T5 Remedies of Unpaid Seller
T5 Remedies of Unpaid Seller
T5 Remedies of Unpaid Seller
Note: It includes an agent of the seller to whom the bill of lading has been indorsed, or
consignor or agent who has himself paid, or is directly responsible for the price, or any
other person who is in the position of a seller.
What are the remedies of an Unpaid Seller? :
I. Ordinary
1. Action for Price
Exercised when:
a. ownership has passed to buyer;
b. price is payable on a day certain
c. goods cannot readily be resold for reasonable price and Art. 1596 is
2. Action for Damages – In case of wrongful neglect or refusal by the buyer to
accept or pay for the thing sold
II. Special
Possessory Lien
Stoppage in Transitu
Possessory Lien – Seller not bound to deliver if buyer has not paid him the price. It is
exercisable only in following circumstances:
a. goods sold without stipulation as to credit
b. goods sold on credit but term of credit has expired
c. buyer becomes insolvent
Note: When part of goods delivered, may still exercise right on goods undelivered
Note: Seller loses lien when he parts with goods (but still, stoppage in transitu can be
Stoppage in Transitu
What is the right of stoppage in transitu? The seller may resume possession of the
goods at any time while they are in transit, and he will then become entitled to
the same rights in regard to the goods as he would have had if he had never
parted with the possession. (Art. 1530, NCC)
a. Insolvent buyer
b. Seller must Surrender the negotiable document of title, if any
c. Seller must bear the Expenses of delivery of the goods after the exercise of the
d. Seller must either actually take possession of the goods sold or give Notice of
his claim to the carrier or other person in possession
e. Goods must be in Transit
f. Unpaid seller
a. Expressly stipulated OR buyer is in default for unreasonable time
b. Notice needed to be given by seller to buyer
Note: Ownership of goods already with buyer but seller may still rescind; ownership is
destroyed even without court intervention but in ordinary sale, need to go to court.
2. RESCISSION: Cancel the sale if buyer fails to pay 2 or more installments. Deemed chosen
a. Notice of rescission is sent
b. Takes possession of subject matter of sale
c. Files action for rescission
When the lessor of the property chose to deprive the lessee of the subject personal
property, can the former recover any unpaid rentals from the latter?
In choosing, through replevin, to deprive the respondent of possession of the leased
equipment, the petitioner waived its right to bring an action to recover unpaid rentals on
the said leased items.
Note: Applies to contracts even before the law was enacted. Stipulation to the contrary is