Device Service Manual
Device Service Manual
Device Service Manual
Revision History
2010.03.17 04 Add the way of using laser W.J.Moon J.K. MooN J.H.Choi
point JIG.
Power board revision
2010.09.20 05 Add information of service W.J.Moon J.K. MooN J.H.Choi
procedure for PMT detector
2014.12.11 5.01 Add document revision M.J.Park H.K.Kim J.J.Kim
2014.12.11 06 Modify HFG Fix Brkt' Y.H.KIM S.J.MOON J.J.Kim
Service Manual
1. Cautions ............................................................................................................................................. 4
1. Cautions
3. Cautions ............................................................................................................................................. 9
1) Representation method
User manual and installation manual are described based on the following marking and
representation method.
Examples are provided in a box and ‘Example)’ is used to indicate the description is an
example of the case concerned.
a. Place the patient on the bed of the measuring equipment.
b. Check if the measured part comes within the measuring scope
and put it exactly within the scope.
c. On the window of the user program that says “Will you move to the base location?”,
select Yes or No..
: Reference page
Indication of “CAUTION”
The mark and phrase “CAUTION!“ as below is designed to draw users’ attention
since there can be safety risks during use of the equipment.
Along with the warning phrase, explanation is provided.
Indication of “WARNING”
The “WARNING“ label as below indicates possibility of safety accidents in case users
are negligent or not careful enough Along with the warning phrase, explanation is
2) Symbols
: X-ray on
Symbol that Indicates X-ray is currently emitted for examination. The symbol appears
on the equipment controller or on monitor during examination of a testee or daily
: X-ray off
Symbol that Indicates X-ray is not currently emitted for examination. The symbol
appears on the monitor during stand-by mode or waiting for measurement or
measurement is completed.
: Laser pointer
Symbol that indicates danger of laser pointer.
: Power on
Symbol that indicates that power is on.
: Power off
Symbol that indicates that power is off
: Start
Symbol that indicates X-ray is being prepared to be emitted.
: Communication state
Symbol that indicates communication state of the equipment.
: Caution
Symbol that indicates caution is needed or it is needed to refer to the manual for
safety reason.
The service engineer of this equipment needs training on safety knowledge of the
equipment and safety awareness during the work. Fully understand safety points for
your work, get thoroughly read the service manual and provide the service in the order
as indicated.
You need to pay keen attention to “Caution” symbol for Cautions or warnings.
Service engineers shall receive trainings on proper use of the equipment and service.
3. Cautions
- Field engineers shall wear proper protective outfit or gear depending on their job on
1. Wear nonconductive gloves when handling power supply regions or other power
supply devices. Do not work with wet hands or be careful not to let conductive
accessories touch power supply regions
2. Wear shielding outfit when handling X-ray emitting devices or generating X-rays.
3. Wear gloves and safety shoes when handling mechanisms or internal fixtures.
Documents regarding our service program and equipment services are protected by copy
right. Only the users who are authorized by Osteosys have the right to use our software
and manual.
Service engineers who are authorized by Osteosys have the right to use our service
program and manual.
Personal information or measurements of the patients are protected under relevant laws
and regulations. Service engineers are not allowed to disclose any personal information
or data during service provision.
1. Power ..................................................................................................................... 19
2. Operation/Noise ...................................................................................................... 21
APPENDIX 2 : DEXXUM T Calibration Manual is provided when Master Phantom for Calibration is
purchased through OsteoSys HQ or its agencies, for which it is marked (Option) in this Service
(Option) Manual requires confidentiality agreement.
1. Power
B. Life bed, remove MDF and check Power Module indicator for abnormality. Main board
power is still not ON when Main Power is ON, move to D.
Checking B-1 Indicator ☞ 2-3. Power Module Test and reading the indicator
E. If Power is still not ON when no problem on Main module power, it can be assumed that
Main-controller(IC) is damaged.
Replacing E-1 Main module
☞ 7-1. Replacing and testing Main module
A. Lift bed and MDF, Motor driver and Main module connected to Power module, and
every connector including X-ray generator power connector.
A-1 Removing Power module connector ☞ 2-3. Power Module Test and reading the
B. Check for short-circuit on Inlet and Rocker Switch
B-1. Checking for short-circuit on Inlet and Main Switch ☞ 1-2. Outer figure of
DEXXUM T (Inlet, Switch)
7-19. Replacing Main switch
7-20. Replacing Inlet / Inlet board
C. Remove Power module cover and check for short-circuit on each Power source
including Power board and SMPS.
C-1. Checking for short-circuit on Test Point ☞ 2-3 Power Module Test and reading the
C-2. Replacing Power module ☞ 7-2. Replacing Power module
D. Check for short-circuit on AC power input part of X-ray generator Module
D-1. Checking for short-circuit on power input part of X-ray generator
☞ 2-4. Testing X-ray generator control board and reading the indicator
D-2. Replacing X-ray generator ☞ 7-3. Replacing X-ray generator
E. Check for short-circuit on X.Y Motor Driver
E-1. Checking for short-circuit on Motor Driver Power
☞ 2-5. Checking for short-circuit on Motor Driver Power and setting the indicator
and driver
E-2. Replacing the Motor Driver concerned ☞ 7-5. Replacing Motor Driver
F. Remove Main module cover and check for short-circuit on each Power source
F-1. Checking each power source of Main board
☞ 2-2. Testing Main module and reading the indicator
F-2. Replacing Main module ☞ 7-1. Replacing and testing Main module
G. Check for short-circuit on cable from AC input part to Power module
G-1 Checking cable ☞ 1-7. System Cable Connection Diagram
2. Operation/Noise
C-1. Check FRU009-051 Cable Refer to ☞ 1-7. System Cable Connection Diagram
C-2. Judge after check LED power indication on Motor Driver and Replace
☞ 2-5. How to Check for short-circuit on Motor Driver Power and setting
the indicator and driver
☞ 7-5. How to replace Motor Driver
C-3. How stop initialization, checking Power and indicator and replacing Power
module ☞ 7-3. Replacing Power module
D. Open the carriage on both sides with hands when Power is OFF and check for
☞ See Outer figure of 1-1 DEXXUM T
D-1. If problems on parts, go to 3. Problems on Parts in Trouble Shooting Guide
A-1 Remove bed from the equipment and check if MDF is fixed tightly to the
equipment. If the fix is loose, fix it tightly.
A-2. Remove MDF from the equipment and execute measuring. Check for noise
whether cable is loose and touches parts.
If fix is loose, apply cable tie and lock tight.
A-3. Check for foreign substances on the equipment rail (LM GUIDE).
Remove foreign substances and identify the cause to take proper measures.
A-4. Check for fixing of X-ray generator. If fixing isn’t sufficient:
Fix to X-ray generator Alignment, run QC.
X-ray generator alignment ☞ APPENDIX 1
X-ray generator Calibration ☞ APPENDIX 2 (Option)
3. Problems on Parts
A. Check whether the cause of noise is X or Y-axis; to check whether the cause is parts
or hardware of Motor Driver, check for the cause of noise by pushing with hands with
Power OFF.
A-1. If no noise detected with Power OFF, the cause may be abnormality of Motor
See 2-3. Noise during operation for noise on Driver.
A-3 If the cause is Y-axis but not pulley, check curtain film or curtain film roller. Film or
roller may be broken by physical impact or sandblasting-like noise may be heard.
Replacing curtain film or curtain roller
☞ 7-12. Replacing curtain film
☞ 7-17. Replacing curtain film roller and shaft
B. If the cause of carriage, check whether it’s Motor, detector or center bearing.
B-1. If the cause is Motor, conduct visual inspection on coupling break, abnormality
on pulley bearing on the opposite side; turn them to check for replacement.
Replacing pulley and bearing of X-axis Motor ☞ 7-11. Replacing bearing and
Adjusting tension of X-axis (generator, detector) ☞ 5-2. Testing timing belt
To replace X-axis or pulley, System Alignment, QC, system test are required.
B-2. If the cause is not Motor, remove top/bottom carriage cover from the equipment
to check pulley/bearing on detector Driver. Check pulley on the opposite side as well.
Removing covers ☞ 4-3. Removing Top & Cover
Replacing pulley/bearing of X-axis Motor
☞ 7-11. Replacing bearing/pulley
Adjusting tension of X-axis (generator, detector)
☞ 5-2. Testing timing belt
C. Replace timing belt if necessary. Tension jig and torque wrench as well as belt are
needed for replacing timing belt.
4. Connection /Communication
A. Check for abnormality on LAN cable between PC and the equipment and connection
error on PACS LAN cable and the equipment LAN cable.
C. Remove bed and MDF and check connection from Inlet board to connector box and
Main board.
C-1. Checking Inlet board ☞ 1-2. Outer figure of DEXXUM T (Inlet, Switch) ,
☞ 7-20. Replacing Inlet / Inlet board
C-2. Checking cable ☞ 1-7. System connection diagram
D. Turn the equipment ON, initialize and check physical connection referring to LED
Indicator on Main board. If communication with PC is unavailable even with physical
connection, test should be conducted also on PC in use. Try connecting the
equipment with different PC(IP setting adjustment needed) to check connection.
A. Remove Main board cover from the equipment. Apply forced initialization on
DEXXUM T equipment, measure test Point with DVM and check for switch input.
(Replacing Main board or User Operated Switch and test are sufficient to solve
Forced initialization ☞ 6. Initialization and movement control for testing
B. Measuring point of User Operated Switch of Main board and measuring method
B-1. Forced initialization ☞ 6. Initialization and movement control for testing
B-2. Replacing Main board ☞ 7-1. Replacing and testing Main module
B-3. Replacing cable ☞ 1-7. System cable connection diagram
B-4. Replacing User Operated Switch ☞ 7-14. Replacing User Operated Switch
A. If no “beep” buzzer sound or X-ray exposure warning sound at the end of scanning
line 1 at the initial Power ON, there might be a problem on the buzzer. Replace Main
A-1. Replacing Main board ☞ 7-1. Replacing and testing Main module
A. Problems on Limit switch of the equipment may cause loud noise and trembling
when the equipment makes initial movement at Power ON or its movement deviates
from the movement range.
Check Limit switch concerned with VDM and replace it if necessary.
A. Read the numbers shown on the 7-segment attached to Main board to identify the
operation that Main board is currently conducting.
Power module is roughly divided into two parts- AC-DC and DC-DC: AC-DC is called SMPS
and DC-DC is called Power board.
7-5. B-0110 HFG’s temperature getting higher than high temp limit range
Image file
1) Follow below procedure : run User program → Main Manu →
cannot find Image file route is not Order 1) Reset Configuration→ QC/DB/BACK UP → Image File Path.
(image File recorded route same as User program
in User program route. image route 2) To place the image file in the Image File Path.
could not be
(when recovery after backup)
RPT file is not
RPT file is not
available for print out Order 1) Reinstall 1) Check the RPT file in Report folder.
(Cannot find available in the
in Program install program 2) reinstall program
the print computer.
The Header of file The Header of Order 1) Re- 1) Damaged Image file cannot recover. Therefore re-
measured image file
(Wrong File has damaged has damaged. measurement. measurement is necessary.
Order 3) Change
1) Change main board
Main board
There is problem
with input value
There is problem with Order 1) Re-input
(There is input value of the year 1) Provide birth year in a proper format.
of the year of
of birth year
problem in the birth
year of birth.)
There is problem
(There is a with input value
There is problem with Order 1) Re-input
input value of the 1) Provide birth month in a proper format
problem in the of the month of
month of birth date month
birth date
month of
There is problem
with input value
There is problem with Order 1) Re-input
(There is a input value of the day 1) Provide birthday in a proper format.
of the day of
of birth date day
problem in the birth date
day of birth..)
‘required ‘required patient’s Order 1) input
1) Provide patient’s name in a proper format
('Name' is patient’s name name patient’s name
‘Ethnic’ is Order 1) Select
‘Ethnic’ is required 1) Provide ethnicity in a proper format
('Enthnic' is required Ethnic
‘Height’ is Error of input height Order 1) Input
1) Provide height in a proper format.
(‘Height’ is required value height
‘Weight’ is Error of input weight Order 1) Input
1) Provide weight in a proper format
( ‘Weight’ is required value weight
( 'Password
password (2nd) is Confirm password (2nd) Order 1) Input
Confirmation' not same as is not same as new 1) Input new PW in a proper format.
new password(1st). Password
is not equal to
Press ROI button; in
It occurred did not
manual mode, press Order 1) Click ROI
click the ROI 1) Press ROI button again.
( Release ROI button as finished.
RIO button again and Button
fix ROI for analysis.
button )
D-029 It occurred if
It occurred if
Calibration has
Calibration has failed Order 1) Analysis
failed more than 1) See 8.1) Daily TEST Fail.
( Daily QC is 3times during
more than 3times Daily test fail
during Daily TEST QC.
not finished ) Daily TEST QC.
Patient is lying on
Patient is lying on the Order 1) Move
the bed on upper
bed on upper position 1) Move the patient slightly downward on the bed to be within
( Scan Area position than patient to standard
than standard scan the measuring area for scanning.
standard scan
Over (Y area. scan area
axis) )
7-43. D-040 There may be an object on this position. Please remove object and retry.
Order 5) B-061
1) If you are not resolved in order4, refer to B-061 Method.
A. Check whether Daily Test is conducted on the same location of Phantom described
in User Manual.
A-1. User retraining
B. Remove MDF and bed from the equipment and check whether shutter moves
B-1. If shutter doesn’t move properly: ☞ 5. 4) Problems on Shutter
C. Run TEST program and link to the equipment. (User program should be closed)
D. Execute ¡°Get count¡± item to check for abnormality on X-ray.
D-1. Get Count on currently selected area, compare High/Low ratio with setting
value in Calibration Manual; if the difference between current and setting value
is less than 0.05, execute re-calibration; if more than 0.05,check feedback
voltage of X-ray generator.
Measuring Feedback voltage of X-ray generator
☞ 2-4. Testing Main board of X-ray generator and reading the indicator
After X-ray generator replacement, Alignment, QC and System TEST should
☞ SYSTEM Alignment Manual ☞ APPENDIX 1
SYSTEM Calibration Manual ☞ APPENDIX 2 (Option)
D-2. X-ray doesn’t ¹ß»ý, execute Get Count to check LED indicator of X-ray
generator for abnormality.
Checking condition of X-ray indicator
☞ 2-4. Testing Main board of X-ray generator and reading the indicator
Replacing X-ray generator ☞ 7-3 Replacing X-ray generator
After X-ray generator replacement, Alignment, QC and System TEST should
☞ SYSTEM Alignment Manual ☞ APPENDIX 1
SYSTEM Calibration Manual ☞ APPENDIX 2 (Option)
Service manual
Service Manual (English)
OsteoSys Co., Ltd.
Model Designation: DEXXUM T DOC. No. : OT09-2F7431-SVM-05
E. Press Scan Mode in Test program, move the coordinates to X:150000 Y:150000,
set KV: 83,mA를 150 place MDF on the equipment and execute Scan.
D-1. When Scan complete, check for wave pattern or lines on the image.
Replacing X-ray generator ☞ 7-3. Replacing X-ray generator
F. If X-ray count value and image normal, turn laser pointer ON in Test program.
☞ 3. Using Test program and checking abnormality on X-ray using Test program
E-1. Check and adjust vertical line of light (Y-axis) emitted from laser pointer to
cross Collimator hole.
Adjusting laser pointer location ☞ 7-16. Laser pointer Alignment
Go to Advanced setting in test program and check where QC file is loaded properly.
Service manual
Service Manual (English)
OsteoSys Co., Ltd.
Model Designation: DEXXUM T DOC. No. : OT09-2F7431-SVM-05
B. If the problem is not interference, set KV and am to ‘0’ ·Î in Test program and
execute Get Count.
A. Remove bed and MDF from the equipment and check abnormality on shutter
movement using Test program.
Shutter TEST ☞ 3-4. Operating temperature sensor and testing shutter
B. Check on the bed whether there is any object that dampens X-ray; if so, remove
damping object from the bed
C. If Low / High Ratio test fails, run Test program and execute Get Count. Compare
with current data referring to initial count ratio in
APPENDIX 2: Calibration Manual.
Service manual
Service Manual (English)
OsteoSys Co., Ltd.
Model Designation: DEXXUM T DOC. No. : OT09-2F7431-SVM-05
C-1. Get Count on currently selected area, compare High/Low ratio with setting
value in Calibration Manual; if the difference between current and setting value
is less than 0.05, execute re-calibration.
☞ SYSTEM Calibration Manual ☞ APPENDIX 2 (Option)
If more than 0.05, check feedback voltage of X-ray generator.
Measuring feedback voltage of X-ray generator.
☞ 2-4. Testing Main board of X-ray generator and reading the indicator
C-2. If not problem found on Feedback voltage, replace detector.
Replacing detector ☞ 7-4. Replacing detector
After detector replacement, QC and System TEST should follow.
SYSTEM Calibration Manual ☞ APPENDIX 2 (Option)
Use Daily Inspection phantom for daily inspection on the equipment.
Service manual
Service Manual (English)
OsteoSys Co., Ltd.
Model Designation: DEXXUM T DOC. No. : OT09-2F7431-SVM-05
It is a test to check for change in each area by Get Count in each area.
A. Remove bed and MDF from the equipment and check abnormality on shutter
movement using Test program.
B. Check whether count values are random since it is a test count values of all 4
B-1. If it occurs randomly, it is highly likely that the problem is shutter or X-ray
Shutter TEST ☞ 3-4. Operating temperature sensor and testing shutter
Replacing shutter ☞ 7-6. Replacing shutter module
B-2. If failing in all areas, generate X-ray repeatedly using Test program to check
for failure.
☞ 8-1. Go back to BMD Check Fail.
B-3. If scintillator detects X-ray generation but program doesn’t detect it, replace
the detector.
Service manual
Service Manual (English)
OsteoSys Co., Ltd.
Model Designation: DEXXUM T DOC. No. : OT09-2F7431-SVM-05
A. To check noise on detector, run Test program, set as follows, move coordinates to
X:100000 Y:100000 and execute Get count.
Low E Low: 30 / Low E High: 120 / High E Low: 30 / High E High: 120
A-1. If Low or High count value is more than ‘5’, replace for an enhanced detector for
noise. Use Change Coordinates function in Test program to test other areas.
Replace detector if noise detected in other areas.
Removing top ☞ 4-3. Removing carriage top/bottom cover
Replacing detector ☞ 7-4. Replacing detector
Service manual
Service Manual (English)
OsteoSys Co., Ltd.
Model Designation: DEXXUM T DOC. No. : OT09-2F7431-SVM-05
A. If the measure image is not visible after analysis, open Advanced setting to check for
abnormality on QC load.
A. Use TEST program to check for abnormality on Spectrum and Count of the
If abnormality found, ☞ 8) 8-4. Repairing Spectrum area
B. Check whether the measuring position is located as described in User Manual.
A-1. Retraining hospital employees
C. Check whether right User Control Panel key is pressed for the location for measuring.
Patient’s Left femur indicates patient’s left Femur; Right femur indicates patient’s right
B-1. Retraining hospital employees
D. For old aged, deformation or pressure of spine can occur depending on age.
Service manual
Service Manual (English)
OsteoSys Co., Ltd.
Model Designation: DEXXUM T DOC. No. : OT09-2F7431-SVM-05
4. Service Manual
0. Service Manual Revision ........................................................................................................ 50
1. System Information ................................................................................................................. 51
1-1. Outer Figure of DEXXUM T
1-2. Outer Figure of DEXXUM T (Inlet,Switch)
1-3. Main Components of DEXXUM T
1-4. Inside of the carriage mechanism of DEXXUM T
1-5. Locations and names of carriage pulley and coupling
1-6. Mechanism and frame inside bed
1-7. System cable connection
3. How to use test program and checking for X-ray abnormality using test program ................. 88
3-1. Test Program connection
3-2. How to change X-ray generator setting values of test program
3-3. Movement of equipment in Test Program
3-4. Operation of temperature sensor and shutter
3-5. Getting count and criteria for Count data abnormality
3-6. Getting Spectrum and criteria for Spectrum abnormality
3-7. Getting Scan image and criteria for Scan abnormality
6. Initialization and movement control for testing the equipment ............................................. 124
7. Replacing module and parts and adjusting location ............................................................. 125
7-1. Replacing and testing Main module
7-2. Replacing and testing Power module
7-3. Replacing X-ray generator
7-4. Replacing detector
7-5. Replacing Motor Driver
7-6. Replacing shutter module
7-7. Replacing Limit switch
7-8. Replacing and adjusting Limit block
7-9. Replacing timing belt
7-10. Replacing Motor and coupling Motor key
7-11. Replacing bearing and pulley
7-12. Replacing curtain film
7-13. Replacing carriage bottom cover film
7-14. Replacing User Control switch
7-15. Replacing emergency switch
7-16. Replacing Laser pointer and Alignment of Laser pointer
7-17. Replacing curtain film roller and roller shaft
7-18. Replacing fuse
7-19. Replacing Main switch
7-20. Replacing Inlet board
7-21. Replacing X-ray generator fan
The initial release version of the service manual is v. 1.00 and this manual is updated in
accordance with equipment updates. As service manual version varies depending on serial
number of each equipment, make sure to refer to the update page of the service manual to
provide services based on the right service manual version.
The service manual is updated both on regular or irregular basis pursuant to the following
(1) The service manual is reviewed for possible update upon functional update of DEXXUM
T equipment and if needed, revised and the revision history is indicated in the first page
of the manual.
(2) The service manual is reviewed for possible update upon functional update of DEXXUM
T software and if needed, revised and the revision history is indicated in the first page of
the manual.
(3) The service manual is revised to resolve any problems or issues including unexpected
breakdown whose root cause is defects in the development phase or inferior quality.
(4) The service manual may be reviewed for update based on proposed method changes by
service engineers and approved and revised by HQ.
(5) The service manual is reviewed for possible update upon service part changes by HQ
and if needed, revised and the revision history is indicated in the first page of the manual.
1. System Information
1-1. Outer Figure of DEXXUM T
9 4
Figure1-1. Outer figure of DEXXUM T
① emergency switch
② carriage
③ bed curtain film
④ bed wing
⑤ bed wing (upper) – when folded
⑥ caster
⑦ front cover
⑧ table for the patient
⑨ bed wing (lower)
⑩ user operated switch
1 2
10 15
11 6 13
12 14
Figure 1-5. Inside of carriage of DEXXUM T
⑧ Bottom cover
⑨ NECK FRONT cover
1 2
3 4
1 2
1 2 3 4
3 4
5 6
Figure 1-7. Inside and frame of the bed
1) Since bed doesn’t have fix points, life the bed for removal.
2) Have M5 hexagon wrench ready for removing MDF from DEXXUM T.
3) Once the procedure complete, recombine MDF and bed as shown as Figure 2-3.
For combining with MDF, rear side of bed has smaller space than front of the bed.
Red indicates the combining of bed and MDF and blue indicates bed. Poor
combining with MDF may cause curve on the bed therefore MDF should be
combined properly.
Figure 2-7. Location of Main board Test Point, 7-segment and Ethernet indicator
A. If indicator shows “7” or “9” when the equipment is not moving, Motor Driver or
Motor may be the problem.
B. If indicator shows “3” (X-ray Shot) with nothing detected on Test program, X-ray
generator or detector may be the problem.
C. If indicator shows “5” even when it contacted to Limit while moving Left /
Bottom direction at “5”, Limit SW / Cable may be the problem.
Check WD1 indicator: if OFF, check whether the equipment is ON and cable
connection. Even without IP address setting, physical connection makes WD1 ON;
WD4 is ON if connected at100M.
DEXXUM T used 100M bps therefore both WD1 and WD4 should be “ON”.
No problem in data processing even if connected at 10Mbps.
2-2-1. Testing PMT detector Main module and reading the indicator
(PMC Assy: FRU009-84)
1) Removing cover
To measure Test Point of Main board of DEXXUM T, remove Main module and
cover from DEXXUM T system and reinstall.
For location of Main module, see 1-3. Main components of DEXXUM T
D. Remove all cables fixed to Main module from module.
E. Remove fixed wrench bolts to Main module and turn Main module over.
F. Remove bolts from Main module and cover as shown in Figure 2-5-1.
Figure 2-7-1. Location of Main board Test Point, 7-segment and Ethernet indicator
D. If indicator shows “7” or “9” when the equipment is not moving, Motor Driver or
Motor may be the problem.
E. If indicator shows “3” (X-ray Shot) with nothing detected on Test program, X-ray
generator or detector may be the problem.
F. If indicator shows “5” even when it contacted to Limit while moving Left /
Bottom direction at “5”, Limit SW / Cable may be the problem.
Check WD1 indicator: if OFF, check whether the equipment is ON and cable
connection. Even without IP address setting, physical connection makes WD1 ON;
WD4 is ON if connected at100M.
DEXXUM T used 100M bps therefore both WD1 and WD4 should be “ON”.
No problem in data processing even if connected at 10Mbps.
LED Description LED Description
2-3-1. Testing Power module and reading the indicator (Added 24VDC relay)
1) Removing cover
To measure Test Points of DEXXUM T Power board, remove Power module from
DEXXUM T system and cover and reinstall.
For Main module location, see 1-3. Main components of DEXXUM T.
Remove 4 bolts from Power module and cover as shown in Figure 2-8-1.
A. Remove all cables fixed to Power module from module.
B. Remove fixed wrench bolts to Power module using M4 hexagon wrench.
C. Remove 4 bolts from Power module and cover as shown in Figure 2-8-1.
D. Install Power module to the equipment and combine cables.
LED Description LED Description
2-4. Testing X-ray generator control board and reading the indicator
1) Removing cover
To measure Test Points of DEXXUM T X-ray generator, remove side cover of X-ray
A. Remove cables from X-ray generator.
B. Remove 6 round headed bolts for fixing X-ray generator cover with (+)screw
Figure 2-15. Location of X-ray generator Main board and using DMM
LED Indicator
KV feedback
mA feedback
2-5. Checking for short-circuit on Motor Driver Power and setting the indicator and Driver
1) DEXXUM T system uses 2(X and Y-axis) Motor Drivers(KR55MC).
To check short-circuit, set DVM to resistance test(Ω) to check for short-circuit as
shown in Figure 2-17.
(Before Jun/2009 device is KR55MC, after Jun/2009 is MD5-HD14)
Power indicator
Power connector
2) Set DMM to DC voltage test and measure the top part with DMM (+) nod and
GND1 with (-) nod as shown in Figure 2-18.
1) Click “OP CONTROL” button in Test program to turn laser pointer ON and move
carriage using User Operated Switch.
If abnormality detected on laser pointer, remove carriage top/bottom cover as shown
in Figure 2-19.
3) Remove 6 M5 wrench bolts as
shown in Figure 2-19
PMT Detector
CZT Detector
8) Set DVM to DC voltage measure mode, connect (-) nod-brown cable to #2 pin, (+)
nod-white cable to #1 pin and click OP CONTROL in Test program. When OP
CONTROL activated, laser pointer should be ON and (+) nod should show about
+5VDC voltage.
If voltage is normal but laser pointer is not, replace laser pointer module. If voltage is
not detected, check whether OP CONTROL is activated and check for cable short-
circuit. If voltage still not detected with no cable short-circuit, replace Main module.
Replacing Main module ☞ see 7-1. Replacing and testing Main module
Replacing laser pointer ☞ 7-2. Replacing Power module
2) Move carriage with Power OFF to check whether Y-axis top/bottom switch is properly
working. For Y-axis, adjust to the location where Limit switch is pressed by Limit
block; for X-axis, adjust Brkt’ where Limit switch is fixed by moving X-ray generator if
Limit switch block under the generator. Adjust by loosening round headed bolts in red
area in Figure 2-24.
Replacing Limit switch and adjusting Limit switch area ☞
7-8. Replacing and adjusting Limit block
TEST program is a program that controls all the functions of device. Each function can be
tested respectively. Here the way to use the Test program is covered. When asked to refer to
a certain number item mentioned in repair manual or test program, refer to this page.
Figure 3-3. “open”Figure 3-4. EEPROM READ Figure 3-5. EEPROM READ WINDOW
3-2. How to use Test program and How to change the setting value of X-ray generator
Test program is a ‘Get spectrum’ that receives the data values by generating X-ray, while
for 'Get count’, setting Energy Level, X-ray generator value and sampling Time are
required. (for each value, refer to “3-5 Get count’.)
2) Once each value is entered, click ‘set’ next to the value once.
(All values are read and written simultaneously. So even when one value is changed,
make sure to click “Set”.)
3) Click “EEPROM Write”.
4) After clicking “EEPROM”, check if the changed value is entered on “Receive Data”
2) 3)
When activating X-ray generator such as Get count or Get spectrum or receiving
X-ray value, make sure to “OPEN” the shutter before emitting the X-ray.
3-5. Way to obtain Get count and Criteria to check errors on Count data
Get count is expressed as a converted value of X-ray Energy that had entered in.
1) Click “C” on the main tab.
1) 6)
1 Low
It count
draws graphevery hour set for low energy value.
a graph
2 High count graph It draws a graph every hour set for high energy value.
3 High/Low ratio It is the ratio of the average of high count divided by that of low
4 Count Display It shows the current low and high energy values and the average
value of obtained data.
5 Iteration It specifies the number of repetition in obtaining data. If it is 100, it
obtains 100 times and finishes the X-ray investigation
6 Get count It either starts to obtain the X-ray data or stops.
“0” initializes the data of obtained graph.
7 Save Count It saves graphs including Count value and so on as an excel file.
If Sampling Time is set at 1, all the data are saved. If it is 10, 1 out
of 10 is saved.
Table 3-1. Description of Get count menu
Get count receives the data as much as the number of Iteration. Then it terminates
the emission.
4) In order to set the position of X-ray emission, adjust the device to a desired position
by using either a movement key or a user control key that is attached on OP-panel.
6) In order to check any errors on Count Data of shipped device, first set the ratio of
energy range after setting the Spectrum range with the condition of 83KV/0.2mA of
DEXXUM T Calibration manual.
Calibration manual is distributed in accordance with Master Phantom purchase
DEXXUM T Calibration manual ☞ APPENDIX 2 (Option)
Spectrum is a way to see the energy distribution on the entire range in a graph.
1) 8)
1 Spectrum
A windowWindow
where spectrum is drawn.
2 Window Range bar Range adjusting button from 0 to 255 on Spectrum window
3 High/Low ratio It shows the energy amount of low/high energy.
5 Get Reference file It is a function to load Spectrum which was previously saved
before for comparison purpose.
6 Get Spectrum It obtains Spectrum.
6) The way to check errors on Spectrum is to compare the ratio of energy bands
and Count value when emitting after setting Spectrum in DEXXUM T Calibration
Abnormal waveform of spectrum is due to errors in detector, X-ray generator, or
interference between detector and X-ray generator device.
DEXXUM T Calibration manual ☞ APPENDIX 2 (Option)
3-7. Way to obtain the scanned image and Checking errors of scanned image
Scan can produce an image by moving similar to actual measurement.
It is mainly used to check the picture or motor drive.
1) Click “Sc” on the main tab.
2) Scan window shows up as shown below. Menu is shown below. Refer to Table 3-3.
1 Scan Window A part where the image is shown after the scanning starts
2 Window Range bar A part to adjust light and shade of produced image (low
energy/high energy)
3 Scan Start Start scanning.
3) Enter the size of image, set Move control and set Scan Mode.
Make sure to click ‘Scan Mode Set’.
4) Move the scan to a desired position by using Move menu.
5) Click ‘Repeat Scan’ after inputting either Start Scan or a number of repetition.
'Repeat Scan’ is used to perform a repetitive work in a specified zone.
6) How to check an error on SCAN image
When checking errors on SCAN image, there should not be any pattern on the image
when scanning without putting anything in.
If there is a pattern or a block dot of “0” count without data on pixel, this can be a
problem either in X-ray generator or in the detector.
First, by running a noise examination of detector, check any errors of director. Then
check errors on the X-ray generator.
Decoding X-ray generator Indicator
☞ 2-4 Method to test X-ray generator control board and Method to decode
Method to inspect the noise of detector
☞ 2-9. Refer to the test method of detector noise
3-8. Gain Control method and checking errors on Main control B/D(PMC Assy only) Voltage,
and Detector information
It is only used in a system that PMT Detector and PMC Assy are installed, and also used
to check Gain Control of Detector Signal, and Voltage Check, Detector Information ofMain
Control B/D (PMC Assy).
- For PMT Detector application system, in order to check the spectrum and
count, carry out the Gain control first and move on to the next step.
2. Gain control window shows up as shown below. Menu is shown below. Refer to
Table 3-4.
1 Gain Control Window It carries out the function of controlling Signal Gain of PMT
Detector and also shows the Gain control History.
2 Set Set button sets the limit of Signal Gain of Detector.
(Maintains the setting of factory)
3 Scan Start Clicking “Gain Control Start” button checks the performance
of Gain Control, Count on Window and Gain Control Value.
4 Clear “Clear” button is a function to delete the Gain Control History
from Window.
5 Read Voltage It checks the DC Voltage that is used in Main Control B/D
(PMC Assy only).
6 Detector Monitoring A function to check the inside information of Detector (PMT
(High Voltage, Detector Temperature, F/W version, S/N)
7 Comp Check It checks the error of Voltage Comparator that is used in
Main Control B/D (PMC Assy only).
8 MB F/W Check It checks the F/W Version of Main Control B/D (PMC Assy
Table 3-4. Table of setting functions on Gail Control window
4) Once wrench bolts removed, pull the back cover to remove it.
3) Hold the cover front on User Operated Switch, pull it downward to remove bottom
(Back of the cover is ring type which may cause ring break if pulled from the back.)
4) To remove top cover, remove emergency switch connector and User Operated
Switch connector inside the cover.
5) Remove 2 wrench bolts in the front with M6 wrench and the rest 4 round headed
bolts with (+) screw driver to remove the cover.
4) As shown in Figure 4-10, remove wrench bolts for Column front Cover & Column
Rear Cover.
Figure. 4-15. Metal panel after removing Middle bed Wing Cover and Cover
Figure 4-16. Inside of metal panel after removing Long bed Wong Cover and Cover
A. Replacing MDF
1) Turn Power OFF.
2) Lift Center bed from the equipment.
3) Remove wrench bolts that fix MDF with M5 wrench referring to Figure 4-17.
2) As shown in Figure 4-20, recombine the new Center bed. MDF surface is slightly
higher than other surfaces therefore MDF combining part is about 2mm indented.
In Figure 4-20, red area indicates combining area of bed and MDF and blue
indicates bed. The bed should be correctly combined with MDF, otherwise it is
Replace bed referring to Figure 4-20.
2) Remove bed stickers from the new urethane bed and attach the bed to the
5. Testing parts
2) Back cover contains H2EA-006A board connected to cable; remove bed and MDF
from the equipment to release inside connector connection. To remove back cover,
remove cable connected to the connecter as shown in Figure 4-1. From front view,
connector is connected to bottom right, back of the film cover
3) Remove Back cover from the equipment by removing wrench bolts using M6 wrench.
4) Once wrench bolts are removed, hold and pull Back cover to remove from the
5) By observing from top of curtain film, check for break on left/right contacted with
top/bottom/left/right roller, replace if broken referring to “Replacing curtain film”
To identify the cause of film break, check for foreign substances around the film and
check top/bottom/left/right roller.
Replacing curtain film ☞ 7-12. Replacing curtain film
6) If rollers that move curtain film or axes are the problems, replace rollers or axes.
Replacing roller and axes ☞ Replacing film curtain roller and roller shaft
Once tension is adjusted, re-fix Brkt’ and check timing belt by moving several
times with hands.
If no abnormality detected, turn the equipment ON, check movement using Test
After adjusting tension of detector timing belt, make sure to check for system
Figure 5-12. Motor key location and combining hole of pulley and Motor key
4) If problem even when movements synchronized, Motor Driver or Motor may have
problems; see Troubleshooting Chart.
5) If Motor is rotating but Pulley is not moving, Motor key may have problems.
Replacing Motor key ☞ 7-10. Replacing Motor, coupling and Motor key
1) Bearing abnormality causes noise or operation problem; turn the equipment OFF
and push with hands to check whether the problem is carriage, X-ray generator or
2) If problem identification is difficult, remove timing belt, turn bearing with hands to
check bearing operation.
3) Replace abnormal bearing and adjust timing belt tension using DEXXUM T
tension jig. After timing belt recovery, make sure to check system Alignment.
It enables operation at the position other than initial position to read Main board and
Power board indicator for several tests.
Figure 6-1. Locations of DEXXUM T Limit switches and the switches for
7-1. Replacing and testing Main module, PMC Assy (FRU No: FRU009-027, FRU009-084)
Moduleguide location
1) Turn Power OFF, remove system Power cable from the socket.
2) Remove bed and MDF from the equipment.
3) Remove all cables connected to Power module. When removing cables, use (-)
screw driver. For Power module location, see Figure 7-2.
4) At the location shown in Figure 7-2, remove M5 X 12 wrench bolts of Power module
with M5 wrench.
5) Replace Power module and reassemble in the reversed order of cable disassembly.
6) To check Power module’s basic operation, turn Power ON to check for power
connection and the followings:
5) As shown in Figure 7-4, remove fixing wrench bolts of existing X-ray generator from
the system using M6 wrench. Take caution when loosening/fixing wrench bolts since
they are fixed with square nuts attached underneath.
face inside of system carriage; fan location should be on the opposite side of module
7) As shown in Figure 7-6, fix 4 fixing points using M6 X 12 wrench bolts and square
nuts. Fix bolts loosely since alignment between detector and X-ray generator should
be adjusted.
2. Combine.
HFG Plate
8) Lift shielding cover where shutter is fixed, combine it with M4 X 8 round headed bolts.
9) Connect all cables to X-ray generator and shutter.
10) If X-ray generator or detector replaced, make sure to check for Alignment.
For checking Alignment, scintillator in Alignment Kit is needed.
System Alignment Manual ☞ APPENDIX 1
11) If Alignment is normal, tighten wrench bolts in 4 locations of X-ray generator.
Recheck Alignment after fixing.
Rechecking is necessary since Alignment may be deviated due to combining force
when fixing.
12) If X-ray generator changed, system Calibration is required.
See Calibration Manual and use Master Phantom for system Calibration.
Calibration Manual ☞ APPENDIX 2 (provided at Master phantom purchase)
13) Once Calibration complete, execute daily test using Daily Phantom.
4) Hold the cover front on User Operated Switch, pull it downward to remove bottom
(Back of the cover is ring type which may cause ring break if pulled from the back.)
5) To remove top cover, remove emergency switch connector and User Operated
Switch connector inside the cover.
6) Remove 2 wrench bolts in the front with M6 wrench and the rest 4 round headed
bolts with (+) screw driver to remove Top cover.
7) Once the cover is removed, remove detector connector and laser pointer connector
and (+) round headed bolts connected to cable duct. See Figure 6-11.
8) From top view, detector contains the following fixing points. Remove M5 wrench
bolts using wrench and replace for a new detector module.
9) Reconnect connector and fix two M4 X 8 round headed bolts of cable duct using (+)
screw driver.
10) If X-ray generator or detector replaced, make sure to check for Alignment.
For checking Alignment, scintillator in Alignment Kit is needed.
System Alignment Manual ☞ APPENDIX 1
11) If Alignment is normal, system Calibration is required.
See Calibration Manual and use Master Phantom for system Calibration.
Calibration Manual ☞ APPENDIX 2(provided at Master phantom purchase)
12) Once Calibration complete, execute daily test using Daily Phantom.
5) Match the setting of new Motor Driver to the one of existing Motor Driver.
Setting Driver ☞ see 2-5
6) Install new Motor Driver in the reversed order of disassembly, connect cables.
7) Move the equipment in the center manually after connecting cables, turn the
equipment ON to check new Motor Driver operation.
8) Assemble MDF and bed in the reversed order of disassembly.
9) Scan Daily Phantom to check for Image abnormality.
5) Move X-ray generator with hands to push until it makes sounds at Limit switch.
Choose the switch location not to interfere with X-ray generator and the equipment
frame and fix Limit switch at the location.
6) Y-axis Limit block, from front view of the front cover, bottom is in the left and top is
in the right.
7) For Y-axis Limit block location, see Figure 7-17.
8) As shown Fig 7-17. Y axis limit block is placed position which marked on AL profile.
Carriage could move from init limit Switch to end limit switch which distance is
555.84mm. Carriage position number have to has from 0 to 425773;
when you control device moving using DT TEST PROGRAM.
Push carriage to the operating direction manually to check whether it touches the
block properly; it should be loose enough not to damage Limit switch when pushed.
It should not be
Figure 7-18. Proper height of Limit Block damaged.
4) When timing belt loosened by loosening Pulley, replace for a new timing belt.
5) Adjust timing belt tension.
Adjusting timing belt tension ☞ 5. Testing timing belt
6) Once tension is adjusted, move carriage manually to check whether timing belt is
placed on Pulley or for bending on timing belt.
7) Assemble MDF and bend in the reversed order of disassembly, run Moving Test 10
times in Test program to check for noise and abnormality.
4) Hold the cover on User Operated Switch, pull it downward to remove bottom cover.
(Back of the cover is ring type which may cause ring break if pulled from the back.)
5) To remove top cover, remove emergency switch connector and User Operated
Switch connector inside the cover.
6) Remove 2 wrench bolts in the front with M6 wrench and the rest 4 round headed
bolts with (+) screw driver to remove Top cover.
7) Once the equipment is disassembled, loosen timing belt by loosening Pulley Assy’
Brkt’ fixing wrench bolts in Figure 6-23.
8) Connect existing timing belt to the new timing belt and combine timing belt between
Pulley as shown in Figure 6-24.
11) Assemble covers in the reversed order of disassembly, run Moving Test 10 times
in Test program to check for noise and abnormality.
Figure 7-25. Location of wrench bolt for X-ray generator timing belt tension
4) To remove X-ray generator Plate fixed to timing belt and Assy’ connected to timing
belt from timing belt, remove wrench blots installed on Plate using M3 wrench.
See Figure 6-27/6-28.
5) Once Plate and timing belt are separated, Remove Assy’ from timing belt using M3
wrench. Then remove timing belt.
Figure 7-28. Disassembling timing belt and X-ray generator Plate Assy’
6) Install Plate/timing belt connecting Assy’ to the new timing belt as shown in Figure
7-28, combine X-ray generator Plate and Assy’ with M5 wrench bolts. Do not fix
timing belt Pulley Assy’.
7) Move detector and carriage manually to the center of the equipment.
8) Place X-ray generator on Plate, fix all 4 directions of X-ray generator, connect X-ray
generator cables, turn Power ON and execute forced initialization.
For initialization, see ☞ 6. Initialization and movement control for Testing
Not fixed
10) If alignment is proper visually, combine tension jig with Pulley Assy’ Brkt’.
11) Adjust timing belt tension.
Adjusting timing belt tension ☞ 5-2. Testing timing belt
12) According to system Alignment method, readjust alignment between X-ray
generator and detector.
12) Combine MDF and bed in the reversed order of disassembly, run Moving Test 10
times in Test program to check for noise and abnormality.
A. Replacing Motor
Figure 7-32. Inlet and Ethernet connector of the back of the cover
4) Once wrench bolts are removed, hold and pull Back cover to remove it.
5) Red squire part in Figure 7-33 is X-axis Motor. Remove coupling first to remove
6) Loosen M3 wrench bolts fixed to coupling on Pulley in Figure 7-34, and loosen X-ray
generator timing belt fixing pulley on the opposite side as well to make sure that
timing belt is not affected by tension.
7) As shown in Figure 7-35, remove M5 wrench bolts that support Motor from top to
bottom; remove Motor released from coupling as well.
8) Prepare new Motor, connect the existing Motor with timing belt and fix Motor. Once
fixing is complete, combine coupling on Pulley; coupling top is fixed on top axis,
coupling bottom on Motor axis. Check whether Motor key is inserted when combining.
9) To adjust tension of X-ray generator timing belt, adjust tension with X-ray generator
timing belt jig.
Adjusting timing belt tension ☞ 5-2. Testing timing belt
10) Check system Alignment, assemble Back cover in the reversed order of disassembly.
11) Once Back cover assembly is complete, combine MDF and bed.
12) Run Test program to check for abnormality using Move command.
6) Remove timing belt, Pulley combined to Y-axis Motor with M3 wrench and Pulley
from Motor.
Marked in profile
10) Connect timing belt to the Pulley on the opposite side and Motor Pulley and adjust
tension using tension jig.
11) Adjust timing belt tension.
Adjusting timing belt tension ☞ 5-2. Testing timing belt
12) Once tension is adjusted, move carriage manually to check whether timing belt is
place on Pulley or for bending on timing belt.
13) Assemble MDF and bed in the reversed order of disassembly, run Moving Test 10
times in Test program to check for noise and abnormality in operation.
To replace bearing and Pulley, follow the procedure below and for Pulley location,
See ☞ 1-5. Pulley Assy’ and coupling locations
A. Replacing Idle Pulley S5M (FRU009-39) and Roller Idle FLAT (FRU009-41)
1) To replace Idle Pulley or Roller Idle FLAT, loosen timing belt by loosening wrench
bolts of Pulley Stroke Assy’ to adjust timing belt tension.
2) Remove bolts of Idle Pulley S5M or on top of Roller Idle FLAT using M5 wrench for
removing. See Figure 7-42.
4) Once wrench bolts are removed, hold and pull Back cover to remove it.
5) To replace film, remove film curtain left/right Brkt’ attached to profile using M4 wrench.
In view from the back, left Brkt’ contains two 4mm wrench bolts front/back; right Brkt’
has two 4mm wrench bolts in front.
6) Once film and Brkt’ are separated, it forms a shape of a long film attaché with Brkt’;
to replace curtain film, remove the existing film and install a new film as shown in
7-52. Left fixing Brkt’ is for adjusting film tension therefore should be slightly loose.
8) As shown in Figure 7-51, fix Brkt’ to profile; to adjust film tension, adjust and fix film
tension as shown in Figure 7-53.
7-13. Replacing carriage bottom cover(detector cover) film (FRU NO: FRU009-070)
3) Hold the cover front on User Operated Switch, pull it downward to remove bottom
(Back of the cover is ring type which may cause ring break if pulled from the back.)
4) Remove Bottom cover from the equipment, remove fixing cap using tweezers or
pincers since film is fixed with plastic fixing cap; once new film installed, fix film
using molding cap.
3) Hold the cover front on User Operated Switch, pull it downward to remove bottom
(Back of the cover is ring type which may cause ring break if pulled from the back.)
4) Remove Bottom cover from the equipment, remove connector of Use Operated
Switch in the front of the inside of Top cover; remove User Operated Switch from
Remove User
Operated Switch
from cover.
5) Attach new User Operated Switch as shown in Figure 7-60 and insert cable and
connector into the hole inside User Operated Switch.
As shown in Figure 7-61, make sure that projected part of cable connector face the
back of User Operated Switch when combining.
Back of User
Operated Switch
6) Connect cable, turn Power ON for testing, run User Operated Switch Test using Test
Using TEST program ☞ 3. Using TEST program
7) Turn Power ON and check for green LED on User Operated Switch.
If LED is not ON, recheck Power and connector for connector combining or Power
8) Once green light is ON, run Test program and execute Shutter ON/OFF, X-ray Shot
and laser pointer ON/OFF to check for LED lighting on User Operated Switch.
9) Move the coordinates to X:150000 Y:150000, turn laser pointer ON and check for
top/bottom/left/right movement, LED lighting by measuring area setting.
10) Once Test complete, reassemble the equipment in the reversed order of
13 1
12 2
10 5
3) Hold the cover front on User Operated Switch, pull it downward to remove bottom
(Back of the cover is ring type which may cause ring break if pulled from the back.)
4) Remove Bottom Cover from the equipment.
5) Remove emergency switch connector inside. See Figure 6-61.
6) Remove fixing metal on both sides of the switch in Figure 7-66 from the switch using
tweezers or sharp tools.
7) Once fixing metal for switch removed from the equipment, remove fixing metal from
below, switch from above Top cover.
8) Insert new emergency switch from top and combine metal with switch from below.
9) Connect cables, turn Power ON and check whether the equipment is OFF when
emergency switch pressed and the equipment and red LED are ON when
emergency switch not pressed.
10) Assemble Bottom cover in the reversed order of disassembly.
7-16. Replacing Laser pointer and Alignment of Laser pointer (FRU NO: FRU009-37)
4) Hold the cover front on User Operated Switch, pull it downward to remove bottom
(Back of the cover is ring type which may cause ring break if pulled from the back.)
5) To remove Top cover, remove emergency switch connector inside the cover and
User Operated Switch connector.
6) Remove 2 wrench bolts in the front with M6 wrench and the rest 4 round headed
bolts with (+) screw driver to remove Top cover from the equipment.
7) Remove Top cover and loosen 2 set screws that fix laser pointer to replace laser
pointer; and remove laser pointer connector.
8) Replace laser pointer, install Top cover in the reversed order of disassembly,
combine the removed connectors. To combine User Operated Switch, see (6-14.
Replacing User Operated Switch).
9) Once Top cover installed, connect Power, run Test program.
10) Move coordinates to X: 150000 Y: 150000, press ‘Shutter Open’ to open shutter,
click ‘Laser Pointer ON’ to turn laser pointer ON.
11) Adjust set screws on both sides of laser pointer to align vertical line of projected
light from laser pointer to the center of Collimator as shown in Figure 6-71.
12) Once the alignment is set by adjusting set screws, assemble in the reversed order
of disassembly, run Test program to check laser pointer operation abnormality.
2) Turn on laser pointer to excute TEST PROGRAM and to click “OP control”
3) Separate power connector (2pin) from X,Y Motor Driver (refer to P.71)
4) Fix Laser pointer JIG to fixing hole on MDF near initialize position
(refer to 7-76-1, 7-76-2) .
5) Set collimator hole to cross line of JIG on your hand after fixing JIG
(refer to 7-76-3)
6) Set vertical line of laser pointer to pass the collimator hole adjusting laser point
Block using M3 hex wrench (refer ro 7-76-4, 7-76-5)
8) If laser pointer line was sat vertical, horizontal line, Turn off the main power SW,
connect the motor driver power assemble in the reversed order of disassembly,
run Test program to check laser pointer operation abnormality.
‘7-12. Referring to ‘Replacing curtain film’, remove curtain film from the equipment.
Replacing curtain film ☞ 7-12. Replacing curtain film
2) Once Snap ring is removed, roller can be removed by hands. Replace roller.
3) Replace damaged shafts for new shafts in Figure 7-81 and fix them with wrench
1) Turn Power OFF and remove Power cable from the equipment.
2) Inlet Fuse Inlet is located in bottom right seen from the front of the equipment.
Fuse socket is inside the Inlet, fuses are inside the socket.
Fuse short-circuit can be visible and can be checked by DMM short-circuit test if
3) Press first
4) Pull out
1) Turn Power OFF and remove Power cable from the equipment.
2) As shown in Figure 7-84, remove cable from Main switch.
3) As shown in Figure 7-85, remove the switch.
5) Use M3 wrench bolt for fixing 4 wrench bolts that fix fan to the side of X-ray
generator to replace fan.
8. Software
8-1. UI installation
4) Click “Install”.
6) When the My-SQL sign up window comes up, click “Skip Sign-up” and “Next”
8) When a Mysql server interface configuration window comes up, select “Standard
Configuration” and click “Next”.
9) On the next window, check “Install As windows Service” and press “Next”
10) Check Mysql Security Settings and enter the following in the field and click “Next”’
Mysql Security Settings.
Current root Password : sa
Next root Password : sa
Confirm : sa
A. Recovery
If DEXXUM T UI file is damaged or of no use, click “Repair” and “Next” to
automatically start recovery process. After recovery is completed, check the software
in accordance with software inspection procedure.
Figure 8-19. “Repair” completed
B. Removal
Before UI removal, check database is backed up and for backup, see page 109.
“Do you want to completely remove the selected application and all of its features?”
Please note that as the equipment contains control- and BMD-related values, those who
are not authorized by Osteosys shall not provide the service for the equipment and that
Osteosys does not take any liability for malfunctioning of the equipment or data value
errors due to unauthorized change of the equipment or measurement.
B. Advanced UI setup
Password: D3NSET
3) After entering into advanced setup, change necessary values and click “Save”.
1) Parameter
Parameter is an item that gives a slope and offset for the value in accordance with the
algorithm of BMD value.
This is an item that reflects the compensated value to a particular part. For basic
configuration, refer to the figure in the bottom.
Slope and offset are only used in special cases. Therefore, the basic configuration
values are used in general.
<Basic configuration for CZT version> <Basic configuration for PMT version>
4) Default position
Put in the coordinate of default position that is moved to the Default position while
6) File Header
It shows a version of Algorithm that is recorded on scanned raw image. It is set as shown
below depending on the Detector Type.
<Basic configuration for CZT version> <Basic configuration for PMT version>
Standard fitting :
It is the generated value after Daily Phantom scanning with the device in Standard mode.
Thin fitting :
It is the generated value after Daily Phantom scanning with the device in Thin mode.
9) Daily QC condition
Daily QC phantom sets the margin of error for the value from each TEST.
Value of 0.04 means that if it deviates more than 4% from the standard value, it pops up
the error message.
The higher the value is, the bigger the allowable margin of error becomes. There are two
items: Error and EachError. As a result of BMD fitting, the error value of Slope and Offset
is calculated respectively. This value sets the allowed error limit. That is, Standard Error
means the limiting value of slope error after measuring BMD Fitting in Standard mode.
Standard EachError means the limiting value of Offset error.
When changing the value of Advance System, make sure to click “SAVE”.
As DEXXUM T has database in PC, when backup is needed to keep patient data or due to
PC breakdown, use the following file.
1) Execute window search function to find the following path or enter the path directly.
2) For image file backup, go to “DT” folder, copy all *.d3n files to saving media where
you want to keep the backup.
If backup path changed on Configuration within UI, copy all *.d3n files to saving
media where you want to keep the backup.
“D3NDBToFiles.EXE” is not Default Install Program.
3) For registry (to save software setup values) backup, Click “Start” on the bottom left of
the window and click “Run”.
When input window comes up as shown in Figure 5-2., enter “regedit” and click “OK”.
(My Computer -> HKEY_ CURRENT_USER > Software > OsteoSys >DEXXUM T)
5) Right-click DEXXUM T folder. Click “Export” and “Export Registry File” window
comes up. Designate the path, enter backup file name and click “Save”.
6) Copy and save the generated backup file in media that you want.
2 3 4
6 8 9
9) When patient data list comes up, click “File Save” and input window comes up.
10) Enter file name that you want and click “Save” (entire backup)
11) When multiple doctors share the equipment in UI, you can get backup of database of
a particular doctor. Use buttons in the list next to DB READ to select the doctor.
12) When list comes up, click “File Save”. When input window comes up, enter file name.
13) When file input is finished, click “Save”.
14) The file that the user arbitrarily saved automatically generates another file in
DEXXUM T folder.
9) Select original file*.txt among *.txt , *1.txt , *12.txt , *123.txt, *1234.txt, *12345.txt and
click “OPEN”.
10) When load correctly, a message comes up as below but if not, check *.txt , *1.txt ,
*12.txt , *123.txt, *1234.txt, *12345.txt files are copied properly.
12) Go to UI to select one patient to check his/her data is properly loaded. And check if
Spine and Femur DATA is properly included.
A. PACS requirements
- 2 LAN cards (inside DEXXUM T PC)
- The hospital shall allocate certain IP, subnet mask and basic gateway from in-
hospital network. (the hospital should provide the information)
- PACS Server IP and Port (Hospital shall have PACS server data)
- Remote A-title (contact hospital PACS administrator)
Figure 8-38. Network setup
2) LAN card setup
If two LAN cards are inserted, there are two local area connections. One of the two
connections is LAN card that communicates with the equipment and the other is
used for PACS. If it is not clear which one is LAN card, pull out each cable to see
local area connection (the equipment shall be ON.)
3) To connect with hospital PACS Network, select and right-click on Local Area
Connection 2 and click Properties.
When Properties window comes up, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click
4) To access hospital PACS server, enter unique IP address, subnet mask and
gateway and click “OK” (Make request to hospital’s PACS admin).
5) Press Window Start button to check connection with hospital’s PACS server and
click Execution.
When Command window comes up, enter CMD to turn to the following DOS mode.
7) When the following command is entered, connection details come up on the PC.
“Reply from (IP address): byte=32 time=128” appears four times and “Packet: Send
= 4, Receive = 4” comes up, indicating access is successful.
C. PACS setup on UI
1) Execute UI.
2) Go to Configuration.
All A-title and Modality are case sensitive. Make sure to receive them accurately
from PACS /OCS administrator.
5) If the hospital wants to change Modality, receive Modality from PACS administrator.
6) Click the fifth “DICOM” on Configuration window to change Modality to the method
as in Fig 6-10.
7) Execute UI, select test data and move to Analysis screen. Click “Send PACS” menu
to check if the message comes up properly.
1 3
2 3
When inputting on PACS server, be advised that all A-title and Modality are case
9) To link with Work-list, check “Work-list” at the bottom of Patient List window. Work-list.
Send command
Receive command
8-10. DEXXUM T Diagnostic function check (only support above S/W
This function is only working on DEXXUM T system with PMT detector,
It can check Main control (PMC Assy) voltage read, firmware version read,
comparator block working, EEPROM working, PMT detector information,
each limit switch position check function working.
(If you want to back to Main menu, click “Main menu button”)
1) Execute User Interface software (UI version need a version above
2) Press keyboard “Left Shift + Left Ctrl + D” at the same time.
3) “Check Start” button Click
4) Check each function.