Soybean PDF
Soybean PDF
Soybean PDF
Soybean (Glycine Max L.) is a very high nutrition crop. It contains about 20 per cent oil
and 40 per cent high quality protein (as against 7.0 % in rice, 12 % in wheat, 10 % in
maize and 20-25 % in other pulses. Soybean rich in amino acid (Lycine 5%), which is
not available in cereals. Soybean oil is used for manufacturing vanaspati ghee and
several other industrial products. Soybean is also used for making high protein food for
children. Soybean being leguminous crop builds up the soil through biological nitrogen
fixation. It can be used as fodder, forage and can be made into hey, silage etc. Soybean
being the richest, cheapest and easiest source of best quality proteins and fats and
having a vast multiplicity of uses as food and industrial products is called a wonder crop.
Among different cultivars, maximum yield was recorded with JS-80-21 under mid
altitude. For high altitudes (1300-1900 msl), PK-71-21, DS 74-42 and PK-73-213 were
found promising. The ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region has developed three
promising breeding lines H 1, H 9 and H 10 which are resistant to frog eye leaf spot, a
serious disease of soybean in the region.
Generally sowing is done during May/June at mid and low altitudes on the onset of
monsoon. Seeds are sown at a depth of 3-5 cm at a spacing of 30-35 x 10-15 cm. A
seed rate of 25 – 30 kg/ha would be sufficient for pure stand in flat lands. Spacing may
be reduced in upper terraces where water retention is very low.
Fertilizer management
Soybean, being leguminous crop does not require high dose of nitrogen. Apply 5-7 t/ha
of well decomposed farmyard manure (FYM) about 15-20 days before sowing along
with 150 kg rock phosphate. It is also advisable to apply 3-4 t vermicompost/ha along
with @ 150 kg/ha rockphosphate. Green manuring crop like taprosia, crotolaria and
sesbania should be applied @ 10 t/ha before 15-20 days sowing the crop.
Maximum soybean seed yield was recorded in FYM treatment under cropping system of
Rice + soybean – toria and Rice + soybean – tomato. The average yield of soybean
was recorded at 12.51 and 11.86 q/ha in Maize +soybean–groundnut and Maize +
soybean –French-bean, cropping systems respectively.
Weed management
The crop should be kept weed free up to 60 days after sowing (DAS). One mechanical
(20 DAS) weeding and two hand weeding (30 and 50 DAS) are sufficient for higher
seed yield. Mulching is also done with weed biomass such as eupatorium and Ambrosia
@ 10 t/ha, which reduced the weed population and also add nutrient to the soil,
ultimately improved the crop productivity.
Soybean is grown during kharif season and due to high rainfall no irrigation is needed.
However, water stress should be avoided during flowering and pod formation stage of
the crop.
Pest Management
1. Leaf folders (Nacoleia vulgalis and N. diemenalis)
Symptom – The larva feed on the leafs by folding it either from the tip onwards or
from midrib and webbing of the folded portion. Webbing of many leaves especially
at the tip of the plant is very common. Although the pest may not be very severe in
general but may cause up to 10-15% yield loss.
Cultural – Intercropping of soybean with maize or rice is the most effective way of
keeping the pest below ETL.
Biological – Release of beneficial insects such as Coccinella septumpunctata, C.
transversalis, Cheilomenes sexmaculatus @ 2-3 per plant effectively manage the
Control measure – Foliar spray of entomopathogenic nematode Sternernema sp
@5 million IJ/ha after 45 days of sowing is very effective. Neem oil (3%), NSKE
(5%) can also be used for minimizing the pest population. Application of Derisome
and neem oil 3ml / lit each) also effectively control the pest.
Cultural - Deep summer ploughing. Avoid pre monsoon sowing. Use optimum seed
rate and plant spacing. Proper crop rotation with dissimilar crops should be
followed. Remove and destroy the damaged plant parts
Cultural - Use disease free seeds, use of resistant varieties
Control measures – Seed treatment with garlic-cinnamon-clove extract manages
the bacterial infection.
Cultural – Sowing of good quality seed. Field to remain at optimum moisture and
well drained in case of heavy rains. Crop rotation in problematic fields.
Control measures – Seed treatment with Trichoderma viride @10 gm/kg of seed.
Application of Trichoderam viride in soil mixed with compost @4 kg/ha. Application
of neem cake @ 250 kg/ ha is also beneficial.
Cultural – Sowing of good quality seed. Field to remain at optimum moisture and
well drained in case of heavy rains. Crop rotation in problematic fields.
Control measures – Seed treatment with Trichoderma viride @10 gm/kg of seed.
Application of Trichoderam viride in soil mixed with compost @4 kg/ha. Application
of neem cake @ 250 kg/ ha is also beneficial.
Cropping system
Intercropping of soybean with maize (2:2) and rice (4:2) has been found promising.
Experiments on cropping system conducted at ICAR farm of NEH region indicated that
there is tremendous potential and scope for growing soybean in the region particularly
during spring, pre-rabi and rabi season by adopting resource conservation technologies.
The most suitable cropping systems found were maize + soybean 2:2 (kharif) - mustard
(rabi) and maize + groundnut 1:2 (kharif) – mustard (rabi). It has also been noticed that
resource conservation technologies, such as straw mulching play an important role by
conserving moisture in rabi oilseed production under upland.
Harvesting is done when the crop is fully mature. Seed are sundried and stored in a
cool and dry place.
Soybean seed yield ranges from 2.0 -2.5 t/ha under organic farming.