Khulna University of Engineering and Technology
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology
KUET,Khulna-9203. KUET,Khulna-9203
its possible by making a hole the size of the refrigerator door in an outside wall.
Screw the refrigerator opening to the opening in the wall, leave the refrigerator
case outside. Only works to cool the room and not much extra airflow, like with
a AC unit. Unscrew the refrigerator lightbulb(s).
the coils on the back of the fridge must be in a separate room, or outdoors.
There must be a tight seal between both sides. The coils will become VERY HOT
after hours and hours of the fridge working at max capacity to cool down what
it believes is only the inside of the fridge but it is actually a whole room. The air
sensors will never tell the fridge that it’s safe to refrain from max capacity, and
the system will overheat and become unusable within hours.but this not an
effective process because it will not be practically feasible. The compressor of
the refrigerator is designed to cool a small hermetically sealed (air tight) area of
a few hundred liters (an average double door fridge can cool let us say 300 liters
of hermetically sealed space.).The refrigerator system is fail due to overheating
or mechanical failure of some sort. Also theoretically, the absence of a strong
blower fan (some fridges have a small blower fan in the Freezer compartment)
will not help cooling.But it will not be practically feasible. The compressor of the
refrigerator is designed to cool a small hermetically sealed (air tight) area of a
few hundred liters (an average double door fridge can cool let us say 300 liters
of hermetically sealed space.).
Finally, its not not a good idea for real life to use a refrigerator as an aircondition
unit.Because air conditioner can also increase the temperature of conditioned
space where refrigerator can only decrease the temperature of room. An air
conditioning unit can make the air conditioned by maintaining relative humidity
and temperature in human comfort zone, by purifying the air where a refrigerator
can only decrease the temperature of room.Wher a refrigerator works for a small
amount of volume wher air conditioner works for a large amont of condition