Diversity Lesson Plan
Diversity Lesson Plan
Diversity Lesson Plan
Biography Library)
Social Justice Standard: Interact with people who are similar and different
Color markers
Last Name 3
1. Create tree diagram using the information given to find the probability
(Latino Biography Library) by Anne Schraff. Then ask the students how
understanding? After a few years, they will have learned the language
and have a job in helping other students to learn different subjects, but
there are others who do not like and mistrust their high ethic job and
would do anything to get them fired? Would they fight for their job and
3. Discuss: (“Think, Pair, Share”) Students will be asked the five questions
and time will be provided for them to answer. Then, students will pair
with a peer or more, and they will compare their answers. After being
given a few minutes to talk about their opinions, they will share with the
class what they had come up with. As a whole class, students will discuss
what are some themes presented in the story and how it relates to our
5. If you were Escalante and were in the same position, what different
actions would you have taken to prevent the school staff from
4. Activities
United States and/or other countries. With the results, the students
where they will insert their results and show them including
what they understood and important parts from the reading with
the center being Jaime Escalante using balloons, tape, scissors, and
Students can hold or tape the diagram to the wall and share it to the
obtained from the readings and how they practiced their social skills