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1. Which statement best describes Scrum?

• A complete methodology that defines how to develop software.

• A cookbook that defines best practices for software development.
• A framework within which complex products in complex environments are developed.
• A defined and predictive process that conforms to the principles of Scientific Management

2. What is the recommended size for a Development Team (within the Scrum Team)?
• 3 plus or minus 1
• 6 plus or minus 3 
• 9 plus or minus 2
• 15 plus or minus 3

3. The CEO asks the Development Team to add a “very important” item to the current
Sprint. What should the Development Team do?
• Add the item to the current Sprint without any adjustments.
• Add the item to the current Sprint and drop an item of equal size.
• Add the item to the next Sprint.
• Inform the Product Owner so that he/she can work with the CEO.

4. Who is required to attend the Daily Scrum?

• The Development Team.
• The Scrum Team.
• The Development Team and Scrum Master.
• The Development Team and Product Owner.
• The Scrum Master and Product Owner.

5. Who has the last say on the order of the Product Backlog?
• The Stakeholders
• The Development Team
• The Scrum Master
• The Product Owner
• The CEO

6. What is the primary way a Scrum Master keeps a Development Team working at its
highest level of productivity?
• By facilitating Development Team decisions and removing impediments.
• By ensuring that the meetings start and end at the proper time.
• By preventing changes to the Backlog once the Sprint begins.
• By keeping high value features high in the Product Backlog

7. Why is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and at the same place?
• The place can be named.
• The consistency reduces complexity and overhead.
• The Product Owner demands it.
• Rooms are hard to book and this lets it be booked in advance.

8. When a Development Team determines that it has over-committed itself for a Sprint,
who has to be present when reviewing and adjusting the Sprint work selected?
• The Scrum Master, Project Manager and Development Team.
• The Product Owner and Development Team.
• The Product Owner and all stakeholders.
• The Development Team.

9. Scrum does not have a role called “project manager.”

• True
10. An organization has decided to adopt Scrum, but management wants to change the
terminology to fit the terminology which is already used. What will likely happen if this is
• Without a new vocabulary as a reminder of the change, very little change may actually happen.
• The organization may not understand what has changed within Scrum and the benefits of
Scrum may be lost.
• Management may feel less anxious.
• All answers apply.

11. When many Development Teams are working on a single product, what best describes
the definition of “done?”
• Each Development Team has its own definition of “done”. The various differences in the
definition are discussed and reconciled during the stabilization phase.
• Each Development Team uses its own definition of “done”, but must make it clear to all other
Teams if there are differences.
• All Development Team must have a definition of “done” that when their work integrates
results in a definition of “done” that is potentially shippable.
• It depends.

12. When multiple teams are working together, each team should maintain a separate
Product Backlog.

13. Which statement best describes the Sprint Review?

• It is a review of the team’s activities during the Sprint.
• It is when the Scrum Team and stakeholders inspect the outcome of the Sprint and
figure out what to do in the upcoming Sprint.
• It is a demo at the end of the Sprint for everyone in the organization to provide feedback on the
work done.
• It is used to congratulate the Development Team if it did what it committed to doing, or to
punish the Development Team if it failed to meet its commitments.

14. Development Team membership should be changed

• Every Sprint to promote shared learning.
• Never, because it reduces productivity.
• As needed, while taking into account the short term reduction in productivity.
• Just as it would on any development team, with no special allowance for changes in

15. What does it mean to say that an event has a time box?
• The event must happen at a set time.
• The event must happen by a given time.
• The event must take at least a minimum amount of time.
• The event can take no more than a maximum amount of time.

16. Development Team members volunteer to own a Sprint Backlog item:

• At the Sprint planning meeting.
• Never. All Sprint Backlog Items are “owned” by the entire Development Team, even
though each one may be done by an individual team member.
• Whenever a team member can accommodate more work.
• During the Daily Scrum.

17. Which two (2) things does the Development Team not do during the first Sprint?
• Deliver an increment of potentially shippable functionality.
• Nail down the complete architecture and infrastructure.
• Develop and deliver at least one piece of functionality.
• Develop a plan for the rest of the project.

18. What is the role of Management in Scrum?

• To continually monitor staffing levels of the Development Team.
• To monitor the Development Team’s productivity.
• Management supports the Product Owner with insights and information into high value
product and system capabilities. Management supports the Scrum Master to cause
organizational change that fosters empiricism, self-organization, bottom-up intelligence
and intelligent release of software.
• To identify and remove people that aren’t working hard enough

19. Scrum Master is a “management” position?

• True

20. When is a Sprint over?

• When all Product Backlog items meet their definition of “done”.
• When the Product Owner says it is “done”.
• When all the tasks are completed.
• When the timebox expires.

21. The Development Team should have all the skills needed to
• Complete the project as estimated when the date and cost are committed to the Product
• Do all of the development work, but not the types of testing that require specialized testing
tools, and environments.
• Turn the Product Backlog it selects into an increment of potentially shippable product

22. The Product Backlog is ordered by:

• Small items at the top to large items at the bottom.
• Safer items at the top to riskier items at the bottom.
• Least valuable items at the top to most valuable at the bottom.
• Whatever is deemed most appropriate by the Product Owner. 

23. It is important that the product increment be released to production or shipped to

customers at the end of each Sprint.
• True

24. Which of the below is not a role in a Scrum Team?

• Development Team
• Customers
• Product Owner
• Scrum Master

25. The timebox for the completing Sprint Planning meeting is

• 4 hours.
• 8 hours for a monthly Sprint, proportionately less for shorter Sprints
• 16 hours

26. The role played by the Scrum Master in the Daily Scrum is:
• To make sure everyone answers the three questions in order of seniority.
• He or she does not have to be there; he or she only has to ensure the Development
Team has a Daily Scrum.
• To write down any changes to the Sprint Backlog, including adding new items, and tracking
progress on the burn down.
• So he or she knows what to report to management.

27. Who should know the most about the progress toward a business objective or a
release, and be able to explain the alternatives most clearly?
• The Product Owner. 
• The Development Team.
• The Scrum Master.
• The Project Manager.

28. When is an abnormal termination of Sprint called?

• When it is clear at the end of a Sprint that everything won’t be finished.
• When the Team feels that the work is too hard.
• When Sales has an important opportunity.
• When the Product Owner determines that it makes no sense to finish it.

29. Who is responsible for updating the work estimates during a Sprint?
• The Development Team.
• The Scrum Master.
• The Product Owner.
• The most junior member of the Team

30. Who is not in the Scrum Team?

• The Scrum Master
• The Product Owner
• The Development Team
• Project Manager

31. Which of the following best describes a sprint?

• A sprint is a condensed amount of time in which a development team works as many hours as
they need to in order to finish the work assigned to them.
• A sprint is a pre-specified amount of time in which the development team works at a
sustainable pace to complete a chosen set of work.
• A sprint is a fixed amount of time set aside for a team to run tests and fix any outstanding bugs
right before the product ships.
• A sprint is a pre-specified period of time during which team members choose individual items
from the product backlog to work on. As each item is completed, a new item is brought into the

32. What are the desirable qualities of a Product Vision?

• Outlines traceability back to overall corporate governance in IT investment
• Provides a complete breakdown structure of the ROI formula
• Features a detailed overview that enlightens and inspires
• Describes why the project is pursued and the product desired end state 

33. Which technique is a productive method for the Scrum Master to use to help
• Teach the Product Owner about the technologies employed during the sprints.
• Teach the Team to talk in terms of business needs and objectives.
• Facilitate collaborative meetings between them.
• All of these

34. Can the Product Owner and the Scrum Master be the same person?
• No. It would take too much of one person’s time.
• No. The person would have too much power and it would create confusion.
• Yes, as long as the person can balance both responsibilities with care.
• Yes, if the person has the authority and empowerment to do both things

35. According to Scrum guidelines, who is responsible for hiring or assigning a new
person into a Team?
• This is outside of the scope of Scrum
• Scrum Master
• Product Owner

1. Which of the following is a benefit of using Scrum?

A. It enables detailed planning at the beginning of the project hence ensures that all the
risks are identified and mitigated.
B. It provides complete control over the project to the Product Owner as he is responsible
for all the product development activities in a Sprint.
C. It is based on the principle of value-based prioritization thus ensuring that the
highest value is provided in the shortest period possible.
D. It is based on the principle of managing by stages thus ensures that all the expected
benefits are realized at the end of the project.
2. Scrum framework is best suited to which of the following environments?
A. Developing cutting-edge products
B. Frequently changing requirements
C. Volatile and hypercompetitive markets
D. All of the above
3. Who among the following is responsible for providing the Scrum Team with a
favorable environment for creating deliverables?
A. Scrum Master
B. Product Owner
C. Scrum Guidance Body
D. External stakeholders
4. Which of the following statements is not true with regard to the Scrum framework?
A. User requirements are prioritized based on their business value
B. The Product Owner should follow a change control procedure to make any
changes to the Prioritized Backlog Items in the Prioritized Product Backlog
C. Business value is delivered incrementally
D. Deliverables are created on the basis of the business value they provide
5. Which of the following is the objective component by which a User Story’s
functionality is judged?
A. Customer Quality Expectations
B. Acceptance Criteria
C. Epics
D. User Needs
6. Which of the following Scrum principles guides planning in a Scrum project?
A. Time-boxing
B. Value-based prioritization
C. Self-organization
D. Collaboration
7. What is self-organization?
A. It refers to emphasizing achieving results by focusing on the needs of the Scrum
B. It refers to delivering maximum business value in a minimum time span.
C. It refers to prioritizing the creation of high-value deliverables over lower value
D. It refers to allowing all facets of the Scrum process to be observed by everyone.
8. What is a value-based prioritization?
A. It refers to emphasizing achieving results by focusing on the needs of the Scrum Team.
B. It refers to making improvements through adaptation.
C. It refers to prioritizing the creation of high-value deliverables over lower value
D. It refers to allowing all facets of the Scrum process to be observed by everyone.
9. What is time-boxing?
A. It refers to emphasizing achieving results by focusing on the needs of the Scrum Team.
B. It refers to delivering maximum business value in a minimum time span.
C. It refers to prioritizing the creation of high-value deliverables over lower value
D. It refers to fixing a certain amount of time for each process and activity in a
Scrum project.
10. What is iterative development?
A. It refers to using more than one product development cycle to develop the final
project deliverables through the learning from the previous development cycles.
B. It refers to developing the final project deliverables in one product development cycle.
C. It refers to developing project deliverables using automated processes.
D. It refers to developing project outputs through detailed upfront planning with the
emphasis on fixing scope, quality, and other project aspects.
11. What of the following best defines collaboration?
A. It refers to individual Scrum Team members being aware of each other’s work.
B. It refers to the Scrum Core Team working together and interfacing with the
stakeholders to create and validate the deliverables of the project to meet the stated
C. It refers to achieving results by focusing on the needs of the Scrum Team.
D. It refers to proposes fixing a certain amount of time for each process and activity in a
Scrum project.
12. Which of the following is emphasized in the Scrum framework?
A. Self-motivation and team responsibility.
B. A delegation of authority through proper planning.
C. Individual responsibilities and accountability.
D. Extensive upfront planning and adherence to the approved plans.
13. Which of the following is a style of management used in the Scrum framework?
A. Authoritarian
B. Decentralized
C. Persuasive
D. Assertive
14. Time-boxing is not done in which of the following meetings?
A. Daily Standup Meeting
B. Sprint Planning Meeting
C. Retrospect Project Meeting
D. Retrospect Sprint Meeting
15. Which of the following statements on Time-boxing is INCORRECT?
A. It proposes fixing the certain timeframe for each activity.
B. It ensures that Scrum Team members do not take up too much or too little work for a
particular period of time.
C. It is a principle through which the Scrum framework addresses the project constraint of
D. It ensures that there is detailed upfront planning before every Sprint begins.
16. Which of the following does not aid in ensuring transparency in a Scrum project?
A. Scrum ensures that the project has an open Prioritized Product Backlog with prioritized
User Stories that can be viewed by everyone, both within and outside the Scrum Team.
B. Scrum ensures that there is clear visibility into the team’s progress through the use of a
Scrum board, Burndown Chart, and other information radiators.
C. Scrum ensures transparency through detailed upfront planning in which all the
key stakeholders participate.
D. Scrum ensures transparency through a Project Vision Statement that is visible to all the
internal and external stakeholders.
17. Which of the following pairs, related to Tuckman’s Model of Group Dynamics, is
A. Storming: Team tries to accomplish work
B. Forming: Team is mature with experience
C. Norming: Team begins to sort out internal differences
D. Performing: Team’s efficiency is at its optimal level
18. According to SBOK, which of the following is NOT a core dimension of
A. Adaptation
B. Appropriation
C. Articulation
D. Awareness
19. Which of the following is NOT an example of the Scrum principle ‘Empirical
Process Control’?
A. Use of Scrum board to ensure clear visibility into the Scrum Team’s progress.
B. Use of Release Planning Schedule to ensure coordination across multiple Scrum
C. Use of Prioritized Product Backlog to be viewed by internal and external stakeholders.
D. Use of the fixed amount of time for each process and activity in a Scrum project.
20. All the following statements on the Scrum Team are correct, EXCEPT:
A. Provides inputs to the creation of Collaboration Plan.
B. Estimates User Stories approved by the Product Owner.
C. Prioritizes items in the Prioritized Product Backlog.
D. Develops Task List.
21. Through which of the following is Inspection in Scrum NOT depicted?
A. Determination of order and separation of what is done now from what is to be
done later.
B. Use of information radiators to show the progress of the Scrum Team on completing the
tasks in a Sprint.
C. Collection of feedback from the customer and other stakeholders to ensure continuous
D. Approval of completed deliverables after verification for compliance with Acceptance
22. Which of the following statements on colocation is INCORRECT?
A. It results in the low number of frictions among the Scrum Team members.
B. It facilitates formal and informal interaction among the team members.
C. It enables the team members to coordinate, resolve issues and learn from past
D. It enables determination of the order and separation of what must be done now,
from what needs to be done later in a Sprint.
23. Which of the following is NOT a principle of Scrum?
A. Value-based Prioritization
B. Time-boxing
C. Stage-by-stage project delivery
D. Self-organization
24. Which of the following does not aid in ensuring transparency in a Scrum project?
A. Scrum ensures that the project has an open Prioritized Product Backlog with
prioritized User Stories that can be viewed by everyone, both within and outside the
Scrum Team.s
B. Scrum ensures that there is clear visibility into the team’s progress through the use of a
Scrum board, Burndown Chart, and other information radiators.
C. Scrum ensures transparency through detailed upfront planning in which all the key
stakeholders participate.
D. Scrum ensures transparency through a Project Vision Statement that is visible to all the
internal and external stakeholders.
25. You are a member of a Scrum Team, and you are instructed by the general
manager of your company to work on an urgent task that is not part of the current
Sprint. What do you do?
A. Take responsibility for the task, and tell the Product Owner to postpone the deadline for
the current Sprint.
B. Talk with the other Scrum Team members and re-assign your tasks to someone else.
C. Talk to the Product Owner, and tell him or her to re-assign your tasks to someone else.
D. Inform the Scrum Master of the situation, and let him or her discuss the situation
with the GM.

1. -
Agile Manifesto has … Values and … Principles

4, 12
Munnabhi knows the four values of Agile Manifesto by heart. However, he was confused
whena customer spoke with him highlighting Agile characteristics of short software
development cyclesor iterations. He could not recollect anything about short iterations in
Agile Manifesto. What didhe miss to learn about?
Agile Principles

3. - Which of the following statements BEST describe why Agile is winning?1.

Products produced by an Agile approach are cheaper than those produced by any
4. - Which of the following statements about changing requirements in software
development, arecorrect?

5. Which of these is a benefit of agile?


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