Sample Business Plan
Sample Business Plan
Sample Business Plan
1.3 Name of Owner(s): Jie-Ae Celine Lee, Keziah Anna Apondar, Princess Trishia Gumisad,
Gerylou Diono, Kenneth Toledo
Meat Me at the Kitchen will sell, beef, pork, chicken, and lamb meat. They also sell
Korean meat and ramen. For drinks, they offer hot tea, and bottomless tea. They will also sell
jams and dirty ice cream, and we also give free table bananas to customers.
This meat shop can cater bulk orders, offers delivery service, and the customers can
choose their own cut of meat and how they want it cooked.
Physical and other Who are the Where are the Why do they buy the
characteristic customers customers from product(s)
Everyone General Santos City Because our meat is
We sell fresh meat and nearby always fresh and we
cities/provinces offer Korean meat
which is rarely seen in
any meat shops in
General Santos City
We have a restaurant Everyone General Santos City Because it’s satiating,
behind the meat shop and nearby and they can have the
cities/provinces chance to choose their
own desired part of
meat and cook it the
way they want
Hot tea Everyone General Santos City drinking tea during or
and nearby after meals aids
cities/provinces digestion by relieving
stomach gas and
2.2 Compare your product or service to its competitors. (What distinct characteristic does your
product or service have?) What is it which you can offer differently?
2.3 Describe the place where you will locate your business. (Where will the business be located?
Why did you choose this site? Why not other site?) Sketch of location based on population
household/density, industry & other businesses.
2.4 Describe your market area. (What is your market area? What characteristic does this have?)
2.5 Who are your main target market? Describe them, use segment variables i.e. demographic,
2.7 Estimated Sales (What is the volume and value of your estimated sales for first three
2.8 Sales Promotion. (Select only Promotional Activities or Strategies that you will use to attain
your projected or estimated sales? How much will it cost you to implement each strategy?)
May also be termed as Operation Flow. This should also reflect number of person
corresponding the stage of process.
i.e. Boning → Cutting the meat in different parts → Trimming (separation of fat) → Injection of
brine → Tenderdizing → Quality Control → Packing
TOTAL 284,750
3.3 Structures Required