Code of Ethics of Professional Accountants in The Philippines
Code of Ethics of Professional Accountants in The Philippines
Code of Ethics of Professional Accountants in The Philippines
Focus Notes
Fundamental Principles
A. Integrity
• All professional accountants to be straightforward and honest
• A professional accountant should not be associated with reports or other information which:
o Contain a materially false or misleading statements
o Contain statements or information furnished recklessly
o Omit or obscure information required where such omission/obscurity would be misleading
B. Objectivity
• Not to compromise a professional accountant’s judgment because of bias, conflict of interest or
undue influence of others
C. Professional Competence and Due Care
• To maintain professional knowledge and skill at the level required and to act diligently in accordance
with applicable technical and professional standards
• Professional Competence is divided into two (2) phases:
standard of general education, followed by specific education, training and examination
awareness and understanding of relevant technical professional developments
D. Confidentiality
• Obligation to refrain from:
o Disclosing confidential information acquired without proper and specific authority or unless
there is legal or professional right or duty to disclose; and
o Using confidential information acquired to their/third parties’ personal advantage
• Ensure that the staff under the professional accountant’s control respect such duty of confidentiality.
• Compliance to such principle even after the end of the client/employer-professional accountant
• Where disclosure may be appropriate:
o Permitted by law, authorized by client or employer
o Required by law (production of documents in the course of legal proceedings, disclosure to
public authorities of law infringements that come to light)
o Professional duty or right to disclose; when not prohibited by law (To comply with quality
review or respond to an inquiry/investigation of a member or professional body, to protect
professional interests of an accountant in legal proceedings, to comply with technical
standards and ethics requirements)
E. Professional Behavior
• to comply with relevant laws and regulations and avoid any action that may bring discredit to the
• professional accountants should be honest and truthful in marketing themselves and their work and
should not:
o make exaggerated claims on the services offered, qualifications possessed or experience
o make unsubstantiated comparisons to the work of others
Code of Ethics of Professional Accountants in the Philippines
Other Matters Concerning Professional Accountants in Public Practice (Part B of the Code)
Client should consider whether - Obtaining knowledge and
Acceptance acceptance would create any understanding of the client and its
threats to compliance with activities
fundamental principles;
decline to enter if threats could
Professional not be reduced to an acceptable
Appointment level
Engagement should only agree to provide - Acquiring knowledge of relevant
Acceptance those services which the industries
professional accountant is - Assigning sufficient staff with
necessary competencies
competent to perform
- Agreeing on realistic time frame for
the performance
Code of Ethics of Professional Accountants in the Philippines
Changes in determine reasons for not - Discussing client’s affairs fully and
Professional accepting the engagement, freely with existing accountant
Appointment such as circumstances that may - If unable to communicate with the
latter, try to obtain information about
threaten compliance to
any possible threats
fundamental principles; still
bound by confidentiality
- Notifying client of firm’s activities
Conflicts of which may present conflict of interest
Interest - Use of separate engagement teams
- Use of confidentiality agreements
There may be threat if second opinion is based on - Seeking client permission to contact
Second inadequate evidence existing accountant
Opinions - Providing the latter with copy of
Fees charged should be a fair reflection of the - Making the client aware of the basis on
Fees and Other value of work involved: which fees are charged
Types of -skill and knowledge required - Quality control procedures
- Review by an objective third party
Remunerations -level of training and experience
-time occupied by each person
Should not bring the profession into disrepute:
- make exaggerated claims on the services
Marketing offered, qualifications possessed or
Professional experience gained
- make unsubstantiated comparisons to the
work of others
Gifts and Significance of such threat will depend on nature, Safeguards should be considered
Hospitality value or intent behind offer otherwise, offer should not be accepted
Should not assume custody of client monies or - keep assets separate from personal or
Custody of other assets unless permitted to do so by law firm assets
Client Assets - use assets only for purpose intended
- be ready to account for those assets
Objectivity – All A professional accountant in public practice who provides an assurance service is
Services required to be independent of the assurance client.
Independence –
issue, or professional is
removed from assurance
If the firm or member of the assurance team makes a loan to an - If loan is immaterial
assurance client, that is not a bank or similar institutions, or and/or held under
Loans and normal commercial
guarantees such client’s borrowings, the threat would be so
guarantees terms or procedures
significant no safeguard could reduce the threat to an
acceptable level
The threat would be so - Terminate the business - Relationship is clearly
significant no safeguard relationship insignificant to the firm
could reduce the threat to - Reduce the magnitude of the and audit client
relationship so the financial - Interest held is
an acceptable level.
interest would be immaterial and immaterial
relationship be insignificant - Interest does not give
- Refuse to perform the assurance the investor the ability
engagement to control the closely
held entity
Significance of the threat - Removing the individual from - Firm has established
will depend on factors the assurance team policies that require all
such as: - Structuring the responsibilities professionals to report
of the assurance team so that the promptly any breaches
- position the immediate
professional does not deal with resulting from changes
family holds with the client matters that are within the in employment status of
- role of the professional on responsibility of the immediate immediate or close
the assurance team family member family members
- Policies to empower staff to - Responsibilities of the
communicate to senior levels assurance team have
any issue of independence and been restructured so the
objectivity professional does not
- To withdraw from the assurance deal with matters
Close engagement concerning those of
immediate family
relationships - Additional care is given
with to review the work of
assurance the professional
clients If a member of the - Considering the appropriateness
Family and assurance team, partner or necessity of modifying the
personal or former partner of the assurance plan for the assurance
relationships firm has joined the
- Involving an additional
assurance client, threat professional accountant who
will depend on the was not a member of the
following: assurance team to review the
-position he has taken at work done
the assurance client - Quality control review of the
-amount of involvement assurance engagement
- Individual concerned is not
with the assurance team
entitled to any benefits or
- length of time passed payments from the firm unless
since he was a member of these are made in accordance
the assurance team with fixed pre-determined
- former position in the arrangements
assurance team or firm - He does not continue to
participate in the firm’s business
Threat is created when a - Policies and procedures to
member of the assurance require the individual to notify
team participates in the the firm when entering serious
employment negotiations with
engagement having
assurance client
reason to believe that he - Removal of the individual from
the engagement
Code of Ethics of Professional Accountants in the Philippines
Gifts and A firm or member of assurance team should not accept gifts or - When value is clearly
hospitality hospitality insignificant
Significance of threat will - Disclosing to those charged with -
depend on: governance the nature and extent
-materiality of litigation of litigation
- Removing anyone involved in
Actual or -nature of assurance
the litigation from the assurance
threatened engagement team
litigation -whether it relates to prior - Involving an additional
assurance engagament professional accountant to
review work done
- Withdraw from or refuse to
accept the engagement