Assignment 4: Unit 6 - Week 4: Attainment of Outcomes (Module 1: NBA and OBE Framework)
Assignment 4: Unit 6 - Week 4: Attainment of Outcomes (Module 1: NBA and OBE Framework)
Assignment 4: Unit 6 - Week 4: Attainment of Outcomes (Module 1: NBA and OBE Framework)
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Week 0 Quiz 4 1/4
6/6/2020 NBA Accreditation and Teaching-Learning in Engineering (NATE) - - Unit 6 - Week 4: Attainment of Outcomes (Module 1: NBA and OBE F…
When two cognitive processes to be performed on the same knowledge elements are
Week 3:
Cognitive and equally important
Knowledge When two action verbs are equally applicable
dimensions of Never
the taxonomy,
and other Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Domains (Module
When two cognitive processes to be performed on the same knowledge elements are equally
1: NBA and OBE
3) “Calculate major and minor losses associated with fluid flow in piping networks.” 1 point
Week 4: What is the “condition” in this CO?
Attainment of
Outcomes Calculate
(Module 1: NBA Major losses
and OBE
Fluid flow in piping
M1 U16. Course
Yes, the answer is correct.
Outcomes 1 Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
M1 U17. Course
4) “Determine the root of the given equation, accurate to second decimal place, using 1 point
Outcomes 2
Newton-Raphson method.”
unit=20&lesson=22) What is the “criterion” in this CO?
M1 U18. Determine
Tagging Course
Accurate to second decimal place
(unit? Using Newton-Raphson method
unit=20&lesson=23) Root of the given equation 2/4
6/6/2020 NBA Accreditation and Teaching-Learning in Engineering (NATE) - - Unit 6 - Week 4: Attainment of Outcomes (Module 1: NBA and OBE F… 3/4
6/6/2020 NBA Accreditation and Teaching-Learning in Engineering (NATE) - - Unit 6 - Week 4: Attainment of Outcomes (Module 1: NBA and OBE F… 4/4