ES 2 14 0070RAElectricalPowerControlCables PDF
ES 2 14 0070RAElectricalPowerControlCables PDF
ES 2 14 0070RAElectricalPowerControlCables PDF
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1.0 Introduction
2.0 Custodian
3.0 Purpose
4.0 Application
11.0 Inspection
12.0 Testing
12.1 General
12.2 Type tests, sample tests and routine tests
13.0 Packing
13.1 General
13.2 Drum marking
16.0 Bibliography
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1.0 Introduction
This is an engineering standard that gives details of power, control and earth cables and
associated glands for high voltage and low voltage systems.
Note that any changes to this document from its last revision are highlighted by a
bold vertical bar to the left of each area of change. Should there be a need to consult
this document’s change history log, refer in the first instance to its custodian (EE).
References made throughout this guideline are numbered inside square brackets [ ] and
may be found in the Bibliography of section (16).
2.0 Custodian
The Custodian of this standard guideline is EE, who is responsible for the accuracy and
quality of its contents and for its future revisions, where these are required to reflect
industry trends or changes to QGPC business practices.
3.0 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to provide guidance to QGPC, their Consultants and
Contractors on the cables and accessories utilised by QGPC for voltages up to 33000
Volts. This specification is based on QGPC Engineering Design Philosophy ES.2.03.0001
and QGPC Electrical Installation Practices ES.2.06.0001.
4.0 Application
This standard shall be applied to the design, manufacture and testing of 33kV, 11kV,
6.6kV, 3.3kV, and low voltage power, control and earthing cables to be installed for
various projects of Qatar General Petroleum Corporation (QGPC).
This specification details the requirements for industrial type, power distribution cables,
control cables of the single and multi-core type and single core earthing cables.
The cables will normally be installed indoors, outdoors, in air and in the ground at QGPC
oil and gas processing plants, refineries, chemical plants, LNG plants, off-shore platforms,
industrial sites, and the like. This specification shall be used to purchase equipment for
both existing and new plants.
As a rule the requirements of this specification shall be adhered to. However, national and
local regulations may exist in which some of their requirements are more stringent.
The Supplier shall inform the Principal in writing of any deviation from the technical
requirements of this specification, preferably at the tendering stage, but certainly before the
manufacturing commences. Otherwise the Principal will consider that the Supplier
complies with these technical requirements and will be manufacturing the cable
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This specification covers the design, manufacture and testing of 33 kV, 11 kV, 6.6 kV, 3.3
kV and low voltage power, control and earthing cables for various projects of Qatar
General Petroleum Corporation (QGPC) in Qatar, Arabian Gulf
The requirements for drawings and documentation are given in section 8.5.
Industrial type cable glands are recommended for terminating cables of single and multi-
core type for all QGPC operations. Zone 2 classified areas may require the use of barrier
type glands. The Principal shall specify these on the data sheets. Reference should also be
made to Engineering Philosophy ES.2.03.0001 Appendix H table H3.A and Installation
Specification ES.2.06.0001 Section 16.4.
The following equipment shall be excluded from the scope of supply of cables and glands
of the SUPPLIER unless specified in other documents of the requisition.
• Submarine cables.
• Cable jointing equipment and splices.
• Heat-shrink termination kits and equipment.
• Terminating lugs and tools and test equipment.
• Racking and trays.
• Underground cables at a voltage higher than 33 kV.
For the purposes of this document the following definitions of terms and interpretations
shall apply regardless of any other meaning the words may have in other respects.
Principal. Is the party, which initiates the project and ultimately pays for its
design and construction. The Principal will generally specify the
technical requirements. The Principal may also include an agent or
consultant to act for the Principal.
Contractor(s). Is the party, which carries out all aspects or part of the design,
engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning of the plant.
The Principal may sometimes undertake all or part of the duties of the
End-user. A third party that has already purchased the same equipment as that
being offered by the manufacturer, or supplier.
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Inspection. This shall be taken to mean a visual inspection of the equipment and
Testing. This shall be taken to mean the routine tests normally carried out at the
factory of the Supplier.
Commissioning. This shall be taken to mean energisation and the final tests and checks
at the Principal’s site subsequent to the energisation necessary to
ensure that each circuit satisfactorily performs its function.
Land-based All plants installed on the mainland of Qatar. All plants installed on
installations Halul Island. Abbreviated to LBIs.
The atmosphere and ground throughout all QGPC plants shall be considered to be
corrosive, as normally associated with oil and gas processing plants, refineries, chemical
plants, LNG plants, off-shore platforms, industrial sites, and the like. In addition, for
offshore and coastal locations, the atmosphere shall be considered as salt laden and the
ground as having a corrosive water table near its surface.
High humidity is experienced in all areas and condensation will occur on all equipment
during some period of its lifetime.
The ambient air temperature shall be considered as a maximum of 50 °C. The Supplier
shall take this into account in the design and selection of materials for his cables, and when
calculating and quoting de-rating factors for normal rated currents and fault currents of the
The Supplier shall quote his nominal temperature for which his de-rating factor for
ambient temperature is 1.0 in his tender documentation.
The thermal resistivity of the ground or soil shall be taken as 2.5 K m/W for general
guidance. Soil tests should be taken at all sites to identify areas where the thermal
resistivity is likely to be higher than 2.5 K m/W e.g. well-drained sand where heavily loaded
cables are to be buried and operated continuously in the summer.
The cable manufacturer shall not be responsible for sizing the cables for normal current
conditions for a particular project.
The Supplier shall provide detailed information in his tender documents for the I-
squared-t short circuit current withstand capability which is applicable over the time
range of 0.2 to 10.0 seconds. This information shall be given in the form of equations or
graphs for: -
a) The conductors.
b) The armouring wires or braid.
The following standards and specifications shall be used unless the Principal approves
another national standard: -
(Add to all references e.g. IEC 34 becomes IEC )60034
Standard Compliance
IEC 502-1 Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables for rated voltages from
1 kV up to 30 kV.
IEC 540 Test methods for insulations and sheaths for electric cables and cords
(elastomeric and thermoplastic compounds).
BS 6346 PVC cables for electricity supply as relevant to the contract cables with
XLPE insulation.
BS 6425 Test on gases evolved during the combustion of materials from cables.
BS 7211 Non armoured cables for power and lighting with low emission of
It is a general requirement that the supplier offers only cable that is within his standard
range of cables. Any cable that is ‘bought-in’ from a third party shall also be from a
standard range of products from the third party, but subject to the approval of the
Principal. The cable shall not be a new product-line that has not been sold in reasonable
quantities to similar end-users as QGPC. The Supplier shall include in his quotation a list
of end-users in the Middle East region that have purchased the same cable being offered.
The Supplier shall offer all the cables in the purchase order from his own factory in one
country; preferably the country where the purchases order will be managed by the
Supplier. Type Test certificates shall be in the name of the Supplier for the cable, and not
in the name of a third party manufacturer or vendor. The Supplier shall confirm this
paragraph in his quotation.
The Supplier shall nominate a single person to manage the project and this person shall be
the single ‘focal point’ for all discussions, meetings, communications, correspondence, and
the like, between the Supplier and the Principal.
The definitions for some technical words and abbreviations used in this specification and
the QGPC M.E.S.C. system are: -
DATA SHEETS This includes all relevant data sheets, diagrams and drawings issued
with the enquiry or purchase order package.
AWA Aluminium wire armour
CSP Chloro-sulphonated polyethylene
COR CU Corrugated copper
CU Un-tinned copper
CUWB Copper wire braid
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All drawings and documents shall be expressed in the English language and units of
measure shall be generally in accordance with the S.I. system.
The Supplier shall submit with his tender documents cross-sectional area drawings to
illustrate the proposed construction of all the types of cables being offered. These
drawings shall also indicate the dimensions and diameters of the main components e.g.: -
The dimensions, and their tolerances, may be shown in tabular form instead of in the
The cables shall operate correctly, continuously and without being overloaded when the
Principal’s nominal system voltages deviate by plus or minus 10 % for long periods of
time. Likewise when Principal’s nominal system frequency deviates by plus or minus 5%.
The worst cases of simultaneous variation of voltage and frequency shall be withstood by
the cables.
The Principal shall state the rated power system voltage and frequency on the data sheets.
The conductor maximum continuous operating temperature shall be no greater than that
given by the Supplier of the cables when the current has been reduced by the appropriate
de-rating factors for the project, see 9.6, 9.7. The Supplier shall clearly state the value of
the conductor maximum continuous operating temperature in his tender
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documentation. This temperature should not exceed the value given below for typical
designs of power cables: -
Paper 65
PVC 70
EPR 90
The conductor maximum short-circuit operating temperature shall be no greater than that
given by the Supplier of the cables. The Supplier shall clearly state the value of the
conductor maximum continuous operating temperature in his tender documentation.
This temperature should not exceed the value given below for typical designs of power
cables: -
The short circuit K values for use in I-squared-t calculations, for copper conductors
surrounded by different insulation materials, armouring and sheathing, shall be taken as
guidance to be: -
The time duration of the full fault current shall normally be no less than one second, unless
the cable is protected by fast acting fuses in which case the fusing time shall be taken into
The cables may be laid on racks, trays or ladders in the vertical or horizontal plane and
with various bunching arrangements. The Supplier shall provide de-rating factors for his
cables for these laying situations, preferably in the form of numerical tables.
The cables may be laid directly in the ground at various depths and with various bunching
arrangements. The Supplier shall provide de-rating factors for his cables for these laying
situations, preferably in the form of numerical tables.
The cables may be laid inside ducts in the ground at various depths and with various
bunching arrangements. This is normally needed for road crossings. The Supplier shall
provide de-rating factors for his cables for these laying situations, preferably in the form of
numerical tables.
The cables may be laid in pre-formed concrete trenches in the ground at various depths and
with various bunching arrangements. These trenches will be filled with still air and may be
provided with racking and supports, and concrete lids will be used to close the trench. The
Supplier shall provide de-rating factors for his cables for these laying situations, preferably
in the form of numerical tables.
For special situations e.g. tank farms, chemical plants, the Principal shall specify a lead
outer sheathing for the cable to protect the cable from chemical attack. The effect of the
lead sheathing should be taken into account in the de-rating factors for buried cables.
All cables shall be constructed with materials that are of the Reduced Propagation of Fire
type. The method of test and test configuration used to demonstrate the capability should
be as defined by IEC 332 “Tests on electric cables under fire conditions”.
The cable materials shall be chosen such that the hazard of smoke and toxic gas emission
(e.g. Hydrochloric acid gas, halogens) during a fire shall be minimised. The data to be used
shall be taken from IEC 332-2.
The oxygen index of all non-metallic materials except the insulation shall be not less than
30 as described in BS 2782 or IEC 754.
Specified cable circuits and routes will utilise cables that shall have a continued electrical
performance under fire conditions, e.g. emergency shutdown systems and their power
supplies. The method of test to be used to demonstrate this capability should be as defined
by IEC 331-1. This will be achieved by means of glass mica tape applied over the
conductors in the form of a helix.
Mineral Insulated Copper Cables (MICC) are prohibited for use for vital services.
Cables that are required to operate where there is oil present shall be certified for oil
immersion test recommended by the Supplier
The generally accepted construction of the cable components is defined in this document as
follows in a LHS to RHS format: -
There will be other components for particular applications e.g. system voltages above 3300
volts where semi-conducting screening may be needed for electric stress relieving.
10.2 Conductors
The conductors shall be made of high purity electrolytic copper in accordance with BS
6360. The Principal shall specify that the conductors shall be tin-coated where this is
necessary for special situations. Aluminium shall not be used.
The Principal shall specify that the conductors shall be finely stranded where this is
necessary for special situations.
The conductors shall be circular in section, stranded, annealed copper conductors. Sector
shaped conductors shall not be used.
The conductors of multicore cables shall be laid up with solidly extruded non-fibrous, non-
hygroscopic fillers to form a compact circular cable.
The conductors for cables in which the phase-to-ground operating voltage is greater than
3600 volts RMS for PVC or XLPE insulation or 6000 volts RMS for EPR insulation shall
be provided with a semi-conductor screen, which shall be bonded to the inner surface of the
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The Supplier shall confirm the need for this screening and describe how it is bonded to the
The insulation material shall be extruded over the conductor and be PVC, XLPE or EPR
as stated in the data sheets for the project. EPR shall only be used for operating line-to-line
voltages up to 6600 volts RMS.
Insulation grades for various service voltages shall be as follows: -
The insulation of conductors for cables in which the phase-to-ground operating voltage is
greater than 3600 volts RMS for PVC or XLPE insulation or 6000 volts RMS for EPR
insulation shall be provided with a semi-conductor screen, which shall be bonded to the
outer surface of the insulation.
The Supplier shall confirm the need for this screening, and describe how it is bonded to the
insulation and how it should be removed during the termination of the cable e.g. stripping.
A copper tape wound in an over-lapped helical manner shall cover the insulation screening.
Aluminium shall not be used.
The Principal shall specify that the copper tape shall be tin coated where this is necessary
for special situations.
Bedding shall be included in the design of the cable to ensure that the cable is robust and
firm, and that passages are not present that could allow gases to be transmitted along the
cable. The bedding shall also ensure that the overall diameter of the finished cable is
constant (subject to the tolerances given in the appropriate IEC standard) throughout the
periphery of the cable.
An inner sheath shall be provided over the bedding and insulation. For HV cables it shall
be resistant to ozone, electric discharge and surface tracking.
The inner sheath and fillers shall provide a good longitudinal seal against humidity, gas
and vapours.
10.9 Armour
The Principal shall clearly state on the data sheets whether armouring is not required.
The Principal shall clearly state on the data sheets type of armouring that is required, e.g.
wires in single or double layers, braid, galvanised steel, tinned copper, aluminium, bronze,
stainless steel. See 10.9.1 and 2.
Aluminium, tinned copper or bronze wires or braid shall be used for single cables, as
stated on the data sheets.
The armouring shall be highly conductive for fault currents and the addition of some
copper wires or strands in the armouring may be necessary to reduce the armouring
impedance for long lengths of cables in sensitive situations. The Principal should call for
this requirement if it is needed in the project documentation.
a) Armour shall provide mechanical protection (except those specified in the data sheet).
The armour shall be of single galvanised steel wire.
b) Galvanised steel wire braid shall be used for flexible cables and cables up to and
including 10 mm2.
c) The thickness of steel wire shall comply with IEC 502.
d) Particular consideration shall be given to the problem of armour becoming embedded
in the inner sheath making separation for termination difficult.
e) A stick-proofed tape shall be provided between the inner sheath and the braid.
Cables shall have Oxygen Index greater than 30 and acidic emission less than 17%.
Maximum cross–sectional area for multicore cable shall be limited to 240 mm2.
Cables for offshore installations shall be low smoke low halogen types (LSLH).
LV cables for use on vital circuits shall be of fire resistant design in accordance with IEC
331. Cables meeting this requirement will be of cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE)
insulated, steel wire armoured or braided, UV stabilised, PVC oversheath construction.
In abnormal situations (e.g. where oil spillage is expected) the cable construction shall
incorporate a lead sheath: -
Due considerations shall be given while using Lead Sheathed Cables. These cables shall be
used only for those locations where spillage of oil/hydrocarbons/chemicals is expected.
The EPR insulation shall be covered with an inner sheath of EMA or an acceptable
alternative material.
The armouring shall be covered with an outer sheath of EMA or an acceptable alternative
An outer sheath shall be extruded over the armouring, and lead sheathing if used. The
oversheath shall be PVC with the necessary additives to obtain the following
characteristics: -
Earthing cables shall be insulated as described in 10.12.3 and the insulation material shall
be coloured green and yellow.
The Supplier shall describe in his tender documentation any other components that
form part of the cable design, and their purpose, for example mica tape for fire
resistance. HV Cables LV Cables
The insulation shall be covered with an inner sheath of EPDM or an acceptable alternative
material. HV Cables
As for LV Cables
The insulation shall be covered with an inner sheath of EMA or an acceptable alternative
The armouring shall be covered with an outer sheath of EMA or an acceptable alternative
For cables used for earthing and bonding structures, frames, vessels etc., Their
construction shall be: -
The Principal should be consulted for special applications, e.g. drilling rigs, down hole
pumps, drag chains, where the working conditions require flexible conductors, oil and mud
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10.13.1 Conductors
33000 Red
11000 Red
6600 Red
3300 Red
600/1000 Black
The manufacture’s name and voltage grade shall be permanently marked or embossed on
the surface of the outer sheathing at intervals of approximately 3 metres along the total
length of the cable. For the earthing cables in 10.12.3 this requirement is unnecessary.
Cable glands shall be manufactured and tested to the requirements of BS6121 as EExd,
EExe and Industrial glands shall be nickel plated brass.
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The length of entry thread into EExd II flameproof equipment, which must be threaded,
shall be as detailed in BS EN 50018.
Cable gland selection shall be done in accordance with cable dimensions supplied by the
cable manufacturer. The corresponding gland sizes are selected from the Gland
manufacturer selection charts. Glands are manufactured to cover a range of cable sizes.
The gland selected should be based on the following procedure: -
a) Determine the requirements, i.e. EExd, EExe, or Industrial
b) Choose appropriate gland type, i.e. indoor, outdoor, armoured or unarmoured.
c) Check armour size and type.
d) Select gland size using inner sheath diameter of cable.
e) Check outer seal will accept cable outside diameter
f) Check entry thread size.
11.0 Inspection
The Supplier shall allow the Inspector all reasonable access to his factory and
documentation at any times during manufacture of the cables. The Inspector shall give no
less than 10 days notice for pre-planned inspection visits. The scope of Inspection shall be
agreed in advance between the Principal and the Supplier.
Approval of the Inspector shall not relieve the Supplier of his responsibilities under the
terms of the purchase and this specification and its accompanying documents.
12.0 Testing
12.1 General
The manufacturer shall have a QA/QC system based on ISO 9000 – 9004 controlling the
quality of design and assembly work during all stages of the production process.
A test program shall be established to demonstrate that each cable types will perform
satisfactorily in service.
Testing shall be performed in accordance with written test procedures prepared by the
Supplier and reviewed by the Principal. These procedures shall include provisions for
assuring that the pre-requisites for a given test have been met and that the test is performed
under suitable environmental conditions by appropriately trained personnel using recently
calibrated instrumentation.
The material supplied shall be subject to full works tests in accordance with the relevant
sections of the Standards as applicable to the material supplied
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Tests which are required to be carried out by the manufacturer to prove compliance with
the quoted specifications and standards.
Utilising “Cleanspot” and the existing Sterling Test Rig, in addition to a normal
immersion test. Full witnessed tests to IEC 502 for the High Voltage 33kV /6.6kV/3.3kV screened cables Smoke Emission to Appendix 1 of Sterling Report No. 117, which is based on the IEC
332 Part 2.
Tests to be carried out at regular intervals on each cable. Tests and records will be
witnessed during inspection visits.
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Page 22 Marking Dimensions HV Test ‘IS’ Cable Tests (including check of capacitance, inductance, and L/R ratio)
13.0 Packing
13.1 General
The Supplier shall deliver the cables on wooden drums. Each wooden drum shall be in very
good condition before the cable is wound onto it.
The drum shall fully protect the cable, both radially and peripherally. Only one cable shall
be wound on a drum. The smallest drum shall be used to contain the cable. The drum shall
be returnable to the Supplier after the Principal has finished using it. The Supplier shall
make all the necessary arrangements for the removal of drums from the QGPC site.
The drum shall be protected to give adequate protection during shipment to the QGPC site,
in accordance with the particular requirements of QGPC the details of which will be found
in the purchase order documentation.
The Supplier shall mark the drums with at least one indelible label. The label shall be
secured inside a waterproof but transparent plastic pocket. The pocket shall be nailed or
screwed to the face of the drum at a place where it can be easily seen. The language to be
used on the label shall be English. At least the following information shall be printed on the
label: -
* Manufacturer’s name, address, telephone number, fax number, and telex number.
* Manufacturer’s purchase order number and details.
* Manufacturer’s cable type details.
* QGPC’s purchase order number and details.
* QGPC’s M.E.S.C reference number.
* Date of manufacture.
* Voltage grade.
* Cable cross-section construction abbreviations, see 10.1.
* Total length of the cable.
* Total weight of the cable.
* Unique drum number.
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Strict compliance with this standard guideline is required. Any deviation must obtain prior
written approval from its custodian.
A record or log shall be kept of the revision history of each engineering document, and be
incorporated in the document’s accompanying electronic “readme” file [5]. In this way,
there should be no need for a history log to be included in a document - only details of its
latest approved revision need be shown (note that the readme file will contain information
about the particular operating system + application software versions which were used to
create the document’s electronic file; it can also include “help pages” in the form of
background notes and explanations, where such details are considered of benefit to its
The following is recommended for the contents of a document’s revision history log:-
16.0 Bibliography
[1] ISO216: 1989, 1st Edition Writing Paper and Certain Classes of Printed Matter -
Trimmed Sizes - A and B Series
[2] ES.0.10.0001, Rev 0 Standard Database - Key Words & Phrases
[3] ES.0.10.0002, Rev 0 Standard Database - Acronyms
[4] ES.0.07.0010, Rev 0 Engineering Document Classifications
[5] ES.0.06.0021, Rev 0 Electronic “ReadMe” Files
At the time of publication of this standard the revision of each of the above references,
as they cross-relate to the revision of this document, were valid. As all references are
subject to change from time to time, the reader is required to first check with the
custodian of this document to find out the latest “cross-revision” status with respect to
the above bibliographic list.