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Lbrmittdl T I: Knowlulge Anaaememt 5signment

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Knowlulge anaaememt


Lbrmittdl t i
MH Shauhikamt

Thto Aqhawa

8 BCoN 046

Aim- ww amd uaum a Ahout nab n duut
Knoukolg Maptuuimg ilmiauu uth
Mulp Ruitaht examplus..

Kno uuelg cabtuime i m i q u s a i -

1 On-ait hauuaton Acbion hustoual):-

H unwoluuus ghsUuuing, Luolug Mo
uwiuutimg the expkilsushlu Asluig
ALeUs wKl Kno uualgaa Thu
ouuulehu oLe moL t i n g tham tulking
Knsulisge duuopur CLos to tu Lku l Aups,
unniqs aml ud t u epud

s olioaanam tagus t 9me mis

LiR th i dua C
amo a uuy Cowmpltem
Laphuuol Km0wludg uikmd uimn
Obusudian md

J umstuuctuuod abboach touands
uoLa abeut ualinu Ashlm a
Xoblumn_ inm uwwuouus vmuliplu expuls wna
Aniom 9n this 9ualisw dam peJaiu k
c cuiticotion out u_eilunoluow auL don a
3ivdou as wually upd t u r szsi
(a) wwas
u tu
ida 9aird 4 hartias
wad ww
ssm o
phm n
T gnu uouou

rtinkei aigns oibls onuuu

S u t a wab ags a

9+ a Ornpuhu ouulud

w upls epud 91 h wtn d

wwishiduntifus ejuuuu
DAUs th0gtnd, wiL n piuptd
t pt
as pnt i nbPC and emag
dsszopppars fouuds Jweluin
ennm 4 dispay ma an A
uitlht udunipn thu Aoura
úmbauta expat
puunt togaa
wdiuiual Th emat mtuas
umpuuuduommu Calton, eui' uL
Qlis'uumfom ugouol'ngAMsiiu Jnuu amd
ulo he m&ling wuth uonsA JLNnund
atuona ho Vutsay utiovM. Th
ewnkuuly Jads toCowuugemu 0 uduas
amol aps toAt inal Ap atuw [u
t A0ution
Expus's iolos

Espuut buiaitis


puii odtion

ein pn hy Connems

iv) pLLatocal malus Think aloud mUhed)

ppto ugs a Louuuo 4 asking exuAts to

pclus tw peusi uolalem mel Mubitige the
dauiai wm Atauma olctly uhat
hy himk. Knoulikgk duuulspa ' t

inudhprun tw intuius Th elcted infommalion

a utud Lalwu whun wuluog
oulpu amaly ges tht pastol.A 4unuo.
Mam dm N
inoli ui uah mdbiuuts
Aumauo ouu a Conuut hiuts
Aone Abeeuue wisi o w
Auuppoutid a mtomatiuem Lam ot
ucmalw u.
V) ouvMaus olueinton moking
J wuallyO us amAr mg
pUuolod with e eal bunal
buUmt thn üuw 9n oLu alueuui obhatunly
to auiuu
Od a
onaUmus, h mulolg duulsau
xpuct YouladA _ s - altuMdlinu
Th cuulehu kolleu
to mau
puwuolus oeissd
eiims amal Atumolarigaton
ADvnoimes Ca be laiouu and Cam t0kki.

(viRebuukoy giol
This atool uda
knoulidge apuu
T lomain exput clao4his amal
aligu a
obum clomaim usi y uun moelal_w guid L
sd aphuuing Qmal uualuating t
moell Te Tuo puuts wy puou put's
lutinctAts aL pisomel ao Rubyetiu
T usA La
eloners leun b placud uilluis
T Knouldge duulehu LaLally eleknts
lts 1
LONs r amal. Hun as 4u clonai
ouolu QRt exomelis
CollLel Amimls ToLM CAmmt.
attol Aculiing the Constuts utly
Ma aum Auioluo

vii) Nominal psup Jih nqs CNhT)

T huduilu am wmuleu b/w wnsums
wwsh w hbu panl alr
expuutshLwms a Nominad q u p ullor
muuhngs a t Atauctunal ww (aLalu tue iudy
po ïnali'uinal julgmunt Iola wuiting Us

abuthuud 9Aou oproauh ud ktu

oluushg &dLos 'as uuu epAotue tiu
wuwwmg Omel t h net uult u
upo NGT am Toluas Wnit

(Vii) Seopi wtned:- us a Auuy d expsts LuhwL

Yel h pocd hs
expu uponsu n A0luius aApeil ehl
kamCo ninibudion nduoluith t i ta
Exptsto Conatrur ih nuE 9nlian nuir

Comuhtmaphing 91 us a nthuwR lanps

paiati'g o vools und s s A hede upunts
amd a link uulpLLsumu tu uulatiomsie
blu Covwupts
w Conuups maphing uis lLaignul t
Coupts pup0suh au t u the
L0mitiuL Amuchuw U a l l t o houllal
Caphur_ T aAtuuhuud Lonptualzatt on: It
Cun euuh'u ayua o up fu mten
Luulh ouk Lusing tiuindtulualit
Conupt mappiry Aual
(a) ComplnAtuthuhe dLstgning
9cla imukabom
C Tello Commumcatiom
M wmolus rumd'ng olognou
Ain etip buotuolun us uinga lonupt mah a
O) pup a^atiom
) Tela glmiauem
(C)tauwet athuctuimg
) tu puati on
Black boakolimg
Ithi expits w toguthu to_A 0uu a
Aptikepuolm_uaing biackb0akal a s
t h i uorRahau ach exbut 9uts am equal
to Coibuuti tu tue AGLiie
wahla kboaul
The buoLLs CoinusliU th A0utiOn
nas bwm uLOLhtd

Chanaduuatics a hlaukboand Aystum

cuwue ahao aiy
Common kas úmtuautie
(C iiemAtb rug uormake
i b Jpumtali on inwialien
Jcuius aphoak to shlwn A0lung
0Agei a u p atan.

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