Introduction To Circuit Protection
Introduction To Circuit Protection
Introduction To Circuit Protection
Introduction To Circuit Protection
Fuseology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
PTC Facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Overcurrent Selection Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11
Overvoltage Suppression Facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-18
Overvoltage Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19
ESD Suppressor Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
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Fuse Facts
The application guidelines and product data in this guide are intended to provide technical information that will help with application design. Since
these are only a few of the contributing parameters, application testing is strongly recommended and should be used to verify performance in the
circuit/application. In the absence of special requirements, Littelfuse reserves the right to make appropriate changes in design, process, and
manufacturing location without notice.
The purpose of the Fuseology Section is to promote a better understanding of both fuses and common application details. The fuses to be considered
are current sensitive devices which are designed as the intentional weak link in the electrical circuit. The function of the fuse is to provide protection of
discrete components, or of complete circuits, by reliably melting under current overload conditions. This fuseology section will cover some important
facts about fuses, selection considerations, and standards.
The following fuse parameters or application concepts should be well The fuses in this catalog range in size from the approx. 0402 chip size
understood in order to properly select a fuse for a given application. (.041"L x .020"W x .012"H) up to the 5 AG, also commonly known as
a“MIDGET” fuse (13/32" dia. x 11/2" length). As new products were
AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: Refers to the temperature of the air
developed throughout the years, fuse sizes evolved to fill the various
immediately surrounding the fuse and is not to be confused with “room electrical circuit protection needs. The first fuses were simple, open-wire
temperature.” The fuse ambient temperature is appreciably higher in devices, followed in the 1890’s by Edison’s enclosure of thin wire in a
many cases, because it is enclosed (as in a panel mount fuseholder) lamp base to make the first plug fuse. By 1904, Underwriters Laboratories
or mounted near other heat producing components, such as resistors, had established size and rating specifications to meet safety standards.
transformers, etc. The renewable type fuses and automotive fuses appeared in 1914, and
in 1927 Littelfuse started making very low amperage fuses for the
BREAKING CAPACITY: See Interrupting Rating. budding electronics industry.
CURRENT RATING: The nominal amperage value of the fuse. It is The fuse sizes in the chart below began with the early “Automobile
established by the manufacturer as a value of current which the fuse can Glass” fuses, thus the term “AG”. The numbers were applied
carry, based on a controlled set of test conditions (See RERATING). chronologically as different manufacturers started making a new size:
Catalog Fuse part numbers include series identification and amperage “3AG,” for example, was the third size placed on the market. Other
ratings. Refer to the FUSE SELECTION GUIDE section for guidance on non-glass fuse sizes and constructions were determined by functional
making the proper choice. requirements, but they still retained the length or diameter dimensions
of the glass fuses. Their designation was modified to AB in place of AG,
RERATING: For 25°C ambient temperatures, it is recommended that indicating that the outer tube was constructed from Bakelite, fibre,
fuses be operated at no more than 75% of the nominal current rating ceramic, or a similar material other than glass. The largest size fuse
established using the controlled test conditions. These test conditions are shown in the chart is the 5AG, or “MIDGET,” a name adopted from its
part of UL/CSA/ANCE (Mexico) 248-14 “Fuses for Supplementary use by the electrical industry and the National Electrical Code range
Overcurrent Protection,” whose primary objective is to specify common which normally recognizes fuses of 9/16" x 2" as the smallest standard
test standards necessary for the continued control of manufactured items fuse in use.
intended for protection against fire, etc. Some common variations of
these standards include: fully enclosed fuseholders, high contact resist- FUSE SIZES
ances, air movement, transient spikes, and changes in connecting cable DIAMETER LENGTH
size (diameter and length). Fuses are essentially temperature-sensitive SIZE (Inches) (Inches)
devices. Even small variations from the controlled test conditions can
1AG 1/4 .250 5/8 .625
greatly affect the predicted life of a fuse when it is loaded to its nominal 2AG — .177 — .588
value, usually expressed as 100% of rating. 3AG 1/4 .250 11/4 1.25
The circuit design engineer should clearly understand that the purpose of 4AG 9/32 .281 11/4 1.25
these controlled test conditions is to enable fuse manufacturers to main- 5AG 13/32 .406 11/2 1.50
tain unified performance standards for their products, and he must 7AG 1/4 .250 7/8 .875
8AG 1/4 .250 1 1
account for the variable conditions of his application. To compensate
for these variables, the circuit design engineer who is designing for TOLERANCES: The dimensions shown in this catalog are nominal.
trouble-free, long-life fuse protection in his equipment generally loads his Unless otherwise specified, tolerances are applied as follows:
fuse not more than 75% of the nominal rating listed by the manufacturer, ± .010" for dimensions to 2 decimal places.
keeping in mind that overload and short circuit protection must be ± .005" for dimensions to 3 decimal places.
adequately provided for. The factory should be contacted concerning metric system and fractional
The fuses under discussion are temperature-sensitive devices whose tolerances. Tolerances do not apply to lead lengths.
ratings have been established in a 25°C ambient. The fuse temperature
FUSE CHARACTERISTICS: The characteristic of a fuse design refers
generated by the current passing through the fuse increases or
to how rapidly the fuse responds to various current overloads. Fuse charac-
decreases with ambient temperature change.
teristics can be classified into three general categories: very fast-acting,
The ambient temperature chart in the FUSE SELECTION GUIDE section fast-acting, or Slo-Blo® Fuse. The distinguishing feature of Slo-Blo® fuses is
illustrates the effect that ambient temperature has on the nominal current that these fuses have additional thermal inertia designed to tolerate
rating of a fuse. Most traditional Slo-Blo® Fuse designs use lower melting normal initial or start-up overload pulses.
temperature materials and are, therefore, more sensitive to ambient
temperature changes. FUSE CONSTRUCTION: Internal construction may vary depending on
ampere rating. Fuse photos in this catalog show typical construction of a
DIMENSIONS: Unless otherwise specified, dimensions are in inches. particular ampere rating within the fuse series.
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Fuse Facts
FUSEHOLDERS: In many applications, fuses are installed in fuse- TEST SAMPLING PLAN: Because compliance with certain specifica-
holders. These fuses and their associated fuseholders are not intended tions requires destructive testing, these tests are selected on a statistical 1
for operation as a “switch” for turning power “on” and “off ”. basis for each lot manufactured.
INTERRUPTING RATING: Also known as breaking capacity or short TIME-CURRENT CURVE: The graphical presentation of the fusing
circuit rating, the interrupting rating is the maximum approved current characteristic, time-current curves are generally average curves which
which the fuse can safely interrupt at rated voltage. During a fault or short are presented as a design aid but are not generally considered part of
circuit condition, a fuse may receive an instantaneous overload the fuse specification. Time-current curves are extremely useful in defin-
current many times greater than its normal operating current. Safe ing a fuse, since fuses with the same current rating can be represented
operation requires that the fuse remain intact (no explosion or body by considerably different time-current curves. The fuse specification
rupture) and clear the circuit. typically will include a life requirement at 100% of rating and maximum
opening times at overload points (usually 135% and 200% of rating).
Interrupting ratings may vary with fuse design and range from 35
A time-current curve represents average data for the design; however,
amperes AC for some 250V metric size (5 x 20mm) fuses up to 200,000
there may be some differences in the values for any one given
amperes AC for the 600V KLK series. Information on other fuse series
production lot. Samples should be tested to verify performance, once
can be obtained from the factory.
the fuse has been selected.
Fuses listed in accordance with UL/CSA/ANCE 248 are required to
have an interrupting rating of 10,000 amperes, with some exceptions UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES: Reference to “Listed by
(See STANDARDS section) which, in many applications, provides a Underwriters Laboratories” signifies that the fuses meet the requirements
safety factor far in excess of the short circuit currents available. of UL/CSA/ANCE 248-14 “Fuses for Supplementary Overcurrent
Protection”. Some 32 volt fuses (automotive) in this catalog are listed
NUISANCE OPENING: Nuisance opening is most often caused by under UL Standard 275. Reference to “Recognized under the
an incomplete analysis of the circuit under consideration. Of all the Component Program of Underwriters Laboratories” signifies that the
“Selection Factors” listed in the FUSE SELECTION GUIDE, special atten- item is recognized under the component program of Underwriters
tion must be given to items 1, 3, and 6, namely, normal operating current, Laboratories and application approval is required.
ambient temperature, and pulses. For example, one prevalent cause of
nuisance opening in conventional power supplies is the failure to ade- VOLTAGE RATING: The voltage rating, as marked on a fuse,
quately consider the fuse’s nominal melting I2t rating. The fuse indicates that the fuse can be relied upon to safely interrupt its rated
cannot be selected solely on the basis of normal operating current and short circuit current in a circuit where the voltage is equal to, or less
ambient temperature. In this application, the fuse’s nominal melting I2t rat- than, its rated voltage. This system of voltage rating is covered by
ing must also meet the inrush current requirements created by the input N.E.C. regulations and is a requirement of Underwriters Laboratories
capacitor of the power supply’s smoothing filter. The procedure for con- as a protection against fire risk. The standard voltage ratings used by
verting various waveforms into I2t circuit demand is given in the FUSE fuse manufacturers for most small-dimension and midget fuses are 32,
SELECTION GUIDE. For trouble-free, long-life fuse protection, it is good 63, 125, 250 and 600.
design practice to select a fuse such that the I2t of the waveform is no
more than 20% of the nominal melting I2t rating of the fuse. Refer to the In electronic equipment with relatively low output power supplies, with
section on PULSES in the FUSE SELECTION GUIDE. circuit impedance limiting short circuit currents to values of less than
ten times the current rating of the fuse, it is common practice to specify
RESISTANCE: The resistance of a fuse is usually an insignificant part fuses with 125 or 250 volt ratings for secondary circuit protection of 500
of the total circuit resistance. Since the resistance of fractional amperage volts or higher.
fuses can be several ohms, this fact should be considered when using
them in low-voltage circuits. Actual values can be obtained from the As mentioned previously (See RERATING), fuses are sensitive to
factory. Most fuses are manufactured from materials which have positive changes in current, not voltage, maintaining their “status quo” at any
temperature coefficients, and, therefore, it is common to refer to cold voltage from zero to the maximum rating of the fuse. It is not until the
resistance and hot resistance (voltage drop at rated current), with actual fuse element melts and arcing occurs that the circuit voltage and avail-
operation being somewhere in between. Cold resistance is the resistance able power become an issue. The safe interruption of the circuit, as it
obtained using a measuring current of no more than 10% of the fuse’s relates to circuit voltage and available power, is discussed in the section
nominal rated current. Values shown in this publication for cold resistance on INTERRUPTING RATING.
are nominal and representative. The factory should be consulted if this
parameter is critical to the design analysis. Hot resistance is the resist- To summarize, a fuse may be used at any voltage that is less than its
ance calculated from the stabilized voltage drop across the fuse, with cur- voltage rating without detriment to its fusing characteristics. Please
rent equal to the nominal rated current flowing through it. Resistance data contact the factory for applications at voltages greater than the
on all Littelfuse products are available on request. Fuses can be supplied voltage rating.
to specified controlled resistance tolerances at additional cost.
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Many of the factors involved with fuse selection are listed below: CHART SHOWING EFFECT OF AMBIENT TEMPERATURE ON
Selection Factors
1. Normal operating current KEY TO CHART:
2. Application voltage (AC or DC) Curve A: Thin-Film Fuses and 313 Series (.010 to .150A)
3. Ambient temperature Curve B: Very Fast-Acting, Fast-Acting, and Spiral Wound Slo-Blo® Fuses
Curve C: Resettable PTC’s
4. Overload current and length of time in which the fuse must open.
5. Maximum available fault current C
6. Pulses, Surge Currents, Inrush Currents, Start-up Currents, and 140
Circuit Transients
7. Physical size limitations, such as length, diameter, or height 120
VOLTAGE: The voltage rating of the fuse must be equal to, or *Ambient temperature effects are in addition to the normal rerating,
greater than, the available circuit voltage. For exceptions, see see example.
Example: Given a normal operating current of 2.25 amperes in an
AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: The current carrying capacity tests of application using a Very Fast Acting fuse at room temperature, then:
fuses are performed at 25°C and will be affected by changes in ambient
temperature. The higher the ambient temperature, the hotter the fuse will Normal Operating Current
operate, and the shorter its life will be. Conversely, operating at a lower Catalog Fuse Rating =
temperature will prolong fuse life. A fuse also runs hotter as the normal
operating current approaches or exceeds the rating of the selected fuse. or
Practical experience indicates fuses at room temperature should last 2.25 Amperes
indefinitely, if operated at no more than 75% of catalog fuse rating. = 3 Amp Fuse (at 25°C)
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EXAMPLE: Select a 125V, very fast-acting PICO® fuse that is capable
shows the maximum operating “Percent of Rating” at 80°C to be 95%, of withstanding 100,000 pulses of current (I) of the pulse waveform
in which case; shown in Figure 1. The normal operating current is 0.75 ampere at an
ambient temperature of 25°C.
Catalog Fuse Rating = Nominal Operating Current
0.75 x Percent of Rating Step 1 — Refer to Chart I (page #6) and select the appropriate pulse
or waveform, which is waveform (E) in this example. Place the applicable
2.25 Amperes value for peak pulse current (ip) and time (t) into the corresponding
= 3.15 Amp Fuse (at 80°C)
0.75 x 0.95 formula for waveshape (E), and calculate the result, as shown:
I2t= (ip)
OVERLOAD CURRENT CONDITION: The current level for which 5
protection is required. Fault conditions may be specified, either in terms
of current or, in terms of both current and maximum time the fault can
be tolerated before damage occurs. Time-current curves should be 1 x 82 x .004 = 0.0512 A2 Sec.
consulted to try to match the fuse characteristic to the circuit needs, 5
while keeping in mind that the curves are based on average data.
This value is referred to as the “Pulse I2t”.
MAXIMUM FAULT CURRENT: The Interrupting Rating of a fuse Step 2 — Determine the required value of Nominal Melting I2t by
must meet or exceed the Maximum Fault Current of the circuit. referring to Chart II (page 6). A figure of 22% is shown in Chart II for
PULSES: The general term “pulses” is used in this context to describe 100,000 occurrences of the Pulse I2t calculated in Step 1. This Pulse I2t
the broad category of wave shapes referred to as “surge currents”, is converted to its required value of Nominal Melting I2t as follows:
“start-up currents”, “inrush currents”, and “transients”. Electrical pulse Nom. Melt I2t = Pulse I2t/.22
conditions can vary considerably from one application to another. = 0.0512/.22 = 0.2327 A2 Sec.
Different fuse constructions may not all react the same to a given pulse
condition. Electrical pulses produce thermal cycling and possible
mechanical fatigue that could affect the life of the fuse. Initial or start-up
pulses are normal for some applications and require the characteristic of
a Slo-Blo® fuse. Slo-Blo® fuses incorporate a thermal delay design to
enable them to survive normal start-up pulses and still provide protection
against prolonged overloads. The start-up pulse should be defined and
then compared to the time-current curve and I2t rating for the fuse.
Application testing is recommended to establish the ability of the fuse
design to withstand the pulse conditions.
Nominal melting I2t is a measure of the energy required to melt the fusing
element and is expressed as “Ampere Squared Seconds” (A2 Sec.). This
Current (Amperes)
nominal melting I2t, and the energy it represents (within a time duration 8
of 8 milliseconds [0.008 second] or less and 1 millisecond [0.001 second]
or less for thin film fuses), is a value that is constant for each different
fusing element. Because every fuse type and rating, as well as its corre- 6
sponding part number, has a different fusing element, it is necessary to
determine the I2t for each. This I2t value is a parameter of the fuse itself
and is controlled by the element material and the configuration of the 4
fuse element. In addition to selecting fuses on the basis of “Normal
Normal Operating Current
Operating Currents”, “Rerating”, and “Ambient Temperature” as dis- l2 t
cussed earlier, it is also necessary to apply the I2t design approach. 2
This nominal melting I2t is not only a constant value for each fuse ele- Pulse
ment design, but it is also independent of temperature and voltage. Energy
Most often, the nominal melting I2t method of fuse selection is applied to
.001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006
those applications in which the fuse must sustain large current pulses of
Time (Seconds)
a short duration. These high-energy currents are common in many appli-
cations and are described by a variety of terms, such as “surge current”, Figure 1
“start-up current”, “inrush current”, and other similar circuit “transients”
that can be classified in the general category of “pulses.” Laboratory
tests are conducted on each fuse design to determine its nominal
melting I2t rating. The values for I2t given in this publication are nominal
and representative. The factory should be consulted if this parameter is
critical to the design analysis.
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100,000 Pulses Pulse I2t = 22% of Nominal Melting I2t
ip i = ip sin t 10,000
Pulse I2t = 29% of Nominal Melting I2t
Pulse I2t = 38% of Nominal Melting I2t
C I2t = (1/2) ip2 t 100 Pulses Pulse I2t = 48% of Nominal Melting I2t
t 100000
D ip
I2t = (1/3) ip2 t
t 10000
Number of Pulses
E ip OR
i = kt2 OR i = ip (1-kt)2
I2t = (1/5) ip2 t 1000
t t
F ip i = ipe–kt)
t1 I2t ≅ (1/2) ip2 t1 10% 100%
Pulse I2 t / Average Melting I2 t
Note: Adequate time (10 seconds) must exist between pulse events
to allow heat from the previous event to dissipate.
RERATING: For 25°C ambient temperatures, it is recommended that of rating. Some of the more common, everyday applications may differ
fuseholders be operated at no more than 60% of the nominal current from these UL test conditions as follows: fully enclosed fuseholders,
rating established using the controlled test conditions specified by high contact resistance,air movement, transient spikes, and changes in
Underwriters Laboratories. The primary objective of these UL test connecting cable size (diameter and length). Even small variations from
conditions is to specify common test standards necessary for the the controlled test conditions can greatly affect the ratings of the fuse-
continued control of manufactured items intended for protection against holder. For this reason, it is recommended that fuseholders be derated
fire, etc. A copper dummy fuse is inserted in the fuseholder by by 40% (operated at no more than 60% of the nominal current rating
Underwriters Laboratories, and then the current is increased until a established using the Underwriter Laboratories test conditions, as
certain temperature rise occurs. The majority of the heat is produced by stated above).
the contact resistance of the fuseholder clips. This value of current is
considered to be the rated current of the fuseholder, expressed as 100%
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Littelfuse is at your service to help solve your electrical protection problems. When contacting Littelfuse sales engineers, please have all the
requirements of your applications available. Requests for quotes or assistance in designing or selecting special types of circuit protection components 1
for your particular applications are also welcome. In the absence of special requirements, Littelfuse reserves the right to make appropriate changes in
design, process, and manufacturing location without prior notice.
Fuse ratings and other performance criteria are evaluated under labora- INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION (IEC)
tory conditions and acceptance criteria, as defined in one or more of Publication 60127, Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
the various fuse standards. It is important to understand these standards
so that the fuse can be properly applied to circuit protection applications. The IEC organization is different from UL and CSA, since IEC only
writes specifications and does not certify. UL and CSA write the
UL/CSA/ANCE (Mexico) 248-14 FUSES FOR SUPPLEMENTARY specifications, and are responsible for testing and certification.
OVERCURRENT PROTECTION (600 Volts, Maximum) (Previously UL Certification to IEC specifications are given by such organizations as
198G and CSA C22.2, No. 59) SEMKO (Swedish Institute of Testing and Approvals of Electrical
® Equipment) and BSI (British Standards Institute , as well as UL
A UL Listed fuse meets all the requirements of the UL/CSA 248-14 and CSA.
Standard. Following are some of the requirements.UL ampere rating IEC Publication 60127 defines three breaking capacity levels (interrupting
tests are conducted at 100%, 135%, and 200% of rated current. The fuse rating). Low breaking capacity fuses must pass a test of 35 amperes or
must carry 100% of its ampere rating and must stabilize at a temperature ten times rated current, whichever is greater, while enhanced breaking
that does not exceed a 75°C rise. capacity fuses must pass a test of 150 amperes and finally high breaking
The fuse must open at 135% of rated current within one hour. It also capacity fuses must pass a test of 1500 amperes.
must open at 200% of rated current within 2 minutes for 0-30 ampere
60127 Part 2
ratings and 4 minutes for 35-60 ampere ratings.
Sheet 1 – Type F Quick Acting, High Breaking Capacity
The interrupting rating of a UL Listed fuse is 10,000 amperes AC Sheet 2 – Type F Quick Acting, Low Breaking Capacity
minimum at 125 volts. Fuses rated at 250 volts may be listed as Sheet 3 – Type T Time Lag, Low Breaking Capacity
interrupting 10,000 amperes at 125 volts and, at least, the minimum Sheet 4 – Style Fuses 1/4 x 1 1/4
values shown below at 250 volts. Sheet 5 – Type T Time Lag, High Breaking Capacity
Ampere Rating Interrupting Rating Voltage Sheet 6 – Type T Time Lag, Enhanced Breaking Capacity
of Fuse In Amperes Rating The letters ‘F’ and ‘T’ represent the time-current characteristic of the
0 to 1 35 250 VAC fast-acting and time delay fuses. One of these letters will be marked
1.1 to 3.5 100 250 VAC on the end cap of the fuse.
3.6 to 10 200 250 VAC
10.1 to 15 750 250 VAC UL/CSA/ANCE (Mexico) 248-14 vs. IEC 60127 Part 2 FUSE
15.1 to 30 1500 250 VAC OPENING TIMES (UL/CSA/ANCE (Mexico) 248-14 Was
Recognized Under the Component Program of Previously UL 198G and CSA 22.2, No. 59) vs. METI B , METI B
Underwriters Laboratories Percent UL & CSA IEC TYPE F IEC Type F IEC Type T IEC Type T METI/MITI
of Rating STD 248-14 Sheet 1 (*) Sheet 2 (*) Sheet 3 (*) Sheet 5 (*) B
The Recognized Components Program of UL is different from UL Listing.
110 4 Hr. Min. — — — —
UL will test a fuse to a specification requested by the manufacturer. The
test points can be different from the UL Listed requirements if the fuse has 130 — — — — — 1Hr. Min.
been designed for a specific application. Application approval is required 60 Minutes
135 — — — —
by UL for fuses recognized under the Component Program.
60 Minutes 60 Minutes 60 Minutes 60 Minutes
150 —
UL 275 AUTOMOTIVE GLASS TUBE FUSES (32 Volts) Min. Min. Min. Min.
160 — — — — — 1 Hr. Max.
UL Listed
2 Minutes 2 Minutes
200 — — — —
UL ampere ratings tests are conducted at 110%, 135%, and 200%. Max. Max.
Interrupting rating tests are not required. 30 Minutes 30 Minutes 2 Minutes 30 Minutes
210 —
Max. Max. Max. Max.
® CSA Certification
CSA Certification in Canada is equivalent to UL Listing in the (*) Note: The IEC Specification is only written up to 6.3A (8 and 10A will
United States. be added soon), any components above these ratings are not recog-
nized by the IEC (although the fuses may have those opening charac-
The Component Acceptance Program of CSA is equivalent
to the Recognition Program at UL. IEC also has requirements at 275%, 400% and 1000%; however, the
METI APPROVAL chart is used to show that fuses with the same ampere rating made to
different specifications are not interchangeable. According to the IEC
METI approval in Japan is similar to UL Recognition in the United States. 60127 Standard, a one ampere-rated fuse can be operated at one
METI B has its own design standard and characteristics. ampere. A one ampere-rated fuse made to UL/CSA/ANCE 248-14
MITI APPROVAL should not be operated at more than .75 ampere (25% derated —
MITI approval in Japan is similar to UL Recognition in the United States.
MITI B has its own design standard and characteristics. METI B covers only one characteristic i.e. there are no ‘delay’ definitions
on other performance variants.
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PTC Facts
Overcurrent circuit protection can be accomplished with the use of either TEMPERATURE RATING: The useful upper limit for a PTC is gener-
a traditional fuse or the more recently developed resettable PTC. Both ally 85°C while the maximum operating temperature for fuses is 125°C. 1
devices function by reacting to the heat generated by the excessive
current flow in the circuit. The fuse melts open, interrupting the current The following temperature rerating curves that compare PTCs to fuses
flow, and the PTC changes from low resistance to high resistance to limit illustrate that more rerating is required for a PTC at a given temperature.
current flow. Understanding the differences in performance between the Additional operating characteristics can be reviewed by the circuit
two types of devices will make the best circuit protection choice easier. designer in making the decision to choose a PTC or a fuse for
The most obvious difference is that the PTC is resettable. The general overcurrent protection.
procedure for resetting after an overload has occurred is to remove
power and allow the device to cool down. There are several other Key to chart: Curve A: Thin-Film Fuses and 313 Series (.010 to .150A)
Curve B: Very Fast-Acting, and Spiral Wound Fuses
operating characteristics that differentiate the two types of products. Curve C: Resettable PTCs
The terminology used for PTCs is often similar but not the same as for C
fuses. Two parameters that fall into this category are leakage current 140
and interrupting rating.
LEAKAGE CURRENT: The PTC is said to have “tripped” when it has A
transitioned from the low resistance state to the high resistance state due B
to an overload. B
Log resistance (ohms)
-60°C -40°C -20°C 0°C 20°C 40°C 60°C 80°C 100°C 120°C
-76°F -40°F -4°F 32°F 68°F 104°F 140°F 176°F 212°F 248°F
• Ambient temperature effects are in addition to the normal derating.
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1206 PTC 1812 PTC 3425 PTC 30V PTC 60V PTC 0402 SMF 0603 SMF 1206 SMF
Operating 0.20 - 0.5 - 1.5 - 0.900 - 0.100 - 0.250 - 0.250 - 0.125 -
Current Range 1.50A 2.60A 3.0A 9.0A 3.75A 2A 5A 7A
Maximum Voltage (*) 6-15V 15V 6-15V 30V 60V 24V 32V 125V
40A 40A 40A 40A 40A 35A 50A 50A
Interrupting Rating (**)
-40°C to -40°C to -40°C to -40°C to -40°C to -55°C to -55°C to -55°C to
Temperature Range
85°C 85°C 85°C 85°C 85°C 90°C 90°C 90°C
Thermal Rerating High High High High High Medium Low Low
Opening time at Fast to
Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow Fast Fast
200% IN (***) Medium
Transient Withstand Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low
Agency Approvals
Operational Uses Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple One Time One Time One Time
Mounting/Form Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface
Leaded Leaded
Factor Mount Mount Mount Mount Mount Mount
(*) Maximum operating voltage in the series, parts may be used at voltages equal to or less than this value.
(**) Maximum interrupting rating at specified voltage which may be less than maximum operating voltage.
(***) Opening time is in relation to other forms of protection. A fast device will typically operate within three seconds at 200% of
rated current.
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opens too soon, the application may experience nuisance operation. If the device does not open soon enough, the overcurrent may damage
downstream components.
To determine the opening time for the chosen device, locate the overload current on the X-axis of the appropriate T-C Curve and follow its line
up to its intersection with the curve. At this point read the time listed on the Y-axis. This is the average opening time for that device. If your
overload current falls to the right of the curve the device will open. If the overload current is to the left of the curve the device will not operate.
4. Verify ambient operating parameters.
Ensure that the application voltage is less than or equal to the device’s rated voltage and that the operating temperature limits are within
those specified by the device.
5. Verify the device’s dimensions.
Using the information from the Designer’s Guide page, compare the maximum dimensions of the device to the space available in
the application.
6. Test the selected product in an actual application.
Agency Approvals UL, CSA, UL, CSA, UL, CSA, CSA, BSI, VDE, UL, CSA, UL, CSA,
Operational Uses One Time One Time One Time One Time One Time One Time
Mounting/Form Surface Leaded or Leaded or Leaded or
Leaded Cartridge
Factor Mount Cartridge Cartridge Cartridge
(*) Maximum operating voltage in the series, parts may be used at voltages equal to or less than this value.
(**) Maximum interrupting rating at specified voltage which may be less than maximum operating voltage.
(***) Opening time is in relation to other forms of protection. A fast device will typically operate within three seconds at 200% of
rated current.
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Current (I) %
tion of circuit may result. I30
The exponential rise time is about 1.2 µSec (essentially 0 to 90%) and 90%
the duration is defined as 50 µSec (50% of peak values). It is referred to
VB t
VB = 25V to 125V T1 = 5ms to 10ms
VB = 14V R = 0.5Ω to 4Ω
T = 40ms to 400ms
t1 t Figure 3. Load Dump Transient
These few examples illustrate the wide variation in characteristics of
real world transients. The waveshape, duration, and peak amplitude are
Figure 1. Lightning Transient Waveform three variables that must be known in order to properly choose a
suppressor technology.
as the “1.2x50” open circuit voltage when it occurs on an AC service line.
As a short circuit current waveform it becomes 8x20 µSec. However, this From analysis of voltage transients such as those examples described
same event can be observed as 10x560 µSec or 5x310 µSec when it above, the required attributes of a suppressor device can be defined in
occurs on telephone twisted pair lines. terms of adequate surge current and energy ratings.
Likewise, electrostatic discharges from the human body can be Secondly, the electrical characteristics of the application circuit in which
represented, or modeled, differently. Figure 2 characterizes the current the transient is induced will affect suppressor selection since it would
waveform of this very fast transient as developed by the International serve no purpose to attenuate a transient if in doing so the circuit itself
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). could not function properly. Knowledge of items such as line impedance,
stray capacitance or inductance and susceptibility of adjacent
While the voltage rise time and shape will be a function of the circuit into components to over-voltage can aid in the determination of the
which it is induced, ESD can reach 10 kV to 30 kV under low humidity suppression element.
and with the combination of certain triboelectric materials.
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Standardization” which provides harmonized standards for the European
solve them all. In fact, in the selection process of a suppression element, Community based upon IEC and ISO publications. This group is based
two fundamental objectives must be met. in Brussels.
First is to choose a suppressor that is appropriately designed for the All Littelfuse radial Varistor series are approved to Specification 42201-006.
specific conditions presented by the expected transient, Secondly, it must
be compatible to the application circuit by not adversely affecting normal
function or performance. CSA (Canadian Standards Association)
Based in Canada, this regulatory agency writes standards to which it
To meet these criteria, Littelfuse offers the widest selection of conducts product safety tests. Upon successful completion, a file number
suppression technologies. A brief description of each is presented is established, the product is “Certified” and may display the CSA logo
on the following pages. as indication. Specific Littelfuse Varistors have been tested to CSA
Standard number 22.2, No.1-94. Littelfuse file number is LR91788.
Applicable Littelfuse Varistors have been investigated and evaluated NSAI (National Standards Authority of Ireland)
and are Certified, Recognized or otherwise approved with pertinent This Irish testing organization is facilitated and authorized to evaluate
safety or standards organizations as shown below. (Due to their products to the various Euro Norms CECC specifications thereby
intended circuit application, Multilayer Varistors are not covered by granting declarations of conformity.
existing safety standards).
• The information provided is accurate at the time of printing. Changes can occur based upon new products offered by Littelfuse, revision of an existing
standard, or introduction of a new standard or agency requirement. Contact Littelfuse Sales for latest information.
• Not all Littelfuse TVS products require safety listing due to their low operating voltage and intended applications. These include PulseGuard®
Suppressor, SP Series, and Multilayer (ML, MLN, MLE, MHS) leadless chips.
1. Not all types within the series are applicable for recognition.
2. Pending completion of testing.
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One of the most severe is IEC 61000-4-2 from the International TERMS
Electrotechnical Commission and referenced in the EMC directive.
Level 4 of this test method is the highest level, subjecting the device Rated AC Voltage (VM(AC)RMS)
under test to 8kV contact discharge method (preferred) and/or 15kV air This is the maximum continuous sinusoidal voltage which may be
discharge. Each Littelfuse technology is designed for this level. The applied to the MOV. This voltage may be applied at any temperature up
recommended types are the silicon based SP05x, SP723 and SP724 to the maximum operating temperature of 85°C.
SCR/Diode Arrays, the polymeric VVM based PulseGuard® Suppressor,
and the V18ML, MLE, MHS or MLN Multilayers.
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impulse, with rated line voltage also applied, without causing greater the effective resistance changes from a high to low state as a function
than 10% shift in nominal voltage. of applied voltage. In its conductive state, a voltage divider action is
established between the clamping device and the source impedance
Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Energy (WTM) of the circuit. Clamping devices are generally “dissipative” devices,
This is the maximum rated transient energy which may be dissipated for converting much of the transient electrical energy to heat.
a single current pulse at a specified impulse and duration (2µs), with the
rated VRMS applied, without causing device failure. PulseGuard® Suppressors
PulseGuard devices are designed for ESD transients. This technology
Nominal Voltage (VN(DC)) is manufactured utilizing a polymer-over-gap procedure resulting in
This is the voltage at which the device changes from the off state to extremely low capacitance. Likewise, leakage current is essentially
the on state and enters its conduction mode of operation. This voltage non-existent, an important factor for certain portable products.
is characterized at the 1mA point and has specified minimum and PulseGuard Suppressors, therefore, do not skew fast edge rates or
maximum voltage ratings. attenuate high speed data signals due to capacitive loading. They are
suited to data rate applications ranging beyond 5GHz. The PulseGuard
Clamping Voltage (VC) family of devices are fabricated in various surface mount package form
This is the peak voltage appearing across the MOV when measured at as well as a D-Sub connector insert film. Like Multilayer Varistors, these
conditions of specified pulse current amplitude and specified waveform devices are not applicable for existing safety agency standards listing.
(8/20µs). PulseGuard devices are intended for the suppression of Human Body
Model ESD transients, such as defined in IEC 61000-4-2.
Operating Temperature Range
The minimum and maximum ambient operating temperature of the TERMS
circuit in which the Varistor will be applied, allowing for other adjacent Capacitance
components which could effect the surrounding temperature.
The capacitance measured between input pins and the common
terminal, at 1 MHz.
Power Dissipation Ratings
When transients occur in rapid succession the average power dissipation Leakage Current
is the energy (watt-seconds) per pulse times the number of pulses per Until the PulseGuard suppressor transitions to the “on” state, it is
second. The power so developed must be within the specifications electrically transparent to the circuit. Leakage current passing through
shown on the Device Ratings and Characteristics table for the specific the device is less than 1 nA.
device. Certain parameter ratings must be derated at high temperatures
as shown in Figure 5. Voltage Rating
PulseGuard suppressors are rated for use in operating environments up
to 24 VDC.
90 Temperature Rating
The operating temperature range is –65°C to +125°C. Unlike the
60 polymer PTCs, these devices do not operate as a result of thermal
action; therefore, there is no rerating necessary.
30 BA/BB, CA, DA/DB, Agency Approvals
20 At this time, there are no applicable standards for ESD suppressor
10 components. Nonetheless, PulseGuard suppressors have been
-55 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
subjected to all levels of severity of the IEC 61000-4-2 test specification
AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (ºC) using both the Contact Discharge and Air Discharge injection methods.
In all cases, clamping of the ESD transient is provided and the devices
Figure 5. Current, Energy, Power Derating v/s Temperature. survived the multiple ESD events.
While in the “off” state, the suppressors remain electrically transparent
to the circuit. The measured resistance of the suppressors is 10 MΩ,
or greater.
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transients. At the same time, the modern silicon chip interface circuits
may not be rated for high voltage thereby limiting the usage of a
When to choose the Silicon Protection
clamping suppression device. Littelfuse SurgectorTM Suppressors are
• The device being protected requires the lowest possible clamp voltage SCR structures and as such they exhibit a “crowbar” action for
(9.2), low capacitance (3 to 40pF) and low leakage (5nA to 10uA). suppression. Once triggered by the transient voltage, the Surgector’s
rapid conduction state allows only a few volts across the line it protects
• Board space is at a premium and high density single line (0402) or until the transient subsides.
multi-line protection is needed.
Surgectors are offered in various voltage ranges and replace industry
• Additional features such as EMI and termination are required.
“Sidactor” types. Littelfuse Surgectors may be combined with Littelfuse
461 Series Telecom NANO2® fuses for coordinated over-voltage and
• Transients are ESD or beyond such as EFT or Lightning.
over-current protection for products connected to telco lines. Surgectors
are recognized components to Underwriters Laboratories UL497B
When to choose the PulseGuard® Suppressors
• The application cannot tolerate added capacitance (high speed
data lines)
• ESD is the primary transient threat VDRM
• On data, signal, and control lines (not power supply lines) Maximum Off-State Voltage (DC or Peak) which may be applied
• The suppression function must be within a Dsub connector
(PGD types) IDRM
Maximum Reverse Current measured with VDRM applied
When to choose the ML, MLE or MLN Series (Off-State Current).
• Surge currents or energy beyond ESD is expected in the application
(EFT, Lightning remnants). VT
Forward voltage drop at the specified Forward Current IT. In the
• Replacing high wattage TVS Zeners (300-1500W).
On-Stage Latch Mode.
• Added capacitance is desirable for EMI filtering (3pF - 6000pF).
• Power supply line or low/medium speed data, signal lines are to Maximum Breakover Voltage at which the device switches to the
be protected. On-State latched mode.
• Single, leadless SM package is required in EIA sizes. (MLN is 4-line)
• The operating voltage is above the SP or PulseGuard® Minimum On-State Current required to maintain the device in the
Suppressor ratings. latched-on state.
Terminal Capacitance measured at the specified off-state bias Voltage.
Maximum Peak Surge Current at the specified AC cycle waveform.
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Voltage TVS Rail Clamp TVS Rail Rail Clamp USB Port Silicon Silicon Zinc Multilayer Multilayer Multilayer Multilayer Multilayer Zinc
Technology Variable Avalanche SCR/Diode Avalanche Clamp w/ Avalanche Terminator SCR/Diode
Type Thyristors Oxide Zinc Oxide Zinc Oxide Zinc Oxide Zinc Oxide Zinc Oxide Oxide
Polymer Diodes Array Diode Diode (w/ESD Array
EMI filter)
Operating AC
Voltage Range ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– 14-275 2.5-104 ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– 9-264
Operating DC
Voltage Range 0-24 0-5.5 0-30 0-5.5 0-5.5 0-5.5 0-5.5 0-30 58-300 18-369 3.5-120 0-18 18 5.5-18 0-42 13-365
Peak Current
Range (A)** 45 ––––– 45 ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– 45 600 250-500 30-250 20 20 ––––– ––––– 40-100
Peak Energy
Range (J) * * * * * * * * ** 1-23 0.1-2.0 0.5 ––––– 0.05 0.025 0.06-1.7
Range (Deg.C) -65 – +125 -40 – +85 -55 – +125 -20 – +85 -20 – +85 -20 – +85 -40 – +85 -55 – +125 -40 – +85 -55 – +125 -55 – +125 -55 – +125 -55 – +125 -55 – +125 -55 – +125 -55 – +85
Agency UL UL
Approvals ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– –––––
* Not an applicable parameter for this technology ** Not an applicable parameter for Crowbar devices
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Application Segment Typical Applications and Circuit Examples Typical Transient Threats Device Family or Series Technology
* EDP * Computer * Hand-Held/Portable Devices CH, MA, ZA, RA MOV
* Instrumentation * Controllers * Remote Sensors ML, MLE, MLN, MHS Multilayer MOV
* Mobile Communications ESD, EFT, EMI SP72X SCR/Diode Array
Low Voltage,
Board Level Products * I/O Port and Interface * Medical Electronics, etc. Voltage Variable Polymer
* Broad Band * USB 1.1 ESD PGB, PGD, SP05X TVS Avalanche Diodes
* Ethernet * Security and Alarm Systems TVS Protection with
Filter and Termination
High-Speed * USB 2.0 * Gigabit Ethernet * RF Antenna Circuits ESD PGB Voltage Variable Polymer
Dataline Protection * InfiniBandSM * IEEE 1394
* UPS * Power Meters * AC Appliance/Controls Lightning, Inductive Load CH, TMOV™, iTMOV™,
AC Line,TVSS UltraMOV™, LA, C-III, HA,
Products * Power Supplies * AC Power Taps * Circuit Breakers Switching, Commutative Pulses MOV
* TVSS Devices * AC Panels * Consumer Electronics HB and RA Varistors
Load Dump Multilayer MOV
Automotive * ABS * EEC * Body Controllers
Electronics * Multiplex Bus * EFI * Instrument Cluster SP72X, SP05X SCR/Diode Array
* Air Bag/Window Control/Wiper Modules ESD PGB, PGD Voltage Variable Polymer
ML Multilayer MOV
* Cellular/Cordless Phone CH,ZA, SP72X MOV
* Repeaters * Line Cards Lightning
Surgector™ (SGT) Thyristor
Telecom Products * Modems * Data Line Connectors
* COE * Secondary Phone Line SP72X, SP05X SCR/Diode Array
* T1/E1/ISDN Protectors ESD, EFT, EMI
ML, MLE, MLN, MHS Multilayer MOV
ESD SP05X, PGB TVS Avalanche Diode,
Voltage Variable Polymer
Industrial, High Energy * Robotics * Large Motors, Pumps, Compressors Lightning, Switching, DA/DB, BA,BB, CA, MOV
AC Product * High Current Relays * Motor Drives * AC Distribution Panel Commutative Pulses HA, HB, NA, PA
4-460 4-275 130-1000 130-320 130-625 130-320 130-660 130-750 130-750 130-750 130-2800 130-750 130-2800
5.5-615 5.5-369 175-1200 ––––– 170-825 170-420 175-850 175-970 175-970 175-970 175-3500 175-970 175-3500
0.1-52 0.4-160 11-360 45-210 12.5-220 50-273 70-250 200-1050 270-1050 270-1050 450-10000 270-1050 200-10000
-55 – +85 -55 – +125 -55 – +85 -55 – +85 -55 – +85 -55 – +85 -55 – +85 -55 – +85 -55 – +85 -55 – +85 -55 – +85 -55 – +85 -55 – +85
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Radial Packaged Radial Radial Radial Radial Packaged Packaged Industrial Industrial Packaged Bare Bare
Leaded Leaded Leaded Leaded Leaded Packaged Package Disc Disc
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Suppressors Silicon Protection Multilayer Varistors
Surface Chip Scale
Mount Package (CSP) Surface Mount Surface Mount
TVS Silicon TVS Rail Rail Clamp USB Port Terminator MLV MLV MLV MLV
Technology Type VVM Avalanche SCR/Diode Avalanche Clamp w/ Avalanche w/ESD suppression ZnO ZnO ZnO ZnO
Diode Diode Diode and EMI filters
Working Voltage 0-24VDC 0-5.5VDC 0-30VDC 0-5.5VDC 0-5.5VDC 0-5.5VDC 0-5.5VDC 0-18VDC 0-18VDC 0-42VDC
range by type
SOT23 (2),
DIP, SOIC S0T143 (3), S0T143 (2),
(6, 14) S0T23-5 (4), MSOP-8 (6), MSOP-8 (6)
Array Package SOT23 (2), CSP SOT23 S0T23-6 (5), SOIC-8 (6), SOIC-8 (6), SC70-6 (3) No No 1206 No
(No. of Lines) 0805 (4) (4, 8, 16) (4) TSSOP-8 (4), QSOP-24(18) QSOP-24(18) (4)
MSOP-8 (6),
SC70 (2, 5, 6)
Single Line Package 0402, 0603 0402 No No No No No 0402-1210 0402-1206 ––––– 0402
Typical Device Capacitance 0.05pF 39pF 3-5pF 30pF 3-7pF 3-7pF 47pF 40-6000pF 40-1700pF 45-430pF 3-12pF
Leakage Current <1nA <10µA <20µA <10µA <1µA <1µA <100nA <5µA <10µA <2µA <5µA
Rated Immunity to Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IEC 61000-4-2 level 4
Also Rated for EFT or No TBD Yes TBD TBD TBD TBD Yes Yes Yes Yes
Lightning Wave
Bidirectional (transients Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
of either polarity)
Performs Low Pass Filtering – – – – – – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
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