tr0199990210510 - en Oil G
tr0199990210510 - en Oil G
tr0199990210510 - en Oil G
0199 - 99 - 02105/10 EN
This Circular supersedes:
0199 - 99 - 02105/9
- General information
- Lubricating oil selection
- Lubricating oil sampling
- Lubricating oil analysis
- Lubricating oil change
- Lubricating oil filter change
- Limit values
- Wear metals
- Lubricating oil consumption
- Interpretation of parameters of the lubricating oil analysis
- Interpretation of elements of the lubricating oil analysis
- Interpretation of the optionally analyzed elements of the lubricating oil analysis
- Approved lubricating oils
Imprint: Note:
MWM GmbH The part numbers stated in this documentation are not subject to the modification service.
Service Documentation For identifying spare parts, the spare part documentation has to be referred to.
M. Granson
Carl-Benz-Str. 1
D-68167 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 384-8455
Fax: +49 621 384-8841
Copies to:
- TR
2012-12-14 - According to SIT 07010
0199 - 99 - 02105/10 EN
General information
Risk of destruction
From non-approved lubricating oils
The result is damage to the engine and unit parts
The owner is solely responsible for observing the lubricating oil specifications described in
this technical bulletin.
The operator must be able to demonstrate his maintenance duty through lubricating oil an-
alytics in accordance with this technical bulletin.
The manufacturer accepts no liability for damage caused by the use of non-approved lubri-
cating oils or by improper operation.
Lubricating oils for combustion engines are exposed to extreme mechanical and thermal
stress. The lubricating oil should not evaporate at the high temperatures of the cylinder lin-
ers but should form a sufficiently tenacious, non-pressable, well adhesive lubricating film.
It should be thin enough in the cold state to enable starting of the cold engine. The sliding
surfaces should remain wet for restarting the engine when the engine is shut down.
The lubricating oils must generally have the following properties:
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The unused additives form deposits in the combustion chamber and in the following
system parts such as exhaust gas heat exchanger, silencer etc.
These deposits can bond with elements in the combustive gas, e.g. silicon (Si), in the
combustion chamber. These compounds are very hard and lead to abrasive wear on
pistons, piston rings, cylinder liners, valves and valve seat rings.
We therefore recommend that you operate all engines with lubricating oils according to sec-
tion Approved lubricating oils (sulfate ash content up to 0.5%) until a stable combustive
gas generation has been achieved. During this time, the basic conditions and effects of the
used combustive gas on economical and reliable operation of the engine must be deter-
mined by lubricating oil and gas analyses.
If, at the end of the system start-up process, the concentration of pollutants in the combus-
tive gas should remain continuously high and no economical lubricating oil change intervals
reached as a result, you can convert to lubricating oils in accordance with section Ap-
proved lubricating oils (sulfate ash content 0.5 - 1.0 wt. %) in agreement with the ser-
vice partner responsible.
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A careful preparation and execution of the the lubricating oil sampling is a prerequisite for
useful analysis values.
Make sure that the lubricating oil sample is not falsified by dirt or residue lubricating oil in
the additives.
A small amount of lubricating oil is sufficient for a routine analysis.
The lubricating oil sample must be taken from the lubricating oil circuit whilst the engine is
running and warm.
For further information on the lubricating oil sampling, see
- Genset operating instructions, job card B 8-1-1, Sampling the lubricating oil
At least 100 ml of lubricating oil must be drained and properly disposed of before taking the
sample. Then the necessary amount of lubricating oil for the lubricating oil sample must be
Changes in the lubricating oil due to sampling and transport are to be avoided.
The samples must be clearly identified and the following minimum information contained:
Engine type
Engine serial number
Manufacturer of the lubricating oil
Designation of the lubricating oil
Date of the sampling
Operating hours of the engine
Operating hours of the lubricating oil
Filling amount / lubricating oil consumption
Total lubricating oil volume
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The operator must guarantee that the analysis values necessary for choosing the lubricat-
ing oil change intervals are available on schedule.
The analysis values must be presented to the operator as quickly as possible (maximum
half of the lubricating oil analysis interval).
A detailed lubricating oil analysis must ensure that the engine is operated with lubricating
oil according to the specification in this technical bulletin. Lubricating oil analysis reports
must be kept to provide proof of this proper operation of the engine.
In case of abnormal wear values within an analysis series, the analysis must be provided
to the service partner responsible for engine still under guarantee.
The trend analysis is most suitable for monitoring the analysis values over a longer period
of time. The individual analysis values are recorded here in tables or graphs. This allows
an assessment of the condition of the lubricating oil and the engine (trend detection).
Perform the first lubricating oil analysis independently of the gas type after 100 operating
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Perform the first lubricating oil analysis independently of the gas type after 100 operating
By suitable choice of the time intervals for the lubricating oil analyses, the lubricating oil can
be used until reaching the limit values.
The lubricating oil change intervals must always be re-determined when:
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On approaching the permitted limit value C, the time intervals from analysis to analysis (po-
sition 4 and 5) must be halved respectively.
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If the analysis results deviate from the previous results, the lubricating oil change intervals
must be re-determined until repeatable results are achieved.
Example 2:
If the analysis values of the first lubricating oil sample are already close to the permitted
limit values (position 1), the operating time until the next lubricating oil analysis must
be reduced (position 2).
If the short distance from the limit values is confirmed, the last analysis period (position
3 to 4) must be halved.
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Lubricating oil change for series TCG 2016 without increased lubricating oil volume in the base
Owing to the time delay between the lubricating oil sampling and availability of the analysis
results (resulting from the mail service and processing time), the procedure described
above can only be applied to a limited extent for engines of the TCG 2016 series without
increased lubricating oil volume.
To eliminate limit value violations in all cases during the analysis period, the following pro-
cedure must be applied:
After 100 oh
- First lubricating oil sample
At 250 oh
- Second lubricating oil sample, then renew lubricating oil
Depending on the results of the lubricating oil sampling, the change time can now by grad-
ually increased by 50 operating hours, if a limit value violation has not yet occurred by the
change time.
Analogous to this, the change interval must be reduced in case of limit value violations.
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after 4000 operating hours at the latest - unless otherwise indicated in the maintenance
- the filter should be replaced jointly with the oil change, in order to avoid contami-
nation of the fresh oil
with the first lubricating oil change after commissioning
with the first lubricating oil change after maintenance work of the maintenance and ser-
vice schedule E60 and E70 or after repair work on the driving gear
at least once a year
if a SAN has been detected in the lubricating oil - see limit values
after penetration of the lubricating oil system by coolant
After coolant has entered the lubricating oil system, all filter elements in the crankcase
breather and the sub-stream lubricating oil filter (TCG2032) must be replaced.
0199 - 99 - 02105/10 EN
Limit values
Risk of destruction
Due to failure to comply with the limit values
The result is damage to the engine and unit parts
- If one of the following limit values is not complied with, the lubricating oil must be
changed immediately.
During operation
Total base number TBN min. 2.0 mg KOH/g ISO 3771, ASTM D 4739
If a wear metal exceeds its permissible limit value, the limit value of silicon reduces to max.
15 mg/kg (DIN 51396, ASTM D 5185)
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During decommissioning
When decommissioning, the acidity of the lubricating oil can cause non-usage damage to
parts carrying lubricating oil. The acidity is characterized by the alkaline reserve (TBN, Total
Base Number) and the pH value.
To avoid damage during non-use, the following limit values must not be fallen below.
If the analysis values are above the values indicated, the lubricating oil can remain in the
genset during the shutdown phase and be used when putting into operation again.
If measured values from the lubricating oil analysis fall below the limit values indicated
above, the lubricating oil must be replaced.
Then operate the genset for at least 12 hours.
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Wear metals
The wear metals data provides an aid for engine assessment. In this way, changes in the
engine conditions can be detected at an early stage.
For analysis, the temporal concentration progression of every individual wear metal must
be monitored in several lubricating oil analyses (trend analyses).
The wear rate of every individual value, and not its absolute value, is the decisive factor
If a wear metal exceeds 50% of the analysis value listed below, the time intervals for the
sampling must be halved.
If the increased wear values are confirmed, the responsible service partner must be con-
All measurements must be made according to DIN 51396 (ICP OES / RFA).
Calculate wear rates
vv = (c1-c2) / (t1-t2)
vv = wear rate
c1 = new concentration
c2 = old concentration
t1 = new operating hours
t2 = old operating hours
Six lubricating oil samples were analyzed for an engine. Lubricating oil was changed after
the 3rd lubricating oil analysis t3=4. From the penultimate lubricating oil analysis t5 to the
last t6, the wear metal concentration c6 increases considerably faster than expected from
earlier lubricating oil analyses.
Since the last rate of increase (delta c5.6 / delta t5.6) is above 50% of the limit value, the time
interval up to the next lubricating oil analysis must be halved.
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0199 - 99 - 02105/10 EN
Conversion table
1 mg/kg 1 ppm 0.0001 %
10 mg/kg 10 ppm 0.001 %
100 mg/kg 100 ppm 0.01 %
1000 mg/kg 1000 ppm 0.1 %
10000 mg/kg 10000 ppm 1.0 %
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X axis: Period
Y axis: Lubricating oil consumption
Range A: Run-in time
Range B: Operating period
Range C: Period of rising lubricating oil consumption due to increasing
material wear
0199 - 99 - 02105/10 EN
Unit: mm2/s
The viscosity indicates the flow capacity of the lubricating oil (resistance to shift of two ad-
jacent layers, inner friction). The viscosity is temperature-dependent.
The viscosity is increased by:
Soot/solid foreign bodies
Evaporation of lightly boiling components
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X axis: Period
Y axis: Numeric value of the analysis result
Range A: non-permitted operating period
Position 1-5: Time of the lubricating oil analysis
Position 5: Time of the next lubricating oil change
Unit: A/cm
Ageing/oxidation is caused by reaction of the basic oil and ingredient molecules with oxy-
gen which leads to an increase in the viscosity and the Acid Number. Component smearing
and sludge deposits can occur. The oxidation products can form organic acids which lead
to corrosion even when the lubricating oil still has alkaline reserves.
The extinction at the wave number 1710 cm-1 in the infrared light spectrum is measured
whereby the carbonyl compounds formed in the oxidation are measured.
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Unit: A/cm
Nitration is caused by reactions of the basic oil and ingredient molecules with nitrogen ox-
ides. The influences are comparable with those of the ageing/oxidation. They lead to
changes in the lubricating oil parameters. However, the risk of corrosive reaction products
is higher in comparison. In the case of strong nitration, a strong decomposition of the alka-
line reserve usually also occurs.
The extinction at the wave factor cm-1 in the infrared light spectrum is measured.
i pH
Unit: none
The method serves to determine the pH value of the lubricating oil. The measurement result
is specified in dimensionless pH value units. Over-acidification of the lubricating oil leads to
corrosive wear.
Unit: wt. %
Water in the lubricating oil generally leads to an emulsion which leads on the whole to in-
creased wear and corrosion risk.
Water increases the viscosity of the lubricating oil.
Possible causes:
Unit: ppm
Glycol leads to formation of sludge and filter blockage due to reaction with the lubricating
oil ingredients.
Glycol is incompatible with mineral oil.
Possible causes:
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Unit: mg/kg
Possible origin:
Unit: mg/kg
Typical element of ingredients for corrosion protection in the coolant. Strong increase in the
sodium content is a sign of contaminated coolant. The engine must be checked continuous-
ly for possible coolant leaks in the course of further operation.
In many cases no water can be found in the lubricating oil despite high sodium values and
the associated contamination because this evaporates due to the lubricating oil tempera-
ture in engine operation.
Unit: mg/kg
Typical wear element of pistons and slide bearings for example.
Aluminum may also be a part of contaminated suction intake air under certain circumstanc-
Unit: mg/kg
Typical wear element of cylinder liners, cams/tappets, shaft journals, piston rings and
toothed wheels.
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Unit: mg/kg
Typical wear element of piston rings, valve stems, cams/tappets and other high alloyed en-
gine components.
Unit: mg/kg
Typical wear element of bearings and corrosion product of lubricating oil coolers and lubri-
cating oil lines.
Copper is also part of different mounting compounds.
Unit: mg/kg
Typical wear element of slide bearings and solder from lubricating oil coolers and lubricat-
ing oil lines.
The cause of a rapid change in the wear rate for lead and copper is frequently chemically
corrosive wear (note limit value for i pH value).
Unit: mg/kg
Typical wear element of slide bearings.
Unit: mg/kg
May be part of lubricating oil ingredients as well as different mounting compounds.
Also used as a running surface coating for sliding bearings.
0199 - 99 - 02105/10 EN
MG 40 Extra LA Mineral 0.50 6.5 40 137 14.5
Gas Engine Oil LA40 Mineral 0.50 6.5 40 136 14.5
Tectrol Methaflexx NG Mineral 0.45 5.5 40 156 14.5
Tectrol Methaflexx NG plus Mineral 0.50 6.6 40 142.1 15.1
BP Energas NGL Mineral 0.45 5.1 40 130 13.5
Duratec L Mineral 0.45 5.1 40 130 13.5
Duratec HPL Mineral 0.45 5.1 40 121 13.0
Duratec XPL Synthetic 0.45 4.9 20W-40 109 14
NGEO EL250 Mineral 0.57 6.5 40 130 13.5
NGEO EL350 Mineral 0.54 6.2 40 125 13.0
NEGO Advanced 40 Mineral 0.50 6.0 40 115 13.0
Troncoil Gas Mineral 0.46 5.2 40 144.8 14.5
Troncoil Gas LD 40 Mineral 0.50 4.6 40 133.1 14.0
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Spezial MA Mineral 0.50 5.5 40 138 14.0
Titan Ganymet LA Mineral 0.45 5.5 40 156 14.5
Titan Ganymet Plus LA Mineral 0.50 6.6 40 142.1 15.1
Gas Engine Oil Low Ash Mineral 0.50 6.5 40 137 14.5
Galp GN 4005 Mineral 0.45 5.2 40 125.3 13.2
Galp GNX 4005 Mineral 0.50 5.4 40 88 13.2
Mahler MA Mineral 0.50 5.5 40 138.0 14.0
Mahler G4 Mineral 0.40 6.0 40 151.0 14.9
LA Gas Engine Oil Mineral 0.50 5.5 40 138.0 14.0
Pegasus 605* Mineral 0.52 7.1 40 126 13.3
Pegasus 805 Mineral 0.54 6.2 40 130 13.5
Pegasus 1005 Mineral 0.50 5.0 40 125 13.0
Pegasus 1 Synthetic 0.51 6.5 15W-40 93.8 13.0
* Only for sewage gas, landfill gas and other bio-gases.
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Burian Light Mineral 0.50 6.5 40 136 14.5
Sentron 445 Mineral 0.45 5.0 40 126 13.4
Sentron LD 5000 Mineral 0.57 4.8 40 124 13.4
Extra Gas 40 Mineral 0.50 6.0 40 133 13.5
Super Motor Gas 4005 Mineral 0.50 6.4 40 129 13.0
Long Life Gas 4005 Mineral 0.50 5.1 40 118 13.2
Mogas 40 Mineral 0.50 5.5 40 138.0 14.0
Mysella S3 N Mineral 0.45 5.0 40 139 14.0
Mysella S5 N Mineral 0.48 4.5 40 125 13.7
Nateria MH 40 Mineral 0.43 5.5 40 142.2 14.8
Nateria MP 40 Mineral 0.50 4.6 40 133.1 14.0
Wunsch Gas Engine Oil MA Mineral 0.5 5.5 40 138.0 14.0
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Approved lubricating oils with a sulfate ash content of 0.5 wt.% to 1.0 wt.%
MG 40 Extra Plus Mineral 0.85 9.8 40 133 14.2
Gas Engine Oil HA 40 Mineral 0.85 9.8 40 133 14.2
Tectrol Methaflexx HC premium Mineral 0.70 8.2 40 105 13.4
Tectrol Methaflexx HC plus Mineral 0.8 9.2 40 132 14.5
Tectrol Methaflexx MD Mineral 0.85 9.8 40 133 14.2
Tectrol Methaflexx GE-M Mineral 0.90 7.9 40 141.2 14.1
Tectrol Methaflexx D Plus Mineral 1.0 10.6 40 137 15.0
Duratec M Mineral 0.72 7.5 40 125 13.0
Spezial HA Mineral 0.90 7.9 40 141.2 14.1
Titan Ganymet Plus Mineral 0.80 9.2 40 132 14.5
Titan Ganymet Ultra Mineral 0.70 8.2 40 105 13.4
Gas Engine Oil SAE 40 Mineral 0.85 9.8 40 133.0 14.2
HD Gas Engine Oil Mineral 0.90 7.9 40 141.2 14.1
Mahler HA Mineral 0.90 7.9 40 141.2 14.1
Pegasus 605 Mineral 0.52 7.1 40 126 13.3
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Burian SAE 40 Mineral 0.85 9.8 40 133.0 14.2
Mogas 40 AC Mineral 0.90 7.9 40 141.2 14.1
Nateria MJ 40 Mineral 0.82 8.8 40 148.0 15.1
Wunsch Gas Engine Oil HA Mineral 0.9 7.9 40 141.2 14.1
Service Information