result is PaO2 80mmHg. then arterial blood gases are
drawn again and the level is reduced from 80 mmHg to 65 mmHg. The nurse should;
A. “You sound concerned; You’ll probably remember more as you wake up.”
B. “Tell me what you think happened.”
C. “You were in a car accident this morning.”
D. “An amputation of your right leg was necessary because of an accident.”
19. A 38-year-old client with severe hypertension is hospitalized. The physician prescribed a Captopril
(Capoten) and Alprazolam (Xanax) for treatment. The client tells the nurse that there is something
wrong with the medication and nursing care. The nurse recognizes this behavior is probably a
manifestation of the client’s:
A. After surgery, changes in activities must be made to accommodate for the physiologic changes
caused by the operation.
B. Most sports activities, except for swimming, can be resumed based on the client’s overall
physical condition.
C. With counseling and medical guidance, a near normal lifestyle, including complete sexual
function is possible.
D. Activities of daily living should be resumed as quickly as possible to avoid depression and
further dependency.
21. A client is scheduled for bariatric surgery. Preoperative teaching is done. Which of the following
statement would alert the nurse that further teaching to the client is necessary?
A. “I will be limiting my intake to 600 to 800 calories a day once I start eating again.”
B. “I’m going to have a figure like a model in about a year.”
C. “I need to eat more high-protein foods.”
D. “I will be going to be out of bed and sitting in a chair the first day after surgery.”.
22. The client who had transverse colostomy asks the nurse about the possible effect of the surgery
on future sexual relationship. What would be the best nursing response?
A. Furosemide (Lasix)
B. Hydrochlorothiazide (HydroDIURIL)
C. Metolazone (Zaroxolyn)
D. Spironolactone (Aldactone)
27. The physician prescribed Albuterol (Proventil) to the client with severe asthma. After the
administration of the medication the nurse should monitor the client for:
A. Palpitation
B. Visual disturbance
C. Decreased pulse rate
D. Lethargy
28. A client is receiving diltiazem (Cardizem). What should the nurse include in a teaching plan aimed
at reducing the side effects of this medication?
A. The triglycerides
B. The INR
C. Chest pain
D. Blood pressure
30. A client is taking nitroglycerine tablets, the nurse should teach the client the importance of:
A. Muscle strength
B. Symptoms
C. Blood pressure
D. Consciousness
36. The nurse can determine the effectiveness of carbamazepine (Tegretol) in the management of
trigeminal neuralgia by monitoring the client’s:
A. Seizure activity
B. Liver function
C. Cardiac output
D. Pain relief
37. Administration of potassium iodide solution is ordered to the client who will undergo a subtotal
thyroidectomy. The nurse understands that this medication is given to:
A. Arterial blood pH
B. Pulse rate
C. Serum glucose
D. Intake and output
40. A client with recurrent urinary tract infections is to be discharged. The client will be taking
nitrofurantoin (Macrobid) 50 mg po every evening at home. The nurse provides discharge instructions
to the client. Which of the following instructions will be correct?
A. Bone marrow
B. Liver
C. Lymph nodes
D. Blood
42. The physician reduced the client’s Dexamethasone (Decadron) dosage gradually and to continue
a lower maintenance dosage. The client asks the nurse about the change of dosage. The nurse
explains to the client that the purpose of gradual dosage reduction is to allow:
A. Potassium
B. Sodium
C. Chloride
D. Calcium
45. Which of the following client has a high risk for developing hyperkalemia?
A. Crohn’s disease
B. End-Stage renal disease
C. Cushing’s syndrome
D. Chronic heart failure
46. The nurse is reviewing the laboratory result of the client. The client’s serum potassium level is 5.8
mEq/L. Which of the following is the initial nursing action?
A. Metabolic acidosis
B. Metabolic alkalosis
C. Respiratory acidosis
D. Respiratory alkalosis
Answers and Rationales
1. A. Clients in the early stage of spinal cord damage experience an atonic bladder, which is
characterized by the absence of muscle tone, an enlarged capacity, no feeling of discomfort with
distention, and overflow with a large residual. This leads to urinary stasis and infection. High fluid
intake limits urinary stasis and infection by diluting the urine and increasing urinary output.
2. D. The temperature of 102 ºF (38.8ºC) or greater lead to an increased metabolism and cardiac
3. B. Dysuria, nocturia, and urgency are all signs an irritable bladder after radiation therapy.
4. A. The occipital lobe is involve with visual interpretation.
5. C. Mineralocorticoids such as aldosterone cause the kidneys to retain sodium ions. With
sodium, water is also retained, elevating blood pressure. Absence of this hormone thus causes
6. B. As a person with a tear in the lung inhales, air moves through that opening into the
intrapleural and causes partial or complete collapse of the lungs.
7. A. Heavy alcohol ingestion predisposes an individual to the development of oral cancer.
8. D. The greater the density of compact bone makes it stronger than the cancellous bone.
Compact bone forms from cancellous bone by the addition of concentric rings of bones
substances to the marrow spaces of cancellous bone. The large marrow spaces are reduced to
haversian canals.
9. A. Viscosity, a measure of a fluid’s internal resistance to flow, is increased as the number of
red cells suspended in plasma.
10. C. Hemiparesis creates instability. Using a cane provides a wider base of support and,
therefore greater stability.
11. D. Manual stretching exercises will assist in keeping the muscles and tendons supple and
pliable, reducing the traumatic consequences of repetitive activity.
12. C. The length of the urethra is shorter in females than in males; therefore microorganisms
have a shorter distance to travel to reach the bladder. The proximity of the meatus to the anus
in females also increases this incidence.
13. D. Temperature may increase within the first 24 hours and persist as long as a week.
14. C. The hips are in extension when the client is prone; this keeps the hips from flexing.
15. C. Steroids have an anti-inflammatory effect that can reduce arthritic pannus formation.
16. A. Activities such as rigorous brushing of hair and teeth cause increased intraocular pressure
and may lead to hemorrhage in the anterior chamber.
17. C. This decrease in PaO2 indicates respiratory failure; it warrants immediate medical
18. C. This is truthful and provides basic information that may prompt recollection of what
happened; it is a starting point.
19. D. Clients adapting to illness frequently feel afraid and helpless and strike out at health team
members as a way of maintaining control or denying their fear.
20. C. There are few physical restraints on activity postoperatively, but the client may have
emotional problems resulting from the body image changes.
21. B. Clients need to be prepared emotionally for the body image changes that occur after
bariatric surgery. Clients generally experience excessive abdominal skin folds after weight
stabilizes, which may require a panniculectomy. Body image disturbance often occurs in response
to incorrectly estimating one’s size; it is not uncommon for the client to still feel fat no matter
how much weight is lost.
22. D. Surgery on the bowel has no direct anatomic or physiologic effect on sexual performance.
However, the nurse should encourage verbalization.
23. C. Osteoporosis is not restricted to women; it is a potential major health problem of all older
adults; estimates indicate that half of all women have at least one osteoporitic fracture and the
risk in men is estimated between 13% and 25%; a bone mineral density measurement assesses
the mass of bone per unit volume or how tightly the bone is packed.
24. A. Around-the-clock administration of analgesics is recommended for acute pain in the older
adult population; this help to maintain a therapeutic blood level of pain medication.
25. C. Generally, female voices have a higher pitch than male voices; older adults with presbycusis
(hearing loss caused by the aging process) have more difficulty hearing higher-pitched sounds.
26. D. Aldactone is a potassium-sparing diuretic; hyperkalemia is an adverse effect.
27. A. Albuterol’s sympathomimetic effect causes cardiac stimulation that may cause tachycardia
and palpitation.
28. D. Changing positions slowly will help prevent the side effect of orthostatic hypotension.
29. A. Therapeutic effects of simvastatin include decreased serum triglyceries, LDL and
30. C. Nitroglycerine is sensitive to light and moisture ad must be stored in a dark, airtight
31. A. Visual disturbance are a sign of toxicity because retinopathy can occur with this drug.
32. B. Toxic levels of Lanoxin stimulate the medullary chemoreceptor trigger zone, resulting in
nausea and subsequent anorexia.
33. B. Warfarin derivatives cause an increase in the prothrombin time and INR, leading to an
increased risk for bleeding. Any abnormal or excessive bleeding must be reported, because it
may indicate toxic levels of the drug.
34. B. Levodopa is the metabolic precursor of dopamine. It reduces sympathetic outflow by
limiting vasoconstriction, which may result in orthostatic hypotension.
35. A. Tensilon, an anticholinesterase drug, causes temporary relief of symptoms of myasthenia
gravis in client who have the disease and is therefore an effective diagnostic aid.
36. D. Carbamazepine ( Tegretol) is administered to control pain by reducing the transmission of
nerve impulses in clients with trigeminal neuralgia.
37. C. Potassium iodide, which aids in decreasing the vascularity of the thyroid gland, decreases
the risk for hemorrhage.
38. C. Hydrocortisone is a glucocorticoid that has anti-inflammatory action and aids in metabolism
of carbohydrate, fat, and protein, causing elevation of blood glucose. Thus it enables the body to
adapt to stress.
39. D. DDAVP replaces the ADH, facilitating reabsorption of water and consequent return of
normal urine output and thirst.
40. B. To prevent crystal formation, the client should have sufficient intake to produce 1000 to
1500 mL of urine daily while taking this drug.
41. A. Prolonged chemotherapy may slow the production of leukocytes in bone marrow, thus
suppressing the activity of the immune system. Antibiotics may be required to help counter
infections that the body can no longer handle easily.
42. A. Any hormone normally produced by the body must be withdrawn slowly to allow the
appropriate organ to adjust and resume production.
43. B. Dehydration is most readily and accurately measured by serial assessment of body weight;
1 L of fluid weighs 2.2 pounds.
44. A. The concentration of potassium is greater inside the cell and is important in establishing a
membrane potential, a critical factor in the cell’s ability to function.
45. B. The kidneys normally eliminate potassium from the body; hyperkalemia may necessitate
46. C. Vital signs monitor cardiorespiratory status; hyperkalemia causes serious cardiac
47. A. Once treatment with insulin for diabetic ketoacidosis is begun, potassium ions reenter the
cell, causing hypokalemia; therefore potassium, along with the replacement fluid, is generally
48. C. Potassium, the major intracellular cation, functions with sodium and calcium to regulate
neuromuscular activity and contraction of muscle fibers, particularly the heart muscle. In
hypokalemia these symptoms develop.
49. A. Because IV solutions enter the body’s internal environment, all solutions and medications
utilizing this route must be sterile to prevent the introduction of microbes.
50. A. A low pH and bicarbonate level are consistent with metabolic acidosis.
PNLE V Nursing Practice
A. Oedipal complex
B. Superego
C. Id
D. Ego
2. A client tells the nurse, “Yesterday, I was planning to kill myself.” What is the best nursing
response to this cient?
A. Depression
B. Withdrawal
C. Apathy
D. Anger
9. A client in the psychiatric unit is shouting out loud and tells the nurse, “Please, help me. They are
coming to get me.” What would be the appropriate nursing response?
A. “What do you think is the connection between your not getting enough love and overeating?”
B. “Tell me what you think the therapist means.”
C. “You need to ask your therapist.”
D. “ We are here to deal with your diet, not with your psychological problems.”
11. After the discussion about the procedure the physician scheduled the client for mastectomy. The
client tells the nurse, “If my breasts will be removed, I’m afraid my husband will not love me
anymore and maybe he will never touch me.” What should the nurse’s response?
A. competitive play
B. nonverbal play
C. cooperative play
D. solitary play
15. The client is telling the nurse in the psychiatric ward, “I hate them.” Which of the following is the
most appropriate nursing response to the client?
A. Identification.
B. Rationalization.
C. Denial.
D. Compensation.
17. A male client is quiet when the physician told him that he has stage IV cancer and has 4 months
to live. The nurse determines that this reaction may be an example of:
A. Indifference
B. Denial
C. Resignation
D. Anger
18. A nurse is caring to a female client with five young children. The family member told the client
that her ex-husband has died 2 days ago. The reaction of the client is stunned silence, followed by
anger that the ex-husband left no insurance money for their young children. The nurse should
understand that:
A. The children and the injustice done to them by their father’s death are the woman’s main
B. To explain the woman’s reaction, the nurse needs more information about the relationship and
C. The woman is not reacting normally to the news.
D. The woman is experiencing a normal bereavement reaction.
19. A client who is manic comes to the outpatient department. The nurse is assigning an activity for
the client. What activity is best for the nurse to encourage for a client in a manic phase?
A. Isocarboxazid (Marplan)
B. Chlorpromazine HCI (Thorazine)
C. Trihexyphenidyl HCI (Artane)
D. Trifluoperazine HCI (Stelazine)
22. The nurse is caring to an 80-year-old client with dementia? What is the most important
psychosocial need for this client?
A. Delusion.
B. Hallucination.
C. Negativism.
D. Illusion.
24. A client is admitted in the hospital. On assessment, the nurse found out that the client had
several suicidal attempts. Which of the following is the most important nursing action?
A. Ignore the client as long as he or she is talking about suicide, because suicide attempt is
B. Administer medication.
C. Relax vigilance when the client seems to be recovering from depression.
D. Maintain constant awareness of the client’s whereabouts.
25. The nurse suspects that the client is suffering from depression. During assessment, what are the
most characteristic signs and symptoms of depression the nurse would note?
A. Acknowledge that the word has some special meaning for the client.
B. Try to interpret what the client means.
C. Divert the client’s attention to an aspect of reality.
D. State that what the client is saying has not been understood and then divert attention to
something that is really bound.
27. A male client diagnosed with depression tells the nurse, “I don’t want to look weak and I don’t
even cry because my wife and my kids can’t bear it.” The nurse understands that this is an example
A. Repression.
B. Suppression.
C. Undoing.
D. Rationalization.
28. A female client tells the nurse that she is afraid to go out from her room because she thinks that
the other client might kill her. The nurse is aware that this behavior is related to:
A. Hallucination.
B. Ideas of reference.
C. Delusion of persecution.
D. Illusion.
29. A female client is taking Imipramine HCI (Tofranil) for almost 1 week and shows less awareness
of the physical body. What problem would the nurse be most concerned?
A. Nausea.
B. Gait disturbances.
C. Bowel movements.
D. Voiding.
30. A 6-year-old client dies in the nursing unit. The parents want to see the child. What is the most
appropriate nursing action?
A. Tremor, drowsiness.
B. Seizures, suicidal tendencies.
C. Visual disturbance, headache.
D. Excessive diaphoresis, diarrhea.
32. A nurse is assigned to activate a client who is withdrawn, hears voices and negativistic. What
would be the best nursing approach?
A. Hypertensive crisis.
B. Diet restrictions.
C. Taking medication with meals.
D. Exposure to sunlight.
35. A 16-year-old girl is admitted for treatment of a fracture. The client shares to the nurse caring to
her that her step-father has made sexual advances to her. She got the chance to tell it to her mother
but refuses to believe. What is the most therapeutic action of the nurse would be:
A. Acknowledge that this is the client’s belief but not the nurse’s belief.
B. Ask how that makes the client feel.
C. Show the client that no one is behind.
D. Use logic to help the client doubt this belief.
37. A nurse is completing the routine physical examination to a healthy 16-year-old male client. The
client shares to the nurse that he feels like killing his girlfriend because he found out that her
girlfriend had another boyfriend. He then laughs, and asks the nurse to keep this a secret just
between the two of them. The nurse reviews his chart and notes that there is no previously history of
violence or psychiatric illness. Which of the following would be the best action of the nurse to take at
this time?
A. Suggest the teen meet with a counselor to discuss his feelings about his girlfriend.
B. Tell the teen that his feelings are normal, and recommend that he find another girlfriend to
take his mind off the problem.
C. Recall the teenage boys often say things they really do not mean and ignore the comment.
D. Regard the comment seriously and notify the teen’s primary health care provider and parents
38. Which of the following person will be at highest risk for suicide?
A. Advance the science of psychiatry by initiating research and gathering data for current
statistics on emotional illness.
B. Plan activity programs for clients.
C. Understand various types of family therapy and psychological tests and how to interpret them.
D. Maintain a therapeutic environment.
41. A 3-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department. After an hour, the boy dies of
respiratory failure. The mother of the boy becomes upset, shouting and abusive, saying to the nurse,
“If it had been your son, they would have done more to save it. “What should the nurse say or do?
A. Touch her and tell her exactly what was done for her baby.
B. Allow the mother to continue her present behavior while sitting quietly with her.
C. “No, all clients are given the same good care.”
D. “Yes, you’re probably right. Your son did not get better care.”
42. The nurse is interacting to a client with an antisocial personality disorder. What would be the
most therapeutic approach of the nurse to an antisocial behavior?