The Fall of Edward Analysis
The Fall of Edward Analysis
The Fall of Edward Analysis
1. About author.
W. Somerset Maugham (born Jan. 25, 1874, Paris, France—died Dec. 16, 1965, Nice),
English novelist, playwright, and short-story writer whose work is characterized by a clear
unadorned style, cosmopolitan settings, and a shrewd understanding of human nature.
His reputation as a novelist rests primarily on four books: Of Human Bondage (1915), a
semi-autobiographical account of a young medical student’s painful progress toward maturity;
The Moon and Sixpence (1919), an account of an unconventional artist, suggested by the life
of Paul Gauguin; Cakes and Ale (1930), the story of a famous novelist, which is thought to
contain caricatures of Thomas Hardy and Hugh Walpole; and The Razor’s Edge(1944), the
story of a young American war veteran’s quest for a satisfying way of life.
Maugham’s plays, mainly Edwardian social comedies, soon became dated, but his short
stories have increased in popularity. Many portray the conflict of Europeans in alien
surroundings that provoke strong emotions, and Maugham’s skill in handling plot, in the
manner of Guy de Maupassant, is distinguished by economy and suspense. In The Summing
Up (1938) and A Writer’s Notebook (1949) Maugham explains his philosophy of life as a
resigned atheism and a certain skepticism about the extent of man’s innate goodness and
intelligence; it is this that gives his work its astringent cynicism.