Operator'S Manual
Operator'S Manual
Operator'S Manual
For Model: NL844T4E
ONLY RE529956
Proposition 65 Warning:
Breathing Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents
are known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth
defects, and other reproductive harm.
* Always start and operate the engine in a well-ventilated area.
* If in an enclosed area, vent the exhaust to the outside.
* Do not modify or tamper with the exhaust system.
* Do not idle the engine except as necessary.
For more information, go to www.P65warnings.ca.gov/diesel.
Northern Lights
4420 14th Avenue NW
Seattle, WA 98107
Tel: (206) 789-3880
Fax: (206) 782-5455
Printed in U.S.A.
PART NO.: ONL844TE 07/18
for Model
Read this operator's manual thoroughly before starting to operate your equipment.
This manual contains information you will need to run and service your new unit.
Table of Contents
Proprietary Information
This publication is the property of Northern Lights, Inc.
It may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of Northern Lights, Inc.
© Northern Lights, Inc. All rights reserved. Litho U.S.A. Publication number ONL844T4E 10/17
ONL844T4E 3/18
The servicing of industrial generator sets presents Failures often begin with minor problems that are
unique challenges. Generators cannot be compared overlooked and become amplified when not corrected
to the servicing of automobiles, trucks, or even farm during routine maintenance.
equipment. In many cases, these generators are installed This manual will help you maintain your unit
far from a repair facility. Generators are heavily taxed properly. Consult the factory or technical manual for
and used for critical installations; therefore, maintenance more comprehensive information on repair or rebuild.
schedules must be adhered to strictly.
Unit Identification
Model Numbers
NLI Model numbers provide information about the unit's application, block model, aspiration, emission compliance level
and fuel delivery type:
NL 844 T
Northern Lights industrial generator set with an 844 engine, turbocharged US EPA Tier IV compliant with an electronic
NL844T4E = fuel delivery system.
Serial Numbers
plate. Phase
NOTE: Always use the generator set serial number when ordering parts
or in correspondence. The generator set serial number plate is found on
Insula. FL Amp
the service side of the generator and resembles the drawing in Figure 1.
(206) 789-3880 www.northern-lights.com
ISO:9001 Certified 00-60010
ONL844T4E 3/18
Updated 4-12-17
A warranty registration certificate is supplied with your set. It entitles the original purchaser of our equipment
to a warranty covering material or assembly faults. The extent of coverage is described in the Limited Warranty
Statement. We recommend that you study the statement carefully.
NOTE: If the warranty is to apply, the servicing instructions outlined in this manual must be followed. If further
information is needed, please contact an authorized dealer or the factory.
Safety Rules
NOTICE: Northern Lights generator sets and /or any other diesel powered equipment provided by NLI is not provided
with spark arresting or explosion proof components, and therefore is not to be installed in the presence of combustible
gasses having a flash point of 43.3 Degrees C (110 Degrees F) or lower, such as Gasoline, Propane, Natural Gas or other
similar fuel sources.
NOTICE: Accident reports show that careless use of engines causes a high percentage of accidents.
You can avoid accidents by observing these safety rules. Study these rules carefully and enforce them on the job.
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS. repair parts include the current safety signs. For
Electromagnetic equipment, including generator sets replacement signs, proper placement of safety signs
and their accessories, can cause bodily harm and or clarification on any safety issue, consult your
life threatening injuries when improperly installed, Northern Lights dealer or the factory.
operated or maintained. To prevent accidents be aware There can be additional safety information contained
of potential dangers and act safely. on parts and components from outside suppliers
that is not reproduced in this manual. Consult the
READ AND FOLLOW ALL SAFETY suppliers for additional safety information.
PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION Learn how to operate the machine and how to use
OF ANY GENERATOR SET OR the controls properly. Only trained personnel should
ACCESSORY. KEEP THESE operate machines, or work on or around them.
REFERENCE. Keep you machine in proper working condition.
Recognize Safety Symbols and Instructions MACHINERY MAY IMPAIR ITS FUNCTION
In addition to the information found in this section, this AND SAFETY PARAMETERS.
operator’s manual uses three different signal words to
outline potential dangers of a specific nature. Prevent Bypass and Accidental
! DANGER DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if
not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if
not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Do not start engine by shorting across start terminal.
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, Engine will start if normal circuitry is bypassed,
! CAUTION if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate
injury. creating a hazard by runaway machinery.
Follow All Safety Instructions Start engine only from operator’s station.
Carefully read and understand
all safety messages in this
manual and on your machine’s
safety signs. Keep signs in
good and clean condition.
Replace missing or damaged
signs. Be sure new equipment components and
ONL844T4E 3/18
Updated 4-12-17
ONL844T4E 3/18
Updated 4-12-17
ONL844T4E 3/18
Updated 4-12-17
Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any
high pressure spray injected into the skin must be
! WARNING removed within a few hours to prevent the risk of
gangrene or other infection.
Hazardous fumes can be
generated when paint is heated Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines
by welding, soldering or using a
torch. To avoid potentially toxic ! WARNING
fumes and dust, remove paint
before heating. Flammable spray can be generated
• Remove paint a minimum of 100 mm (4 in.) from the by heating near pressurized fluid
area that will be affected by heat. lines, resulting in severe burns and
• If paint cannot be removed, wear an approved respirator. bodily injury. Pressurized lines
• If you sand or grind paint, use an approved respirator. can rupture when heat goes beyond the immediate
• If you use solvent or paint stripper, remove stripper flame area. Do not weld, solder or use a torch or
with soap and water before welding. Remove open flame near pressurized lines or other flammable
solvent or paint stripper containers from the area. fluids.
• Allow at least 15 minutes for fumes to disperse
before welding or heating.
ONL844T4E 3/18
Updated 4-12-17
Inhaling asbestos fibers may Disposing of waste improperly can threaten the
cause lung cancer. Avoid environment and lead to unsafe working conditions.
breathing any dust that may Potentially harmful waste used in Northern Lights
be generated when handling equipment can include oil, fuel, coolant, filters and
components containing asbestos batteries.
fibers, including some gaskets.
Use leakproof containers to drain fluid. Do not
The asbestos used in these components is usually use food or beverage containers that may mislead
found in a resin or otherwise sealed. Normal someone into drinking from them.
handling of these components is not dangerous,
as long as airborne dust containing asbestos is not Do not pour waste onto the ground, down a drain or
generated. into any water source.
ONL844T4E 3/18
Lock Out / Tag Out Procedures
During maintenance, repairs or retooling of a Northern Lights generator set, simply turning the machine off or unplugging
it while it is being worked on does not give enough protection to others who are not performing the maintenance or
repair. Many serious accidents happen when someone thought the machine was turned off, or all of its energy was
safely blocked or released.
For servicing pneumatic and hydraulic equipment, the Follow the procedures below prior to restoring energy:
following additional procedures must be implemented, • Ensure that all machinery or equipment is properly
following completion of lock out/tag out procedures for reassembled. Inspect the machinery or equipment to
the unit to be serviced: verify non-essential items have been removed.
• Ensure that all personnel are safely outside danger
Shut off air, water or supply valves at the equipment to zones. Notify personnel that lock out/tag out devices have
be serviced. been removed and energy will be reapplied.
• Only authorized personnel may remove lock out/tag out
Check the local bleed-off point for completed release of devices or notices.
pressurized air, water or oil.
ONL844T4E 3/18
General Information
Engine Type Lugger 4 cycle, swirl chamber diesel
Cylinders 4 in-line
Displacement 135 in3 (2.216 liters)
Cycles 4
Bore x Stroke 3.30 x 3.90 in (84 x 100 mm)
Rotation (Facing Flywheel) counter-clockwise
Compression Ratio 22:5
Crankcase Capacity including Oil Filter 2.1 gal (8.2 liter)
Aspiration Turbocharger
Fuel injection system High pressure common rail
Rated Horsepower 32 Hp
Approximate Dry Weight 1275 lbs. (580 kg)
Length 55.3 in (1400 mm)
Width 26.5 in (670 mm)
Height 36.5 in (925 mm)
ONL844T4E 3/18
NL844T4E Generator Component Locations
2 4
12 11
ONL844T4E 3/18
NL844T4E Generator Component Locations
14 15
ONL844T4E 3/18
Control Panels
ONL844T4E 3/18
Operating Procedures
1. The first 100 hours on a new or reconditioned 1. Hold the Shutdown Bypass-Preheat switch in the
engine are critical to its life and performance. ON position for about 10 seconds before starting a
2. Frequently check the engine temperature and oil cold engine. Holding the switch too long can burn
pressure gauges (sets with Series 3 or 4 panels). out the glow plugs.
3. Oil consumption is greater during break-in as 2. While holding the Shutdown Bypass-Preheat switch
piston rings take time to seat. in the ON position, push the Engine Control switch
4. Break-In Oil Changes: Change engine oil and to the START position.
filter at 50 hours. Change oil and filter again at 3. As soon as the engine starts, release both switches. Do
100 hours (consult Lubricants section for oil not crank the starter for more than 10 seconds
recommendation), then every 250 hours. consecutively. If the engine fails to start with the first
attempt, be sure that it has stopped completely before
Operating Instructions: re-engaging.
Maintain at least a 75% load on your generator
set for the first 100 hours. If this is not possible,
maintain no less than a 50% load to ensure proper OPERATING
seating of the piston rings. Vary the load to help
seat the rings. 1. Units with Series 3 and Series 4 Control Panels:
check gauges often. Oil pressure must be above 15
BEFORE STARTING PSI. The D.C. voltmeter should read between 11
and 15 volts at 80°F (25°C) ambient temperature.
1. Check the water level by removing the pressure Check the A.C. voltage and frequency meters (Series
cap from the radiator. In order to give the cooling 4 panel). If the gauges deviate from normal levels,
water an opportunity to expand, the level should shut down the generator set and investigate.
be about 1 in. (2.5 cm) below the filler cap sealing 2. Let the unit run unloaded for a two to three minute
surface when the engine is cold. warm-up period.
3. Apply electrical load.
CAUTION: Use protective clothing and open the filler
cap carefully when the engine is warm to prevent STOPPING
1. Remove electrical load from the generator set.
2. Check the oil level in the crankcase with the 2. Run the engine for a 2 to 3 minute cool down period.
dipstick. The oil level must be in the waffled area on 3. Hold the Engine Control switch to the STOP
the stick. Never allow the level to go below this area. position until the engine comes to a complete stop.
Always add the same viscosity of oil as is already in
the crankcase.
3. Check the fuel tank level and open any fuel valves.
ONL844T4E 3/18
Operating Procedures
1. Your unit is fitted with a system to protect it from 1. Northern Lights recommends that you keep the
high water temperature or low oil pressure. following spare parts on hand for field service. The
a. Generator sets have shutdown systems to stop the parts are available from your local Northern Lights
engine. They have no warning horns. dealer.
b. Other alarms and shutdowns are available as
optional equipment. 2. All owners should have the following spares:
NOTE: Do not rely on any warning to the a. Primary and secondary fuel filter elements
exclusion of careful gauge monitoring. Watching b. Oil filters
your gauges can prevent damage to the unit and c. Air filter
dangerous power losses. d. Alternator belt
e. Thermostat and gaskets
2. Do the following when your warning or shutdown f. Glow plug
system is activated: g. Injector and washer
a. Check the temperature gauge. If above 205°F
(96°C), shut off the engine immediately. 3. If your set is operating a long distance from a
b. Use the Trouble Shooting Guide on page 22 to servicing dealer, add the following:
isolate the cause of the overheat. a. Complete set of injectors
b. Copper washers for injector change
CAUTION: Do not remove the water fill c. Complete set of glow plugs
cap of an overheated engine. Escaping high d. Fuel lift pump
temperature steam can cause severe burns.
Allow the engine to cool and then remove the
cap slowly using protective clothing.
ONL844T4E 3/18
Service Schedule Chart
The Servicing Schedule Chart below shows the service schedule required for proper maintenance of your generator
set. More detailed coverage of each Service Point (SP) is listed on the page noted in the ‘page’ column.
1) Perform all maintenance once a year even if hour level has not been reached. 6) Clean injection nozzles every 1500 hours.
2) Consult manufacturer's maintenance schedule, note on chart. 7) For EPA emission standards fuel nozzle needs to be cleaned
3) Whenever necessary. every 1500 hours, the fuel nozzle and fuel pump need to be
4) More often if necessary. cleaned, adjusted, or repaired every 3000 hours, and the
5) After first 50 hours, then after 100 hours, then every 250 hours. quality guarantee for these parts is 1500 hours or 2 years.
ONL844T4E 3/18
Servicing Record
ONL844T4E 3/18
Service Notes
ONL844T4E 3/18
1. Use only clean, high quality lubricants stored in 1. The set is delivered with special break-in oil.
clean containers in a protected area. Change the engine oil and oil filter after 50 hours
2. These lubricants are acceptable: of operation. Use Service CC 30 weight oil during
a. API Service CC/CD/CE single viscosity oils. the first 100 hours.
b. API Service CC/CD/SF multi-viscosity oils. 2. Change the oil and filter again at 100 hours using the
3. Use the proper weight oil for your average opera- oil recommended in the above diagram. After this,
tion temperature. change oil and filter every 250 hours.
3. During intermittent cold weather operation, change
oil every 100 hours or six weeks, whichever comes
Air Single Multi-
Temperature Viscosity Viscosity first.
4. Change oil at the end of each season and the
Above 32°F
SAE 30W SAE 15-40W beginning of each season.
5. Change oil when engine is warm.
-10 to 32°F 6. Dispose of waste oil in an approved manner.
SAE 10W SAE 10-30W
(-23 to 0°C)
7. Never use a flushing oil.
Below -10°F SAE 5W SAE 5-20W 8. Loosen the clamp on the oil change tube. Remove
(-23°C) cap. Drain oil. Replace the cap and tube.
9. Refill engine with recommended oil for the season.
Figure 4: Lube Oils 10. Engine capacity with new oil filter is:
NL844T4E – 2.1 gallons (8.2 liters)
4. Some increase in oil consumption may be
expected when SAE 5W and SAE 5-20W oils are SP 3. CHANGING LUBE OIL FILTER
used. Check oil level frequently.
5. Never put additives or flushing oil in crankcase. 1. Change the lube oil filter every 250 hours.
2. Use a filter wrench to remove old filter. Dispose of
SP 1. CHECKING OIL LEVEL filter in approved manner.
3. Make sure the gasket from the old filter is removed
1. Check the oil level in the crankcase with the dip- and discarded. Clean mount face.
stick. The oil level must be in the waffled area 4. Spread a thin film of engine oil on the rubber gasket
on the stick. Never allow the level to go below on the new filter and screw it on nipple until gasket
this area. Follow the lubrication recommendations meets the sealing surface.
above. 5. Using hands only – no wrench – tighten filter
one-half turn farther. Overtightening can do
damage to filter housing.
6. Fill engine with recommended oil. Start engine and
check for leakage. Stop engine, wait 3 minutes, and
check oil level. Add additional oil if necessary.
7. Oil filter part number is:
NL844T4E – #24-02002
ONL844T4E 3/18
When No. 1
cyl. is at TDC
in compression
With the
turned by 3600
in normal
direction from
ONL844T4E 3/18
ONL844T4E 3/18
CAUTION: Escaping diesel fuel under pressure can penetrate skin causing serious personal injury.
Before disconnecting lines be sure to relieve all pressure. Before applying pressure, be sure all
connections are tight and lines, pipes and hoses are not damaged. Fuel escaping from a very small hole
can be almost invisible. Use a piece of cardboard or wood, rather than hands, to search for suspected
leaks. If injured by escaping fuel, see a doctor at once. Serious infection or reaction can develop if proper
medical treatment is not administered immediately.
1. The fuel system is self-bleeding. However, any 3. Loosen bleed screw “C”. Pump hand primer “B”
system may need manual bleeding when: until pure fuel (no bubbles) escapes. Then tighten
a. A new fuel filter is installed; bleed screw “C”.
b. The engine has run out of fuel; 4. If the engine does not start after the above
c. The fuel lines, injection pump or any other fuel bleeding process, loosen a fuel line at the injector
system component has been removed and while cranking the engine with the starter motor
installed. until pure fuel escapes. Then tighten the connection.
2. Loosen bleed bolt “A” (Figure 9) on top of the filter. Do each line one-at-a-time.
Pump hand primer “B” on fuel lift pump until pure 5. After the engine has started, use a piece of cardboard
fuel (no bubbles) escapes from bleed bolt “A”. to look for fuel leaks.
Tighten bleed screw “A”.
ONL844T4E 3/18
1. Injectors should be checked every 1000 hours, or as 1. Since operating conditions may vary considerably, it
needed. Check should be made by a Northern Lights is difficult to give a definite interval for checking the
dealer or local injection repair station. injection pump. But as a rule, pump settings,
maximum speed, idle speed, and exhaust smoke
CAUTION: Escaping diesel fuel under pressure should be checked after every 2500 hours of
can have sufficient force to penetrate the skin operation. Service of the fuel injection pump should
causing serious personal injury. If injured by only be done if checks indicate pump malfunction.
escaping diesel fuel, see a doctor at once. 2. Black smoke can be an indication of pump
malfunction. Before servicing the pump, check other
2. Injector removal: possible causes:
a. Clean loose dirt from around the injectors and a. Check cleanliness of air filter.
the fuel lines. b. Check valve clearances.
b. Relieve high pressure in the fuel lines by c. Clean and check injectors.
loosening the delivery line flare nuts at each 3. Any repair which involves disassembly of the
injector (Figure 10). injection pump must be carried out by specially trained
c. Remove delivery lines by disconnecting from mechanics with the proper tools and test equipment.
injectors and injection pump (Figure 11). Remove NOTE: All warranties on the engine become null
all lines as an assembly; do not remove the spacers. and void if the injection pump seals are broken by
Cover the ends of the lines, the injector inlets and unauthorized persons.
injection pump outlets to keep dirt out (Figure 12).
d. Remove the return line retaining bolts (Figure 13).
Remove the return line (Figure 14).
e. Unscrew and remove the injectors (Figure 15).
NOTE: Do not use pry bars to remove injectors
from cylinder head.
f. After removing the injectors, discard the copper
sealing washers from the injector hole in the head
(Figure 16). Cover holes to prevent dirt and debris
from entering the cylinders.
3. Injector installation:
a. Install a new copper sealing washer in each
injector hole (Figure 16).
b. Screw in injector and tighten to 44 - 51 ft/lbs
(6 to 7 kgm) (Figure 17).
NOTE: Overtightening can damage injector.
c. Install return line using a new sealing washer
below each connection. Tighten return line
retaining bolts to 22 - 30 ft/lbs.
d. Install delivery lines. Leave loose at injectors for
e. Crank engine to fill lines. Tighten lines at
injectors to 11-18 ft./lbs. Start engine and check
for leaks using a piece of paper or cardboard.
DO NOT use hand to check for leaks.
ONL844T4E 3/18
Figures 10-17: For illustrative purposes only, may not be exact model.
Figure 10: Remove delivery line flare nuts. Figure 14: Remove return line.
Figure 12: Cover lines, inlets and injection pump outlets. Figure 16: Remove and replace copper sealing washer.
Figure 13: Remove return line nuts. Figure 17: Reinstall injector. Torque to proper tightness.
ONL844T4E 3/18
CAUTION: The cooling water in the engine 1. Flush the cooling system every 2500 hours or every
reaches extremely high temperatures. You must 12 months, whichever comes first.
use extreme caution when working on hot 2. Industrial sets:
engines to avoid burns. Allow the engine to cool a. Remove radiator cap and the radiator drain and
before working on the cooling system. Open the drain engine block.
filler cap carefully, using protective clothing b. Pour clean water into radiator until water
when the engine is warm. coming from radiator is free of discoloration and
SP13. CHECK THE COOLANT LEVEL c. Close the radiator drain and continue flushing
until water from the engine drain is clear.
1. Check the coolant level each day before starting the d. Open all drain cocks and drain completely.
engine. Check the water level by removing the pres- e. Close drain cock and refill with recommended
sure cap from the radiator. mixture.
In order to give the cooling water an opportunity to f. Clean leaves, dust, and other debris off the
expand, the level should be about 1 in. (2.5 cm) below radiator fins.
the filler cap sealing surface when the engine is cold. 3. Coolant Specifications:
2. The pressure valve in the filler cap releases when the Use 50% distilled water / 50% ethylene glycol
pressure is approximately 7 PSI (0.5 bar). Use a cap antifreeze mix. Antifreeze mixture is recommended
pressure tester to check cap if you suspect it is faulty. as a good year-round coolant.
4. Check hoses and connections and repair any leakage.
ONL844T4E 3/18
1. Check for air leaks every 250 hours. Air leak- 1. Never switch battery switch off or break the circuit
age will lower engine output and may cause black between the alternator and batteries while the engine
exhaust smoke and soot. is running. Regulator damage can result.
2. Listen along air line while the engine is running. 2. Do NOT reverse the polarity of battery cables when
Leaking is indicated by a whistling or hissing sound. installing the battery.
3. Leakage on the pressure side, between the turbo and 3. If welding on the unit, disconnect the regulator and
the engine, can be found by applying soapy water to battery. Isolate the leads.
the air line. 4. Disconnect the battery cables when servicing the
4. Tighten the hose clamps and replace hoses and gas- D.C. alternator.
kets as needed. 5. Never test with a screwdriver, etc., against any
5. Ensure that lubrication and cooling lines are tight terminal to see if it emits sparks.
and not leaking. 6. Do not polarize the alternator or regulator.
7. A D.C. circuit breaker protects your control panel
and wiring harness. It is located in the side of the
generator junction box.
ONL844T4E 3/18
Figure 19:
Battery connections.
ONL844T4E 3/18
Battery Will Not Charge Loose or corroded connections • Clean and tighten battery connections.
Sulfated or worn out batteries • Check specific gravity of each battery.
• Check electrolyte level of each battery.
Loose or defective alternator belt • Adjust belt tension.
• Replace belt.
Starter Inoperative Check DC circuit breaker • If the breaker is tripped, reset it.
Loose or corroded connections • Clean and tighten loose battery and
harness plug connection.
Low battery output • Check specific gravity of each battery.
• Check electrolyte level of each battery.
Defective electrical system • Repair or replace.
ground wire:
Entire Electrical System Check DC circuit breaker • If breaker is tripped, reset it.
Does Not Function
Faulty connection • Clean and tighten battery and harness
plug connections.
Sulfated or worn out batteries • Check specific gravity and electrolyte
level of each battery.
If you cannot correct problems with these procedures, see your Northern Lights dealer.
ONL844T4E 3/18
Engine Hard to Start Improper starting procedure • See starting section of this manual. Take
or Will Not Start special note of Bypass Switch operation.
No fuel • Check level of fuel in fuel tank.
Low battery output • Check electrolyte level and condition.
Excessive resistance • Clean and tighten all battery connections.
in starting circuit
Crankcase oil too heavy • Use oil of proper viscosity.
Improper type of fuel • Consult fuel supplier and use proper type
of fuel for operating condition.
Water, dirt or air in fuel system • Drain, flush, fill and bleed system.
Clogged primary • Clean or replace filter element.
fuel filter element
Clogged secondary • Replace filter element.
fuel filter element
Dirty or faulty injection nozzles • Have your dealer check injection nozzles.
Engine Runs Irregularly Below normal engine temperature • Remove and check thermostat.
or Stalls Frequently
Clogged primary • Clean or replace filter element.
fuel filter element
Clogged secondary • Replace secondary filter element.
fuel filter element
Water or dirt in the fuel system • Drain, flush, fill and bleed system.
Dirty or faulty injection nozzles • Have your dealer check injection nozzles.
Air in fuel system • Inspect clamps and hoses on suction side
of fuel pump for air leak.
Improper type of fuel • Consult fuel supplier and use proper type
of fuel for operating condition.
ONL844T4E 3/18
Engine Overheats Low coolant level • Fill tank or radiator to proper level.
• Check hoses for loose connections
and leaks.
Cooling system needs flushing • Flush cooling system.
Defective thermostat • Remove and check thermostat.
Defective temperature gauge • Check water temperature with thermometer
and replace gauge if necessary.
High Fuel Consumption Improper type of fuel • Use correct fuel for temperature.
Clogged or dirty air cleaner • Service air cleaner.
Improper valve clearance • Contact your dealer.
Injection nozzles dirty • Contact your dealer.
Injection pump timing off • Contact your dealer.
Engine not at proper temperature • Check your thermostats.
• Check water temperature with thermometer
and replace gauge if necessary.
Low Oil Pressure Low oil level • Fill crankcase to proper level.
Improper type of oil • Drain and fill crankcase with correct oil.
Partially plugged oil filter • Replace filter.
High Oil Consumption Break-in period • Oil consumption decreases after break in.
Crankcase oil too light • Use proper viscosity oil.
Oil leaks • Check for leaks in lines around gaskets
and drain plug.
If you cannot correct problems with these procedures, see your Northern Lights dealer.
ONL844T4E 3/18
Engine Emits Black Clogged or dirty air cleaner • Service air cleaner.
or Gray Exhaust Smoke
Defective muffler • Have dealer check back pressure.
(back pressure too high)
Improper fuel • Use correct fuel for temperature.
Injection nozzles dirty • Contact your dealer.
Engine timing off • Contact your dealer.
If you cannot correct problems with these procedures, see your Northern Lights dealer.
ONL844T4E 3/18
ONL844T4E 3/18
AC Wiring Diagram