Humanity Progresses of Poor Industrial Object Mismanagement
Humanity Progresses of Poor Industrial Object Mismanagement
Humanity Progresses of Poor Industrial Object Mismanagement
The overexploitation of natural resources, intervention of bio-geochemical cycles and trace element
cycle, extraneous release of matter and energy etc. cause serious environmental hazards.
In addition, continuous green house gas emission, hazardous chemicals of industry and agriculture,
nuclear arsenals; radioactive wastes and biotechnological misuse lead to global catastrophism. So the
prevention of pollution is of prime importance for the present society. Considering the above issues, it is
clear that the fate of human being depends on how he is managing and overcoming the above
Some possible ways of tackling the problems and maintaining environmental standard are:
(a) Taking effective measures for population control.
(b) Optimum use of natural resources.
(c) Conserving and protecting biodiversity.
(d) Creating public awareness about the benefits and implications of environment.
(e) Giving top priority for environmental protection.
(f) Developing ecofriendly technological processes.
(g) Promoting sustainable agriculture which will not harm the environment.
(h) Using bio-fertiliser or ecofriendly fertilisers.
(i) Using minimum amount of pesticides and insecticides.
(j) Developing waste land by adopting afforestation programmes.
(k) Developing suitable biotechnology to clean up hazardous wastes in the environment.
(l) Choosing suitable technique to treat the pollutants before their discharge into environment.