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Giant 5e Shopping List (Standard)

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Healing Potions Magical Weapon Oils

Name Price(gp) Description Name Price(gp) Description

minor healing potion 50 heals for 2d4+2

As a bonus action you may coat a bladed weapon with the oil, giving it an
lesser healing potion 125 heals for 4d4+4 additional 1d8 damage and converting all damage done by the weapon
Fire/Ice/lightning 125
into the elemental damage type used. Lasts 1 minute or may be applied
to up to 3 different pieces of ammunition lasting indefinitely
fine healing potion 225 heals for 6d4+6

greater healing potion 350 heals for 8d4+8 Same as above but grants 1d8 radiant damage and gives advantage on all
perfected healing potion 500 heals for 8d6+12 Silver 175 attack rolls vs undead, demons, devils, or cursed shapeshifters (for
example were-wolves)

Fast Acting Contact Poisons Tricks and Crafts

Name Price(gp) Description Name Price(gp) Description
Minor contact poison 25 deals 1d4 poison dmg Fast acting adhesive 75/150 Powerful adhesive. If combat use dc 16 strength save vs restrained
Lesser contact poison 50 deals 1d6 poison dmg Strong Solvent 25 removes adhesives
Fine contact poison 100 deals 1d8 poison dmg Fast acting acid 100/200 Powerful acid that eats through even solid stone, 2d10 acid damage
greater contact poison 175 deals 1d10 poison dmg dealt to anyone who enters the 5' square if combat use.
perfected contact poison 275 deals 1d12 poison dmg Lubricating Oil 25/50 Lubricant. Acts as the grease spell with a dc16 dex, knocking prone
Paralysing poison 300 Effect of "Slow" spell, dc 17 con save anyone entering the 5' square if combat use. Non-flamable
Blinding poison 300 Effect of Blindness/deafness, dc 17 con save *Tricks and Crafts items that have two different prices may be bought for the lower price as single use out of
combat items, or may be bought in large destructable glass orbs for combat use. If using combat orb, they may
*All Fast acting contact poisons apply the effect listed in description upon hit. They may be be thrown up to 30 feet, and they coat a 5' square.
applied to up to 3 separate pieces of ammunition (lasting indefinitely) or smeared on a bladed
weapon as a bonus action lasting for 1 minute before drying and losing potency.
Stat Boosting Potions
Minor enhancement 50 Gain +2 to select stat for 3 minutes
Spell Storing Potions Lesser enhancement 125 Gain +4 to select stat for 3 minutes
Name Price(gp) Description Fine enhancement 225 Gain +6 to select stat for 3 minutes
lvl 1 spells 50 Greater Enhancement 350 Gain +8 to select stat for 3 minutes
lvl 2 spells 150 Spell storing potions work as if you cast the spell Perfected Enhancement 500 Gain +10 to select stat for 3 minutes
lvl 3 spells 300 upon yourself. Does not apply to any spell that
cannot be self casted. If applicable spells cast
lvl 4 spells 500 from the potions still require concentration. Dust of Appearance
lvl 5 spells 750 Dust of Appearance 25 Reveals invisible creatures within 10' radius. (thrown range 30ft)

*Important* Every adventurer has enough room in his kit to have one potion or poison availiable at any given time. Some belts or other pieces of gear allow more than
one potion slot for ready use. After choosing which potion or poison you have tie'd up to your belt all other potions must be stowed away in a backpack or left at camp.
The rules of Potion use! Meaning you can have a single potion or poison ready for use as a bonus action. Additional potions require a standard action to use as you must pull them from your
pack before using them.
Rune Forge

Daggers Axes
Rune Description Rune Description

Shield If user is blocked by a non-magical shield (the ac bonus of the shield

3 times per long rest as an action the user may throw this dagger and then makes the difference between hit or miss) the shield is broken becoming
teleport to the daggers location after it lands, hits a target, or anywhere Breaker useless.
along its flight path. If teleporting to a dagger that hit a target the user
may make an immediate additional attack as part of the same action. Barbarians using this weapon gain double the bonus damage from their
Fury rage feature, and may rage 1 additional time per long rest

Hack and Increases critical hit range by 1. Critical hits also cause dismemberment,
slash the part and effect of the dismemberment are at GM's discretion.
2 times per long rest while in a shadow or dark area the user may as a
bonus action slip into the shadows becoming undetectable even via Juggernaut When charging (moving at least 3 squares or 15 feet before closing into
effects that see through invisibility. The user may continue to move about melee range) gain an additional attack that turn.
freely through the shadows indefinitely, but cannot interact with any of If wielding a shield user gains +1 AC and an additional +1 AC per shielded
his own items, or anything in the material world. Movement in the Shield Wall
friendly by their side. (up to +3 AC total)
Shadow shadows is the same as usual, player is still effected by rough terrain,
cannot bypass walls or closed doors, cannot move through spaces too
small to crawl through and must climb or descend from verticle surfaces
as normal. On will as a free action the player may re-emerge from the Hammers
shadows. Player is forcefully expelled if exposed to bright light. Upon Rune Description
exiting the shadows the user immediately appears in the nearest availiable
space. Armor Any enemy armor class higher than 17 AC is treated as having 17 AC for
Penetration attacks from this weapon.
Roll an additional weapon damage die, when you score a critical hit.
Demolision Additionally attacks with this hammer count as explosive type damage for
the purpose of destroying doors, walls, and objects.
Stabbing Any sneak attacks made with this dagger gain an additional 2d6 sneak
attack damage.
Paladins using this hammer gain access to twice the amount of lay on
Poisons applied to this weapon deal twice the normal number of damage Divinity hands per long rest. Clerics gain twice the number of channel divinitys per
Poison dice and have +2 dc for saves against. long rest.

Upon successful hit with this weapon the user may knock a large or
As a reaction user may parry an attack after the attack roll but before the smaller target back 10 feet (2 squares). If the target colides with another
damage roll. The user parrying rolls a melee attack against the target. If Knock back enemy or a solid object they must make a CON save or be knocked prone
Parrying the Parry roll is greater or equal to the attackers roll after modifiers have (dc based on users STR modifier)
been added the blow is parried and the parrying player makes an attack of
opprotunity using the parry roll to hit. If wielding a shield user gains +1 AC and an additional +1 AC per shielded
Shield Wall friendly by their side. (up to +3 AC total)

Swords Spears/Halberds
Rune Description Rune Description

Anti-large Roll twice the weapons base damage dice when dealing attack damage to
As a reaction user may parry an attack after the attack roll but before the size large or larger creatures, or to mounted units.
damage roll. The user parrying rolls a melee attack against the target. If
Parrying the Parry roll is greater or equal to the attackers roll after modifiers have If being charged (enemy moves at least 3 squares or 15 feet before closing
been added the blow is parried and the parrying player makes an attack of Charge into melee range) you may as a reaction make an attack of opprotunity at
opprotunity using the parry roll to hit. Defense range 10ft. If the target is large or smaller this also stops the targets
movement for the rest of their turn.

Shield Wall If wielding a shield user gains +1 AC and an additional +1 AC per shielded On a succesful hit with this weapon the user may choose to deal half
friendly by their side. (up to +3 AC total)
Leg sweep damage and knock the target prone. Target must pass a strength saving
throw (DC determined by users STR modifier) or be knocked prone.
The first time each battle the user draws this blade they may grant
themselves and all allied creatures within sight twice the users level in
Heroic temporary hit points. The temporary hit points last up to 1 minute. No On a succesful hit with this weapon the user may choose to move away
NPC ally will ever flee so long as the user fights with this blade in their from the target without provoking attacks of opprotunity. If the user is
hand. This feature may only be used once per battle regardless of how Disengage able to make multiple attacks they may attempt to use this feature to
many allies possess a heroic sword. disengage from multiple targets.

When the user engages in a 1v1 melee with an enemy (user and enemy User of this weapon gains an additional attack against prone opponents.
Duelist are engaged in melee with each other exclusively) They benefit from Impale This feature still works if the enemy was knocked prone after the initial
advantage and their enemy suffers from disadvantage. attack was declared.
Dervish The first offhand attack user makes each turn is a free action.
Ultra Great Sword
Bows Rune Description
Rune Description When dealing attack damage to a target you may also deal half of that
Cleaving damage to up to 2 other targets also within your melee range.
Prey Upon Grant animal companion +5 to hit and +5 dmg on any target you've
attacked with this weapon this turn. Still works on a miss.
Death from Gain advantage and +3 damage when attacking targets from a higher As a reaction user may parry an attack after the attack roll but before the
above elevation (must be at least 5 feet above them) Shatter damage roll. The user parrying rolls a melee attack against the target. If
Weapon the Parry roll is greater or equal to the attackers roll after modifiers have
User and users animal companion may make an additional attack on the been added the blow is parried. If the attack was made with a non-
Ambusher first round of combat. The attack is with advantage if you go before the magical weapon, the weapon is destroyed.
target in initiative order.

On a succesful hit against a flying creature the creatures flight is thrown The massive amount of material allows for stronger enchantments.
Wing off and they must land. The creature must make a dexterity saving throw Well of magic Increase enchantment bonus damage by one level (1d4 becomes 1d6, 1d8
Breaker DC 15 to avoid crashing to the ground. becomes 1d10, 1d12 becomes 2d8)
You may as a free action change any enchantment on this bow for a Sundering Every hit by this weapon reduces targets AC by 1 permanently
Flexibility different type.
Once per battle if you would be knocked unconcious instead go to 1 hp
Guts and gain twice your level times your CON modifier in temporary HP.
Temporary HP lasts up to 1 minute.

Rune Smithing Rules.

Each weapon family has 5 unique runes that can be added, drawing out the inner qualities of the weapon. Each rune costs 500 gp to etch, and only 1 rune may be etched per weapon
level (+1 weapon can have one rune, +2 weapon can have two runes, etc). A rune may be also be replaced with a new rune for the same 500 gp. The rune's effects only work when the
weapon is being wielded, but their is no rule against having multiple different weapons equipped at the same time. This can result in some weapons becoming utility items. For
example using a +1 heroic flaming longsword with a shield as your main weapon, but keeping a wing breaking bow on your back to deal with dragons, or a shadow dagger for secret
operations and stealth. As always all items availiability and effect are subject to GM discretion.
The Smith

Name Price(gp) Description
Throwing (30), creates a 15 ft radius of thick smoke that cannot
Smoker 10
be seen through. Lasts 1 minute.
A kit with all the detonation fuzes, timers, and defusing tools
Demo-kit 25
you'll ever need.
Throwing (50), All creatures in a 30 ft radius must make a dc 16
Bright stick 100
CON save or be blinded for 1d4-1 turns.

Throwing (30), creates a 15 ft radius of thick smoke that cannot

be seen through. All creatures entering the area for the first time
Choker 100
on their turn must make a DC 17 CON save or take 1d10 poison
damage and be poisoned. Lasts 1 minute.

Throwing (30), deals 3d10 force damage in a 10 ft radius. Also

Shaper 125 useful for destroying doors/walls/structures. May be thrown or
placed and detonated with a timer or det coord.

Basic Weapons list

Name Price(gp) Description
Club 2 1h, 1d4 bludgeoning
Dagger 10 1h, 1d4 piercing(range 20/60) light, concealed
Great Club 3 2h, 1d8 bludgeoning, MIN 15 STR
Hand axe 20 1h, 1d6 slashing (range 20/60) light
Javelin 10 1h, 1d6 piercing (range30/120)
Hammer 10 1h 1d4 bludgeoning (range 20/60)light
Mace 150 1h, 1d8 bludgeoning
Staff 50 2h, 1d8 bludgeoning
Sickle 20 1h, 1d4 slashing, light
Spear 15 1h, 1d6 piercing, reach
Battle Axe 150 1h, 1d8 Slashing
Flail 150 1h, 1d8 bludgeoning
Great Axe 250 2h, 1d12 slashing,MIN 16 STR
Great Sword 300 2h, 2d6 slashing/bludgeoning, MIN 16 STR
War Maul 250 2h, 2d6 bludgeoning, MIN 16 STR
Halberd 250 2h, 1d10 Piercing/Slashing, reach, MIN 15 STR
Lance 100 1h, 4d6 piercing, breaks, only usable when mounted.
Long Sword 200 1h, 1d8 slashing
Pike 150 2h, 1d10 Piercing, reach, MIN 14 STR
Rapier 200 1h, 1d8 piercing
Scimitar 100 1h, 1d6 slashing light
Shortsword 100 1h, 1d6 slashing light
War Hammer 150 1h, 1d8 bludgeoning
Hand Crossbow 250 1h, 2d4 piercing(range 30/120) light, concealed, no stat mod added to damage
Crossbow 150 2h, 2d8 piercing(range 50/150) loading, no mod added to damage
Heavy Crossbow 250 2h, 2d10 piercing (60/200) loading, no mod added to damage, MIN 15 STR
Short Bow 50 2h, 1d6 piercing (range80/320)
Long Bow 100 2h, 1d8 piercing(range 150/600), MIN 15 STR
The Smith

Name Price(gp) Description
Custom sheathes and protectors allow for up to 3 one handed
Quickdraw Belt 250 weapons to be carried, drawn, and sheathed as a free action.
(Daggers count as half a weapon slot)
These extra pouches allow you to carry an additional potion/poison
Plentiful Pouches 250
on your person (2 total)
These extra pouches allow you to carry two additional
Excessive Pouches 1000
potion/poison on your person (3 total)

Custom Weapons
Name Price(gp) Description

This monstrously large sword resembles a slab of metal more than

Ultra Great Sword 3000
a weapon. 2H 4d6+STR mod S/B. Requires 22 STR

Basic Armor list

Name Price(gp) AC
Light Armor (add Dex mod to AC *can be negative)
Padded 25 11
Leather 100 12
Studded leather 200 13
Medium Armor (add Dex mod to AC up to +2 *can be negative) Disadvantage on stealth
Hide 50 12
Chain shirt 150 13
Breastplate 250 14
Scale Mail 400 15
Half plate 800 16, MIN 12 STR
Heavy Armor (add Dex mod to AC up to +0 *can be negative) Disadvantage on stealth
Ring Mail 500 16, MIN 12STR
Chain Mail 900 17, MIN 12 STR
Splint Mail 1500 18, MIN 15 STR
Full Plate 2200 19, MIN 18 STR
Shield (1h, adds to AC)
Round Shield 100 2

Basic Tool Kits

Name Price(gp) Description
Explorer 50 Knife, 100 ft rope, 10 torches
Fishing 20 Rod and tackle
Healers kit 100 Allows the use of first aid action
Manacles 25 Ye olde handcuffs
Alchemists kit 250 Needs to be set up at home. Allows simple alchemy
Thieves tools 50 All the things you need to… get more things
Riding Saddle 50 keeps the butt less sore on those long trips.
Instruments Varies If you don't know what an instrument is, you shouldn't use it.
Weapon enchantments
Name Price(gp) Description
Deals 2d4,2d6,2d8,2d10,2d12 additional damage of
Elemental 1000
the chosen element.
Deals 1d4,1d6,1d8,1d10,1d12 additional Necrotic
Vampiric 1000
damage, heal for the damage dealt

Weapon enchantments
Name Price(gp) Description
Minor 2500 Becomes a +1 weapon (damage and hit +1)
Lesser 5000 Becomes a +2 weapon (damage and hit +2)
Fine 10000 Becomes a +3 weapon (damage and hit +3)
Greater 16000 Becomes a +4 weapon (damage and hit +4)
Perfected 25000 Becomes a +5 weapon (damage and hit +5)

Enchantment Rules

An enchanted weapon may only have 1 element (or vampiric) type enchantment.
The enchantment can be removed from the weapon for a fee of 500 gold.
Enchantments may only be cast on weapons that are at least +1. The enchantment
may be intensified for the same 1000 gold. Each intensification of the enchantment
increases the damage dealt as listed, and requires that the weapon be at least +x
where 1+x is the total number of intensifications of the enhancement. To break it
down, more powerful weapons are required in order to cast more powerful
enhancements. Armor (not including shields), may have 3 minor and 1 major
enchantment, and do not need to be +1 to have them. Armor enchantments may be
removed for a fee of 500 gold.
Armor Enchantments
Name Price(gp) Description
Minor (may have up to 3)
Fitting 250 Armor resizes to fit the user
Armor is much more comfortable and may be
Comfort 250
slept in

Self Cleaning 250 Armor cleans itself remaining unsoiled at all times

Armor shines magnificently: runes, patterns and

filigree stand out and catch the eye. Causes
Eye Catching 250
disadvantage on stealth, grants +10 to social

Armor is dull and unnoticeable. Even extremely

Dull 250 expensive armor looks common upon simple

Self Repairing 250 Armor repairs itself

Major (may only have 1)

Grants advantage on stealth or removes
Silent 1000 disadvantage
(Light only) may use remaining movement speed
Invigorating 1000 once per turn to attempt to move out of the area,
if targeted by an AoE spell
Battle Ready 1000 (Medium only) Armor gains an additional AC

Impenetrable 1000 (Heavy only) reduces all physical damage taken

by 5

Inflicts STR mod + total level damage at start of

Bladed 1000
turn whenever you are grappled or are grappling

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