People Vs Teves
People Vs Teves
People Vs Teves
accused’s evidence consists of mere denials which constitute self-serving negative
evidence. Thus, these denials cannot be given greater evidentiary weight than the
declaration of credible witnesses who testify on affirmative matters.
This is an appeal from the amended decision of the Regional Trial Court of Makati,
Branch 136 finding the accused Allan Rodriguez y Teves guilty beyond reasonable doubt
of violating Section 4, Article II of R.A. 6425 (Dangerous Drugs Act), and sentencing
him to suffer the penalty of life imprisonment and to pay a fine of twenty thousand
pesos (P20,000.00).
The information filed against the accused alleged: chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
That on or about the 2nd day of June, 1987 in the Municipality of Makati, Metro Manila,
Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named
accused, while in possession of two (2) tea bags of dried marijuana leaves, did then
and there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously give away, distribute and sell, without
being authorized by law, three (3) sticks of marijuana cigarettes, which are prohibited
The prosecution evidence upon which the trial court based its finding of guilt beyond
reasonable doubt is summarized by the court as follows:
"Pat. Marvin Pajilan has been a Makati Policeman since August 1980 and that presently
he is assigned to the DDES as Field Operative. He reported for work on June 2, 1987.
His tour of duty on that date was from 2:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. At around 6:30 p.m. on
said date, DDES received a phone can from the desk officer of Sub-Station I, namely,
Michael Orbeta, who informed that a person named "Alyas Allan" was selling marijuana
at No. 8199 Constancia St., Makati, Metro Manila and requested that said person be
apprehended. Acting on this phone can of desk officer Michael Orbeta, a team of
policemen headed by Cpl. Laboriante was formed and dispatched to Constancia St. The
members of this team aside from Cpl. Laboriante were Pat. Pajilan, Pfc. Romeo
Espaldon and Det. Robert del Prado.
"The team of Cpl. Laboriante reached Constancia St. at around 6:40 p.m. on same
date. Immediately, they strategically posted themselves about 10 to 15 meters from
the house located at 8199 Constancia St., Makati. At around 6:50 p.m. they saw a
tricycle with 3 persons on board, a driver and 2 passengers, stop in front of the house
at 8199 Constancia St. They also saw a male person come out of the said house and
approach and talk to the driver of the tricycle. After a while they saw the male person
go back to the house and a little later come back and hand to the tricycle driver ‘a
suspicious stuff’ of ‘a cigarette, a marijuana cigarette’, (p. 3, t.s.n. hearing of Oct. 12,
1987); they further saw the tricycle driver in turn give something to the male person.
Thereupon, Pat. Pajilan, together with his companions, approached the male person
and the tricycle driver and after introducing themselves as police officers, they asked
the male person, the tricycle driver and his 2 passengers to bring out the contents of
their pockets, which the male person, the driver and the passengers of the tricycle did.
The male person brought out from his pockets 2 small plastic bags containing suspected
marijuana leaves. The tricycle driver brought out from his right front pocket 3 sticks of
suspected marijuana cigarettes. Nothing illegal was found in the pockets of the 2
passengers of the tricycle.
"The male person who came out from the house located at 8199 Constancia St. was
later identified to be Allan Rodriguez y Teves, the accused in this case, while the tricycle
driver turned out to be one Enrico Bacod.
"After the accused and Enrico Bacod had brought out the contents of their pockets, the
DDES team brought them to the Makati Police Headquarters where they turned over the
two (the 2 passengers were released for lack of evidence) to Det. Hermi Ortiz, the
police investigator on duty, for further verification. They also turned over to Det. Ortiz
the aforementioned items which the accused and Enrico Bacod had brought out from
their pockets. The said items were thereafter referred to the NBI for laboratory
examination, where, after the corresponding examinations, they were confirmed to be
positive for marijuana.chanrobles lawlibrary : rednad
"In the same occasion, Cpl. Laboriante, in the presence of Pat. Pajilan, prepared an
affidavit of arrest (Exhibit A) for Pat. Pajilan which the latter signed (Exh. A-1).
"In the hearing of October 12, 1987, the Trial Fiscal and the defense counsel made the
following stipulations/admissions —
"‘The Trial Fiscal then informed that his next witnesses would be Det. Hermie Ortiz, the
police investigator who investigated this case and the NBI Forensic Chemist, Aida Viloria
Magsipok. He manifested that he would likewise dispense with the testimonies of these
witnesses if the defense would admit/agree to the following: chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
‘A That Det. Ortiz in connection with this case had prepared and filed an investigation
report. The Trial Fiscal proposed that the defense admit the genuineness, due execution
and the truth of the contents of this investigation report which was marked Exhibit B for
the prosecution. The defense counsel admits all of the above matters/facts proposed for
admission by the Trial Fiscal. In fact the defense counsel adopted Exhibit B and had it
marked as Exhibit "1" for the defense.
‘B The due execution and genuineness of the report marked Exhibit "B" submitted by
the Forensic Chemist, Aida Villoria Magsipok, of the NBI, and her certification, Exhibit D.
The defense admits these.
‘C That Chemist Aida Villoria Magsipok had in fact conducted laboratory examinations of
the specimens referred to in her report Exhibit ‘E’ and that the said specimens were the
same items transmitted to her office by the police per the letter request marked Exhibit
‘C’, and that it is the finding of the Forensic Chemist that the said specimens are
positive for marijuana. The defense admits all of these.
‘D That the items or specimens subject of the letter request of the police marked
Exhibit ‘C’, and of the Forensic Report, marked Exhibit E and certification, Exhibit D, are
the same items confiscated from the accused as testified to by Det. Marvin Pajilan this
morning. The defense admits all these.
‘E That the defendants waive the presentation or production of the specimens or items
that were examined by Forensic Chemist Aida Villoria Magsipok and which were subject
of the examinations referred to in Exhibit E. The defense waives his right to be
confronted with the said items or specimens.’ (pp. 1-3, Order of October 12, 1987)
"After concluding the presentation of his evidence, the Trial Fiscal formally offered his
documentary exhibits, namely, Exhibits, "A" & "A-1", which is the affidavit of Pat.
Marvin Pajilan’; Exhibit "B (also marked Exhibit 1 for the defense), which is the final
investigation report of Det. Hermie Ortiz; Exhibit "C", which is the letter-request for
laboratory examination dated June 2, 1987 made by Pat. Roberto del Prado addressed
to the Director of NBI; and Exhibit "D", which is the certification dated June 3, 1987
executed by NBI Forensic chemist Aida R. Villoria-Magsipok. The defense counsel
objected to Exhibits "A" and "A-1" on the ground that the same is self-serving but
offered no objection to the admission of Exhibit "B", "C" & "D." The Court admitted
Exhibits "A" and "A-1" as part of the testimony of Pat. Pajilan. It also admitted Exhibits
B, C and D there being no objection to their admission." (Rollo, pp. 14-18). chanroblesvirtualawlibrary
The accused raises the following assignment of errors in this appeal, to wit: chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
(Rollo, pp. 39-40)
The assigned errors center on the credibility of the witnesses. We have carefully
reviewed the records of the case and we are convinced that the illegal sale of marijuana
by the appellant was committed as narrated by the prosecution witnesses.
The appellant contends that the police officers had no personal knowledge that he was
indeed handing marijuana to Enrico Bacod as they were 10-15 meters away from the
alleged sale transaction. The arrest therefore was not valid as the requirements for a
warrantless arrest were not complied with.
As held in the case of People v. Poco, G.R. No. 76893, February 27, 1989:
". . . However, the warrantless arrest made by the law enforcers was valid since it falls
under the provisions of Rule 113, sec. 5(a) of the Rules of Court which provides:
"Sec. 5. Arrest without warrant; when lawful. A peace officer or a private person may,
without a warrant, arrest a person: chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
(a) When, in his presence, the person to be arrested has committed, is actually
committing, or is attempting to commit an offense;
x x x
Having caught the appellant in flagrante as a result of the buy-bust operation, the
policemen were not only authorized but were also under obligation to apprehend the
drug pusher even without a warrant of arrest." cralaw virtua1aw library
The police officers were tipped off by an informer about the illegal trade of the accused.
The exact location where this trading in drugs was taking place was given to them. The
‘suspicious stuff taken from the accused were confirmed to be marijuana after tests
were conducted on them.
The attendant circumstances taking place before their eyes led the police officers to
reasonably conclude that an offense was actually being committed.
The appellant next contends that the money allegedly paid to him in exchange for the
marijuana was not offered in evidence. As such the sale could not be proved.
This Court had the opportunity to rule on this issue recently in the case of People v.
Tejada, G.R. No. 81520, February 21, 1989:
". . . The fact that the appellant returned with the amount of marijuana corresponding
to the offered price suffices to constitute if not sale, then delivery or giving away to
another and distribution of the prohibited drug punishable under Section 4, Article II of
Rep. Act 6425. . . .
x x x
So long as the marijuana actually given by the appellant was presented before the
lower court, the absence of the marked money does not create a hiatus in the
prosecution evidence." cralaw virtua1aw library
The appellant alleges that he would not ply such a trade "in his own home and for a
pittance of only P10.00 that he would heedlessly risk discovery, denunciation or
imposition of at least a life term." cralaw virtua1aw library
This Court has held in the case of People v. Paco, supra:
"Drug pushing when done on a small level as in this case belongs to that class of crimes
that may be committed at anytime and at any place. After the offer to buy is accepted
and the exchange is made, the illegal transaction is completed in a few minutes. The
fact that the parties are in a public place and in the presence of other people may not
always discourage them from pursuing their illegal trade as these factors may even
serve to camouflage the same." cralaw virtua1aw library
The appellant next argues that it is not a common experience that a drug pusher would
unhesitatingly make an illicit transaction with a person he was meeting for the first time
and in full view of his neighbors. chanrobles virtual lawlibrary
"The circumstances surrounding the sale even served to conceal the fact that prohibited
drugs were being sold as people will not usually mind dealing where there is no sign of
furtiveness or misbehavior.
x x x
Moreover, what matters is not an existing familiarity between the buyer and seller but
their agreement and the acts constituting the sale and delivery of the marijuana
leaves."cralaw virtua1aw library
The accused’s evidence consists of mere denials which constitute self-serving negative
evidence. Thus, these denials cannot be given greater evidentiary weight than the
declaration of credible witnesses who testify on affirmative matters. (People v.
Abonada, supra.)
Moreover, no ill motives were imputed to the prosecution witnesses who happened to
be police officers. They are presumed to have regularly performed their duty in the
absence of proof to the contrary. Their testimonies therefor deserve full faith and
credit. (People v. Alvarez, G.R. No. 70446, January 31, 1989; People v. Tejada, supra).
There is likewise no question from the records that the plastic bags taken from the
accused-appellant contained marijuana leaves and the sticks of cigarettes he gave to
the tricycle driver were marijuana cigarettes.
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the amended decision appealed from is hereby