Employee and Organizational Impacts of Flexitime Work Arrangements
Employee and Organizational Impacts of Flexitime Work Arrangements
Employee and Organizational Impacts of Flexitime Work Arrangements
A massive ongoing area of policy development work for many employers in Britain
currently involves putting in place a formal procedure for considering employee
requests for flexible working. This is because of the new statutory rights1 given
to parents of young or disabled children to apply for a wide variety of flexible
work arrangements – including home-working, compressed weeks, flexitime and
term-time working – and for their requests to be given serious consideration
by employers. The British Government has actively encouraged family-friendly
employment practices over the last few years. The Government’s motive was
to encourage employers to adopt greater flexibility in employment conditions
as provided in the Employment Relations Act (1999) that offered employees
enhanced maternity rights, new rights for unpaid parental leave and for unpaid
time off for dependents.
Derek Eldridge, Honorary Fellow, Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester,
Manchester, UK (Derek.Eldridge@manchester.ac.uk).
Tahir M. Nisar, Reader, School of Management, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, UK
Acknowledgements: The authors are grateful to the WERS (Workplace Employment Relations Survey) team and
the sponsors for their permission to use the survey data. The survey was jointly sponsored by the Department
of Trade and Industry, the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service, the Economic and Social Research
Council and the Policy Studies Institute. The usual disclaimer applies.
214 relations industrielles / industrial relations – 66-2, 2011
their break times during the day. This managerial innovation was initially seen
as an attempt to reduce absenteeism, especially among women employees.2
However, flexitime is now seen as an important component of a work-life balance
package designed for mitigating the ill-effects of a rigid working hour culture, with
important ramifications for both employers and employees (Galinsky and Johnson,
1998). In this context, the thesis on flexitime examines the question of why em-
ployees report high levels of work-life conflict (WLC), dissatisfaction and job stress
when trying to maintain a balance between work and family responsibilities (Lero,
Richardson and Korabik, 2009). The key factors contributing to the gap between
what employees want and what they experience include: “long work hours; in-
creased workloads; workplace cultures that inhibit work-life balance; workplaces
that do not provide the flexibility needed to meet work, personal and family re-
sponsibilities; and lack of appropriate child and elder care resources” (Lero, Rich-
ardson and Korabik, 2009: 1). For example, the aggregate pattern in the United
States suggests that the average hours worked by individuals has not declined
since 1970; indeed, for some groups average hours have increased (Golden and
Figart, 2000). Similar patterns have been observed for British corporate employees.
The usual working week for full-time employees in Britain is the highest in the
European Union: 43.3 hours, compared with an average of 39.3 hours in the euro
area and just 37.7 hours in France. Amongst full-time employees, a quarter of Brit-
ish men and a tenth of women usually work more than 48 hours a week.
A persistent pattern of WLC may run the risk of stifling worker productivity and
economic competitiveness (Dex and Scheibl, 1999). When people are juggling
work with home responsibilities or working long hours that result in exhaustion,
stress and reduced effectiveness, a toll is taken not only on their approach to work
but also on their health and well-being. According to the Labour Force Survey (LFS),
nearly 1.9 million working days a week were lost to sickness and injury in summer
2000 (ONS, 2000). This figure represented 1.8% of scheduled working days in
Britain. Moreover, the number of claimants incapacitated by sickness and invalidity3
has increased substantially since the late 1970s, especially linked to the mental
disorders of “stress and depression.”
Job Control
Prior research on control has been driven by the specific context in which it is
analyzed. For example, the definition of control may stress its social or politi-
cal orientation. Organizational behaviour researchers focus solely on personal
or psychological control, and are mainly concerned with the effects of perceived
employee control over important individual and organizational outcomes (e.g.
Rotter, 1966). The seminal work of Karasek’s job demands-control model of or-
ganizational stress provides initial ideas on the link between employee stress and
216 relations industrielles / industrial relations – 66-2, 2011
Giving employees control over when to start and finish their working day
reaps enormous rewards in terms of greater staff morale and job satisfaction,
and this arrangement also eliminates the concept of being late as employees can
schedule their work hours (Fenwick and Tausig, 2001).
Job Insecurity
Extant research on job insecurity particularly explores its negative effects on in-
dividuals as on organizations. Job insecurity may result in reduced psychological
well-being as evident in employees feeling anxiety, irritation, depression, or strain-
related psychosomatic complaints (Dekker and Schaufeli, 1995). From a human
resource management perspective, the concern may be that the employees show
attitudinal reactions-intentions to quit and may experience reduced organiza-
tional commitment and reduced satisfaction (Rosenblatt and Ruvio, 1996).
Job insecurity may be understood in terms of the degree to which workers per-
ceive their job to be threatened and feel powerless to do anything about it (Ashford,
Lee and Bobko, 1989). However, the emphasis is both on the threat of job loss
but also on the loss of any dimensions of the job (Ashford, Lee and Bobko, 1989).
Jacobson and Hartley (1991) argue that job insecurity may even be experienced in
seemingly “safe” employment environments when viewed as a difference between
the level of security a person experiences and the level she might prefer. Rather than
analyzing job insecurity in the context of organizational crisis or change, where job
insecurity is conceived as an overall concern about the future of one’s job (Jacobson
and Hartley, 1991), organizational behaviour literature (Rosenblatt and Ruvio, 1996)
examines the particular experience of job insecurity and works on the assumption
that it is relevant whether or not an objective threat exists. This is because feelings
of job insecurity depend on the perception of the individual, although this percep-
tion varies as a function of both personal attributes and objective circumstances.
Kinnuneni et al. (2000) study perceived job insecurity among Finnish employees em-
ployed in three organizations reflecting the different economic conditions in three
major economic areas: export industry, the domestic market and the public sector.
They specifically examine the extent to which perceived job insecurity would predict
employees’ well-being at the organizational level. They found that perceived job
insecurity varied with gender and organization. For example, female employees in
the bank reported a higher level of job insecurity than men.
The introduction of flexitime work arrangements, or a better work-life balance,
is seen as alleviating many of the inflexibilities resulting from uncertain and
stressful work environments (Arnott and Emmerson, 2000). For instance, Stone,
Kemp and Weldon (1994) found that the sickness records of part time workers
were better than those of full-time staff. One study on the benefits of childcare
suggested that employers who provided childcare referral services for employees
218 relations industrielles / industrial relations – 66-2, 2011
saved an estimated £2 for every £1 they spent due to reduced sickness absence
(Dex and Scheibl, 1999). Based on the 1999-2003 WES (Canadian Workplace
and Employee Survey), Ferrer and Gagné (2006) provide information about the
availability and use of worklife balance practices in Canada. It shows that flexible
work hours (the capacity to vary start and stop times around a certain number
of core hours) were available to 54% of female employees and 58% of male
employees. Importantly, roughly two thirds of employees used this option when
it was available. When employee use of several workplace practices and supports
was compared for each year between 1999 and 2003, there were only modest
changes in the proportion of employees using specific work-life balance practices
over this five year period (Fang and Lee, 2007). Research work conducted in the
late 1970s and early 1980s using American company data found that permitting
employees to exercise flexibility in their arrival and leaving times reduced
absenteeism, tardiness, overtime, etc (Golembiewski, Yeager and Hilles, 1975;
Kim and Campagna, 1981; Hicks and Klimoski, 1981). This discussion leads us to
formulate our first hypothesis.
HYPOTHESIS 1: Employees are less likely to experience job insecurity and stress and higher
job demands in flextime workplaces than in non-flexitime workplaces.
its members to extend their cooperation and thereby perform work tasks in
team environments (Marchington, 1990). Special attention is accorded to
developing those norms that enhance cooperative efforts, because an effective
implementation of many new productive processes critically depends on team
members’ initiative and feedback for improvement. Such an integrative process is,
to an extent, facilitated by the introduction of streamlined organizational systems
such as flexitime, as the practice allows individuals to schedule their own working
hours. Companies may also find compressed hours as a useful way of managing
excessive hours. If employees have more options available in terms of workplace
flexibility, it will provide more opportunities to balance work and life. For some
people, evening or weekend work means the chance to gain an extra income
while a partner is at home to care for children or elderly relatives. For others, a
late morning start, a longer lunch break or a shift at night, allows sport and fitness
to be factored into their day. In these situations giving employees opportunities
to adjust their working hours will have positive staffing consequences for the
organization. For example, an increase in staff working at peak demand times
on shorter shifts, such as on a 4 pm – 10 pm, or 5 pm – 11 pm shift in a control
room, can cut down on the need for other staff to work overtime.4
Flexibility is thus stressed as an important part of a work-life balance package,
but is also a by product of efforts by organizations to dismantle many of the
performance barriers created by a lethargic mass production system (DfEE, 2000).
As flexitime encourages employee control over scheduling, as well as the work
process itself, it enhances the autonomy of employees to make work-related
decisions independently and with a greater degree of confidence and trust
(Bailyn, 1993; Atkinson and Meager, 1986). Delegation of authority in this way
increases employee involvement as well as securing a better match between
complementary organizational practices (Wood, de Menezes and Lasaosa, 2003;
Berg, Kalleberg and Appelbaum, 2003). Furthermore, the degree of freedom
afforded to an individual to schedule her work potentially enhances not just
process outcome but also her ability to make opportune decisions about her
needs. Bearing in mind the literature we have just reviewed, we can formulate
the following hypothesis.
HYPOTHESIS 2: Establishments with flexitime work arrangements are more likely to have
adopted activities associated with participatory organizational practices
than are their counterparts without flexitime work arrangements.
Empirical Analysis
The aim of the present study is to evaluate the personal and organizational im-
pact of flexitime using data from the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations
Survey (WERS). WERS is a nationally representative survey of workplaces with 5
220 relations industrielles / industrial relations – 66-2, 2011
Research Design
The present investigation focuses on the three areas of the research outlined
above, namely the extent to which flexitime has been adopted, and the impact
it has had on employee stress and job control. In this respect, we do not exam-
ine whether establishments offer flexitime, as this may give a distorted picture
of the use of flexitime. For instance, company management may not allow the
use of flexitime when it is needed. Instead, as our description of the variable
below shows, we investigate if the flexitime is available to the employees when
requested. Given the nature of the research questions, survey probit or ordered
probit modelling techniques are used throughout. It is thus possible to hold con-
stant a range of workplace and individual level characteristics, while the relation-
ships between the dependent and independent variables are analyzed. These
techniques also enable the probability of respondents’ selection into the sample
and the design of the survey of employees to be taken into account. Probability
weights are used in all regressions.
The particular tests of the impact of flexitime are the following.
Correlation Matrix
Flexitime Stress Security Job demand Discretion Control
Stress 0.37
Security -0.09 -0.11
Job demand 0.36 0.39 0.15
Discretion 0.52 0.14 0.51 0.19
Control 0.21 0.22 0.28 0.37 0.43
Team 0.44 0.12 0.23 0.45 0.49 0.38
Note: Pearson correlations reported. All correlations are significant at the 1% level.
shows that worker and job features are associated with having greater or lesser
access to work schedule flexibility. In particular, female, non-White, and less
educated workers have reduced probability of access to such flexibility. In order
to gain greater flexible timing of work, workers must be also willing to work long
work weeks, part-time or evening shifts; additionally, flexitime opportunities are
available to workers who are in selected high-skill occupations or work as self
employed. Guérin et al. (1997) conducted a study of 301 organizations with
more than 250 employees in Québec, and investigated the determinants of the
type and number of work-life balance practices offered. The study emphasizes
four important factors that significantly impact the implementation of such
practices. These factors include (1) a group of interrelated variables pertaining
to an organization’s unionization rate, industry membership and size, (2)
organizational culture, (3) proportion of women in the organization, and (4) the
type of workforce (low wage workers, professionals, etc).
Employee Experience of Flexitime – Survey of Employees
Stress Security Job Demand
discontentment and job dissatisfaction. This implies that the causes of job stress
and other worked-related ailments are possibly deeper than the breakdown of
some individual workplace norm that can be easily put to right by introducing
practices such as flexitime.
We also examine the probability of different types of employees experiencing
stress, job security and job demand. An analysis of these results would shed
further light on the types of employees that participated in research. With regard
to the reference category Single, it appears that, as against widowed, divorced/
separated employees and employees who are married or living with partners
are less likely to feel stressed, more likely to feel secure and experience less
Employee and Organizational Impacts of Flexitime Work Arrangements 225
job demands in their work. These results are stronger for “living with partner”
employees. When the reference category is No Qualifications, employees
with GCSE qualifications are more likely to get stressed, while graduates and
post-graduates may face higher job demands. When the reference category is
Permanent Employees, temporary employees, as one would expect, are likely
to be less satisfied with their job security. An interesting result is how fixed-
term employees also feel stressed in the performance of their jobs. In the past,
organizations did not often actively include part-time employees under formal
flexitime. However, this situation has changed with new government regulations
on part-time workers that require parity with full-time employees. Part-time
employees can fill in start and finish times on a timesheet like other staff, once
a standard day and half day are calculated for their hours. Despite this progress,
there are indications that some temporary or part-time employees are unclear on
their position. As we argue later, these issues need to be understood in the light
of the types of employees and establishments that are more likely to benefit from
a flexitime scheme.
When the reference category is Low Pay, high pay employees are more likely
to feel insecure in their jobs than the other category. Ethnic Minorities are likely
to face job insecurity, while Male employees may face higher job demands and
experience higher levels of stress. The demographics of the workforce have
changed over the recent past, with more women entering the workforce (CIPD,
2002). Consequently, there is recognition of family responsibilities by both
company management and policy makers, and how flexitime can be used to
meet the demands of these responsibilities. Employees with flexitime working
are then better able to deal with such issues as caring for children. Companies
can also benefit as with flexitime they may be able to attract more skilled
These results suggest that there is a great variation among employees with
regard to their experience of job stress, job security and job demand. Any flexitime
policy should take into account these variations to make the policy more effective
and responsive to the individual needs of the employees (see also Walton, 2002).
Organizations are increasingly finding ways of allowing some control of working
hours so that all employees can have some say in their own work-life balance,
which suggests that a better understanding of individual needs of employees
can go a long way in creating an effective flexitime platform. It is likely that
there are some work roles that are not well suited to daily variation in hours by
employee choice. On the other hand, there are some employees who need a
greater range of flexible working arrangements. In these situations, it would be
useful for the organization to consider a range of flexible working options, rather
than insisting on a specific set of flexitime choices. These concerns bear out in
226 relations industrielles / industrial relations – 66-2, 2011
our results that suggest that different employee categories have different levels
of personal experiences with regard to job stress, job security, and job demand.
For example, flexitime tends not to be suitable for those roles which have fixed
time functions. It is usually a shift system or self-rostering of shifts by a team
that offers choice in hours. Moreover, there are some employees whose job roles
are not suited to these schemes (e.g., receptionists). It is therefore important
that a company that introduces flexitime also take into account such limitations
of the scheme. Nonetheless, flexitime has now been extended successfully to
junior managers, engineers, scientists, technicians and other laboratory workers
(CIPD, 2002).
Organizational Impacts of Flexitime – Survey of Managers
Discretion Control Team
Operating for less than five years 0.056 (0.057) -0.007 (0.001) -0.567** (0.073)
F 4.11 2.56 3.89
Prob>F 0.243 0.000 0.000
N 18525 19536 17557
The policy agenda on “work-life balance” is largely based on the assumption
that changes in the profile of the workforce and in shifting expectations, both
of the business and the employee, are demanding reorganization of working
practices to ensure that the business keeps up with the competition and that
employees achieve a balance between work and life. The present study has
investigated the impact of flexitime work arrangements on employees and or-
ganizations using a linked employee-employer dataset.
Employee and Organizational Impacts of Flexitime Work Arrangements 229
It has been argued that organizations that do not recognize and address
problems of work-life balance will be at a competitive disadvantage (Bevan et
al., 1999). At the organizational level, when work and family goals and priorities
collide, realization of business goals is frequently compromised as employees
experience stress and job dissatisfaction. However, there is no evidence of the
establishments with flexitime arrangements having less stressed employees
than non-flexitime establishments. Furthermore, there is a positive relationship
between flexitime arrangements and demanding work conditions. These findings
raise the possibility that establishments operating flexitime schemes pursue goals
that are not fully explained by a “rigid working hour’s culture” thesis.
Literature on flexibility suggests that strategies such as flat hierarchies,
restructuring, horizontal networking and team-building are commonly designed
to respond to the need for change in control- and authority-based systems of
organization. Such changes enhance the ability of employees to perform their
tasks more efficiently in an environment in which technology and skill are
ever more important. In addition, the development and effective utilization of
multi-level skills require complementary organizational and human resource
management strategies such as employee participation in return, team operation
and employee involvement in shop-floor decision-making. It is argued that
flexitime is one such strategy, which ensures the effective implementation of
decentralized organizational structures through its impact on the ability of
employees to schedule their own working hours in line with perceived priorities.
This study has found a limited support for this supposed relationship.
Taken together, the results reported here on the impact of flexitime on
employee stress and job control in themselves do not provide an explanation
of the precise motives of workplaces in going about their flexitime programs,
although there is an indication of some positive relationship between flexitime
and employee-coordinated organizational structures. While the concept of
flexitime has gained considerable government and management support in
recent years, for companies themselves this study raises concerns about the
accuracy of the underlying rationale for its promotion in respect of employee
needs and indeed possibly on the ethical perspective of employers that promote
it. Certainly it points to the need for a government rethink of its aims for
flexitime when addressing key employee welfare concerns. A better understood
managerial practice would improve the opportunities for the cost effective
design and implementation of organizational development strategies which
include flexitime as a key component. In terms of further research attention
should be given to the explanatory factors and their significance within the
two major relationships exposed by this research. In this a case study approach
would yield the necessary results.
230 relations industrielles / industrial relations – 66-2, 2011
1 Under the terms of the Employment Act 2002, a “qualifying employee” may apply to their
employer for a change in terms and conditions of employment if the change relates to any
of the following: (i) the hours the employee is required to work; (ii) the times when they are
required to work; and (iii) where, as between home and a place of business of the employer,
the employee is required to work.
2 For instance, Piotet (1988) argues that female absenteeism is due primarily to inflexibilities in
both the workplace and society at large, which result in problems associated with children
together with problems of access to social and commercial services during normal hours of
work (pp. 128-129).
3 Invalidity Benefit was replaced by Incapacity Benefit in 1995.
4 These staff are also known as “key timers.” In some cases this strategy may be unpopular if
staff rely on overtime hours to boost their wages.
5 We do conduct a 2SLS (two stage least squares) regression in dealing with the endogeneity
concerns such as how factors like unions may strongly influence the adoption of flexitime.
However, our regression results do not fundamentally change. In fact, they are stronger than
the probit regressions reported in Table 3.
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