Accenture Annual Report 2017
Accenture Annual Report 2017
Accenture Annual Report 2017
We also reached an important milestone in fiscal 2017:
Net revenues from what we call “the New”—digital, cloud
and security services—grew about 30 percent to $18 billion,
and accounted for 50 percent of total revenues for the
first time. With our rapid rotation to the New and our highly
diverse portfolio of business, we successfully executed in
an uncertain and increasingly competitive environment and
continued driving strong, profitable growth.
Our very strong performance in fiscal 2017— in each of our five businesses and driving
on top of our outstanding results for the last synergies across them to deliver tangible
two fiscal years—clearly demonstrates that we business outcomes for our clients. We also
are executing our growth strategy in a durable continue to leverage our unmatched position
and sustained way. in the technology ecosystem as the largest
independent services provider and the leading
For the last three fiscal years combined, we partner of many key players.
delivered compound annual revenue growth
of 9 percent in local currency, as well as This is why Accenture remains the partner
9 percent compound annual growth in of choice for so many of the world’s leading
adjusted earnings per share. Over the same companies and largest government agencies.
three-year period, Accenture has delivered a We serve more than three-quarters of the
compound annual total return to shareholders FORTUNE Global 500 and 95 of the top 100.
(including dividends) of 20 percent—twice the We continue to build strong and enduring
total return of the S&P 500 Index. client relationships—all of our top 100 clients
have been with us for at least five years, and
98 have been clients for 10 years or more.
Leading in the New
We are especially pleased with the
We are in the midst of a technology revolution
leadership positions we have built in digital,
that is disrupting and transforming businesses
cloud and security services as we rotate
and entire industries around the world. In this
to the New consistently and successfully
context, we are working with our clients to
around the world.
apply innovation and intelligence at the heart
of their organizations. • Digital—Accenture Interactive has been
recognized as the largest provider of digital
Our combination of end-to-end capabilities
marketing services—both globally and
and deep industry expertise—across
in the United States—and is working with
Accenture Strategy, Accenture Consulting,
many of the world’s leading brands to
Accenture Digital, Accenture Technology
transform their customer experiences.
and Accenture Operations—is unique in
We helped Melia Hotels, the European
the marketplace. We are competing at scale
hospitality company, implement a digital Investing for the Future
transformation strategy to increase sales
through data-driven customer segmenta- To make Accenture even more relevant and
tion. In just one year, direct sales increased competitive, we continue to invest aggres-
27 percent and more than 1 million people sively across the company—both organically
joined Melia’s rewards program. and through strategic acquisitions. In fiscal
2017, we significantly stepped up our pace
• Cloud—Accenture is helping many leading of acquisitions, deploying approximately
companies migrate seamlessly to the cloud $1.7 billion across 37 transactions—nearly
to realize the benefits of increased agility twice our investment in fiscal 2016—with
and lower costs. We are working with the majority of our acquisitions in the New.
Hess, a leading global independent energy
company, to implement a cloud-based, For Accenture, acquisitions are an engine
as-a-service operating model. With our to drive organic growth by enhancing our
cloud solutions, analytics and automation, differentiation in the marketplace. In fiscal
Hess is increasing efficiency and agility 2017, key acquisitions in digital included
across its asset base while benefiting from SinnerSchrader, a digital agency in Germany,
consumption-based pricing. and Paris-based OCTO Technology, a leading
digital consulting firm. In cloud, we acquired
• Security—We are working with clients DayNine, one of the largest providers of
to deliver comprehensive solutions spanning Workday solutions, and Phase One, a leader
strategy development, risk management, in Salesforce solutions for US federal clients.
cyber defense, digital identity, application And in security, we acquired Arismore, a
security and managed security services. French company specializing in identity and
For a global retailer, we are modernizing access management, and iDefense, a cyber
its digital identity management system, threat intelligence business.
embedding artificial intelligence, robotics
process automation, chatbots and other
advanced capabilities to enhance security,
increase productivity and get products “Our very strong performance in fiscal
into stores faster.
2017 clearly demonstrates that we are
We are always looking ahead to anticipate executing our growth strategy in a
the next big waves of growth, in areas
such as artificial intelligence, blockchain,
durable and sustained way.“
augmented reality and quantum computing.
And we are already integrating these
technologies into innovative solutions for We strengthened our capabilities in New IT,
many of our clients. Together with 1QBit, including Agile development methodologies,
a quantum software firm, we recently collabo- with the acquisitions of SolutionsIQ in the
rated with Biogen, the biotech company, United States and Concrete Solutions in Brazil.
to develop a new quantum-enabled molecular In addition, we continue to build our expertise
comparison application that could dramat- in key industries with acquisitions such as Kurt
ically speed up drug discovery for complex Salmon in retail, InvestTech in capital markets,
neurological conditions. and Seabury Group in aviation.
We also continue to make significant invest- innovation and delivering high-quality services
ments in our unique Accenture Innovation to clients. That is why attracting the very best
Architecture. Leveraging specialized people and investing to further develop
capabilities across the company—from their skills are among our highest priorities.
research, ventures and labs to studios,
innovation centers and delivery centers— In fiscal 2017, we invested $935 million in
we are pioneering new ways of collaborating learning and professional development for
with clients to co-create, scale and deliver our employees, including substantial invest-
disruptive, cutting-edge solutions. ments in re-skilling to help them stay relevant
in key areas such as cloud, artificial intelli-
As part of our innovation-led approach, gence and robotics. In addition, in just over
we continue to open new facilities around 18 months, we trained more than 160,000
the world. In fiscal 2017, we opened 16 Liquid people in New IT, including automation,
Studios—where we accelerate software devel- Agile development and intelligent platforms.
opment—and eight delivery centers as well as
innovation hubs in Bengaluru and Houston, At Accenture, we have an unwavering
which bring together multiple elements of our commitment to inclusion and diversity, and
Innovation Architecture. we offer an inclusive environment regardless
of ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orien-
We also opened The Dock in Dublin, a multidis- tation, age or disability. With our focus on
ciplinary research and incubation hub, where gender equality, we are pleased that women
the entire Innovation Architecture comes to life. now represent more than 40 percent of our
The Dock is a launch pad for more than 200 total workforce. Quite simply, our rich diver-
designers, developers, researchers and experts sity makes Accenture stronger, smarter and
in artificial intelligence, advanced analytics, more innovative.
augmented reality and the Internet of Things
to create and rapidly prototype innovative We are also committed to achieving our
solutions for our clients. vision of improving the way the world works
and lives—from closing employment gaps
Accenture Labs, which celebrated its 30th to advancing sustainable economic growth.
anniversary during the year, is applying With our global capabilities, digital experience
technology not just for clients, but also to and innovation mindset, we develop solutions
solve complex social challenges through its that address a wide range of social challenges.
“Tech4Good” initiative. Our team in Bengaluru
developed an artificial intelligence smart- By using technology to scale our impact,
phone solution that delivers real-time narration we are well on our way to achieving our
to help the blind navigate the world and live Skills to Succeed goal of equipping more
more productive lives. than 3 million people by 2020 with the skills
to get a job or build a business. And through
our commitment to environmental sustain-
Our People and Our Communities ability, we continue to improve our energy
efficiency and to decrease per-employee
As a professional services company, Accenture’s
carbon emissions by leveraging the latest
people ultimately make the difference in driving
collaborative technologies.
We are especially proud that Accenture was
recognized for the second year in a row on
FORTUNE’s Change the World list for our use
of data analytics to help health care clients
save patients’ lives. In addition, we were
pleased to be recognized once again by
FORTUNE as one of the “100 Best Companies
to Work For,” and by Ethisphere as one of the
“World’s Most Ethical Companies.”
Pierre Nanterme
Chairman & CEO
October 26, 2017
We delivered a durable and balanced
performance in fiscal 2017 as we continued
rotating to “the New“ — digital, cloud
and security services.
Twelve months ended August 31, 2017
$34.9B $37.4B
An increase of 7 percent in local An increase of 6 percent in
currency and 6 percent in US dollars local currency and in US dollars
from fiscal 2016. Includes $18 billion from fiscal 2016
from “the New”— an increase of
about 30 percent in local currency
$4.5B $4.2B
Defined as operating cash flow Defined as cash dividends
of $5.0 billion net of property and of $1.57 billion plus share
equipment additions of $516 million repurchases of $2.65 billion
Comparison of Cumulative Total Return
August 31, 2012 — $300
S&P 500 Stock Index $100 $119 $149 $149 $168 $195