The Problem and Its Background
The Problem and Its Background
The Problem and Its Background
In the Philippines, many businesses are being established to provide products and
services which aims to meet the needs or wants of the Filipino citizens. According to all
Filipinos, food business is one of the classifications of business that can be found in the
Philippines and is considered the most popular type. Ashfield District Council defined
food business as a form of a retail shop that sells different kinds of products specialized
by a specific place. Moreover, this kind of business thrives to gain the attention of many
customers and satisfy the demands, such as the different spices, seasonal trends, or a
certain combination of foods into one. Focusing on food combinations or trends, there is
often misconception between the terms used to specify “where to eat?”. As such, eatery
and restaurant are the two common terms that are being used, identified, and had given
wrong connotation by most of the people. As per English Language Learners (2014),
claimed that eatery is like “restaurant version 2.0” wherein it immediately enters and
appeals in the mindset of an individual as it creates experiential effect through the various
dishes present in the place. On the other hand, Mealey (2018) defined and classified
restaurant as a place wherein food choices are expensive and of high quality as it
JuandefulPinoy blog (2012) stated that Filipinos enjoy and love to eat cheap and
traditional cuisines because of its uniqueness in taste and as part of the Philippine
tradition. Fitzsimons (2019) claimed that Filipinos are also fond of goods that are at
reasonable prices, especially when it comes to food, thus became one of the reasons why
Filipinos patronized local eateries. Escalona (2017) presented karinderya and lugaw
business, Villanueva (2009) asserted that it commonly serves products that are being
offered or cooked in households such as lugaw, goto, tapsi, etc. These meals are often at
a low cost since Filipinos tend to buy a product when it sounds inexpensive.
Customer’s preference in local eateries has distinct components that are being
considered which influences their capability to decide. One of the key elements of their
decision-making is the factors such as menu variety, food quality, price, environment,
and location that affect their selection in a place where to eat. These factors which
influenced a Filipino citizen’s decision on choosing a certain eatery has been taken into
consideration as it can further lead to their better buying motives and decision-making in
selecting a local eatery. According to Kafel and Sikora (2013), there were seven factors
found that influenced consumer eatery selection, namely food quality, menu variety,
cleanliness, service, value, convenience, and atmosphere. Another study by Mhlanga and
Tichaawa (2016) showed similar factors of customer eatery selection such as quality of
service, food quality, ambiance, recommendations, and frequency of the customer. These
factors build up the perception that customers consider upon selecting their preferred
local eatery.
Food quality and menu variety are one of the factors a customer considers when
choosing a place where to eat and is believed to be an important attribute that influence
restaurant decision. Cullen (2004) has recognized food quality and menu of a restaurant
as the key variables in customers’ decision- making process. Josiam and Monteiro (2004)
concur that unique food taste and ingredients play an important role for customers when
selecting a restaurant. Mhlanga, Hattingh, and Moolman (2014) stated that restaurants
frequently develop new menus and offer a selection of different menu items in order to
increase customer frequency. Furthermore, Kaura (2011) found out that customers over
60 years of age indicate food quality as the most important attribute in determining their
quality and menus on restaurant selection criteria as this can guide restaurants in their
target market, marketing strategies and customer frequency according to Ryu, Lee, and
Kim (2012).
al. (2012) found and stated that price has a positive impact on customer satisfaction.
Kafel and Sikora (2013) assert that restaurant consumers use price as a measure for the
quality of the restaurant. Thus, the importance of the restaurant choice factor differs
One of a food business’ top priorities is acquiring good location. A good location
is where it is easily accessible and is essential in a certain area based on Sean Kennedy’s
Location analysis for restaurant industry. Customers tend to choose accessible eateries for
more convenience. Another reason of having good location is high foot traffic, meaning
many people pass through the area and are attracted to the business. Furthermore, the
more populated an area is, the more profitable the business, based on the article The
Balance Small Business. In addition, highly populated areas enable the business to
Appearance and ambiance are two other factors in consumer eatery selection
eatery consists of decoration, furniture and facilities used. Mostly, customers obtain their
(Blackman, 2005). Whether it presents a clean and hygienic place or is rundown and
unsanitary, the customer also selects an eatery according to how comfortable they are
eating there as stated by Stan Mack. It is for their comfortability and safety when eating
at a local place. It also shows that a business considers the welfare of their customers if
their facilities and furniture are well treated. It shows that they care for the health and
safety of their customers when serving their dishes (Marriott & Gravani, 2013) Moreover,
ambiance gives a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere for the customers to experience
stated from an article in Sign. Customers’ claims that ambiance and style suit their
esteem need (Akbar & Alaudeen, 2012). It makes customers gain more experiences and
can generate the word of mouth according from the article of Sign. Therefore, the
appearance and ambiance can gain customer satisfaction about the eatery (Kivela, 2000).
Such factors affect the way a business profit and how the customers decide when
selecting out an eatery. Nevertheless, the researchers’ intentions are to further expand the
knowledge in the food industry. The foremost objective of this study is to know and
analyze the impact of the prevailing factors of customers in local eatery selection.
Following objective is to know the relationship between customers’ decision making and
the prevailing factors in correlation with the growth of the local eatery business. Last
objective of the researchers is to find out the relationship between the prevailing factors
and the sales and ratings of the local eatery. As these objectives of the study are expected
to be seen in the results and would develop and help following businesses for greater
The purpose of this study is to know the most prevailing factors of why a
consumer prefer Goto Bob, that customers of Goto Bob choose when deciding on a local
eatery. Likewise, those factors can be used to improve a business’ welfare and state
especially local eateries. Moreover, it can be used as marketing strategy and input what a
business is lacking. Not only can it be applied to current local eateries or businesses, but
also future businesses and entrepreneurs. This is for them to be aware and plan out what
is best before establishing their business. Another reason also is to gain more profit by
satisfying the needs and wants of the customers. Last purpose is to determine the factors
The researchers are motivated to do this study for the following reasons: The
researchers’ attention were captured with the vast growth of Goto Bob as it became one
of the well-known gotohan in Marikina; The researchers also wanted to know the process
behind the acquired success of Goto Bob; To acquire knowledge regarding the factors
affecting its success in terms of its prominence to other ‘lugawan’ stores; To determine
the prevailing factor that influence the customer to its decision making among the
following: food quality, menu variety, affordability, location, appearance and ambiance,
1. What are the prevailing factors that customers choose to eat at Goto Bob Parang?
2. What are the suggestions of improvements from the Goto Bob customers?
Goto bob owner/s will know their customers’ perspectives on to the necessary needs and
wants about their business. From there they can formulate and devise a plan on further
competitive advantage for the business among its competitors. This is to provide
Owners of related local eatery as they would expect what prevailing factors that
customers decide when selecting a local eatery. Those prevailing factors can inform the
businesses. Additionally, assess what operations can they do enhance those following
Customers, this study would reinforce the customers’ suggestions and preferences on the
wants and needs they want to see on a local eatery. Likewise, they will be aware of the
Entrepreneurs will have the advantage by knowing the prevailing factors. They can
apply such developments on the business that they will establish in the future.
Future researchers would be able to continue the study, from the recommendations of
the current researchers. They can further expand the knowledge of the marketing or
business field. Moreover, some researchers can use this as a basis for their thesis or
market research.
Parang’s Customers in Relation with Local Eatery Selection during the first semester of
the Academic Year 2019-2020 with the intention to identify the utmost factors that
customers consider. The factors that the researchers would only dwell on are Food
quality, Menu variety, Affordability, Ambiance and Appearance, and Location. Desired
and suggested improvements of the customers to the local eatery will only be related to
The research will only be conducted in Goto Bob at their branch at Parang,
Marikina City. The respondents of the study were composed of sixty (60) conveniently
selected customers from Goto Bob Parang. The results of this study is only applicable to
its respondents and should not be used as a measure of knowing the prevailing factors of
Definition of Terms
Affordability- reasonable cost of the dishes particularly of its serving size and portion.
Appearance and ambiance- the physical environment and atmosphere of the eatery
Food Quality- it is the quality of the food. In terms of its ingredients used, taste, and
Sahni, S. & Mohsin, F. (2017). Factors Influencing the Selection of Fine Dining
Restaurant in Delhi & NCR: An Empirical Study [PDF file]. Retrieved from
Mhlanga, O. & Tichaawa, T.M. (2016). What are the current factors affecting
Consumers are considered one of the key factors of success of any businesses. An
article about “Consumer Behavior” made by Solomon in 2009 claimed that marketers
rely heavily on consumer behavior as they consider the wants, needs, and satisfaction of
customers that they can provide goods and services that are in lined with the consumers.
A claim by Dr. Trittipo in 2012 of University of Virginia states that understanding the
behavior of consumer through buying power can make a huge difference between a
complex because everyone has different perception and attitude towards purchasing,
Century” written by Hoyer and Maclnnis in 2010 contradicted the statement by asserting
that consumers in today’s generation face variety of options better than before. The
widely available options are being taken into consideration by consumers in deciding
whether the option suits their standards. “Consumer Behavior in the 21 st Century” book
made by Hoyer and Maclnnis in 2010 also asserted that consumers often set criteria as a
guide in making decisions and setting standards. Only relevant criteria are being accepted
and considered by consumers since they are assessing its importance for the future
Olson and Reynolds in 2009 stated that choice decision and criteria always involve the
studies. Accordance to Kafel and Sikora (2013) there are seven factors which are food
quality, menu variety, cleanliness, service, value, convenience and atmosphere. As stated
by Akbar and Alaudeen (2012) there are five significant factors, which are food quality,
Mhlanga and Tichaawa (2016) observed the current factors of eatery selection are
restaurants. The three main factors from the results are mainly food quality, service, and
ambiance. Common among the studies showed that there are five factors that the
researchers focused on. Particularly those are food quality, menu variety, affordability,
location, appearance and ambiance. Most of the result from studies of Kaura (2011) and
Mhangla and Tichaawa (2016) have shown that the most prevailing factor is food quality.
Another study from Kaura (2011) indicated that food quality is the most important
Moolman (2014) stated that food variety increases customer frequency. According to
Akbar and Alaudeen (2012), price serves as an important role to the business, as
consumer are much in favor with lower price. In looking at location, convenience and
accessibility is needed for the customers as mentioned by Kennedy. Finally, Heap (2014)
concluded that appearance and ambiance make a customer satisfied from what they
The researchers wanted to know the factors of how Goto Bob was a go to eatery
for the people around it. One of it is to be considered is the preferences of each customer
for the business to satisfy which will be in the factor in the decision-making regarding the
selection of the local eatery the customers' wanted. There are five factors that may
surround the decision-making of the customers’ of Goto Bob. These factors are
ambiance, food quality, food variety, affordability and location. These factors overlook
ones’ decision making when it comes to a place that you want to eat. A study in the year
2013 claims that there were seven factors which were food quality, menu variety,
cleanliness, service, value, convenience and atmosphere, it shows that many studies are
coming up with different learning about eateries or restaurants. Furthermore, the latest
study in the year 2016 revealed that the current factors are convenience, to relax, been
there before, celebration, business need, social occasion, quality food, good service, good
In commonalities, there were five factors that the researchers focuses on which are food
quality which is the most attribute in determining the experience in the restaurant,
the customer since they are much favor in lower price, location/convenience and
accessibility are needs of a customer, appearance and ambiance which makes a customer
Reference List
Akbar, Y.A.A. &Alaudeen, M.S.S. (2012). Determinant of factors that influence
consumer in choosing normal full-service restaurants: Case in Seri Iskandar, Perak.
South East Asian Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law [Pdf file]
Retrieved from
Heap, D. (2014, January 16). Restaurant Ambiance & How It Impacts Profitablity.
Retrieved from
Hoyer, W.D. and Maclnnis, D.J. (2010). Consumer Behavior in the 21st Century.
Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia.
Kafel, P. & Sikora, T. (2013). The usage of quality management methods and tools in
food sector organizations. Food Science Technology Quality retrieved from
Kennedy, S. (n.d.). Location Analysis for the Restaurant Industry. Retrieved from
Mhlanga, O., Hattingh, Z. & Moolman, H. J. (2014). The effect of restaurant attributes
on customers’ expectations and experiences in formal full-service restaurants in Port
Elizabeth, South Africa. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Retrieved
Mhlanga, O. &Tichaawa, T.M. (2016). What are the current factors affecting consumer
selection criteria in formal full-service restaurants in Port Elizabeth, South Africa? [PDF
file]. Retrieved from
Olson, J.C. and Reynolds, T.J. (2009). Understanding consumer decision
making.Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers.
Sahni, S. & Mohsin, F. (2017). Factors influencing the selection of fine dining restaurant
in Delhi & NCR: An Empirical Study [PDF file]. Retrieved from
Solomon, M. (2019). Consumer Behavior. Retrieved from
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
Menu Variety
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework showing the factors of Goto Bob Parang’s customers
Theoretical Framework
The EKB Model would be the foundation of the study. Engel, Kollat, and
Blackwell Model, also known as EKB Model concerns about the sequential process of a
consumer behavior undergoing decision making. Within the process, it talks about certain
factors that influence a consumer’s decision. Those factors are also the main focus of the
the consumer. Under external factors are the quality, variety, price, availability, and
environment. Decision making takes place by evaluating the product to fit a consumer’s
evaluation criteria. A consumer’s decision would result in actions such as searching for
other alternatives, make purchase to satisfy the needs or solved the problem.
Conceptual Framework
The main point and concern of this study is to know the prevailing factors of Goto
Bob Parang’s clients in relation with their selection of local eatery. The conceptual
paradigm shows the five different factors that the researchers will use for the entire study
and how it affects the preference of Goto Bob Parang’s clients using and in lined with the
EKB model. As the factors are the ones who influence the decision making of a
consumer. It is where they would assess the product and business by the factors and
fitting it to their evaluation criteria leading to its buying approach. The five factors that
will be used in the study are inspired from the external factor information under the EKB
The study about the “Factors affecting the decision-making of Goto Bob’s
design, approach, and method that enables the researchers to interpret the findings and
factors in lined with the decision-making of customers that is anchored with the study.
Descriptive research, as defined by Glass and Hopkins (1980) and Sanchez (1980), is a
tool that involves gathering necessary data that describes the events related to the field of
study and a process of gathering mere information that involves interpreting the
The study will be conducted at Goto Bob. The specific place would be at its Goto
Bob Parang branch located at Marikina City. The Goto Bob started from a small
“lugawan” place within Marikina City. While Goto Bob is famous for their goto and
lugaw they have a menu if you want to eat “lutong bahay”. From a small business it
turned into an eatery which the customers have a variety of different foods. Its popularity
is known by everyone who has low budget when it comes to eating for an affordable
price. Over the years Goto Bob branched out to further serve many people. It is also
convenient for PUV drivers, students, construction workers and truck drivers who are
always on the go and want a hassle-free food service that they can access. Also, food that
The respondents would be the customers of Goto Bob Parang Marikina City and
it is also considered as the population of the study. This research used convenience
sampling, as selected respondents would be chosen for taking impart of answering the
survey. The criteria for the respondents would be those who have already purchased and
is currently consuming it at Goto Bob. Also, since convenience sampling will be used,
those who are willing to answer the survey are the respondents of the research.
Research Instrument
The researchers will use a self-made survey consisting of 21 items by its decision
factors. It would be tested by reliability and be validated to statistics teachers. This survey
is created to find out what Goto Bob Parang customers’ most prevailing factor of
selecting Goto Bob as a local eatery. The survey consists of the following parts using
closed-ended questions. First part contains three questions relating to the background of
the customer with Goto Bob. Second part incorporates the main reason of the customer in
selecting Goto Bob as their local eatery. Third part would be divided by the following
factors to search through more data. Each factor would have two to three closed-ended
questions. Those factors are food quality, menu variety, affordability, location, ambiance
and appearance.
A letter for approval would be given to Goto Bob Parang owner. Its content is
seeking approval for conducting data gathering at Goto Bob Parang. After confirmation
the researchers will start collecting data. Data collection of the researchers would be
undergoing daily for two to three hours. The aim is to distribute a total of 60 surveys to
minute time limit for completion. Each survey that has been distributed must be retrieved
Treatment of Data
The data gathered would be analyzed, interpreted and presented using the
Σ fx
x́ = mean
n = total frequency