Digital Phase Selector: A Mini-Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment Requirements For The Award of
Digital Phase Selector: A Mini-Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment Requirements For The Award of
Digital Phase Selector: A Mini-Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment Requirements For The Award of
The result embodied in his dissertation has not been submitted to any other university
or Institution for the award of any degree.
It a pleasure for us to add heartfelt words for the people who were the
part of this project in numerous ways who gave us ending support right from the
stage the idea was conceived.
We express our deep gratitude to all teaching and non teaching staff
members of college for help throughout provoking discussions, valuable suggestions
extended to us with immense care, zeal and cooperation throughout our work.
Our apologies for any oversights or shortcomings in the details provided in this
report. Last but not least we thank our family members and friends for being a
constant source of encouragement throughout this period.
Power instability in developing countries creates the need for automation of phase
selection or alternative sources of power to back-up the utility supply. Most industrial and
commercial applications are dependent on power supply and if the process of change over is
manual ,not only considerable time is wasted but also the device or machine may get
damaged from human error during the change over connections, incurring massive losses.
Here is a digital phase selector that can be installed in residential and office
premises where single-phase equipment is used. When any of the mains phase lines fails, it
automatically selects the available phase line (out of three phase lines or backup lines)
1.1 Importance of Electrical Energy
1.2 Objective of the Project
1.3 Need for Automation
1.4 High Frequency Switching Technology
1.5 Inverter
3.1 Definition of Optocoupler
3.2 Schematic Diagram of IC Mct2e Opto-Coupler
3.3 Working of IC MCT2E Opto Coupler
3.4 Absolute Maximum Ratings
3.5 Typical Electro-Optical Characteristics
3.5.1 Switching Time Test Circuit and Waveforms
3.5.2 Switching Time Wave Form of IC MCT2E
3.6 Application
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Hex Inverter (IC CD4069)
4.2.1 General Description
4.2.2 Features
4.2.3 Pin Diagram
4.2.4 Schematic Diagrams
4.2.5 Absolute Maximum Ratings
4.2.6 Ac Test Circuits
4.2.7 Switching Time Wave Forms
4.2.8 Performance Characteristics
4.3 Quad ‘And’ Gate (IC CD4081)
4.3.1 General Description
4.3.2 Features
4.3.3 Connection Diagram
4.3.4 Schematic Diagrams
4.3.5 Absolute Maximum Ratings
4.3.6 Typical Performance Curves
4.3.7 Physical Dimensions
4.4 Working of Control Logic Device
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Darlington Sink Driver
5.3 Features
5.4 Pin Configuration
5.5 Schematic Diagram
5.6 Maximum Ratings
5.7 Test Circuits of IC ULN2003
5.8 Relay
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Features
6.3 Description
6.4 Circuit Diagram
6.5 Internal Block Diagram
6.6 Transformers
6.6.1 Step down Transformer
6.6.2 Transformer Rating
1) Capacitor
2) Capacitor, polarized
3) Capacitor, variable
4) Diode
5) Zener diode
6) LED
7) Photodiode
8) Inductor
9) Transformer
12) Fuse
13) Battery
16) Relay
17) Resistor
Electrical energy is the only form of energy which is easily available. The main
advantage of this form of energy is we can easily convert any form of energy into
electrical energy and vice-versa.
The usage of this electrical energy is increasing day-by-day. The best example is
in India in 1950 the generation of electrical energy was 150MW and now the generation
has been increased to a very large extent. To meet this load demand many power stations
were build across the country.
The load demand is increasing day by day and we are able to generate power to
the requirement and we are able to transmit power to the load centers with maximum
efficiency and minimum losses.
The major problem a consumer facing now a days is power interruption. Due to
this power interruption lot of damage is caused in terms of money and sometimes to life.
Due to this power interruption lot of time is wasted.
But the major problem of power interruption is in distribution system and more
over 70% faults are single phase faults, in this case power is available in other two
But all the domestic loads are connected to single phase supply and if the fault
occurs, even then power is available in other phases we can not utilize that power. If we
want to utilize that power manual operation is required which results in fire accidents and
also not reliable.
For this we need automatic switching from one phase to other automatically
which is made possible by this “DIGITAL PHASE SELECTOR”.
In order to change from one phase to other manual operation is not possible as we
are dealing with 3-Φ 415V supply which causes fire accidents during change over and
leads to 3-Φ faults which is dangerous to electrical equipment. And more over manual
changing is not possible at every time as identifying the phase of power interruption is
To avoid all this we need automation which is done by “DIGITAL PHASE
SELECTOR”. Here we do not need any manual work and we are no way concerned with
the phase of fault as the digital phase selector automatically switches to the phase where
the power is available.
High frequency switching technology is the latest technique which uses infra red
radiation for switching purpose.
For this we use IC MCT2E opto coupler. The main advantage of this technique is,
mechanical switching is reliable for single phase supply, but for three phase supply
sudden mechanical switching causes arching. This can be avoided by using this
technology as it uses infrared radiation to trigger transistors, MOSFETS, IGBTs etc...
The digital phase selector has capability to take power from inverter also. Even if
the power failure is in all the three phases the availability of inverter makes this more
reliable. And more over this inverter need not me manually operated just by connecting it
to digital phase selector it can be operated. During normal conditions the inverter is
charged i.e.., the battery is charged and during fault conditions it gives back up.
Power instability in developing countries creates the need for automation of phase
selection or alternative sources of power to back-up the utility supply. Most industrial and
commercial applications are dependent on power supply and if the process of change
over is manual ,not only considerable time is wasted but also the device or machine may
get damaged from human error during the change over connections, incurring massive
Here is a digital phase selector that can be installed in residential and office
premises where single-phase equipment is used. When any of the mains phase lines fails,
it automatically selects the available phase line (out of three phase lines or backup lines).
Line input Control logic output
R phase Y phase B phase Inverter R Y B Inv
1 X X X 1 0 0 0
0 1 X X 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 X 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
The working of the control logic circuit is as simple as its structure. The presence
of any of four phase lines, namely, R, Y, B and inverter, makes the corresponding
variable high (logic 1). The glowing of a particular LED, bearing the same name as the
output variable, will indicate top priority.
The output from the logic control circuit is fed to relay driver ULN2003 (IC 7). IC
ULN2003 is a high voltage, high current Darlington array containing open-collector
Darlington pairs with common emitters. Each channel is rated at 500mA and can
withstand peak currents of 600mA. Suppression diodes are included for driving inductive
When all phase lines are present, only relay RL1 energizes and its contacts are
connected to the load. The order of phase lines connected to the load is R phase followed
by Y phase, B phase and then back up (inverter). LED1, LED2, LED3 and LED4
indicating R phase, Y phase, B phase and backup (inverter) respectively, are connected to
the load. Resistors R16 through R19 act as current limiters for LED1 through LED4,
The figure below shows the circuit of power supply. The A.C main is stepped
down by transformer X1 to deliver 9V, 2A secondary output.
Fig3: power supply circuit diagram.
The transformer output is rectified by a full wave bridge rectifier comprising
diodes D6 through D9, filtered by capacitor C8 and regulated by IC LM317 (IC 8). The
LM317 (T package) is adjustable regulator that requires two external components
(resistor R20 and preset VR1) to determine the output voltage. Preset VR1 is used to set
the voltage to 6V.
Diode D10 protects regulator LM317, incase its input shorts to ground if
capacitors above 10 micro Farads are connected to the output of the regulator IC.
Capacitor C11 by passes any ripple in the regulated output. Capacitors C4 through C7 are
connected in parallel to rectifier diode to by pass undesired spikes and provide smooth
and fluctuation-free power.
2.4 Advantages of digital phase selector:
No mechanical contacts.
Compact in size.
High frequency switching technology.
Can be used for all single phase loads.
Out of the six pins the first pin is anode, second pin is cathode. These two pins act as
supply terminals. The third terminal is given no connection as this terminal is mainly dealt
with dc supply. But here we are only dealing with ac supply and we are no way concerned
with dc supply hence we made the third terminal dead.
The MCT2E series opto-coupler consists of a gallium arsenide infra red emitting
diode a silicon photo transistor in a 6-pin dual-in-line package.
This consists of a high power infrared emitting diode which emits IR radiation
when it gets 9V supply. This 9V is supplied by Zener diode which is used in series with a
15KΩ resistor.
This is so accurate that even a pulse of voltage makes the led to emit the radiation.
And this is the reason the switch over is possible which made this device highly accurate
and fast in operation.
When ever the supply is given to the anode, the radiation emitted by the high
power LED triggers the photo transistor. Photo transistor is one which needs radiation to
conduct. The 4, 5, 6 pins of MCT2E is emitter, collector, base respectively. When ever
the radiation falls on base the electron moment starts and electrons flow from emitter to
control logic. This give signal to control logic circuit and activates the logic IC.
Stress exceeding the absolute maximum ratings may damage the device. The
device may not function or to be operable above the recommended operating conditions
and stressing the parts to these levels is not recommended. In addition, extended exposure
to stresses above the recommended operating conditions may affect device reliability.
The absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only.
All these ratings are for MCT2E and these values may vary for different
manufacturer depending on the application of the IC. The ratings mentioned here also
include the transistor parameters also. The rating of LED varies depending on the power
input. Since we use here for 3-Φ, 415V supply the LED ratings are low. But the transistor
ratings can’t be varied to the extent as the cost of the transistor increases with increase in
the rating. Even then it is economical and safe to use a photo transistor.
Table2: absolute maximum ratings of MCT2E
3.6 Application:
Among other applications, opto-isolators can help cut down on ground loops, block
voltage spikes, and provide electrical isolation.
The CD 4069 consists of six inverter circuits and is manufactured using complimentary
MOS (CMOS) to achieve wide power supply operating range, low power consumption, high
noise immunity, and symmetric controlled rise and fall times.
This device is intended for all general purpose inverter applications where the special
characteristics of the IC CD 4069 HEX INVERTER are not required. In those applications
requiring larger noise immunity hex Schmitt trigger is suggested. All inputs are protected from
damage due to static discharge by diode clamps to V DD and VSS.
4.2.2 Features:
The above diagram is the internal schematic diagram of IC CD4081. It has three terminals
and there are ten MOSFETS internally and each MOSFET consists of three terminals. Each
terminal of all the MOSFETS is interconnected and three common terminals are bought
out. This tells that each MOSFET can handle ten operations at a time with only three
terminals. This we can interconnect any AND gate irrespective of terminals and we can use
different terminals of different gates which are of same operation i.e., if we connect to pin 2
all the MOSFETS connected to pin 2 will work thus enables multiple operations with
single pin and reduces the power consumption.
The above diagram is the physical over view of the IC CD4081. This clearly shows the
length of the IC gap between the pins, thickness of IC.
The casing of the IC is molded by 30° as it enables the IC to be easy to assemble. It
also makes the IC to be easily mounted on the PCB boards.
The notch indicates the starting of the pins and the tip of the pins are sharpened so that
it can be easily soldered. The gap between each pin is more because the IC is used for multiple
operations and if the gap is less there is possibility of shot of pins.
The working of the control logic circuit is as simple as its structure. The presence
of any of four phase lines, namely, R, Y, B and inverter, makes the corresponding
variable high (logic 1). The glowing of a particular LED, bearing the same name as the
output variable, will indicate top priority.
The output from the logic control circuit is fed to relay driver ULN2003 (IC 7).
5.1 Introduction:
The relay driver section gives signal to the relay and makes the relay to close its
contacts. As the relay has a small mechanical contact i.e.., a small metallic strip the relay
drier must have capacity to drive it. For this a special IC used which has high signal
carrying capacity and the IC used for this is IC ULN 2003 DARLINGTON ARRAY.
The IC ULN 2003 series are high voltage, high current Darlington drivers comprised of
seven NPN Darlington pairs.
All units feature integral clamp diodes for switching inductive loads. Applications
include relay, hammer, lamp and display (LED) drivers.
5.3 Features:
Output current (single output) 500mA MAX.
High sustaining voltage output 50V MIN.
Output clamps diodes.
Inputs compatible with various types of logic.
Package type-AP : DIP-16 pin
Package type-AFW : SOL-16 pin
The table shows the maximum ratings of IC ULN2003 where it shows the output
voltage, maximum input voltage, operating temperature, storage temperature etc..,
5.8 Relay:
Contact Specifications:
Configuration : 2CO, 2NO
Contact rating : 30A at 240V AC/ 24V DC.
Contact resistance : 100mΏ( max)
Contact material : Silver alloy.
Fig20: outline structure of electromagnetic relay
General Performance:
Operating time : 30msec Max
Fast switching version : 10msec Max
Release time : 10maec Max
Life expectancy
Electrical : 5X 10^3 operations
Mechanical : 10^3 operations
Dielectric strength
Between open contacts : 1000V AC
Between coil and contact : 2000V AC
Between any terminal and earth : 2000V AC
Insulation resistance : 1000MΏ
Temp range : -40ºc
Weight : 130g
Mounting : Chassis mounting.
6.1 Introduction:
The digital phase selector consists of ICs, relays, which needs DC supply for
operation of ICs and we also know the relays need pure DC supply for its operation .this
DC supply can be obtained by the power supply circuit
The major components of the power supply circuit is the adjustable regulator(IC
LM 317)
6.2 Features:
Output current in excess of 1.5A.
Output adjustable between 1.2V and 37V.
Internal thermal over load protection.
Internal short circuit current limiting.
Output transistor safe operating area compensation.
TO-220 package.
6.3 Description:
The above circuit diagram is the complete diagram of IC LM317 and the external
resistors and capacitors indicate that is being used as adjustable regulator. The LM317 (T
package) is adjustable regulator that requires two external components (resistor R20 and
preset VR1) to determine the output voltage. Preset VR1 is used to set the voltage to 6V.
Diode D10 protects regulator LM317, incase its input shorts to ground if
capacitors above 10 micro Farads are connected to the output of the regulator IC.
Capacitor C11 by passes any ripple in the regulated output. Capacitors C4 through
C7 are connected in parallel to rectifier diode to by pass un desired spikes and provide
smooth and fluctuation-free power.
6.6 Transformers:
A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to
another through inductively coupled electrical conductors. A changing current in the first
circuit (the primary) creates a changing magnetic field. This changing magnetic field
induces a changing voltage in the second circuit (the secondary). This effect is called
mutual induction.
If a load is connected to the secondary circuit, electric charge will flow in the secondary
winding of the transformer and transfer energy from the primary circuit to the load. In an
ideal transformer, the induced voltage in the secondary winding (VS) is a fraction of the
primary voltage (VP) and is given by the ratio of the number of secondary turns to the
number of primary turns:
Transformers are some of the most efficient electrical 'machines', with some large units
able to transfer 99.75% of their input power to their output. Transformers come in a range
of sizes from a thumbnail-sized coupling transformer hidden inside a stage microphone to
huge units weighing hundreds of tons used to interconnect portions of national power
grids. All operate with the same basic principles, although the range of designs is wide.
While new technologies have made transformers in some electronics applications
obsolete, transformers are still found in many electronic devices. Transformers are
essential for high voltage power transmission, which makes long distance transmission
economically practical.
In our example above we were taking 2A out of the Vsec of 9-0-9V. The
VA required is 9X2A = 18VA. This is a small PCB mount transformer available in
Australia and probably elsewhere. This would be an absolute minimum and if you
anticipated drawing the maximum current all the time then go to a higher VA
The DIGITAL PHASE SELECTOR is an advanced technique which not only used
for automation but also is one of the techniques for power quality improvement. This is a safe
method of for change over of phase as it uses IC MCT2E OPTO COUPLER which is high
frequency switch which works on infrared radiation and it does not contain any mechanical
This digital phase selector also takes power from inverter which made this devise
highly reliable and its compact size made this device to be used for house hold purposes.
This digital phase selector is used for house hold purpose and by development of high
power opto couples we can extend the use of this device in substations and power stations.
[1] Automation and Controlling Of Power Systems by s. Sunil Kumar.
The behavior of a capacitor depends upon its geometry and the materials from
which it is constructed. A variety of dielectric materials including paper, plastic, glass,
mica, ceramics and liquid electrolytes are in common use. The conductors may take the
form of metallic coatings upon the dielectrics or multiple metallic plates in a stack. The
connecting leads may be arranged axially, or may be omitted entirely in surface mount
components. Variable capacitors allow the capacitance to be varied by mechanically
adjusting the locations of the conductors.
Sometimes charge buildup affects the mechanics of the capacitor, causing the
capacitance to vary. In this case, capacitance is defined in terms of incremental changes
vices with variable capacitance are used in sensors and microphones.
In electronics and electrical engineering a fuse (short for fusible link) is a type of
over current protection device. Its essential component is a metal wire or strip that melts
when too much current flows, which breaks the circuit in which it is connected, thus
protecting the circuit's other components from damage due to excessive current.
A practical fuse was one of the essential features of Thomas Edison's electrical
power distribution system.
Fuses (and other over current devices) are an essential part of a power distribution
system to prevent fire or damage. When too much current flows through a wire, it may
overheat and be damaged or even start a fire. Wiring regulations give the maximum
rating of a fuse for protection of a particular circuit. Local authorities will incorporate
national wiring regulations as part of law. Fuses are selected to allow passage of normal
currents, but to quickly interrupt a short circuit or overload condition.
Blue, green, and red LEDs; these can be combined to produce most perceptible
colors, including white. Infrared and ultraviolet (UVA) LEDs are also available.
LEDs are widely used as indicator lights on electronic devices and increasingly in
higher power applications such as flashlights and area lighting. An LED is usually a
small area (less than 1 mm2) light source, often with optics added directly on top of the
chip to shape its radiation pattern and assist in reflection. The color of the emitted light
depends on the composition and condition of the semi conducting material used, and can
be infrared, visible, or ultraviolet. Besides lighting, interesting applications include using
UV-LEDs for sterilization of water and disinfection of devices, and as a grow light to
enhance photosynthesis in plants.