PDF Jaeles-Introduction
PDF Jaeles-Introduction
PDF Jaeles-Introduction
Ai Ho - @j3ssiejjj
• Amateur hacker and developer combined.
• Open-source lover.
• Author of kind of famous projects: Osmedeus, Jaeles and Metabigor.
• Acknowledge by / Security hall of fame: Microsoft, StackOverflow, DoD,
Django, IBM, Sony, Dell, Adobe, Mastercard, Ford and so on.
• Why?
• Architecture
• Showcases
Why building Jaeles? To build
Reference Info
Signature In-depth 》Origin Request
Replaced by variable
Signature In-depth 》Variables & Payloads
Resource for building lists of requests by single file. Format follow by default golang template engine.
Payloads only available in fuzz signature
Signature In-depth 》Variables & Payloads
Replaced by variable
Signature In-depth 》Variables & Payloads
Replaced by variable
Signature In-depth 》Payloads
Resource for building lists of requests by single file. Format follow by default golang template engine.
Signature In-depth 》Request Builder
Building list of request from input and detect if it’s vulnerable or not
Signature In-depth 》Request Builder 》Request Component
Detections was written in Javascript so you can write whatever you want with some predefined
function below as long as you return boolean value to determine it’s found something or not.
Multiples Detection
Signature In-depth 》Request Builder 》Generators & Encoding
Path("{{.payload}}", "*")
Replace each path of request by the payload.
Header("{{.payload}}", "X-Filename")
Adding new X-Filename header to request or replace an old one.
Query("{{.original}}{{.payload}}"); Method("PUT")
Append each query value with payload and change method to PUT.
Use Payloads with variables
Signature In-depth 》Request Builder 》Middleware
Thank you for your attention!
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