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Purpose and Scope of Assessment

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Lesson Plan on Purpose and Scope of

assessment and evaluation
Criteria assessment of assessment
technique LCD Projector and Tap

Submitted To : Mrs. Mehnaaz Ma’am(Tutor)

Submitted By : Sabiha Parveen

Name: Sabiha Parveen
Class: M.sc Nursing Ist year
Subject: Purpose and Scope of assessment and evaluation
Unit: I
Topic: evaluation/assessment, public address system and
Group: B.sc Nursing IInd year
Size of group:50
Venue: virtual classroom
Duration: 45 min.
Method of teaching: Lecture Cum discussion
A.V. aids: PowerPoint presentation
Date & Time:
Previous knowledge: The group possess some knowledge
about evaluation/assessment, public address system and

1.General Objectives: at the end of presentation
From student point of view:
 The students will be able to gain knowledge regarding
evaluation/assessment, public address system and computer.
 From student teacher point of view:
 The student teacher will be able to take good lecture regarding
evaluation/assessment, public address system and computer.
2.Specific Objectives:
From student point of view:
 Students gain knowledge regarding definition and meaning of
evaluation/assessment, public address system and computer.
 Students gain knowledge regarding objectives of
evaluation/assessment, public address system and computer.
 Students gain knowledge regarding types of
evaluation/assessment, public address system and computer.
From student teacher point of view:
 The student teacher will be able to use different books.
 The student teacher will be able to do an effective planned
teaching and will gain confidence in teaching.

Specific Learning and

Time Content A.V. AIDS Evaluation
objective Teaching Activity
5 mins Explain the ASSESSMENT: “Assessment is the INTRODUCTION- Power Point What is
introduction process of documenting, usually in Presentation identification
of evaluation measurable terms, knowledge, skill, It is one of the basic and of
and attitudes, and beliefs.” “Assessment in difficult tasks that assessment?
assessment. education is the process of gathering, teachers face in their
interpreting, recording, and using work is the process of
information about pupils’ responses to evaluation.
an educational task.” Harlen, Gipps, Classroom evaluation
Breadroot, Nuttal,1992 includes all the process
involved in making
decisions about students
DEFINITIONS EVALUATION: “ It learning process.
Define the is the process of determining to what It includes:
2 mins evaluation. extent the educational objective are The observation of Power Point How to define
being realized.” Ralph Tylor “ It is a students’ written work Presentation evaluation ?
systematic examination of educational Their answer to the
and social programs.” Conbach questions in class
Performance on teacher-
made and standardized

EVALUATION: Student teacher will

define about assessment
Evaluation is part of life, in our life we and evaluation.
To explain need to make evaluation frequently – Power Point Define
1 min evaluation in like which dress you want to wear in To understand Presentation evaluation
detail marriage – What you want to give in evaluation in detail
gift to your friend. In educational
scenario evaluation have important role
in judging student progress to know up
to what extent student have achieved
the desired set goal.

Educational evaluation is made in

relation to the objectives that have
been determined previously by faculty,
individual teacher and student. The
word ‘assess’ comes from the Latin
verb ‘assidere’ meaning ‘to sit with’.
Assessment can focus on the individual Evaluation is such an
learner, the learning community (class, essential part of teaching
workshop, or other organized group of and learning. Evaluation
learners), the institution, or the in education is the
educational system. process of judging the
effectiveness of
educational experience
NATURE OF EVALUATION: through careful
appraisal or involves
Nature of evaluation in educational measurement but is
context implies broad programme that different from it.
examines achievements, attitude, Measurement is
interests, personality, traits and skills appraisal in terms of a
To explain factors which are taken into fixed standards whereas
1 min nature of consideration. Thus cognitive, an evaluation implies Define Nature
evaluation affective and psychomotor learning the use of relative and Power point of evaluation
outcome is measured in the evaluation flexible standards.. Presentation
process. The evaluation is a two part
process. The first part of evaluation is
the determination of what is to evaluate
(Goal) and the second part is the
judgment of whether the goals are
being achieved.


overall purpose will be to provide
information to enable each student to
develop according to his potential with
in the frame work of educational
objectives. Bloom stated the following
1) To discover the extent of
To explain competence through which the student What is
2 mins purpose of have developed in initiating, Power Point purpose of
evaluation.. organizing and improving his/her day Presentation evaluation?
to day work and to diagnose his/her
strength and weakness with a view to
further guidance. To understand purpose
Purposes of evaluation of evaluation
2) To appraise the status of and
changes in student’s behaviour.
3) To assess the student’s progress
from time to time and disclose
student’s needs and possibility.
4) To predict the student’s future in
academic success. 5) To provide basis
for modification of the curriculum and
6) To motivate students for better
attainment and growth.
7) To improve instructional and
measuring devices. 8) To locate areas
where remedial measures are needed.

nursing To determine the level of
knowledge and understanding of the
students at various times. To
determine the level of student’s clinical
performance at various stage. To
diagram each student’s strength and
weakness and to suggest remedial
measures. To encourage student’s
learning by measuring their
achievement and inform them their
To Explain success. To help students to acquire What is
1 min purpose of the attitude of and skills in self- Power point purpose of
evaluation evaluation and self-directing in their Presentation evaluation?
study. To provide motivation in
practicing critical thinking, the
application of principle, the making of To understand purpose
judgment, etc. of evaluation

a) Certification
b) Feedback
c) Monitoring the program
d) Safeguarding the public
e) Baseline for guidance and
f) Placement and promotion in job
g) Development of tools and
techniques and appraise the methods of

2 mins Scope of EVALUATION To understand Scope of Power point What is Power
evaluation 1. Continuous process. 2. Includes evaluation Presentation point
academic and non-academic subjects. Presentation
3. Procedure for improving the ?
4. Discovers the needs of an individual
student and to design learning
experience that will solve their needs.
5. Correlation between the educational
system and the system of evaluation.
6. Complex process which need
scientific techniques and tools.


a process of determining the extent to Characteristics of
2 mins To explain which educational objectives are evaluation Power point
Characteristic achieved by pupils. It should not be Presentation
of evaluation viewed as merely a collection of
techniques for obtaining information
about pupil’s behaviour. (Gronlund & What is
Guilbert) Evaluation is most effective Characteristics
when based on sound operational of evaluation?
principles. The following principles
stated by Gronlund provide a
framework within which the process of
evaluation may be viewed.

Determining and classifying what is to

be evaluated always has priority in the
evaluation process: The objectives
must be clearly stated before
evaluation is made. Techniques should
be selected in term of the purposes to To understand
be served. Comprehensive evaluation Principles of evaluation
5 mins To explain requires a variety of evaluation Power point
Principles of techniques. No single evaluation Presentation
evaluation technique is adequate to evaluate

What is
NURSING evaluation?
To estimate the effectiveness of
teaching and learning technique, of
subject content Evaluation is a means
to an end and not as end itself.
Evaluation procedures must contribute
to improved decisions of instruction,
guidance and administrative nature.
Adequacy of experience should be
made in terms of excellence of
performance and quality of experience.
Record for practice should reflect the
objectives of practice and give
evidence to the extent of achievement
of these objectives.


METHODS The techniques/methods
or tools used for evaluation are means
for collecting evidence about student’s
development in desired direction.
There are some criteria one should Purposes of evaluation
follow while preparing the tools for in nursing
assessment. To estimate the Power point
2 mins To explain Criteria for selection of assessment effectiveness of teaching Presentation
Principles of techniques & methods Assessment and learning technique,
evaluation TOOL: Criteria Validity y Others of subject content and
Specific city Relevant Practice ability instructional media in What is
Objectivity Reliability. reaching the goals. To Principles of
Criteria for selection of assessment gather information for evaluation?
techniques & methods Validity: It administrative purpose
means the extent to which a test such as selecting
measures what it is intended to students for higher
measure. It is an important criterion to courses, placement of
be met. students for advanced
TYPES ARE: training, etc.
1. Face validity
2. Content validity
3. Construct validity
4. Criterion related validity

RELIABILITY: It is a measure of the

consistency and precision with which it
tests what it is supposed to test. To understand Criteria
2 mins To explain Methods are: for selection assessment Power point
Criteria for 1. Test retest method techniques & Methods. Presentation What is
selection 2. Split Half method Principles of
assessment evaluation?
techniques & OBJECTIVITY:
Methods. It describes the degree of consensus
with which two or more evaluators
score the same test. It eliminates fixed
opinion or judgment of the person who
score it.

It depends on various factors such as
ease of administrability, scoring and
interpretation, also the economy of
resources like money or time.

RELEVANCE: It is the
appropriateness of the assessment tool
to evaluate what actually to be
SPECIFICITY: The item in a test
must be specific to the objectives.

OTHERS: It includes Discrimination

Precise and clear Comprehensiveness

To understand Types of
2 mins To explain TYPES OF EVALUATION There evaluation. . Power point
Types of are mainly two types of evaluation:- Presentation What is Types
evaluation. Based on time Based on manner in of evaluation.
which one interpret the result of the ?
learner performance Summative
Formative Criterion Reference Norm


ON TIME: This classification was
based on the frequency of conducting
evaluation. M Scriven (1967) coined
the term summative and formative
evaluation. Summative Evaluation is
the commonly known type of
evaluation. It comes at the end of the
term, course or programme of
teaching. Formative Evaluation is
ongoing, continuous evaluation.

Summative Evaluation: Definitions:-
It describes judgement about the merits
of an already completed program,
procedure or product. A. J. Nitke
(1983) It is conducted at the end of the
instructional segment to determine if
learning is sufficient or complete then
move the learner to the next segment
of instruction.R L Ebel & Frisbic
(1986) It is done at the conclusion of
instruction and measures the extent to
which students have attained the
desired outcome. W Weersma & S G
Jury (1990)

Summative Evaluation: It is done at the

end of any program or instruction or
course, term or semester. Annual
examination and half yearly
examination in school, public
examination are the example of such
evaluation. It is also called external
assessment. It is used to assign the
grades for student’s achievement
which can be used for promotion to the
next grade and judgement of high and
low performers within a certain group
for passing or failing in an
To understand Types of
2 mins To explain TYPES OF EVALUATION evaluation. Power point
Types of FORMATIVE EVALUATION: Presentation What is Types
evaluation. Definitions:- It is concerned with of evaluation.
judgement made during the design or ?
development of a program, which is
directed towards modifying, forming
or otherwise improving the programs
before it is completed. ___ A. J. Nitke
(1983) It is conducted to monitor the
instructional process to determine
whether learning is taking place as
planned. ___ R L Ebel & Frisbic
(1986) It occurs over a period of time
and monitors student’s progress. ____
W Weersma & S G Jury (1990)
Formative Evaluation: It is an ongoing
continuous evaluation conducted
during learning process in order to
improve teaching – learning process
and students learning outcomes. By
this evaluation teachers can modify the
Types of evaluation CHARACT-
progress of student by getting feedback
To check final status of students
CONTENT FOCUS •Detailed •Narrow
scope •General •Broad scope
METHODS •Daily assignments
•Observations •Tests •Projects
FREQUENCY Daily or weekly
Quarterly or after completion of

Types of evaluation Based on manner

in which one interpret the result of the
learner performance there are two
types of evaluation - Criterion
Reference and Norm Reference
Evaluation. • Criterion Reference
Evaluation: This determines whether
each student has achieved specific
skills or concepts. In this each
individual is compared with a present
standard for acceptable achievement.
The performance of other students is
irrelevant. For Example assessing a
student’s skill to administer IM
Injection based on a checklist.
To understand norms of Power point
2 mins To explain NORM REFERENCE reference Presentation What is
norm of EVALUATION: In this assessment Norms
reference . the test scores are compared with a reference
person’s performance similar to others evaluation. ?
with similar educational backgrounds.
This can be used as a preliminary tool Purposes: Antidote to
before making the actual evaluation the disease of verbal
tool. In this instead of looking at the instructions Best
actual score of the student, we see how motivation Clear images
well they did in relation to others. Vicarious experience
Variety of stimulation
Opportunities to handle
30. Criteria for selection of assessment and manipulate
techniques & methods The Retention
techniques/methods or tools used for Contd.. Capture
evaluation are means for collecting attention Realism
evidence about student’s development Meeting individual
in desired direction. There are some differences
criteria one should follow while Reinforcement to
preparing the tools for assessment learner Positive transfer
of learning

2 mins To explain AUDIO- VISUAL AIDS Projected & CLASSIFICATION Power point What is audio
norm of Audio Aids Film Projector Video OF AV AIDS: Presentation visual aids. ?
reference tape Recorder Multimedia Projector

DEFINITION : AUDIO – Visual A.V. aids can be broadly

Aids are those sensory objects or divided into 2 types
images which initiate or stimulate and based on their
reinforce learning. (Burton) Visual operation.1. Projected
aids are any instructional device that aids2. Non projected
can be seen. But not heard. Audio aids
aids are any instructional device that
can be heard but not seen. Projected aids: Film
Film Projector Film strips Opaque
A movie projector is an opto- projector OHP-overhead
mechanical device for displaying projector
moving pictures by projecting them on Non projected aids:
a projection screen Audio aids Graphic aids
Film Projector16 mm projector was a Display boards Activity
popular format for audio-visual used in aids Radio Charts Black
schools for educational films and as a board
high-end home entertainment system DemonstratTelevision
before the advent of broadcast Cartoon Bulletin ions
television i.e. from 1940s to 1980s . recordings Diagrams
Film Projector Films can be used as a boards Experiment
teaching aid in almost any discipline, Flash cards Flannel
especially the languages. And it can be actions Graphs boards
particularly effective in teaching Field trips Maps
different kinds of learners. The film Magnetic Photograph
projectors are replaced after 1980s by board s Peg board
multimedia projectors or LCD Pictures Posters models

Video tape Recorder

A video tape recorder (VTR) is a tape
recorder designed to record video
material, usually on a magnetic tape.
It’s one form included the tape within a
videocassette, which was used with
video cassette recorders (VCR). The
VCR is simple to operate, portable, and
less expensive
2 mins To explain Video tape Recorder VCRs became To understand Video Power point What is video
Video tape popular in education as it teachers to tape recorder Presentation tape recorder?
recorder allow to pause, rewind, and fast-
forward of any recorded shows. After
2002 magnetic tapes were largely
replaced by digital video tape formats
and videocassettes and VCRs popular
at the consumer level, were also
replaced by digital media, such as
DVD and later Optical discs.
Multimedia Projector An LCD
projector or multimedia projector is a
type of video projector for displaying
video, images or computer data on a
screen or other flat surface.

2 mins To explain MULTIMEDIA PROJECTOR USE To understand Video Power point What is multi
Multimedia IN EDUCATION TO VIEW tape recorder Presentation media
projector use EDUCATIONAL FILMSLCD projector?
projectors allow teachers to easily
show educational films. They can show
clips of video they have found online
or play a DVD.

Multimedia Projector

Teachers can prepare presentations on

a computer and display them on an
LCD projector. This can be very useful
for creating lesson plans that can be
used year after year. It provides a
large, clear image that students can see .
from anywhere in the room.



When an LCD projector is used to

display an image on a whiteboard:
Teacher has the option to use dry erase
markers to draw on the image e.g.
demonstrating a chemical reaction or
labelling muscle groups in anatomy
class Students can use markers in
different colons to participate as well
e.g. a teacher may display a paragraph
on the screen and ask students to mark
errors on the whiteboard

The assessment of student

achievement, or understanding what
students know and can do, is
fundamental to effective teaching and
to students' learning. Unless teachers
know students well and are
knowledgeable about their
achievements, they cannot be confident
that they are meeting the learning
needs of their students.

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