CSSBI S3-2017:: Criteria For The Design of Composite Slabs
CSSBI S3-2017:: Criteria For The Design of Composite Slabs
CSSBI S3-2017:: Criteria For The Design of Composite Slabs
CSSBI S3-2017:
Criteria for the Design of Composite Slabs
Copyright © July 2017 All rights reserved. This publication, nor any part thereof, may be
reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
The following resistance factors shall apply:
Shear-bond ɸv = 0.70
Steel deck ɸs = 0.90
Concrete ɸc = 0.65
652 Bishop St. N., Unit 2A, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N3H 4V6 · Telephone (519) 650-1285 · Fax (519) 650-8081 · www.cssbi.ca
Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute 2 July 2017
6. SHEAR SPAN DETERMINATION Equation (6) is valid only for composite slabs capable
The shear span, l ’, shall be taken as: of developing the yield stress over the entire deck
(a) L/4 for a uniform load applied to the entire span; section. In some instances the strain compatibility
(b) The distance between the applied load and the of the slab cross-section or the ductility of the steel
nearest support for two equal and symmetrically does not permit yielding over the entire deck section.
spaced loads; or, Equation (6) does not account for steel reinforcement
(c) For other loading arrangements, including a in addition to the steel deck and does not account
combination of distributed and asymmetrical for the case where a portion of the deck section lies
point loads, an assessment shall be made on the compression side of the composite slab
based upon test results. Alternatively, the shear neutral axis. For those cases where equation (6)
span can be taken as the maximum moment does not apply, the factored moment resistance shall
divided by the greater vertical shear force be based on a detailed strain compatibility analysis.
adjacent to the supports for the span considered.
7.2 Over reinforced Slabs (c/d) ≥ (c/d)b
The factored moment resistance, in positive bending,
7. FLEXURAL RESISTANCE of an over-reinforced composite slab shall be
Composite slabs subject to flexural failure are generally determined by:
classified as under-reinforced or over-reinforced slabs Mro = αlɸcf’cbβ1c(d-β1c/2) (7)
depending on the compression depth ratio, (c/d). Slabs
{√ }
with (c/d) less than the balanced condition ratio Where,
( )
(c/d)b are considered under-reinforced, whereas slabs with ρm 2
(c/d) greater than or equal to (c/d)b are considered over c=d ρm + -
reinforced. The actual ratio is: 2 2
ɸsAsfy (4)
(c/d) =
α1ɸcf’cdbβ1 As ɸsEsɛcu
Whereas the ratio that denotes a balanced condition is: ρ= ; m= ;
bd α1ɸcf’cβ1
711(h-dd) (5)
(c/d)b =
(711 + fy)d
Es = 203 000 MPa; ɛcu = 0.0035
Where, Equation (7) is valid only for composite slabs where
As = area of steel deck, mm2/m of slab width no part of the steel deck has yielded. If yielding of
b = unit width of compression face of composite the steel deck does occur, Mro may be determined by
slab (1000 mm) a detailed strain compatibility analysis and/or test.
c = distance from extreme compression fibre to
7.3 Continuous Slabs
composite neutral axis, mm Where composite slabs are designed for continuity
d = distance from extreme compression fibre to over supports, the factored moment resistance in
centroid of steel deck, mm negative bending shall be determined as in
dd = overall depth of steel deck profile, mm conventional reinforced concrete design in
f’c = specified compressive strength of concrete, accordance with CSA-A23.3, Design of Concrete
Structures. The contribution of the portion of the
MPa composite steel deck in compression may be
fy = Specified yield strength of steel deck, MPa neglected.
h = nominal out-to-out depth of slab, mm For positive bending it is permitted to use an
α1 = 0.85 – 0.0015 f’c ≥ 0.67 equivalent isostatic span for the determination of the
β1 = 0.97 – 0.0025 f’c ≥ 0.67 flexural resistance. The span shall be taken as:
0.8L for interior spans, and
0.9L for end spans.
7.1 Under-reinforced Slabs (c/d) < (c/d)b
The factored moment resistance, in positive bending,
of an under-reinforced composite slab shall be taken 8. TWO-WAY ACTION
as: In slabs requiring two-way action for load distribution, the
flexural resistance in the direction transverse to the deck
Mru = ɸsAsfy(d - a/2) (6) corrugations needs to be calculated. The following two
cases apply for the determination of this resistance:
Where, a) Where no supplementary transverse reinforcement
ɸsAsfy is provided, the flexural strength shall be taken as
a= that of the plain concrete section above the
α1ɸcf’cb corrugations. Any contribution from the steel
deck is neglected.
652 Bishop St. N., Unit 2A, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N3H 4V6 · Telephone (519) 650-1285 · Fax (519) 650-8081 · www.cssbi.ca
Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute 3 July 2017
b) Where supplementary transverse reinforcement (2.0) for load duration of 3 months
is provided in the tension zone, equation (6) (2.2) for load duration of 6 months
shall be used if the slab is under-reinforced. The (2.4) for load duration of 1 year
(3.0) for load duration of 5 years or more.
area of steel, As, shall consist entirely of the
supplementary reinforcement, and only the
concrete section above the deck corrugations Table 1: Maximum Permissible Computed Deflections
shall be considered effective, unless tests indicate Type of Member Deflection to be Deflection
conclusively that other assumptions are valid. considered Limitation
The effective width of the slab in the transverse direction
shall be determined from tests or detailed analysis. Flat roofs not Immediate Span/180(1)
supporting or deflection due
9. PUNCHING SHEAR RESISTANCE attached to to specified live
The critical surface for calculating punching shear shall be nonstructural load, L, or snow
perpendicular to the plane of the slab and located outside elements likely to load, S
of the periphery of the concentrated load or reaction be damaged by
area but not further than 0.50hc from the periphery of the large deflections
concentrated load or reaction area. Figure A1 of Appendix
A illustrates this loading condition. The factored punching Floors not Immediate Span/360
shear resistance, Vpr, shall be determined as follows: supporting or deflection due
attached to to specified live
Vpr = (1+2/βc)0.2ɸcλ√f’cbohc (8)
nonstructural load, L
Where, elements likely to
bo = perimeter of critical section, mm be damaged by
hc = thickness of concrete cover above steel large deflections
deck, mm
βc = ratio of long to short side of concentrated Roof or floor Span/480(2)
load or reaction area construction
λ = 1.00 for normal density structural concrete supporting or
= 0.85 for semi-low density structural concrete That part of the
= 0.75 for low density structural concrete. attached to total deflection(3)
nonstructural occurring after
In lieu of equation (8), the punching shear resistance may be elements likely to
attachment of
determined from tests. be damaged by nonstructural
large deflectionselements (sum
10. DEFLECTION CRITERIA of the long-time
10.1 Flexural Properties for Deflection Calculations Roof or floor Span/240(4)
Composite flexural section properties needed to construction deflection due
determine vertical deflections of composite slabs supporting or to all sustained
shall be computed in accordance with conventional attached to loads and the
elastic theory applied to reinforced concrete, immediate
transforming steel areas to equivalent areas of nonstructural
elements not deflection due to
concrete. The following assumptions permit
derivation of the necessary relationships: likely to be any additional live
(i) Plane sections remain plane after bending; damaged by large load)
(ii) Stresses are proportional to strain in both deflections
concrete and steel at specified loads;
(iii) The entire steel cross section is utilized Span/240(5)
except as reduced by holes;
(iv) The moment of inertia used in deflection (1) Limit not intended to safeguard against ponding.
calculations, Id , shall be taken as the Ponding should be checked by suitable calculations
average of the cracked, Ic, and uncracked of deflection, including added deflections due to ponded
sections, Iu, using the design depth of the water, and considering long-time effects of all sustained
slab. Formulae for flexural section loads, and reliability of provisions for drainage.
properties and moments of inertia are given (2) Limit may be exceeded if adequate measures are taken
in Appendix B. to prevent damage to supported or attached elements.
(3) Long-time deflections are determined in accordance
10.2 Deflection Limitations with CSA-A23.3 and may be reduced by the amount
Consideration needs to be given to both immediate of deflection calculated to occur before the attachment
and long-time loading. Computed maximum of nonstructural elements. This amount shall be
deflections shall be based on the assumptions of determine on the basis of accepted engineering data
Clause 10.1. Maximum permissible computed relating to time-deflection characteristics of composite
deflections are listed in Table 1. Additional deflection slab systems similar to those being considered.
caused by creep shall be calculated by multiplying (4) But not greater than the tolerance provided to
the immediate deflection due to the sustained load nonstructural elements.
by the following factor:
652 Bishop St. N., Unit 2A, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N3H 4V6 · Telephone (519) 650-1285 · Fax (519) 650-8081 · www.cssbi.ca
Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute 4 July 2017
The National Building Code of Canada requires that floors REINFORCEMENT
be designed for a specified concentrated live load acting on Composite slabs shall have minimum shrinkage and
an area of 750 by 750mm. With a composite slab system, temperature reinforcement in accordance with Table 2
there will be some lateral distribution of a concentrated load unless a greater amount is required by the specified fire
due to the steel deck acting as slab reinforcement. The resistance rating.
exact extent to which a concentrated load is distributed
depends on a number of factors; however, it can be Where designed for continuity over structural supports,
assumed that the load is distributed down to the center composite slabs shall have negative moment reinforcement
of gravity of the steel deck. This will give a resulting load as required in conventional reinforced concrete. When the
distribution area of (750+2d) by (750+2d) mm. Figure A2 of composite slab is not designed for continuity over structural
Appendix A illustrates this loading condition. supports, the effects of cracking of the concrete shall be
considered and adequate crack control measures shall be
Concentrated loads can be laterally distributed taken where necessary.
perpendicular to the deck ribs over an effective width, be.
The distribution over the effective width shall be uniform.
Table 2: Minimum Shrinkage and Temperature
For single span bending: Reinforcement
be = bm + 2(1 – x/L)x ≤ 2700hc/h (mm) Concrete Cover Minimum Area of
hc = (h – dd) Reinforcement Required
For shear: (mm) (mm2/m of slab width)
be = bm + (1 – x/L)x ≤ 2700hc/h (mm)
hc ≤ 80 60
bm = b2 + 2hc 80 ≤ hc ≤ 150 (3hc – 180)
150 ≤ hc 1.8hc
be = effective width of concentrated load,
perpendicular to the deck ribs (mm) Notes:
b2 = width of bearing perpendicular to deck ribs (1) Shrinkage and temperature reinforcement alone is not
(mm) intended to resist negative bending moments. Additional
h = overall thickness of composite slab, mm reinforcement must be provided as required by a
hc = thickness of concrete cover above top of structural design if negative bending is to be resisted.
steel deck, mm (2) The recommended minimum temperature and shrinkage
x = distance from centre of concentrated load to reinforcement, usually in the form of welded wire mesh,
nearest support (mm) if properly placed and if good concreting practices such
L = deck span length (mm) as low water/cement ratio, low slump and proper curing
are followed, will often be sufficient to cause the
USER NOTE: The NBC also requires that floors be designed shrinkage and temperature stresses to be relieved in
for a concentrated load on an area of 120 by 120mm small local cracks rather than accumulating over
for vehicle loads not exceeding 9 000 kg gross weight. greater distances. It is recommended that the mesh be
Composite steel deck is not recommended as the only placed approximately 25 mm below the top surface of
concrete reinforcement for use in applications where the the concrete, particularly in areas of negative moments,
floor is loaded with moving concentrated loads associated such as over supports where bending stresses in the top
with lift trucks (forklift) or similar heavy wheeled traffic. portion of the concrete add to the shrinkage.
Loading from lift trucks includes not only moving gravity (3) For applications where a higher degree of crack control
loads, but also includes the vertical impact loading and is required, the designer should refer to recognized
in-plane loading from starting, stopping and turning. The standards of concrete practice and design such as
repetitive nature of the loading, including impact, fatigue CSA-A23.3.
and in-plane effects can be detrimental to the slab-deck
performance. The design should only use the steel deck as
a stay-in-place form.
652 Bishop St. N., Unit 2A, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N3H 4V6 · Telephone (519) 650-1285 · Fax (519) 650-8081 · www.cssbi.ca
Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute 5 July 2017
As area of steel deck, mm2/m of slab width
b unit width of compression face of composite slab
(1000 mm)
b2 Width of bearing perpendicular to deck ribs, mm
be Effective width of concentrated load, perpendicular
to the deck ribs, mm
bo perimeter of critical section, mm
c distance from extreme compression fibre to
composite neutral axis, mm
d distance from extreme compression fibre to centroid
of steel deck, mm
dd overall depth of steel deck profile, mm
Ec modulus of elasticity of concrete, MPa (see
Es modulus of elasticity of steel deck, (203 000 MPa)
f’c specified compressive strength of concrete, MPa
fy Specified yield strength of steel deck, MPa
h overall thickness of composite slab, mm
hc thickness of concrete cover above top of steel deck,
Ic moment of inertia of composite section based on
cracked section and equivalent area of concrete,
mm4/m of slab width
Id moment of inertia used for deflection calculations =
(Ic + Iu)/2
Iu moment of inertia of composite section based on
uncracked section and equivalent area of concrete,
mm4/m slab width
k1,k2 k3,k4 are shear-bond coefficients obtained from a multi-
linear regression analysis of test data from three or
more deck thicknesses
k5,k6 are shear-bond coefficients obtained from a linear
regression analysis of test data for one individual
deck thickness
l’ shear span of composite slab, mm
L span of composite slab measured from centre of
supports, mm
Mro factored moment resistance of over-reinforced
composite slab, N.m/m of slab width
Mru factored moment resistance of under-reinforced
composite slab, N.m/m of slab width
t base steel design thickness, mm
Vr factored shear-bond resistance, N/m of slab width
Vt tested shear-bond resistance, N/m of slab width
Vpr factored punching shear resistance, N
x Distance from centre of concentrated load to nearest
support, mm
α1 0.85 – 0.0015 ≥ 0.67
β1 0.97 – 0.0025 ≥ 0.67
βc ratio of long to short side of concentrated load or
reaction area
λ 1.00 for normal density structural concrete
0.85 for semi-low density structural concrete
0.75 for low density structural concrete
ɸc resistance factor for concrete = 0.65
ɸs resistance factor for steel deck = 0.90
ɸv resistance factor for shear-bond = 0.70
652 Bishop St. N., Unit 2A, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N3H 4V6 · Telephone (519) 650-1285 · Fax (519) 650-8081 · www.cssbi.ca
Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute 6 July 2017
652 Bishop St. N., Unit 2A, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N3H 4V6 · Telephone (519) 650-1285 · Fax (519) 650-8081 · www.cssbi.ca
Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute 7 July 2017
B.1 General
Using conventional elastic theory and the stated assumptions of Clause 8.1, section properties for computing
vertical deflections of composite slabs are derived in accordance with Figure A3.
0.5b(hc)2 Wrbdd
+ Asd + (h - 0.5dd)
n nCs
yuc = (B3)
bhc Wrbdd
+ As +
n nCs
Cs = cell spacing
Wr = average rib width = 0.5(Cs – Bt +Bb)
Bt and Bb are illustrated in Figure A3
652 Bishop St. N., Unit 2A, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N3H 4V6 · Telephone (519) 650-1285 · Fax (519) 650-8081 · www.cssbi.ca