Technical Specification 2
Technical Specification 2
Technical Specification 2
5 [Defects and Rejection] shall apply if any Plant, Materials and other parts of the
Works fails to pass a specified test, unless otherwise stated in the Technical Specification.
The Contractor shall carry out the Test on Completion in accordance with the sub-clause 9 [Test
on Completion] of the CC, unless otherwise stated in the Contract and in these Technical
During the construction process, the Engineer or Employer has full authority to conduct random
or targeted1 sampling and testing to assess the properties of the materials and works. If requested
by the Engineer or Employer, the Contractor shall provide necessary equipment and personnel
for sampling and the sample(s) shall be handed over to the Engineer or Employer.
The Contractor shall submit a Quality Control Plan identifying Contractor’s personnel, execution
procedures, controls, instructions, tests, records, and forms to be used to carry out Contractor's
quality-assurance and quality-control responsibilities. The QC Plan shall be coordinated with the
Contractor's construction schedule.
Submittal procedure
The Contractor shall describe procedures for ensuring compliance with requirements through
review and management of submittal process. The Contractor shall indicate qualifications of
personnel responsible for submittal review.
Targeted sampling and testing – QC procedure where sampling and testing is aimed at specific location,
area, pilestock, etc. This is usually done in cases where the material, product, etc. has variable organoleptic
properties (e.g. appearance).
Corrective action
The Contractor shall establish, maintain, and document procedures to ensure that conditions
adverse to quality, such as failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, deviations, and defects in material
and equipment shall be promptly identified and corrected. In the case of conditions adverse to
quality, the measure shall ensure that the cause of the condition is determined, and corrective
action is immediately taken to preclude repetition of such conditions. Corrective action and related
information shall be documented and made available to the Employer upon request. Corrective
action shall extend to the performance of all Subcontractors.
Evidence of compliance
The Contractor shall give evidence of compliance subject to the provisions of sub-clause 4.9
[Quality Management and Compliance Verification System] of the CC and sub-section 1.5.1
“Contractor´s Quality Management system” in this Technical Specification.
The Contractor shall establish and maintain objective, verifiable evidence of compliance with all
of the requirements of the Contract.
1. The Contractor may use certificates of compliance from its Subcontractor for certain
materials and products in lieu of the specified sampling and testing procedures as
approved by the Employer. The Contractor shall submit the certificates required for
demonstrating proof of compliance of materials delivered to the work. The submission
shall clearly identify the lot certified through the relevant certificate. An authorized
representative of the producer and/or manufacturer shall sign the certificates, stating that
the material complies in all respect with contract requirements.
2. The certificate of compliance shall be accompanied with a certified copy of test results or
state that such test results are on file with the producer or manufacturer and will be
furnished to the Employer on request. On the certificate, the Contractor shall give the