Impact of HR Practice On Employee Job Satisfaction: "A Study of Synchro World Limited in Myanmar"
Impact of HR Practice On Employee Job Satisfaction: "A Study of Synchro World Limited in Myanmar"
Impact of HR Practice On Employee Job Satisfaction: "A Study of Synchro World Limited in Myanmar"
1. Introduction
As per theoretical background and the review of world literatures, both of employees’
job satisfaction and human resource practices are became a vital role in the discussions,
researches and reviews in any working industries. In recent research on management science,
received the substantial attention that human resource practices are key for improving
employees’ performance and organizational image [ CITATION Phi13 \l 1033 ]. And, as an also
suggestion to relationship with turnover, level of job satisfaction and organizational
commitment can, subsequently, be impacted to degree of employee’s resignation [ CITATION
Mar11 \l 1033 ]. Furthermore, to be comprehensively consideration in Employees’ satisfaction,
all-around module of an organization’s HR strategies will be involved [ CITATION ODE13 \l
1033 ]. Thus, many researchers also always attempted to identify the various components of
job satisfaction, to measure the important relativity factors of each component of job
satisfaction and to investigate what effects these components have on employees’
The majority of this research may also compose the crucial in HR activities of
Synchro World Limited in which recruitment & selection, pay system, rewards & benefits,
promotion plan, training & development, performance assessment, and so on. Additionally, it
was closely related with organizational phenomena such as motivation, leadership style,
management model, conflict, ethic and moral, and then organizational behavior, culture,
communication, repression, equity, etc. Noticeably, each of employees Job satisfaction rates
may be difference and their descriptions of why job satisfaction will also be variables.
3. Research Problem
In principle, any organization (business owners) prefer in working together with
reliable talented employees who have good attitude and behavior with loyalty. Even though
large organizations/ business corporations have been seriously focusing on their human
resource as development as their organization, in the contemporary world, they has been
facing the most common challenges regarding recruitment, retention, commitment, ethics,
engagement, attitude and behavior of employees. Particularly, taking actions of penalty (eg;
late, absents, etc) or termination or increasing working-hours or reducing benefits or etc,
harshly feedbacks (complaints/ arguments) from most employees (resistors) are faced as
major problems [ CITATION Den15 \l 1033 ]. Besides, when define and allocate job description,
replacement, job transferring, training in holidays and some HR policies had enacted by HR
authorized persons, as HR teams, had to deal hardly with individual employee. Synchro
World Limited organization also has been often facing above most of issues due to its some
human resource activities. Typically, perceptions of most business owners, staff and HR
practitioners/ professionals may less potential to be the same way on human resource
management (HRM) in sometimes. As usually, HR officers negotiate and coordinate with
between the attitudes of owners and employees as a mediator, and alternatively, have to
implement effectively employee engagement simultaneously.
Human resource professionals of most organizations realized that need to know more
about the factors which can increase employee satisfaction, and how it fits into a company’s
overall success[ CITATION BIS18 \l 1033 ]. As Synchro World Limited also, therefore, strive to
find how relationships between HR practices and job satisfaction in the context of
organization and this study will effectively be supported to this organization for sustainable
development. The main purpose of this thesis based on survey questions and keeps ultimate
existence and step organizational development through application and analysis of theory.
Moreover, this thesis focus not only on review the present situation of employee job
satisfaction but also find out how to renovate the way of improvement to current job
satisfaction of employees. There is no assessing research for employee’s satisfaction status
and quality of work with their salaries in this company. Therefore, the main mission of this
thesis is to identify that how crucial the relationships of HR policies and job satisfaction in
Synchro World Limited.
4. Limitation of Study
Despite this research paper tends to reveal the impact of employee’s job satisfaction on
HR practices in Synchro World Limited, these small research data and information may not
be represented to the overall employees in this entire company in Myanmar. Financial and
time frame are also as aggressively restrictions as number of participants for this project
paper. Some of data from this analysis may properly be useful in this organizational
development programs depend on the situations at all times. In addition, current findings as
posits another limitation of empirical generalization may also be supported for researchers in
5. Research Methodology
Working Condition
Job Satisfaction
Training & Development
Increment & Promotion
(Figure – 1)
There are totally roundabout (750) employees in Synchro World Limited in Myanmar
and over (400) in Yangon Division. Among them, researcher mainly applied simple random
sampling method which is used in quantitative social science research in order to avoid bias
way [ CITATION Cro18 \l 1033 ] for (300) respondents in sample size. Questionnaires were
distributed to (300) participants of Synchro World Limited to study the impact of HR
activities on employees’ satisfaction in its working environment. However, individually face
to face interview may also be used by depend on situation in sometimes.
In part B questions, concerned with HR practices and job satisfaction factors of respondents
were contributed.
6. Data Analysis
By using descriptive and inferential statistics, data were collected through the survey
that was quantitatively analyzed. And, this project is applied IBM Statistical Package for the
Social Science (SPSS) version 22 in statistical data documents analyses. In addition,
qualitative data analysis may also be used by depend on situation in sometimes.
8. Summary
Hostage (1975) quoted Marriott, founder of the American Hotel chain, commented
“you can’t make guests happy without happy employees”[ CITATION San16 \l 1033 ]. This
suggestion is significantly confirmed about the employee satisfaction. Because, satisfaction is
the most fundamental pleasurable feeling of employees in a work place. Particularly, job
satisfaction should be the main priority for retain and attract talented people or qualified staff.
Also on the other side, there is a very important to approach balance in care on the
association of HR practices and job satisfaction of all employees for any organization.
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