AFTN/COM/OPS. Refresher Course
AFTN/COM/OPS. Refresher Course
AFTN/COM/OPS. Refresher Course
Refresher Course
Make compete, correct and clear entries in the written logs aviation in the AFTN center
(Annex 10 vol. 2).
To deal with the rejected messages in accordance with the diagnostic header line
Employment the routing directory of the AFTN com center and apply the diversion
procedures when necessary. (8259)
Recall the circuit and routing identification of al local and international circuit available
The use of ICAO documents, 7910, 8585 and 8400 and other relative ICAO documents
and manuals.
Apply correctly the recovery procedures in case of power and or equipment failure.
The course is designed for participants who have a basic aeronautical telecommunication
operation (ICAO code 172) and who are employed by civil aviation authority and working
1. Annex 10 vol 2
2. Manual 8259
3. Doc 7910, 8585 & 8400