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Experimental Simulation of Hybrid Quantum Systems and Entanglement On A Quantum Computer

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Experimental simulation of hybrid quantum

systems and entanglement on a quantum

Cite as: Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 233501 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5126505
Submitted: 03 September 2019 . Accepted: 20 November 2019 . Published Online: 02 December 2019

Farai Mazhandu , Kayleigh Mathieson , Christopher Coleman , and Somnath Bhattacharyya


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Applied Physics Letters 115, 232101 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5127213

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Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 233501 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5126505 115, 233501

© 2019 Author(s).
Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/apl

Experimental simulation of hybrid quantum

systems and entanglement on a quantum
Cite as: Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 233501 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5126505
Submitted: 3 September 2019 . Accepted: 20 November 2019 .
Published Online: 2 December 2019

Farai Mazhandu,1 Kayleigh Mathieson,1 Christopher Coleman,1 and Somnath Bhattacharyya1,2,a)

Nano Scale Transport Physics Laboratory, School of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3,
WITS 2050 Johannesburg, South Africa
National University of Science and Technology “MISiS,” Leninski Avenue 4, 119991 Moscow, Russia

Electronic mail: somnath.bhattacharyya@wits.co.za

We propose the utilization of the IBM Quantum Experience quantum computing system to simulate different scenarios involving common
hybrid quantum system components, the nitrogen vacancy center (NV center), and the flux qubit. We perform a series of simulation
experiments and demonstrate properties of a virtual hybrid system, including its spin relaxation rate and state coherence. In correspondence
with experimental investigations, we look at the scalability of such systems and show that increasing the number of coupled NV centers
decreases the coherence time. We also establish the main error rate as a function of the number of control pulses in evaluating the fidelity of
the four qubit virtual circuit with the simulator. Our results show that the virtual system can attain decoherence and fidelity values
comparable to what has been reported for experimental investigations of similar physical hybrid systems, observing a coherence time at
0.35 s for a single NV center qubit and fidelity in the range of 0.82. This work thus establishes an effective simulation protocol to test and
evaluate different technologies as a supplementary measure that complements their experimental operation.
Published under license by AIP Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5126505

Quantum computers have the potential to solve problems that are ideal complementary elements for such hybrid systems. As both
scale up at polynomial times and are thus predicted to outperform these device elements rely on spin, they can easily be coupled, and
classical computers in a wide range of tasks including machine learn- experimental investigations have demonstrated quantum information
ing,1 complex simulations,2–14 and optimization problems.15 However, transfer between flux qubit and NV center ensembles.19 Additionally,
to establish true quantum supremacy, there is a need to build and NV centers present ideal quantum logic elements and have shown to
demonstrate universal fault tolerant and scalable computing systems be useful for a range of operations as quantum registers and as quan-
that can extend beyond the capabilities of classical computational sys- tum gates.21,22 Due to their possibility of realizing fault tolerant logic
tems.16 To accomplish this, several different types of systems and operations, holonomic quantum gates have been widely studied in var-
architectures have been proposed and continue to be studied. ious systems,21–27 but most notably with the geometric phase in NV
More recently, this has included the demonstration of hybrid sys- center qubits.4–6
tems, which combine different complementary quantum device ele- We attempt to extend the work of Devitt,28 which suggested the
ments, often coupling a combination of superconducting, atomic, and/ possibility of using the IBM Quantum Experience cloud-based com-
or spin systems into a single circuit.17,18 Nitrogen vacancy (NV) cen- puting platform for simulating different quantum systems. Our work
ters have been studied extensively for this purpose; this is because the investigates the physical properties of three variants of a small-scale
spin states associated with the NV center present a well-studied energy circuit onto which we map an equivalent virtual system composed of
level splitting, which can be readily accessed and addressed through the NV center(s) and a flux qubit. We relate this to the work of
both electrical and optical measurement techniques and are thus able Zhukov et al.,4 which looks at simulating spin qubits with the IBM
to couple relatively easily to circuitry and other device components. It Quantum Experience (5 qubit) IBMqx4. Also, we draw inspiration
has already been shown that coupled NV centers and flux qubits19,20 from the work of Ju et al.,29 which makes use of the properties of NV

Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 233501 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5126505 115, 233501-1
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/apl

centers and their topological transitions to act as a simulation platform zero-field splitting tensor from the anisotropic magnetic dipole-dipole
itself. We instead extend for the purpose of simulating their useful interaction, is taken to be 2.87  103. We take the electron g-factors
properties for quantum circuits. ce ¼ 2.8 and cN ¼ 0.3077  103 . The hyperfine coupling constant
First, we examine the relaxation rate and state coherence of a between the electron spin and flux qubit is taken as JC ¼ 14. Q ¼ 5.1
three logical qubit entangled circuit. By tuning the initial state prepara- is the quadrupole splitting tensor of the nitrogen nuclear spin. The
tion through microwave pulse control of the logic operations of the hyperfine coupling constant between the electron spin and the 14N
simulator, we are able to simulate dynamics equivalent to that nuclear spin is JN ¼ 2.1. We take the term for the flux qubit  d2 rx and
observed in the entangled electron, nitrogen atom and instead replace the term for the flux qubit interaction gf rz , whereas we take  d2 as the
the 13 C atom with a flux qubit, which is related to what is found in flux tunable parameter, rx and r as the Pauli matricesz, and gf as a suit-
physical NV center systems. Next, we use the same technique to simu- able coupling parameter between the flux qubit and the NV centers.
late a coupled system involving three NV centers and a flux qubit and The IBM Quantum Experience, IBMqx4, has already demon-
demonstrate effects in accordance with recent theoretical predic- strated its potential to be utilized for quantum simulations28 of this scale.
tions.30 To demonstrate the versatility of this simulation scheme, we In our simulations, the virtual system composed of individual two-level
also investigated the effects of scaling up the system and performing a spin states of electron, nitrogen, and the flux qubit is represented by
complete circuit simulation by increasing the number of NV centers three separate qubit lines on the physical circuit. We designate the
coupled to the flux qubit and modeling their dissipation according to electron-spin line for control and readout of the entangled components.
an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.31 This allows for easy comparison to recent experiments where electron-
As shown in Fig. 1, the first simulation experiment involves a spin in nitrogen doped diamond was used as multiqubit spin registers.
direct investigation of the physical components that collectively We are mainly concerned with logic protocols that involve the entangle-
makeup a single nitrogen vacancy center: the electron spin coupled to ment of the electron-spin line, and thus, measurements can only be
the nuclear spin of its nitrogen atom and the nuclear spin of a nearby made in the Z basis on the electron-spin qubit. We take all the qubits in
C atom. This diamond lattice defect has five valence electrons as well the zero state and map the three qubits on the IBMqx4. In order to do
as an extra electron captured from the environment forming a nega- this, the Hamiltonian (1) is transformed and mapped into an experi-
tively charged state. These six electrons occupy the molecular levels mentally realizable Hamiltonian through the Trotter approximation
forming a spin-triplet (S ¼ 1) state. In experiments, applying an exter- method,34 which we show in the supplementary material.
nal magnetic field can control the energy level splitting through a In Fig. 2, we show the quantum circuit lines with the unitary
Zeeman effect ms ¼ 0 or 61 spin, which can form a two-level system time evolution and apply the Trotter approximation to U1; then, in
ms ¼ 1 and ms ¼ 0. It is well established that appreciable quantities of Fig. 3, we reflect this on the simulator. Adjusting the external magnetic
the natural abundance 13 C isotopes can act as a source of decoherence field adjusts the coupling to different operational modes, in the physi-
of the NV center through spin-spin correlations. It is thus interesting cal system. NV center experiments have shown that the decoherence
to incorporate such elements into the simulation experiments, as for a single NV center is 14 ms and electron spin (3 ls); further-
such dynamics can be easily compared with experiments.32,33 The more, isotopically pure diamond has a time of 3 ms.35–37
Hamiltonian of the two spins and flux qubit in an external magnetic We take 14 N and 13 C as a source of noise approximating a
field B0 is (h ¼ 1), Markovian-Gaussian probability distribution governed by a static mag-
  netic field and noise from the electron spins to follow an Ornstein-
H ¼ DS2z þ ce B0 Sz  cN B0 Nz  B0 rx Uhlenbeck31 process controlled by its coupling to the bath. A challenge
2 that arises in constructing and simulating open quantum systems is
d d decoherence, as the interqubit dynamics that implement the quantum
þQ rx  rx þ JC Sz gf rz þ JN Sz Nz : (1) logic are unavoidably affected by uncontrolled couplings to the solid-
2 2
state environment, preventing high-fidelity gate performance.
Here, Sz and Nz are operators for the electron spin and the 14N nuclear An error correction technique that has been investigated in sys-
spin. In the megahertz and 2p basis, D, being the electron spin tems involving NV centers is dynamical decoupling,38–40 which decou-
ples the system from its environmental degrees of freedom. We look at
this method in more depth and in specific cases in the supplementary
material. Dynamical decoupling has been shown to lengthen their
electron spin coherence time;30,41,42 it allows each qubit to be individu-
ally and uniformly decoupled; with the added sequence, the flux qubit
coherence time ranges from 40 ls to 85 ls.43

FIG. 1. (a) NV center coupled to a superconducting flux qubit with four Josephson
junctions (in red), crystal-lattice, and energy diagrams of an NV center in diamond.
(b) Nitrogen vacancy center in diamond and a representation of the unitary decom- FIG. 2. Main three qubit quantum circuit on IBM Q consisting of Hadamard gates
position on the circuit line. (c) Two qubit control and flux qubit-nuclear entangling (H), controlled-not (CNOT) gates, unitary gates U1 and U3 (being the inverse), as
gate structure. well respective measurements.

Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 233501 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5126505 115, 233501-2
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/apl

FIG. 3. Quantum circuit for the unitary time evolution of eiH0 t on the 14N, the elec-
tron spin e, and the flux qubit acting as qubits. We apply the Trotter approximation
to U1.

The electron spin of the NV center is always coupled to the

nuclear spin of its own nitrogen atom; we show this in Fig. 4, where in
Fig. 4(a), we look at the electron spin relaxation in terms of the pulses
applied in the simulation process and use Fig. 4(b) as our circuit to
simulate this. The state coherence decreases and then stabilizes with
the increasing pulse duration; within the time instance of 2.5 ls, it
decreases by 0.2. We look at this in terms of the state excitations to ms
¼ þ1 and ms ¼ 1, as well as the state preparation to ms ¼ 0, where
we see a consistent relation with the state preparation having a slower
decrease in relaxation and the excitation to ms ¼ þ1 decreasing fastest.
In Fig. 4(c), we look at the electron spin state coherence evolution,
which we simulate with the gate structure in Fig. 4(d); this exhibits a
steady and then proceedingly rapid decline, from time 0 to 1 ls and
then 1 to 3 ls, respectively; it subsequently increases to then stabilize
at the 4–5 ls interval. The relaxation observed from our virtual sys-
tem’s electron spin resembles relaxation shown in physical NV center
experiments.35,44,45 In physical experiments, this is often a result of
perturbation by the 13 C nuclear spins around it which decoheres the
spin center, but as the pulse sequence comes into effect, the system
transitions into a steady state. In physical experiments, the longitudi-
nal relaxation observed in experiments has displayed both the temper-
ature and magnetic field dependence.35,44,45 The simulator has its
limitations, but the relaxation we observe from our virtual system
scales similar to the experimentally verified relaxation rate.35 We relate
the decoherence of the virtual system to the reduced state coherence
observed in our quantum gate simulation of the system with the simu-
lator. The decoherence affecting the physical IBM Q qubit likely has a
small but not overly significant contribution to the time scale and our
measurements. This virtual system simulation has similarities to the
work done by Taminiau et al.,22 which we look at in certain cases in
the supplementary material.
We now look at a four qubit system with three NV centers and a FIG. 4. Electron spin relaxation as a function of pulse duration. (b) Decoherence
flux qubit, which is an experimentally realizable hybrid quantum cir- variation with time for entangled electron spin of the NV center. (c) Quantum circuit
cuit architecture.46 A technique of entangling the qubits in physical used to simulate central spin relaxation. (d) The entangled spin evolution.
experiments is through using a resonant driving field and letting the
system evolve through a rotating unitary operation. This virtual circuit 0.5 ms and then slowly to the level at 0.82 at 0.35 ms. We consider the
can be represented by a Hamiltonian, which is given in the supple- initial decline in a more magnified view in Fig. 5(b), which shows the
mentary material. reduction of the state fidelity in 0.06 ms. To show that our results
Fidelity, which is the measurement of the closeness between two obtained from our virtual system simulations were reasonable, we look
quantum states, is measured for our gate simulation. By studying the at the limits of the simulation platform in performing this circuit sim-
influence of the shape and power of the control pulses, we can investi- ulation by showing the variation in the fidelity and state coherence
gate the degree of influence of the IBM quantum system and its noise with varying numbers of steps applied in processing the quantum
on our circuit simulation. In Fig. 5(a), we look at a four qubit gate gates; this is correlated with the number of times it is run on IBM’s 5
based logical circuit, which consists of three NV centers and a flux qubit system. In Fig. 5(c), we look at the fidelity for the four qubit sys-
qubit; here, we observe that the fidelity decreases quickly from 0 to tem and find a steady decrease in the fidelity with the number of steps

Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 233501 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5126505 115, 233501-3
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/apl

FIG. 7. (a) Coherence vs n (number of NV centers). (b) Decoherence vs evolution

time, with 1 NV (blue), 2 NVs (green), 3 NVs (red), and 4 NVs (black).

IBM Q’s superconducting qubits have a coherence time that

ranges from 50 to 100 ls (0.05–0.1 ms); as shown in Figs. 4, 5, and 7,
our simulated system displays a longer coherence time than that
reaching around 0.35 s. In both the virtual and experimental circuits,
FIG. 5. (a) Fidelity of a four qubit system involving three NV centers and a flux each qubit is entangled and the dynamics between the qubits, such as
qubit. (b) A magnified view of the four qubit fidelity in a shorter time frame (from the transfer of excitations, can be blocked through adequate phase and
another run of the simulation). (c) Fidelity of a four qubit system involving three NV coupling parameters. This can lead to constructive and destructive
centers and a flux qubit vs number of steps on IBM Q. (d) State coherence vs num-
interference effects in the circuit operations. In physical systems, the
ber of execution steps.
coupling strength is an important factor for quantum memory opera-
tion as the time taken to transfer information between the systems is
involved. The fidelity eventually stabilizes. This indicates that there is inversely proportional to the coupling strength, and so faster operation
only a limited contribution of the physical IBM Q quantum system within its coherence time leads to high-fidelity operation.
and its decoherence and dissipation to the simulation of our virtual In conclusion, we have performed a digital simulation involving
system. Similarly in Fig. 5(d), we look at the coherence times that are control pulses acting on a three different hybrid quantum systems
similar although a more prominent decrease in the times is observed based on NV centers in diamond and a four-junction flux qubit. The
with an increase in the number of execution steps of the experiment. decoherence and fidelity patterns observed from our virtual system
This decreases to almost 0 at 1400 steps. The results of our circuit sim- with the simulator are consistent with theoretical predictions and
ulation are related to the results obtained in both theoretical and experimental results for similar systems, which we largely attribute
experimental investigations of similar circuits.47–49 to our usage of a controllable coupling strength and decoupling
With the system involving n NV centers depicted in Fig. 6, we pulses to reduce noise. This work demonstrates the possibility of
look at how the increase in the number n of affects the coherence time. simulating different types of virtual quantum systems with different
This is shown in Fig. 7; in Fig. 7(a), we show the coherence time scal- properties with the IBM Q simulator and that they can be simulated
ing linearly with the increase in the number of NV center qubits, fairly accurately, irrespective of the contributions of environmental
where it decreases by 0.15 s with a change from one to four in number noise and CNOT noise. We show a decoupling procedure that
n. In Fig. 7(b), we show the change in the decoherence with the evolu- decouples the NV centers from their environment and allows them
tion time in milliseconds; it illustrates that there is not a large differ- to maintain their entanglement in the process, which could be a way
ence between having one and two NV centers in the system since they toward their usage in scalable and fault tolerant information proc-
scale similarly with only slight differences in their rate of evolution. essing. Finally, we recommend further studies of virtual systems on
With three and four qubits, they each decohere faster within a shorter the platform.
evolution time. With numbers n of one to three of NV centers, they all
decohere to 0.4 at around 27 ms and the system with four NV centers See the supplementary material for the mechanisms involved in
decoheres to 0.4 in 8 ms, which is significantly faster. The state coher- entanglement and simulations involving them, additional more gen-
ence stabilizes as the time approaches 30 ms. This shows the transition eral spin qubit simulations, fidelity simulations, which are relate to the
to a steady state in the system, which is common to both the simulator first virtual system proposed, and simulations of a dynamical decou-
and the virtual system at approximately 0.4. pling protocol that could be incorporated as part of the virtual system
to improve the resulting coherence times and fidelities.

We thank S. Mukhin (from MISIS), Y. Hardy, and P.

Madonsela for discussion. S.B. thanks CSIR-NLC, the URC Wits,
and National Research Foundation (SA) for the BRICS multilateral
program for funding. S.B. also acknowledges financial support from
the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in
FIG. 6. The gate structure for the extended model with n NV centers and a flux the framework of the Increased Competitiveness Program of NUST
qubit. MISiS (Grant No. K 3-2018-043).

Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 233501 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5126505 115, 233501-4
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/apl

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Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 233501 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5126505 115, 233501-5
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