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DLL (English 10)

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DAILY School Metro Dagupan Colleges Productivity High school Grade Level 10

LESSO Teacher Vanessa T. De Vera Learning Area English 10

Teaching Week Week 1 Quarter 1st grading


F (10:30 – 11:30)

Date: June 17, 2019

OBJECTIVES  Relate a text’s plot  Discuss how the use  Use reflexive pronouns
and theme to real – of literary devices in spoken and written
life events based on (foreshadowing and discourses
flashback) in a
news reports or video
selection build its
clips theme
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use
strategies in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive
and intensive pronouns.
B. Performance Standards The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.

C. Learning Competencies/  Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles, non-linear illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text
 Determine the implicit and explicit signals, verbal, as well as non-verbal, used by the speaker to highlight significant points
Objectives  Express appreciation for sensory images used
 Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion
 Identify the factors of public speaking
 Use modals

II. CONTENT *Introduction Flashback and Reflexive and intensive pronouns

The Story of the Flood (from
the Epic of Gilgamesh) Watching and Retelling

Word Derivation


A. References English Perspective 10 English Perspective 10 English Perspective 10
(Literature) (Literature) (Literature)

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages English Perspective 10 English Perspective 10 English Perspective 10

(Literature) (Literature) (Literature)
pp. 1-2 pp. 1-2 pp. 3

2. Learner’s Material Pages

3. Textbook Pages English Perspective 10 English Perspective 10 English Perspective 10
(Literature) (Literature) (Literature)
pp. 4-9 pp. 10-12 pp. 13-14
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous lesson How do you think our Review the selection by asking Let the students define the
or presenting the new lesson forefathers dealt with their volunteer students to identify meaning of the following
personal and social issues? the following details: Setting, pronouns written on the board.
Characters, and plot.

B. Establishing a purpose for The students will know how Discuss how the literary What is the significance of
the lesson did ancient literature shape devices, flashback and reflexive pronouns in English
the world we now live in. foreshadowing, help enhance sentences?
or build the plot of the story.

C. Presenting examples/ The story of Noah’s ark Video clips of narratives from Let the students explain the
families and individuals who meaning of the sentences
instances of the new lesson were saved from serious written on the board.
calamities or disasters.

D. Discussing new concepts Introduce the selection by Ask the students to share what Discuss the different functions of
and practicing new skill #1 asking. “What famous story they heard or read from news the reflexive pronoun herself as
involving a boat or a ship can reports about narratives from used in each sentence.
you recall?” e.g. (The great families or individuals who
flood or Noah’s Ark) then ask were saved from serious Discuss further how the
meaning of each sentence
the student to summarize the calamities or disasters.
changes when the pronoun her
story. is used instead of herself.

E. Discussing new concepts Solicit answers from Invite the students to reflect Ask the students to give
and practicing new skill #2 students to the question: on these real-life experiences examples of sentences using her
“What would it be like to and write what insights they and herself.
have a life that never ends?” gained from these.

F. Developing Mastery Ask the students to read the How can one anticipate the Let the students answer the
selection quietly and direct organization of the ideas of a Grammar Practice 1, 2 and 3. On
them to refer to the guide speaker or writer? pages 88-89.
questions in the text.

The students should be able Essential Questions: How do Let the students discuss about
G. Finding practical to know to what language the ancient epics provide guidance their personal tasks in school,
applications of concepts & words from the story were on how to live our lives? How home, or class. Remind them to
skills in daily living derived and what are their does the story give us a use reflexive pronouns in their
meanings. glimpse of what might happen work.
in the future?

H. Making generalizations & Let the students summarize or Ask the students what Summarize and ask question to
abstractions about the generalize the topic. generalizations can they make students that point out to the
lesson about life after tragedies significance of reflexive
pronouns in sentence

I. Evaluating Learning Determine students’ Short Quiz Short Quiz

comprehension of the
selection by answering the
comprehension questions in
Literature Activity 1.

J. Additional activities for Seatwork

application or remediation


A. No. of learners who earned

75% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
remediation who scored below

C. Did the remedial lesson

work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
DAILY School Metro Dagupan Colleges Productivity High school Grade Level 10

LESSO Teacher Vanessa T. De Vera Learning Area English 10

Teaching Week Week 2 Quarter 1st grading


F (10:30 – 11:30)

Date: June 24, 2019

OBJECTIVES  Analyze the  Give the meaning of  Discuss how the

characteristics of a unfamiliar words elements and
genre by identifying using context clues characteristics of a myth
details from sample distinguish it from other
text forms of narratives

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use
strategies in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive
and intensive pronouns.
B. Performance Standards The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.

C. Learning Competencies/  Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles, non-linear illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text
 Determine the implicit and explicit signals, verbal, as well as non-verbal, used by the speaker to highlight significant points
Objectives  Express appreciation for sensory images used
 Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion
 Identify the factors of public speaking
 Use modals

II. CONTENT Myths, Legends, or Cupid and Psyche Characteristics of Myth

Context Clues


A. References English Perspective 10 English Perspective 10 English Perspective 10
(Literature) (Literature) (Literature)

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages English Perspective 10 English Perspective 10

(Literature) (Literature)
pp. 1-2 pp. 1-2

2. Learner’s Material Pages

3. Textbook Pages English Perspective 10 English Perspective 10 English Perspective 10
(Literature) (Literature) (Literature)
pp. 13-14 pp. 14-23 pp. 25-26
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous lesson Write the words myths, Write Cupid and Psyche on the Ask the students to tell a brief
or presenting the new lesson legends, and folktales on the board and ask if anyone has summary of the story tackled
board. Ask the students what read the story. Tell them that last meeting.
they remember about each this story has captured the
word. Then define the imagination of many because
meaning of myths, legends it revolves around Cupid, a
and folktales. Greek god, and Psyche, a

B. Establishing a purpose for Discuss the importance of Ask the motive question: How Tell the class that there are
the lesson Myths, Legends in Folktales in do gods and goddesses relate certain characteristics and
shaping the culture of the to mortals? elements found in a myth that
Philippines. distinguishes it from others
forms of narratives.

C. Presenting examples/ The students will re-tell the Ask the students what famous Encourage them to ask questions
story of the following myths, stories can be related to the about each characteristics or
instances of the new lesson legends and folktales that are story of “Cupid and Psyche”. element.
popular in the Philippines on
the text book.

D. Discussing new concepts The students will identify Using a timeline let the Ask the students to continue
and practicing new skill #1 which of the following is a students plot the significant analyzing the story “Cupid and
myth, a legend or a folktale. events in the “Cupid and Psyche by answering the activity.

E. Discussing new concepts The students will discuss the Study the different Point out the different
and practicing new skill #2 identified stories why they fall characteristics of myth as characteristics of the myth and
into that category. observed in the story” Cupid guide them in identifying details
and Psyche”. Let the students from the text to support their
complete the chart on page answers.
26 by answering the
F. Developing Mastery The students will categorize After reading the selection let Ask the students to identify each
stories that they already the students answer the guide characteristic to their chosen
know. 10 myths, 10 legends questions in the text and myth.
and 10 folktales. ponder on their answers.

Essential question: What is Tell the students that when Essential Question: What do
G. Finding practical the significance of learning they encounter unfamiliar myths tell about the beliefs and
applications of concepts & about myths, legends and words they can find the values of the ancient world?
skills in daily living folktales in our daily lives? meaning in the sentence as
writers provide you clues or
hints as to what these words

H. Making generalizations & Let the students summarize Let the students generalize
abstractions about the what they learned from the what they learned in the
lesson lesson. lesson.

I. Evaluating Learning Short Quiz Answer the probing word Seatwork

meanings: context clues that
was taken from “Cupid and

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation


A. No. of learners who earned

75% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
remediation who scored below

C. Did the remedial lesson

work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
DAILY School Metro Dagupan Colleges Productivity High school Grade Level 10

LESSO Teacher Vanessa T. De Vera Learning Area English 10

Teaching Week Week 3 Quarter 1st grading


F (10:30 – 11:30)

Date: July 01, 2019

OBJECTIVES  Identify and explain  Use of conjunctions  Use of conjunctions and

the elements of a and collocations to collocations to
Greek drama or play emphasize a point. emphasize a point.

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use
strategies in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive
and intensive pronouns.
B. Performance Standards The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.

C. Learning Competencies/  Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles, non-linear illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text
 Determine the implicit and explicit signals, verbal, as well as non-verbal, used by the speaker to highlight significant points
Objectives  Express appreciation for sensory images used
 Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion
 Identify the factors of public speaking
 Use modals

II. CONTENT Greek Theatre Collocations Coordination for Emphasis

Excerpt from Oedipus the



A. References English Perspective 10 English Perspective 10 English Perspective 10

(Literature) (Literature) (Literature)

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages English Perspective 10 English Perspective 10 English Perspective 10

(Literature) (Literature) (Literature)
pp. 12-13 pp. 14 pp. 14

2. Learner’s Material Pages

3. Textbook Pages English Perspective 10 English Perspective 10 English Perspective 10
(Literature) (Literature) (Literature)
pp. 29-36 pp. 126 pp. 95-98
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous lesson Ask the students what they Have a brief review of the past To introduce the lesson in
or presenting the new lesson know about Greek Drama. topic. Then, prepare strips of grammar, ask the students to
Write on the board the papers with the following analyze the following lines
following words: satyr, words written on each: love, uttered by Oedipus in the play
comedy, and tragedy. blue, red, sight, royal, rose, at, “He brought my sick, sick, fate
upon me. But the blinding hand
moon, blood, first.
was my own.”
B. Establishing a purpose for Prior to reading, ask students Introduce collocations and let Ask the students if it is possible.
the lesson the motive question: Do you the students refer to Strategy To combine these two sentences
think Oedipus deserved what Point. Discuss further why and to show the class how: He
happened to him? some combinations of words brought my sick, sick fate upon
are not acceptable. me, but blinding hand was my

C. Presenting examples/ Show a film of this Greek play. Refer to some answers in the Ask them what two ideas are
You may tell them to watch previous activity that fall present in the combined
instances of the new lesson the entire film at home. under unacceptable sentences. Ask which of the two
combinations to illustrate this ideas was emphasized and/or
point. de-emphasized.

D. Discussing new concepts Invite them to write these Ask the students to on Ask them to explain their
and practicing new skill #1 details under the following Strategy Application and then answers.
headings: plot, characters, explain their answers.
setting and theme. Check or
validate their answers as
they write them on the

E. Discussing new concepts Draw their attention to the Give another exercise of this Before confirming their answers,
and practicing new skill #2 discussion in the Literary nature. refer them to the discussion in
Point. Discuss each element Grammar Point. Then go back to
thoroughly and invite the combined sentences and
students to ask regarding ask:” Which of the two ideas was
each. emphasized and which one was

F. Developing Mastery Ask for volunteer students to Ask the students to give Let the students work on the
report to class their answers. further examples on exercises.

Tell the students that the Tell the students the Tell the students that this time
G. Finding practical staging of Greek tragedies in importance of having they will apply what they
applications of concepts & the ancient times aimed at knowledge on collocations, in learned about coordinating
skills in daily living making the viewers, through constructing effective English conjunction.
the characters in the play; sentences.
realize that they can still be
noble in their suffering. Tell
them how this relates in one’s

H. Making generalizations & Conclude the literature Ask the students to summarize Conclude the discussion by
abstractions about the discussion by asking the their learning about asking the essential question:
lesson essential question: How did collocations by answering the Why is it important to use
the Greek tragic hero, essential question: How can coordination in speech or
Oedipus the King, face his knowledge of word writing.
challenges in life? collocations widen one’s
I. Evaluating Learning Short Quiz Short Quiz Short Quiz

J. Additional activities for Assignment Seatwork Seatwork

application or remediation



A. No. of learners who earned

75% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
remediation who scored below

C. Did the remedial lesson

work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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