Self-Driving Cars Using Genetic Algorithm
Self-Driving Cars Using Genetic Algorithm
Self-Driving Cars Using Genetic Algorithm
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue XI Nov 2020- Available at
Abstract: This paper deals with a 2D unity simulation of an autonomous car learning to drive in a simplified environment
containing only lane and static obstacles. Learning is performed using the neural network and evolutionary algorithm. The cars
navigate by evolving themselves from the previous generation. The neural network used in this paper is standard, fully
connected, feed forward neural network. The cars are steered by a feed forward Neural Network. The weights of the network are
trained using a modified genetic algorithm.
Keywords: Autonomous Car, Self Driving cars, Deep Learning Cars, Genetic Cars, Self driving cars using EANN.
Autonomous vehicle was an imaginary idea which came to reality with advent of deep learning based machine learning in AI. AV’s
main motive is to bring a safety to driving. Human driving is an accident prone. We are drunk, tired and irrational decision maker.
2019’s annual report of the International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD) over 1.3 million people lost their lives
annually and 10 million people are seriously injured [10]. More than 50% of those injured are pedestrians. AV can bring possibility
to replace accident prone human driving by providing safety and comfort.
Fayjie et al has applied an approach for obstacle avoidance and navigation in urban environment using Deep Reinforcement learning
applied Deep Q network. Camera sensors and laser sensors are used to collect the input data. This approach uses Hokugo Lidar and
a camera. For running a deep learning algorithm it uses an embedded GPU.
GA is good at searching large-scale, complex, non-differentiable and multimodal spaces; it doesn’t need the gradient information of
the error function. On the other hand, it doesn’t need to consider whether the error function is differentiable, so some punishments
may be added into the error function, so as to improve the network commonality, reduce the complexity of the network.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II presents summary of challenges for autonomous vehicles and problems that have been
overcome by different methodology. Applying evolutionary algorithm on N cars to navigate themselves through different courses
and avoid obstacles is given in Section III. Section IV presents conclusion.
Perception of the environment remains the biggest challenge to reliable and safe driving. [7] Authors presented control strategies,
robust control strategies and parameter observation based control strategies on path tracking for autonomous vehicle. Autonomous
Vehicle technology’s main aim was to improve driving comfort, safety, economy as well as reduce road accident rate. Path tracking
is a basic part of autonomous vehicle aims to follow the route accurately, ensure vehicle stability and satisfies the robust
performance of the control system. [9] Author has applied an approach for obstacle avoidance and navigation in urban environment
using Deep Reinforcement learning applied Deep Q network. Camera sensors and laser sensors are used to collect the input data.
This approach uses Hokugo Lidar and a camera. For running a deep learning algorithm it uses an embedded GPU.
The first generation starts with 20 cars each of them having its own neural network, makes its intelligence. They have five front
facing sensors covering approximately 90 degrees. The maximum range of sensor is 10 unity units. The neural network comprise of
4 layers, the first layer is an input layer with 5 neurons, two hidden layers having 4 and 3 neurons and an output layer with 2
The weights of neural network are trained using genetic algorithm. At first there are 20 randomly initialized cars spawned. The best
cars are selected and recombined and create new offspring cars. These offspring cars create new population of 20 cars which are
slightly mutated in order to inject more diversity into population. The newly created cars then try to navigate the course again and
the process of evaluation, selection and recombination and mutation starts again one complete cycle from evaluation of one
population to the evaluation of the next is called a generation.
The first five points you are seeing in fig a are just the current reading of the five distance sensors of the car. These sensors measure
the distance to the nearest wall. The blue crosses are simply there to visualize where the sensors are currently pointing. They all
have their own weights. However they share their learning in the sense that best individual of one generation are used to create
individual of next generation. In the order to create new individual two other individual are crossed and the offspring is then
mutated. This mutation makes them better than previous generation.
Figure b Figure c
Figure e
In this paper, an approach of deep learning in autonomous car learning to navigate in a simplified environment and static obstacles
is proposed. This approach used a Neural Network and evolutionary algorithm to train the car in the 2D unity simulated
environment. The verification results are expected to demonstrate that learning autonomous driving in a simulated environment is a
step towards driving on real streets.
The author would like to acknowledge the support and guidance of Prof. Swapna Augustine Nikale, Department of Information
Technology, B. K. Birla College (Autonomous), Kalyan.
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