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Analysis and Design of High Step-Up DC-DC Converter With Coupled-Inductor Technique

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Analysis and Design of High Step-up DC-DC

Converter with Coupled-inductor Technique

Guo-Wei Shiung Tsorng-Juu Liang Jia-You Lee Po-Yen Lin
Advanced Optoelectronic Technology Center (AOTC)/Green Energy Electronics Research Center (GREERC)
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

Abstract—In this paper, a novel high step-up converter with Using coupled-inductor technique can achieve high voltage
coupled inductor boost converter is proposed. The circuit conversion by adjusting the turns ratio of the transformer. Thus,
topology of the proposed converter is derived from conventional the converter operating at the proper duty cycle can effectively
boost converter with coupled inductor connection such that high alleviate the reverse-recovery time problem of the output diode.
step-up voltage gain with proper duty ratio is achieved. Besides, Nevertheless, when the switch is turned off, the leakage
the coupled-inductor technique concept also can be adopted to inductances of the coupled-inductor cause high voltage spikes
construct other step-up converters. The operating principle, at the switch, increasing the voltage stress. Therefore, if the
steady-state analysis, and efficiency analysis are presented. energy of the leakage inductances can be recycled to the output,
Finally, an experimental prototype with 24 V input and 200 V/
it decreases the voltage stress of the switch and increases the
2.5 A output is implemented to verify the theoretical analysis.
efficiency. A novel non-isolated high step-up converter has
Keywords—coupled-inductor technique, high voltage gain, been proposed in this paper. With voltage lift and coupled-
single switch inductor techniques, it can achieve high voltage conversion
ratio and also recycling of the leakage energy to increase
I. INTRODUCTION system efficiency.
In recent years, due to the problem of a shortage of global II. OPERATIONAL PRINCIPLE OF THE PROPOSED CIRCUIT
energy, more and more renewable energy applications such as
PV system, fuel cell and wind power have been developed to Fig. 2 shows the proposed high step-up converter. As
solve this issue. Fig. 1 shows a basic fuel cell power generation shown, the circuit is constructed of a single switch, a coupled-
system. A fuel cell is a device that converts the chemical inductor, diodes D1, D2, and D3, and capacitors C1 and C2. Fig.
energy from a fuel into electricity. However, the converted 3 shows the key waveforms of the proposed circuit operating in
voltage is in range of 24 to 48 V, which is not suitable for high CCM.
voltage applications. Therefore, a high efficiency, high step-up vp
converter is required. By using a high step-up DC-DC Np Ns
iD1 iS
converter, the low voltage can be boosted to 200/400 VDC, and Lm

then be converted to the AC voltage applied for grid-connected Vin

S vds
C1 VC1
C2 Vo R
applications through a DC-AC inverter. vgs

+ step-up + DC-AC Fig. 2 Proposed high step-up converter with coupled inductor
Vin VO Vac
- DC-DC - inverter

Vin= 24 ~ 48 V VO= 200 / 400 V There are six operational modes of the proposed circuit in a
complete switching cycle. The equivalent circuits are shown in
Fig. 1 Basic fuel cell power generation system Fig. 4. To simplify the analysis, the assumptions are considered
as the following:
1. All components are ideal and lossless.
The conventional boost converter needs the higher duty
cycle to achieve the high voltage conversion ratio. However, 2. The capacitors C1 and C2 are large enough to be regarded as
operating at higher duty cycle causes the severe reverse- the constant voltages.
recovery time of the output diode and the EMI problems,
making the efficiency decreases. In order to improve the 3. The leakage inductances of the transformer are considered
aforementioned problems, a novel high step-up DC-DC in the proposed circuit.
converter is required. There are several high step-up techniques Mode IΚ(t0 ~ t1)
proposed in literatures, such as coupled-inductor[1-13],
cascade[14-16], switch capacitor[17-19], voltage lift[20-24], At the time t0, the gate signal of the switch is high and thus
and cascode[25-31]. turns on the switch. The diode D3 is turned on and the diodes
D1 and D2 are turned off. In this mode, both the magnetizing
inductance and the leakage inductance are charged by the input
voltage Vin. At the time t1, the energy of the leakage inductance vs (t ) = Vin − v p (t ) − vLk 1 (t ) − vLk 2 (t ) + Vo (8)
Lk2 is completely transferred to the output, and therefore the
current iD3 decreases to zero. Since the current of the leakage VC1 = Vin − v p (t ) − vLk1 (t ) (9)
inductance decreases gradually, the inrush current of the diode
D3 can be limited. This mode is ended when the current iD3 Mode VΚ(t4 ~ t5)
becomes zero at the time t1. As shown in Fig. 4(a), the KVL
equations can be expressed as the following: At the time t4, the switch and the diode D2 still remain off,
and the diodes D1 and D3 remain on. In this time interval, the
Vin − vLk 1 (t ) − v p (t ) = 0 (1) leakage inductance Lk1 and the capacitor C1 release the energy
to the output through the diodes D1 and D3, respectively. The
vs (t ) = VC1 − vLk 2 (t ) − Vo (2) mode is ended when the current of the leakage inductance
decreases to zero at the time t5. As shown in Fig. 4(e), the
Mode IIΚ(t1 ~ t2) voltages of the windings and the capacitor C1 can be expressed
At the time t1, the diode D2 is turned on and the diode D3 is as the following:
turned off. The switch remains on and the diode D1 remains off. Vin + Vo
v p (t ) = − vLk1 (t ) (10)
In this time interval, the magnetizing inductance and the 1+ n
leakage inductance are still charged by the input voltage.
Therefore, the magnetizing current and the current of leakage n (11)
vs (t ) = (Vo + Vin ) − vLk 2 (t )
inductance increase linearly. In the meantime, The energy is 1+ n
coupled from the primary side to the secondary side and
transferred to the capacitor C1 through D2. The output receives VC1 = Vo + vs (t ) + vLk 2 (t ) (12)
the energy from the capacitor C2. At the time t2, the mode is
Mode VIΚ(t5 ~ t6)
ended as the gate signal of the switch becomes low and thus
turns off the switch. As shown in Fig. 4(b), the winding voltage At the time t5, the diode D1 is turned off. The switch and
can be expressed as the following: the diode D2 still remain off, and the diode D3 remains on. In
this time interval, the energy coupled from the primary side to
vp (t ) = Vdc − vLk1 (t ) (3)
the secondary side and the energy of the capacitor C1 are
transferred to the output through the diode D3. This mode ends
vs (t ) = VC1 − vLk 2 (t ) (4)
when the switch is turned on at the time t6. As shown in Fig.
Mode IIIΚ(t2 ~ t3) 4(f), the winding voltages can be expressed as the following:

At the time t2, the switch is turned off and the diode D1 is v s ( t ) = VC 1 − v Lk 2 ( t ) − Vo (13)
turned on. The diode D2 remains on and the diode D3 remains VC 1 − Vo
off. In this mode, The leakage inductances Lk1 and Lk2 release v p (t ) = − v Lk 1 (t ) (14)
the energy to C1 through diodes D1 and D2, respectively. At the
time t3, the energy of the leakage inductance Lk2 is completely TS

transferred to C1. Therefore, the diode D2 is turned off. The DT S (1-D)T S

mode is ended when the current iD2 decreases to zero at the v gs

time t3. As shown in Fig. 4(c), the winding voltages can be t
expressed as the following:
v p (t ) = Vin − VC 1 − v Lk 1 (t ) (5) i Lm
vs (t ) = VC 1 − v Lk 2 (t ) (6)
i Lk1
Mode IVΚ(t3 ~ t4) t

At the time t3, the diode D2 is turned off and the diode D3 is i D1
turned on. The switch remains off and the diode D1 remains on. t
In this time interval, since the current of the leakage inductance
Lk1 becomes lower than the magnetizing current, the winding i D2
flows through the reverse current. The capacitor C1 receives the t
energy from the input voltage Vin, the magnetizing inductance
i D3
and the leakage inductance Lk1. In the meantime, the output t
receives the energy through the diodes D1 and D3. This mode is
ended when the capacitor is charged to nVin at the time t4. As VC 1 nV dc

shown in Fig. 4(d), the voltages of the windings and the t

capacitor C1 can be expressed as the following: Vo
v p (t ) = Vin − VC1 − vLk1 (t ) (7) t0 t1 t 2 t3 t 4 t 5 t6 t

Fig. 3 Key waveforms of the proposed circuit in CCM

vp vLk1 vs vLk2 vp vLk1 vs vLk2
Lk1 D1 Lk2 D3 Lk1 D1 Lk2 D3

Np Ns Np Ns
iLk1 iD1 iS iD3 iLk1 iD1 iS iD3
Lm Lm
vds D2 Vin S v ds D2
Vin S C1 VC1 C2 VC2 Vo R C1 VC1 C2 VC2 Vo R
iLm iD2 iLm iD2
vgs vgs

(a) Mode I (b) Mode II

vLk1 vLk2 vp vLk1 vs vLk2

vp vs Lk1 D1 Lk2 D3
Lk1 D1 Lk2 D3

Np Ns Np iD1 Ns iS
iLk1 iD1 iS iLk1 iD3
iD3 Lm
D2 Vin S vds
C1 VC1 D2
Vin S vds
C1 VC1 C2 VC2 Vo R C2 VC2 Vo R
iLm iD2 iLm iD2
vgs vgs

(c) Mode III (d) Mode IV

vp vLk1 vs vLk2 vp vLk1 vs vLk2

Lk1 D1 Lk2 D3 Lk1 D1 Lk2 D3

Np iD1 Ns iS Np iD1
iLk1 iD3 iLk1 iD3
Lm Lm
Vin S vds
C1 VC1 D2 Vin S v ds
C1 VC1
C2 VC2 Vo R C2 VC2 Vo R
iLm iD2 iLm iD2
vgs vgs

(e) Mode V (f) Mode VI

Fig. 4 Equivalent circuits of the operational modes. (a)Mode I (b)Mode II (c)Mode III (d)Mode IV (e)Mode V (f)Mode VI


According to the operational principles, the switch is
turned on during mode I and mode II. Therefore, the turn-on
time is DTs. The switch is turned off during mode III ~ mode
VI and thus the turn-off time is (1-D)Ts. In order to simplify
the analysis, the leakage inductances Lk1 and Lk2 are
neglected. When the switch is turned on, the voltage of the
magnetizing inductance can be expressed as the following:
‫ݒ‬௅௠ ൌ ܸ௜௡ ȉ ‫ܶܦ‬௦ (15)
When the switch is turned off, the voltage of the magnetizing
inductance can be expressed as the following: A. Duty cycle
Voltage gain curveisofoperated
converter the proposed converter
in CCM. with
To limit the

‫ݒ‬௅௠ ൌ ቂ ሺܸ݊௜௡ െ ܸ௢ ሻቃ ሺͳ െ ‫ܦ‬ሻܶ௦ (16) theratio
duty cycle, the turns different
n is turns ratio
chosen as 3. Therefore, the

maximum duty cycle can be obtained as the following:
By applying the volt-second balance on the magnetizing
௏೚ ି௡௏೔೙
inductance, the equation (17) can be obtained: ‫ܦ‬௠௔௫ ൌ (19)

ܸ௜௡ ‫ܶܦ‬௦ ൅ ቂ ሺܸ݊௜௡ െ ܸ௢ ሻቃ ሺͳ െ ‫ܦ‬ሻܶ௦ ൌ Ͳ (17) B. Magnetizing inductance

By rearranging the equation (17), the voltage conversion The value of the magnetizing inductance is determined
ratio can be obtained: by the boundary value of the output current, output voltage,
duty cycle, turns ratio, and switching frequency. The
௏೚ ௡
ൌ (18) magnetizing inductance can be obtained as the following:
௏೔೙ ଵି஽
ሺଵି஽ሻమ ஽்ೞ ௏೚
Fig. 5 shows the voltage gain curve of the proposed ‫ܮ‬௠ ൌ ȉ (20)
ଶ௡మ ூೀಳ
converter with the different turns ratio. As shown, the turns
ratio can be chosen with the proper duty cycle to achieve the C. Output capacitor and filter capacitor
higher voltage gain. According to the operational modes, the output receives
the energy from the capacitor C2 during the turn-on time of
the switch. Therefore, the charge of the capacitor C2 can be vp vs
Lk1 D1 Lk2 D3
expressed as the following:
Np Ns
ΔQ = ΔVo ⋅ C2 (21) Lm
iLk1 iD1 iS iD3
S vds D2
Vdc C1 vC1 Vo
V (22) iLm iD2
C2 R
ΔQ = I o ⋅ (DTs )= o ⋅ (DTs ) vgs Ry
Combining the equations (21) and (22) can obtain the
expression of the capacitor C2 as the following:
I ⋅ DTs Vo ⋅ DTs (23) TL494
C = o
2 = PWM Controler
ΔVo R ⋅ ΔVo
Fig. 6 System configuration using TL494 as the control
When the switch is turned off, the capacitor C1 can be
expressed as the following:
I ⋅ (1 − D)Ts (24)
C = 2
Where I2 is the average current flowing through the
secondary winding. Control circuit

Table 1 and Table 2 list the circuit specifications and the
component specifications, respectively.
Main circuit
Fig. 7 Implemented circuit of the proposed converter
Parameters Values
Input voltage, Vin 24 ~ 48 V Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 show the experimental waveforms of
the proposed converter operated at the output power 50 W
Output power, Po 500 W
and 100 W, respectively. When the switch is turned on, the
Output voltage, Vo 200 V
magnetizing inductance is charged by the input voltage, and
Boundary condition 20 %
the capacitor C1 receives the energy coupled from the
Output voltage ripple, οࢂ࢕ Ȁࢂ࢕ < 1% primary side. When the switch is turned off, the capacitor C1
Switching frequency, fs 50 kHz releases the energy to the output. According to Fig. 8(a) and
TABLE 2 COMPONENT SPECIFICATIONS Fig. 9(a), the small current flowing through the diode D1
means that the energy of the leakage inductances is recycled
Components Part #, parameters at the light load. Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 show the experimental
MOSFET, S IXFK180N15P, 150 V/30 A waveforms at the output power 200 W and 300 W,
Magnetizing respectively. The current flowing through the diode D1
ETD590155, 37 μH
inductance, Lm increases, which means the energy of the leakage inductance
Capacitor, C1 Metallized polypropylene, 19 μF/250 V increases. Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 show the experimental
Capacitor, C2 Metallized polypropylene, 680 μF/250 V waveforms at the output power 400 W and 500 W,
Diode, D1 MBRF30H150CTG, 150V/30 A respectively. Fig. 14 shows the efficiency of the system.
Diode, D2 TCMBR20200CT, 200 V/20 A According to Fig. 14, the highest efficiency is 95.1% at the
Diode, D3 TCMBR20200CT, 200 V/20 A light load.
Vgs (20V/Div)
Fig. 6 shows the system configuration using TL494 as Vgs (20V/Div)
the voltage mode control IC. Fig. 7 shows the implemented Vds (100V/Div)
circuit of the proposed converter.
iD2 (2A/Div)
iD1 (2A/Div)

iD3 (5A/Div)
Time: 5 μS/Div Time: 5 μS/Div

(a) (b)
Fig. 8 Key waveforms at output power 50 W, (a)
Waveforms of Vgs, Vds, and iD1 (b) Waveforms of Vgs, iD2,
and iD3
Vgs (20V/Div) Vgs (20V/Div)
V gs (20V/Div)
V gs (20V/Div)
Vds (100V/Div)
Vds (100V/Div)

iD2 (2A/Div)
iD2 (2A/Div)
iD1 (2A/Div) iD1 (10A/Div)

iD3 (5A/Div)
iD3 (5A/Div) Time: 5 μS/Div Time: 5 μS/Div
Time: 5 μS/Div Time: 5 μS/Div
(a) (b)
(a) (b) Fig. 13 Key waveforms at output power 500 W, (a)
Fig. 9 Key waveforms at output power 100 W, (a) Waveforms of Vgs, Vds, and iD1 (b) Waveforms of Vgs, iD2,
Waveforms of Vgs, Vds, and iD1 (b) Waveforms of Vgs, iD2, and iD3

Vgs (20V/Div)
V gs (20V/Div)
Vds (100V/Div)

iD2 (2A/Div)
iD1 (5A/Div)

iD3 (5A/Div)
Time: 5 μS/Div Time: 5 μS/Div
Fig. 14 Efficiency of the proposed converter
(a) (b)
Fig. 10 Key waveforms at output power 200 W, (a)
Waveforms of Vgs, Vds, and iD1 (b) Waveforms of Vgs, iD2, VI. CONCLUSIONS
and iD3 A high step-up DC-DC converter with coupled-inductor
is proposed in this paper. The output voltage can be boosted
Vgs (20V/Div) by using the coupled-inductor and the voltage lift technique.
Vgs (20V/Div) The proposed converter with leakage energy recycled
Vds (100V/Div) mechanism can increase the efficiency.
The proposed circuit has been implemented with the
iD2 (2A/Div) input voltage 24 V, output voltage 200 V, and the output
iD1 (5A/Div)
current 2.5 A. The experimental waveforms are also shown
in section V. When the output power is 500 W, the system
iD3 (5A/Div) efficiency is 92.1%. The highest efficiency is 96.2% as the
Time: 5 μS/Div Time: 5 μS/Div
output power is 100 W.
(a) (b)
Fig. 11 Key waveforms at output power 300 W, (a) REFERENCES
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