Course Title: Channel Management: Semester: Class: Instructor: Email
Course Title: Channel Management: Semester: Class: Instructor: Email
Course Title: Channel Management: Semester: Class: Instructor: Email
Course Description:
Channel Management is one of the critical components of Marketing discipline. Now a day’s business
organizations either in consumer or industrial settings consider effective channel as one of the
competitive advantage for their survival in ever growing demands of business world. In contrast with
other marketing decision, channel decisions regard as most complicated to make & subsequently
implications of these decisions often affects all elements of the marketing mix with long term
consequences. At the same time, effective functioning channel warrant long term dividends for agile
organizations as well
Marketing channels in sync with firm’s strategic vision is the result of astute thinking rather than
arbitrary evolution of channel structure. To inculcate the spirit of share purpose among channel actors
of diverse background & at times with conflicting incentives requires considerable efforts by Business
Executives. Learn the art and science of navigating channel in front of uncertainties, conflict, power
plays, and ever mounting competitive scenario while keeping clear focus on End customer is one of
the most important takeaways of the course.
Course has divided into two main modules, “Designing the channel” is module one, Second module
is “Managing the channel”
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
2). Understand & apply Frameworks & Practical learning’s for effective channel design
3). Selection of types of channel intermediaries, market coverage requirements, Length & breadth
of channels
5). Emergence of “E” Channels & Its consequences on other Channel players
Indicate below how the course learning objectives specifically relate to any program
learning goals and objectives.
Program Learning Goals and Course Learning Objectives Course Assessment Item
The course grade is based on the following criteria:
Additional session or review session Yes/No: If yes, then after which session(s):
Course Cap (applicable for elective Please mention If yes, then what should be the cap?:
courses) if you would
like to cap the
Standard Cap in an Elective Course is course at a
50 number other
than 50:
Session 3 Topic: Adding Channel *Building & Editing the Channel Value Chain I The Key (CLO#1, 2 & 3)
Principles-Transforming your Go to Market Strategy.
Case: Natureview Farm (HBS) (Chapter 3)
Session 4 Topic: Managing Multiple Channels Stewarding Multiple Channels-Transforming your Go to (CLO# 2, 3 & 4)
Market Strategy. (Chapter 9)
Case: CISCO Systems Managing go to
market evolution (HBS)
Module 2 – Managing the Channel
Session 5 Topic: Concept of Power, Conflict *Aligning and Influencing the Channel Value Chain I (The (CLO#4)
concept of Power)- Transforming your Go to Market
Case: RCI Master Distributor: Evolution Strategy. (Chapter 5)
of Supplier relationships (HBS)
*Aligning and Influencing the Channel Value Chain II
(Focusing on Performance)- Transforming your Go to
Market Strategy. (Chapter 6)
Session 6 Topic: Concept of power, conflict *Stewardship in Action I-Supplier case studies (CLO# 4)
Transforming your Go to Market Strategy. (Chapter 7)
Case: Atlas Copco (A): Gaining &
Building Distribution Channels (HBS)
Session 7 Topic: Trends in Channel *Note of trade marketing (HBS) (CLO#4)
Service Sales Corporation (HBS)
Case: TBC *Get the Right Mix of Bricks and Clicks-HBR Article-
Skim (HBR)
Case: TBC