The Effectiveness of Social Media As A Marketing Tool To Influence Individuals' Buying Behaviour
The Effectiveness of Social Media As A Marketing Tool To Influence Individuals' Buying Behaviour
The Effectiveness of Social Media As A Marketing Tool To Influence Individuals' Buying Behaviour
Agustin, Jhonnel T.
Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship 1-A
communication tool that people use to connect to other people or organization. People use social
media to share their experiences, reviews, information, advice, warnings, tips and/or any kind of
issues that are interesting to their “connection” or friends. That information is a helpful source,
which may influence consumer’s decision-making. Most of studies showed that people use
information on social media as the guideline for their future purchase or planning their future trip.
Also, social media is used as an advertising for the marketer. Marketers take this advantage and
create marketing strategy, which in turn could help them gain more customers. The influence of
It has been proven that the presence of business in social media has a tremendous impact on
the purchasing choices of shoppers, because well-designed posts that include your brand name
allows you to increase your customer base by converting them into visitors and then regular buyers.
This is one of the best effects of social media on buying choices. Also, as your number of followers
grows, more people will trust your brand, and it will become easier to get more and more
customers. The social media environment is very easy to apply and to reach the target customer. It
helps organizations to communicate with their customers. These interactions help marketers
determine customer needs and understand what their market might look like. Key business factors
friends, and share any of the purchases through their social media. Social media can build brand
attitudes that affect buying behavior. The good image of brand or product can lead the consumer to
make decision on their purchases. When consumer’s friend on social media shares or recommends
services or products on their social media, it affects brand attitude and influences their decision-
making. Yet, advertising on social media, which is provided by commercial sources affect both
In an era where technology prevails, entrepreneurs as well as marketers see the need to keep
up with the fast pace of change or risk being outdated. Communication through social media has
found impact on consumer decision-making and marketing strategies. Recommendations by friends
recommendations could help brand attitudes, purchasing attitudes, and advertising attitudes. The
more good responses on the products or services, the more attractive for consumer purchasing. Most
of top brands and services notice it and started to focus on social media marketing.
buying behavior.
2. To explain how social media impacts the buying behavior of consumer and how it persuades
The study will make use of empirical research to understand the effectiveness of social
media as a marketing tool and to analyze the extent of how social media helps consumers in buying
and decision making. Qualitative method in such way of gathering data regarding the influence of
social media in individuals’ choices and quantitative method in showing how effective it is as
marketing tool. The selection of respondents will be through random-sampling method with a total
sample size of 50 respondents. The data will be gathered through a survey/questionnaire with close-
The Effectiveness of Social Media As A Marketing Tool To Influence
Individuals’ Buying Behaviour
Kindly check on the blank beside your answer.
1. Do you buy online through social media like Facebook and Instagram? YES___ or NO___
2. Do you find social media as a great channel for purchasing online? YES___ or NO___
3. Do you make a sudden purchase like you didn’t intended to buy something but a sale item
crosses your feed and you feel like buying it? YES___ or NO___
5. How you select items you want to purchase online, your standards and what influence you
- brands creating discussions among followers (e.g., live selling): YES___ or NO___