Vitrified Clay Pipe: Standard Test Methods For
Vitrified Clay Pipe: Standard Test Methods For
Vitrified Clay Pipe: Standard Test Methods For
bearings shall be attached to the machine so as to receive and Three-edge bearings shall consist of an upper mem-
uniformly transmit the loads required in the tests, without ber, comprised of a bearing beam on which one contact edge is
vibration or shock. The upper bearing shall be free to rotate in located so that it lies in the vertical plane passing through the
a vertical plane through the longitudinal axis of the bearing and longitudinal axis of the pipe; and a lower member comprised of
the pipe. a bearing beam on which two contact edges are symmetrically
5.3.2 Bearing Beams—Bearing beams shall not deflect located parallel to that vertical plane.
more than a 14 by 8-in. (355 by 205-mm), 53-lb/linear ft The contact edges shall consist of rubber strips
(73-kg/linear m), wide flange beam as specified by the Ameri- alone, or hardwood strips with plaster of paris fillets. Contact
can Institute of Steel Construction. Under no circumstances edges shall uniformly contact the outside barrel of the pipe.
shall the deflection in inches or millimetres under maximum The two contact edges on the lower member shall be
load exceed that given by the ratio L/720 in which L is the
spaced apart approximately 1 in./ft (83 mm/m) of pipe diam-
beam length in inches or millimetres. The length of the bearing
eter, but in no case less than 1 in. (25 mm).
beams shall be no less than the full length of the outside barrel
of the pipe. Built-up bearing beams may be used, provided Positioning strips may be used to align the upper
their deflection does not exceed that specified. In order for the contact edge and to align and space the lower contact edges. In
bell or socket of the pipe to clear the bearing beams, it is the case of rubber contact edges, positioning strips shall not
recommended that the bearing beams be faced with a metal or exceed one half of the thickness of the contact edge and may
hardwood member for affixing the contact edges. remain in place.
5.3.3 Three-Edge Bearings: If rubber strips are used as contact edges, they shall
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