Grasas Compatibilidad y Comparacion
Grasas Compatibilidad y Comparacion
Grasas Compatibilidad y Comparacion
Thickener or soap
Thickener or soap is the system, which holds the oil and/or additives together to enable the lubricating
grease to function. The thickener system is formed from either soaps or non–soaps. The type of thicke
gives the grease its typical characteristics. Soaps are based on lithium, calcium, sodium, barium, or
aluminium. Non–soaps are based on organic or non–organic solids, bentonite clay, polyurea, silica gel.
+ o - + - o o - o o
o + o + - o o - o o
- o + o o + + - o o
+ + o + + o o + - -
- - o + + o - o o +
o o + o o + + - - o
o o + o - + + + o o
- - - + o - + + - o
o o o - o - o - + o
o o o - + o o o o +
sulphonate + + - + + o o - - +
+ = Compatible o = Test required - = Incompatible
Note: SKF high performance, high temperature bearing grease LGHP 2 is not a common polyurea type
grease. It is a di–urea bearing grease, which has successfully been tested for compatibility with lithium
and lithium complex thickened greases i.e. LGHP 2 is compatible with such greases.
Base oil
The base oil is the oil inside the grease, which provides the lubrication under the operating conditions.
Greases are normally based on mineral oils. Synthetic oils can be used for very specific applications su
as extremely high or low temperatures. The base oil generally constitutes more than 70% of a grease’s
Base oil compatibility chart
Mineral Ester Polyglycol Silicone: Silicone: Polyphenyl-
oil / PAO methyl phenyl ether
Mineral oil /
+ + - - + o
Ester + + + - + o
Polyglycol - + + - - -
- - - + + -
+ + - + + +
o o - - + +
PFPE - - - - - -
+ = Compatible o = Test required - = Incompatible
Additives are used to provide additional characteristics such as wear and corrosion protection, friction
reducing effects and preventing damage under boundary and mixed lubrication conditions.
Grease consistency/penetration
A measure of the stiffness of a grease. The consistency is classified according to a scale developed by t
NLGI (National Lubricating Grease Institute). This is based on the degree of penetration achieved by
allowing a standard cone to sink into the grease at a temperature of 25 °C for a period of five seconds.
depth of penetration is measured on a scale of 10-1 mm and the softer greases allow the cone to
penetrate further into the grease, hence the higher penetration number. The test method is in accordan
to DIN ISO 2137.
DIN 51825
for example: K P 2 G - 20 Application area
Typical Usage K K= Greases for bearings
G= Grease for closed gears
OG= Greases for open gears
M= Greases for friction bearings/sealing
Additional information P P= EP additives
F= Solid lubricants
E= Ester
NLGI Grade 2 (see NLGI classification)
Upper operating temperature
G (see next table)
and water resistance
Lower operating temperature -20 -20 °C
Drop point
The drop point is the temperature at which the grease sample, when heated, will begin to flow through
opening and is measured according to DIN ISO 2176. The drop point does not relate to the allowable
operating service temperature of the grease.
Mechanical stability
The consistency of a rolling bearing grease should not alter, or only slightly, during the working life of th
rolling bearing. Depending on the application, the following tests can be relevant to evaluate the
mechanical stability of a grease.
Prolonged penetration
The grease sample is filled into a cup and using an automatic device (called a grease worker) subjected
100 000 double strokes. At the end of the test the penetration of the grease is measured. The differenc
between the measured penetration at 60 strokes and after 100 000 strokes penetration is reported as
change in 10-1 mm
Roll stability
The change in the grease structure (amount of softening or hardening) can be evaluated by filling a
cylinder with a pre–specified quantity of grease. A roller is placed inside the cylinder and the complete
unit is rotated for 2 hours at room temperature in accordance with ASTM D 1403. SKF modified the
standard test procedure to reflect the application conditions under which the grease is used to either 7
or 100 hours at a test temperature of 80 or 100 °C. At the end of the test period the cylinder is allowed
cool to room temperature and the penetration of the grease is measured. The difference between the
original penetration and the value measured is reported as the change in penetration in 10-1 mm.
Corrosion protection
Lubricating greases should protect metal surfaces from corrosive attack in service. The corrosion
protection properties of rolling bearing greases are evaluated using the SKF Emcor method, which is
standardised under ISO 11007. Under this test method a mixture of lubricating grease and distilled wa
is present in the bearing. The bearing alternates during a defined test cycle between standstill and
rotation at 80 rpm. At the end of the test cycle the degree of corrosion is evaluated according to a scale
between 0 (no corrosion) and 5 (very severe corrosion). A more severe test method is to use salt water
replace the distilled water following the standard test procedure. In addition the test can also be carrie
out by continuously allowing water to flow or wash through the bearing arrangement during the test cy
This test method is called the SKF Distilled Water Washout Test. The evaluation procedure is exactly th
same as that used under the standardised method. However the procedure places greater demands on
the corrosion protection properties of the grease.
Copper corrosion
Lubricating greases should protect copper alloys used in bearings from corrosive attack while in servic
The copper corrosion protection properties of rolling bearing greases are evaluated using the standard
method DIN 51811. A copper strip is immersed in the grease sample and placed in an oven. The strip i
then cleaned and the degradation is observed. The result is rated by a numerical system.
Water resistance
The water resistance of lubricating greases is measured in accordance with DIN 51 807 part 1. A glass
strip is coated with the candidate grease, which is placed into a water–filled test tube. The test tube is
immersed in a water bath for three hours at a specified test temperature. The change in the grease is
evaluated visually and reported as a value between 0 (no change) and 3 (major change) along with the
Oil separation
Lubricating greases release oil when stored for long periods of time or when used in bearings as a func
of temperature. This phenomenon is necessary to ensure good lubrication. The degree of oil separation
will depend upon the thickener, base oil and manufacturing method. A cup is filled with a given quantit
grease (which is weighed before the test) and a 100 gram weight placed on top of the grease. The
complete unit is put into an oven at 40 °C for one week. At the end of the week the amount of oil, which
has leaked through the sieve is weighed and reported as a percentage of weight loss. The amount of oi
separation is measured in accordance with DIN 51 817. Test for oil bleeding rate
DIN 51 817: determination of the % oil separated after one week at 40 °C
Lubricating ability
The SKF R2F machine assesses the high temperature performance and lubricating ability of a grease,
simulating the conditions under which large size bearings operate in housings. The test method is carri
out under two different conditions. Test A is conducted at ambient temperature and Test B is conducte
120 °C. A pass rating in the unheated test (Test A) means that a grease can be used to lubricate larger
rolling bearings at normal operating temperatures and also in low vibrating applications. A pass in the
heated test (Test B) at 120 °C means that the grease is suitable for use in large roller bearings operatin
elevated temperatures.
EP performances
False Brinelling
Anti–fretting properties of a grease can be relevant for certain applications. SKF can assess these
properties using the FAFNIR test standardised as ASTM D4170. Two ball thrust bearings are loaded an
oscillated. The wear on each bearing is then measured. Greases offer good fretting protection when the
measured wear is below 7 mg.
Tags: lubrication, skf grease, skf lubrication, LAGD, LAGH, grease consistency,
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