NIT Admission Offer Letter
NIT Admission Offer Letter
NIT Admission Offer Letter
We appreciate and offer our sincere thanks for showing your interest to study in our Institute.
With reference to your application at Study in India portal for the admission in Under Graduate
programme Batchelor of Technology (Department of Mechanical Engineering). Institute finds you
eligible for admission in the mentioned course for the year 2020-21.
We hereby request you to accept this offer of admission and to confirm your acceptance through a
return email and also by logging into Sil Portal.
This is to further inform you that the classes for first semester will commence online as per the standing
instruction of Govt . of India . Any change / modification in the mode of teaching depending upon the
prevailing situation will be comn1unicated to you from time to time.
The fee structure adopted by the Institute for foreign students tmder Sil scheme in SIi fellowship 's
categories is as follows :
From the second semester onwards. the tuition fee will remain same and other fee will include only
Student Activity Fee. Medical Fee. Hostel Seat Rent. Hall Establishment Fee, Mess Fee & Admission
Fee (Approximately fNR 36500).
Thankmg you. ~
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